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its a tampa kinda day
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File: 1733858643077.mp4 (5.32 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, most sane mazda owner.mp4)

 No.1667916[Last 50 Posts]


>NEW: Utah man drives his car through the front of a Mazda dealership just hours after purchasing the car from the same dealership.

>The incident happened in Sandy, Utah, after the man was told he couldn’t return the car.
>The man told the dealership that he would drive the car through the front door of the dealership if they didn’t let him return it.
>They told him that it was sold "as-is."
>The man did exactly what he promised and drove the car through the front door.
>He was arrested on charges of felony criminal mischief and reckless endangerment.


I used to drive my Mazdas into the showroom floor, but then I took an arrow to the knee.


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get bent mazders


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box truk go crrsshhhh


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>A twin-engine Piper Navajo crashed into three cars in Victoria, Texas, on Wednesday. Five people were treated at the hospital and released. One person remains in critical but stable condition.


dude was going way too fast on icy shitty roads look at how slow the truks in the opposite lanes are going. bet he's an immigrant
>4 people injured
>only one seriously
lucky, that looks like a lot of damage


>look at how slow the truks in the opposite lanes are going
ya fr and what gets me is how far and fast he skates out of visibility on his side theres 0 friction at all the only resistance was the firetruk and it could only do so much against that spoiler retard
ya but they did make it to the ground pretty clean, only had to get to a stop. no idea how fast a plen lands, im sure its quick but still


if the cars were going 60 it looks like the plen was going at least 80. that's just a dummy guess tho, but he sure af stopped lmao


>ummm like holy fuuuuuck 💅🏻


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any landing you can walk away from


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retarded or crackhead? probably both


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>American Airlines flight AAL1722 (LaGuardia to Charlotte) suffered a bird strike after takeoff, igniting one engine. The plane was diverted and landed safely at JFK


birb didn't fly so good


There are lemon laws in the USA about this sort of thing preventing dealerships from not taking the car back, but good on him I guess(?)


I like how it just goes "fwoop" and gets immediately sucked into the engine. It's like that pic of the electrocuted rat. Birb didn't know what hit it before it ceased to exist.


>my 4000$ TSLA investment is now 100000$
based. is that one musk deranged retard gonna pop in the thread now and tell me how its all a yuge scam and i wasted my money and any day now tsla is about to go bankrupt amybe evven RIGHT NOW


Elon being a snake oil salesman and stonks going brrrr aren't the same thing. Gamble however you'd like so long as you understand it's gambling.


only musk deranged retard i know if is the fag who had a meltdown because someone said the cybertruk was ugly and also went on a gay fapfic writing spree because someone made a post asking about testosterone tests


if you dont see the significance of tesla being the ONLY EV producer thats actually turns a profit, while maintaining most of its own supply chain and being industry leader on autonomous drving, idk what to tell you


you're forgetting the anti musk pro ukraine retard


you're talking to him, anon.


are you the guy with low t?


>he's starting to throw accusations
lel don't get catty because you outted yourself during your weird homo tirade. why not go enjoy your earnings instead of throwing hissy fits at people that would otherwise congratulate your success?


Because everyone is focusing on hydrogen fuel cells instead of on battery-powered big boy RC cars.
BYD exceeds Tesla's production and Volkswagon is quickly catching up. Being first to latch onto "big battery to spin motor inefficiently" doesn't mean you're the only one doing it, retard
EVs are a scam but whorbs are dumb fucking whorbs who slurp "environmental protection" harder than they slurp cock. Most tesla owners are business owners who wrote the vehicle off as a business expense for tax purposes.


btw congrats on your stonks, no reason not to take advantage of retards, just don't try to pretend you're betting on the future technology when all you are betting on are people being stupid and subsidies for "green" energy continuing into the near future.


