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its a tampa kinda day


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File: 1737769775494.mp4 (6.21 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Histe Up the John B. Sail.mp4)

 No.1676723[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


what do yeems think about the recording work of Alan Lomax?
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File: 1742724155348-0.mp4 (1.55 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ed edd n eddy full intro.mp4)

File: 1742724155348-1.mp4 (11.66 MB, 854x480, 427:240, bass nigress.mp4)

File: 1742724155348-2.webm (10.9 MB, 960x720, 4:3, summer was awful without ….webm)

great album


dig it. cool art too


File: 1742819253651.mp4 (15.45 MB, 640x360, 16:9, "Rhino" composed by Estray….mp4)


File: 1742852320135.mp4 (3.43 MB, 360x360, 1:1, Melvins - Hooch.mp4)


File: 1742910965622.mp4 (5.5 MB, 368x360, 46:45, 3Teeth - Pumped Up Kicks.mp4)

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 No.1686923[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


let thim v yims cook - GHOSTD vance himself

>cant think of a gud joke
i lik the word drool p gud cuza how it rolls off the tongue
i lik sayin grande to spics it raly means a lot to em
i ate a dictionary once and wew budy that was thesaurus my throat ever been
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oh ya know
its just the biggest shipping lane in the entire world
if its closed you just have to go literally all the way around africa
no biggie


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them drawin up for all the chickpeas budy
>couldnt see a world where israel would skip over syria as it is rn
yeah, zero chance imo too. syria as it is was a blinken fluid & juland (etc) joint as far as i'm concerned. rushed the NOW this is Greater Isntreal! collab out to get ahead of dup's mixtape
i lik ur analcysts, gud point about footsie too. no big bad, no beebs. still think they're keepin the marmaris 2.0 play in reserve but globohomo got me TINFOILY rn


anything happening between roaches and rats is highly unlikely just cuz roach is nato and they would be a big no-no to have them fighting each other. like spartman said that's his only trap card and he can't afford to lose it.
that being said i'd still love to see watermelon seller get ousted


>i'd still love to see watermelon seller get ousted
dont let ur dreams be yeams. eyeran & rooshya are ongry at him over syria, nato doesnt exactly love him, 70% inflation, hes battin 1000 rn
either way think hes got 3 years left then cant run again iirc

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ipl is of start budys lets go
i lik criket


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GT vs PBKS tonight


i lik crik
but crik has the most garish lookin uniforms ive ever fucking seen tbh
it looks lik someone printed a billboard on some old 90s hand-me-down/second-hand clothes


not that footys much better rly
i guess it just looks goofier cuz the pants


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stick to test criket then


yah see that looks lik an spart
could use a few less adverts, but i guess thats lik half the gig

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i hat sports


fuk u budy


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no u


File: 1742901292529.mp4 (23.17 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, wrestball.mp4)

i want to watch wrestball but cant find a schedule :(


i lik rustleball

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 No.1685614[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

haru basho (spring tournament) started today, budys!
we're watching it here: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner
everyday for the next 15 days
stram starts around 11:00 AM CT

if slov provides source for the videos that is
hopefully he does
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File: 1742850817105.jpg (441.1 KB, 1000x665, 200:133, 4354.jpg)

>onosato wins 1st emperor cup as ozeki and has a chance to become yokozuna in may.
he turned pro only 2 years ago


if i didn't know this was sumo i would think it was some strange abdl ritual lmao
it's gotta feel fuckin awesome to slap the shit out of your opponents and then have all your budies yell BANZAI while you hold a big ass trophy
look at him he's the smuggest cunt alive in that moment


will be back in nipland next month
I will try to go to sumo event happening at yasukuni shrine


you the crikmonkr travelbro? how've you been doing?


he lives there


non negotiable list of sportschan demands
Numbr 1. Make India great again
2. Duddr plz add strikethrough i feel rarted now
duddr make this a banner


plees 2 duu the nid ful tahank yu


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 No.1655002[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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File: 1742779762894.jpg (6.01 MB, 4000x2250, 16:9, 2025-03-23-17-24-51-100.jpg)

ok srsly i forgot how bad this state was
its just a wasteland of every fast food restaurant known to man
found a couple of good bars though so that's nice


>drinking the liquid jew


i've only been to ohio once and the only thing i member about it was someone ranting about astronauts. looks like a comfy small bar i used to go to in hortlermany
>being a spic