>you’re talking to him /sp/artman


t. balding low t sissy
have all the manlet rage you want you'll be serving my cock and begging for a share of my 100k before long. now run along and drive your truck to adam & eve and buy some lube and a buttplug, you'll need both


lel as if it wasn't already obvious he was a tourist


>Because everyone is focusing on hydrogen fuel cells
no, they're not. there is damn near 0 hydrogen infrastructure in the whole damn country.
>BYD exceeds Tesla's production
but 0 in the US and who knows what the agreement with chinese govt is
>Volkswagon is quickly catching up
in what terms? pure numbers? are they making any money on it? rhetorical question, the answer is no.
they're also going through some financial woes as of late
nissan would have been a much better company to name
>EVs are a scam but whorbs are dumb fucking whorbs who slurp "environmental protection" harder than they slurp cock.
scam?? its just a car, dude.
>just don't try to pretend you're betting on the future technology
ok? except it is the future of personal vehicles. who gives a fuck about green, it just makes more sense than ICE for most people tbh
>and subsidies for "green" energy continuing into the near future.
tesla is profitable without subsidies, despite you bawing about it every other post. i'm hoping they do end, because it would make it rather difficult for legacy auto to make the transition
anyway you chicken little dipshits have been crying about the sky for 10 years now. still waiting.


.>we dont get tourists, retard.


i fucking told you my t isn't low will you just fuck off to whatever musk puccian shill board you came from
nobody cares we just want you gone


mom…. dad..
p-please stop fighting 😭


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lurk more you'll be hard to spot one day and then maybe you'll realize it's okay to not be a mad shitstirring faggot unlike on the webring or wherever you waltzed in from


lel right, remind me to give you a hunnid dollah bill to wipe my cum off of your ass and face next time btw. it's amazing how mad you balding low t sissies get when daddy's cock makes a little bit of extra cash


i want to personally apologize to spartmen, i was unaware "cybertruk ugly" was an ancient demonic incantation for summoning obnoxious gay day traders
that being said he's already here so


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think he did that on purpose?


shut up fag, b4 i heem you carolina jim style


see you can't even yim using spee memes, you can only talk like some webring outsider


my only question is why is it always the truk n pullr thread that gets shat up by this faggot do u hate trukrs that much? yah some of them are assholes but the trukbros who post here never started shit afaik you just showed up and went on a faggot parade about tesla out of nowhere one day and have been randomly faggoting since then


consequence of having a thread at the top of the catalog, tbqphwyf 🤷🏿


its not your fault elons into truk-brutalism
i wouldve eventually said it too prolly. if it ever came up.
they are ugly af


i dont even get the whole thang anyways
just fuckin fix trens
boom. done.
way more efficient way to move tons more shit
and the infrastructures already mostly there anyways


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trains are kewl


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people don't understand what caring for stainless means


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hello yes is this the tourist section of the website where may i locate the gift shop


nah its around back
last stall on the left
knock twice. theyll know what that means.



File: 1734360670250.mp4 (13.11 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 1733183851138299.mp4)

truk n slidr !!!


driv slow budys


no fuck you inertia doesn't real


File: 1734517721310.mp4 (6.57 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, AQNEogG4OFG3iQxbP9GH7zGk5d….mp4)

oh no!


File: 1734694649289.webm (2.68 MB, 268x480, 67:120, VID_20241220_033245_982.webm)

this vid makes me sad budys



ah shit man. at least it's just a cargo tren so no one or relatively few people got hurt/dued right? how do these wide load type of situations typically go? like do they not have ways of coordinating with tren schedules and shit?


who won da fite
looks like a tie


i feel bad for the train driver. dude can't do anything


tren drivr prob ded. imagine hitting a giant tube of cement going however fast heem was goin, then goin OFF TRAK! wew.
nah not rly, it shouldnta taken but a lil bit to get across dem trax, musta been a breakdown at worst possible location. mayb he got his lowboy stuck, tho it looks pretty flat right there, but even a lil bit of a hump for the trax would probably stuck him and once stuck thats da ball game


imagine if it was a passenger during commute time or something
god damn that woulda been bad


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lol txdot truck white w flashy lights doing what they are best at nothing


vdot can out-underperform any other dot in the cunt
>went back to hampton roads in october
>absolutely zero progress on the new tunnel, completely unchanged from when i last saw it almost two years ago


hey cut em some slack they're rally busy digging up the same street in small towns multiple times within the same year for no apparent reason


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first time seein this irl


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for reference


wew is that even legal? considering pigs in most states will try to ream you out for having lights under your car this seems like it'd be way more distracting
kinda neat tho


trucker budy of mine got almost forced off of a viaduct in the alps by another truck
he got out and sit couple of hours there thinking if he should quit his job


there's a truk parked near me with one of those "$2500 A WEEK AFTER TAXES" signs and sometimes i'm tempted to apply
but i'd have to get a cdl and the thought of something horrible happening to me or worse, me doing something to someone else kinda makes it not worth it. uncle is a retired trukr and he's all kinds of fucked up from sitting in a cab for half his life


You're trading your life for money essentially.
>No dates unless you own your own truck or got 15 years experience
>Almost never have Sunday off
>On-call all the time
>Federal regulations on weekly hours are your expected work week
>Real money is in interstate out to shitty locations like oil fields
>Constantly at-risk of meth stabbings
>Have to regulate your sleep schedule to a T
>Effectively banned from drinking or smoking dude
>Get yelled at by everyone and treated like shit
>Have to waste a chunk of your cash on shitty food/showers
>Can lose it all in an instant if gas gets too high or economy goes to shit
>Basically socially isolated in a small cabin but year-round


couple years ago i drove for the fedex freight and worked part time, three days a week, made rent in a week and just pissed the rest away at the bar and buying other stupid shit like a new computer and an old ass organ. they fired me after a year because i dont think they actually wanted a part time guy lel but even if not i woulda been working five days a week.
gotta work a year to drive fedwrex freight lik that but ur home every day so this stuff >>1669859 isnt a problem. obv still not for everyone but hey a jobs a job and i picked up a day and worked 4 a week instead of 3 during the Christmas season gettin little Susie her doll and little Timmy his rifle or whatever people get for Christmas. that extra day alone was killer for the mulah and ya you get time home every day and a little bit of a workout every time you gotta connect doubles (or triples if you live in a state where thats legal). you wont be getting that 2500 a week lik that truk sez (ive also considered applying at that place), but you will be getting paid fair and getting home which is extremely important for meny trukrs


Yeah at that point he could just be one of the tradesmen that have to carry a CDL for the one or two pieces of equipment they use and make more money than freight tho'.


fuck I love slav niggerrigging


i been looking at getting into a different haz job casually over the past few months. this thread https://www.thetruckersreport.com/truckingindustryforum/threads/the-cryo-hauler-thread.2472216/ seems interesting and it appears theres a few guys makin booku bucks doin home every night and weekends kinda work but i think youd have to live close to a terminal or plant or some shit idk im not lookin for that kinda haulin im tryin to do team werk. haulin class 1 and 7 is fun and all but dont pay what youd expect for such blatantly dangerous stuff. maybe dup will make the pay better rebuildin the mil again.


If nothing else the no tax on overtime is gonna be awesome, I'm really looking forward to it.


what job you gettin has overtime?


Basically all of them that aren't unskilled labor if you're west of Kentucky and East of Nevada.


>Basically socially isolated in a small cabin but year-round
put a playstation in there and you could recruit half of cuckchan


File: 1735710983870.mp4 (1.57 MB, 878x720, 439:360, Sp2W1WplkOxvQmV9.mp4)

tren firetruk warning not graphic at all not even a lil

happy new year spudys


>tfw its 6 in the morning alreafy


dis spigga been DRANKIN


File: 1736213211575.mp4 (19.85 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, VID_20250106_192603_162.mp4)

be safe budys


a lot of those cars/trucks handled it p well tbh
so why'd the trukr have such a difficult time? i don't normally have to deal with black ice since i'm from a (usually) warmer state is it a weight thing where a little slip n slide with a trailer just fucks all the shit up or did he just panic a bit and make it worse for himself?


is this what they mean by "bridge ices before road"


> is this what they mean by "bridge ices before road"
no that’s just poor road construction. you can tell because of how short the guard railings are, and how close the two opposite lanes of traffic are to one another. there should be more of a dip in the median too.