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chicongo again


thank you for using the culturally accurate name

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 No.1629899[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

here, queer, spend your money
how you peppering that angussy?
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anyway i'll probly buy some more tesla.
not sure if i'll spread it out. maybe drop 10 big on it? idk still thinkin


might wanna wait a little to see what happens with the cybertruk recall and pantifa vandalism, that shit does not bode well so the stonk prices will prolly dip p hard here soon. if enron can just wrangle his autism a little bit it'll prolly recover tho i imagine
or maybe its completely fucked idk hard to tell when people politicize cars


im aware of all above
its more a question of if its already factored into the price or not
theres already doom and gloom about q1 yuro sales and cybertruk production
that said, theres actual money going into paid hit pieces on the company, has been for years, and its only gotten worse with the whole political side of it
the real question is if you believe they've cracked the nut with vision automated driving– which i do believe its a matter of time in the short term, say 5 years


>last night
>too lazy to set up trade
>this morning
>TSLA +5%


>now up 15% from when i was about to buy but was too lazy that night to put my order in

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 No.1649324[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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File: 1733858643077.mp4 (5.32 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, most sane mazda owner.mp4)

 No.1667916[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


>NEW: Utah man drives his car through the front of a Mazda dealership just hours after purchasing the car from the same dealership.

>The incident happened in Sandy, Utah, after the man was told he couldn’t return the car.
>The man told the dealership that he would drive the car through the front door of the dealership if they didn’t let him return it.
>They told him that it was sold "as-is."
>The man did exactly what he promised and drove the car through the front door.
>He was arrested on charges of felony criminal mischief and reckless endangerment.
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HortlarSperge getting arrested for a DUI


File: 1742708218037.gif (1.24 MB, 301x375, 301:375, car cresh.gif)

i was sifting through all the files i typically never look at and came across this and every time i do i imagine this was an elaborate execution from a particularly debaucherous nation


File: 1742708878511.webm (3.15 MB, 720x560, 9:7, 1742671876375146.webm)

what about THIS execution?


File: 1742782882191.mp4 (3.64 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, AQOqetZdHopSTxX_7PjdVengUN….mp4)

california raisins died on their reunion tour


impeccable timing hitting that pole, thang splodey barfed

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 No.1662030[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

#previous threads

current status:
>UN:Nearly 70 percent of deaths in Gaza are women and children. Overall, 44 percent of the victims were children
>Israeli football fans clash with protesters in Amsterdam
>Qatar agrees to kick Hamas leaders out of Doha following US request
>Former IRGC Quds Force deputy Mohammadreza Gholamreza says Iran should focus on US targets to avenge the killing of top IRGC man Qassem Soleimani
163 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


wrong thread FUCK


Top Israeli defense official warns Hamas, annexation of Gaza if hostages not freed

>The Israeli defense minister is vowing to annex parts of the Gaza Strip if Hamas refuses to release 59 hostages still being held by the terrorist group. Defense Minister Israel Katz said on Friday if Hamas militants do not free the hostages Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) will take control of additional land in Gaza.

>Katz said, “As long as Hamas continues its refusal, it will lose more and more land to Israel.”
>Katz also promised to “intensify” Israel’s military operations in Gaza “until the hostages are released and Hamas is defeated.”


youre late
they already started shelling em yesterday morning.
its funny to see them still pretending to gaf about the hostages. theyre all wayyyy ded after this last stunt. literally no reason to keep them alive anymore


errybody know hannibal directive by now right?



die leaf fucks die


you can‘t beat us. for ever canadian you kill we’ll simply import three pajeets/pakis/chinese and make them canadian




dont forget the rake

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hey you
yeah you
its time to WATCH

hundreds of sportsball games starting now
just watch the sports
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dotz you're looking kinda thorsty. come over here. *unzips GOCK*


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gud jorb dudddr


>Wisconsin beaten by a buncha Mormons
death to utah


Fug you budy, Jazz are great, they're one of the few home games where girls still rip out them tiddies live on-air

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 No.1620733[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


kakasex in spee and fedocel in librejp

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>he's still going
i'm not reading anymore of your shit just drop it and quit being a drama causing nigger this shouldn't be difficult









dear FUTURE AI overlords…… I'm sorry i have never thanked a robot…. Please forgive me
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


maek a chatgpt reply to you're message bot on speestagram
Very much thankfullness and life of prosperity 🙏


File: 1742468221510.jpeg (154.2 KB, 1900x1900, 1:1, toaster.jpeg)

i always say please and thank you to my toaster


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much thanks to >our ai overlords


i used to thank AI but then i realized they sold my data to the chinese so i bought surfshark™ VPN

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