Trukr at 1:28 knew, FUCK bridges when it's icy out, especially ones that ain't straight


>so why'd the trukr have such a difficult time?
Mostly not paying attention to his surroundings. You can see the truck at 1:28 and how he just "goes straight" through the curve? That's basically what trukrbro shoulda done at the start. Instead he tried to curve with the road as if the road was perfectly fine which made his load act as a fulcrum and SLAM him into the wall by the time he realized what was going on and tried to correct. tbh he recovered p well considering he hit the barrier.
>is it a weight thing where a little slip n slide with a trailer just fucks all the shit
more or less yeah
black ice makes you think the road isn't icy and then you try to turn/correct as if you are on a wet road, but since it's ice you don't have any of the traction of a wet road and you end up overcorrecting. Usually you feel it with your steering/the cab of your vehicle and can correct p quickly but because of how the beeg truks are designed you don't feel the full weight of the trailer yanking you into a position you don't wanna be in until it's already too late since the trailer acts sort of like a teeter totter but left-right instead of up-down.


back in my day sideways teeter totter just meant fuckin



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speed govner baaaaaad


File: 1737164690432.mp4 (9.94 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, AQPkblV5C3QrtAdLDNPehqhlR4….mp4)


could've been a lot worse


ya lucky he was goin slow
i got pavement separation once, i was taking a left in the wide left turn lane (2 left turn lanes) from a dead stop at a red light. raly a wide left, the road i was on and the road i was turning on both got vary wide medians but i put the hammer down and before the turn was fully done i felt and saw my driver side rear tires get sum air and i about shit myself so i just let off the accelerator and let the steering wheel go slowly more straight and the tires landed back on the ground. was haulin shit out of a port so on one of them 40' chassis with a "HIGH CUBE" container loaded pretty heavy. i mention the container and chassis because that has a higher center of gravity than a regular trailer. even higher would have been if it was one of those containers with a refer unit at the top of the nose, those have prob the highest center of gravity you can get on anything thats "standard".
anyway it was scawwy but nothin bad happened in the end.


trukrs r… real people?
>fuckin nothing but prairie all around
>big wind hits
trukr did good not panicking tho, wonder how long he sat there afterwards. i know i'd be contemplating things for a few minutes after that


is this some kind of homo propaganda?


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he lived


did his leg get pinned or is he just laying there in shock after almost getting pancaked?


wew this guy has a guardian angel. ofc it's a woman who recklessly opens the door without looking. dude was even easy to spot with his yellow shirt


He took the risk of riding in the shoulder, I sincerely hope it was intentional


Motorcyclist deserves reckless driving and lady who opened her door deserves assault charges. She was looking in her side mirrors and waited to pull that shit regardless of motorcyclist being a jackass. You can tell she instantly regretted it thinking she killed the dude when she went to hop back in and try to escape the scene of the accident before realizing he was still alive and playing dumb.


>woman who recklessly opens the door without looking
Play it frame by frame. She pauses and looking out her side mirror and then tries to slam her door open to fuck with him. Immediately looks at him, realizes he slid under, then goes to drive away before rembering she's boxed in at this point and turns off the ignition.


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id a done felt lik i was sittin on a stick of butter after that


What a fucking asshole (white truck pulling a Uey)


fr dummy just didn't want to wait a couple extra seconds


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>and ur here already??
lel that boys cooked


ya budy thats sum real shitbag drivin


hope he rots for being retarded. tf are you gonna drive like an insane person for when you've got over 300 pounds of hard drugs in your trailer. bet his supplier is gonna try and have him offed in jail


Messican cartels explicitly run their trukr mules through fairly intense training to be able to answer these sort of questions under pressure and driving gud is a big fucking deal. Well that or they flat-out don't tell their mules what they are transporting because they do it through a semi-legitimate business (anyone who asks questions knows it isn't legit but everyone else thinks it it). This seems more like some nigger/mulatto gang that partially paid their mule by letting him get high on the supply.


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idk what this forener thought haulin tail on ice in fkn luisiana


also frustratin to see nobody fuckin stops to see if hes alive
maybe they did idk i skipped a lot after da roll


He recovered p gud but why the fuck did he just leave the truk there?


Oh nevermind I see it's on its side now, thought it was still upright at the end there


>recovered p gud
you had me a little tilted there until i read >>1677988


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do i have to start carrying my wepon when i go driving now
cuz i'd pop that retard the moment he tries that shit and i live in one of the very few states that wouldn't gaf about it


See sounds like a fucking double nigger faggot, I bet he did something retarded.


funniest thing is it's way less likely to happen to you specifically bc your state wouldn't gaf about you popping that retard's dome. societies where citizens are allowed and encouraged to lethally defend themselves are usually vary polite ime
hard to tell these days tbh, faggot voice could've done some real retard shit but it's not like there aren't psychos ready to blow a gasket because you honked at them on the wrong day


holy fuck why are people such faggots


when you're in a fucked up situation like that adrenaline takes over and cuts off cognitive ability
guy's still a faggot though for barely maintaining a grip on reality. prolly thought the bolis would just cast harry potter spells against the voldemort attacking his hogwartsmobile or whatever the fuck


i've had my share fair of adrenaline pumping moments
never turned into a blathering retard tbh


T'pol or Major Kira
no holes off limit
you must choose….


i choose BOTH
T'pols ASS– and Kira's MOUTH




wanking doesn't count


how many srs car accidents you ever been in spee? how many of them were while you were driving?


>some bitch in a volkswagen brakechecked me for no reason and smashed my hood in
>couple weeks later the latch on the hood finally gave out on the highway and slammed the hood through the windshield
>totaled my toyota after owning it for five months cuz i turned left when i wasn't supposed to and a pickup truk plowed into it
>totaled my honda after jumping a curb going 40 and it punched a hole through the engine cradle and oil pan
i'm a good driver i swear


>totaled my honda after jumping a curb going 40
>after jumping a curb going 40
>curb going 40
there has to be a story here


he likes em slow


What about waggling my willy at work?


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Guys. This is my favorite board on the web ring I don't often post because I have nothing to say, but I'm here every day.

You're all my favorite people.


if you waggle and no one's there to see it, did it really happen?


ring worm?




define srs. i got rear ended twice, once by some drunk retard while my dad was driving and once by some retarded teen whorb while i was driving home from school
both times i had whiplash but didn't need a neck brace


.>we're not part of the dramaring tho


3 multi day concussions, last was two weeks
do i win the da tbi owl?


how does a 2 week concussion work? do you get hit in the head rally hard and then claim something is gonna happen in 2 weeks repeatedly?


i walked away from all 4 of mine, bit banged up, whiplash. nothin srs

the worst one we got smashed so hard from the side it literally twisted the cars front end upside-down
if i hadnt been sitting like an asshole with my feet up on the dash my car, my rules, and didnt see it last second and tuck my legs up in fear my feet, they prolly wouldve gotten sheared off


after skimmin and wagglin thru the posts following this idk wat to say other than
>skill issue
git gud


yea im the worst passenger
actually undefined
division by zero


>midnight, foggy
>two lane road, in the right lane
>going across an overpass, see "right land ends"
>merge into other lane
>a median in the middle comes out of nowhere to divide the road going across the overpass from the turn lane onto the highway


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that sounds lik QIV budy, yeem just rarted and cant 'member words for a bit
wew got any pics? havent done that dash move after seein some xrays. shit look ouchy


no its bad luck to save pics of those things
i think i had one for muh insurance purposes, but i dont have it now

that was the scariest one tho
we were pulling out onto a big country road that had a big hill so you couldnt see shit based injun reservation road planning guy in a big dualie truck hit us, on driver side front quarter, going lik ~85. spun around lik 3 or 4 times and landed in a ditch. both got out and were in hysterics over how we were alive and seemingly fine. looked down at our feet. inches behind the car was two of those roadside headstones of someone who had done the same, but a few inches forward

the funny part was after the adrenaline wore off he did actually have to go to the hospital broken shoulder and some ribs so he got picked up and i hitched a ride from some friends. got to the hospital and they wouldnt let me go see him. turned out cops decided he had an arrest warrant for some gay shit so i had to go bail him out of jail lel
then we got out, took mushrooms, and went to a show


lik someone made a scary movie parody of final destination budy


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vids of stuff i guess why not


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It's better to not have it, and need it than to need it, and not have it. - dieGHOSTiknees


I totaled one vehicle due to another vehicle swerving out in front of me while in college
and then while working the oil rig post-college because oil makes more money than subcontract labor for military I crashed my truk off a small cliff
>Went into town to buy Arby's (only restaurant in town) and groceries
>Listening to classical music on way to the rig down the state highway
>Suddenly feel the road ridges to warn drivers they're falling asleep
>See sign straight ahead
>Correct course and avoid it
>Slam into different highway marker instead
>Slam into three more while just trying to decelerate
>Do a 360
>"Hah, haha-OHSHIT!"
>Think I have control of vehicle and let off the brakes and acceleration entirely
>Vehicle 180s me directly towards an oncoming semi
>Only avoid the semi by driving directly off the side of the highway
>Vehicle rumbles down the hill while I slam the brakes to avoid the farmer's fence (thankfully offset from the road quite a ways)
>Finally come to a stop leaning HARD towards the driver's side
>Take off seatbelt and slam my weight into the passenger seat while turning my wheel in the opposite direction with my boot
>Manage to turn truk upright
>See a state trooper in my rearview
>He waves at me
>I wave back
>He takes off to chase some guy speeding while making a motion for me to stay put
>"Yeah how am I gonna drive off when my eggs are everywhere, jackass?"
>Collect eggs and other groceries for the week
>Sit around for a second to collect my thoughts
>Try and start truk and it won't start
>Remember I drive a manual and put it into neutral, starts on the third try
>Drive that clanky bitch back to the rig yeehaw
>Quit two days later because internal bleeding and other health problems short of being unable to climb stairs are considered "work while injured" procedures on rigs lmao


i guess for one i wasn't involved in there was one time when i was rly young i was with my dad in his pos mazda in a blizzard to go to a planetarium and he skidded off the road into a ditch, he spent 20 minutes rocking it back and forth before somehow making it out of the ditch and driving half a mile across a field in a foot of snow back onto the road
still have no idea how he did that that mazda was such dogshit


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im tellin ya them containers got a high center of gravity


>clear and really gray like it's going to snow
>riding down highway
>mild spin out on ice
>ok that was scary let's just watch for ice and be really careful
>going completely straight up hill
>in left lane
>start slowly sliding
>manage to stop after making a 180 into the shoulder
>catching our breath
>in next 3 minutes see like 3 cars spin out in exact same stretch
>one gets plowed by a semi
we decided to just turn around and go back


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look at this rarted new design


damn budy gud call headin back better safe than sorry
the classic northrop grumman one looks so much better. if theyre gonna get rid of the old tried-and-true maybe ill be able to pick one up for cheap


>oshkosh defense corporation
lel. they couldnt do worse than the FFVs tbh, tard that designed those fucked passenger side so yeem couldnt put another row of boxes under the tray
LLVs rule but them little fans didnt do shit, a/c gotta be nice and glad they told the hippies to shove it and made 90% of em gas


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some pro drivers are fukin idiots budys


every road is three lanes if you try hard enough


hope he gets murdered fuck that guy


The guy in the white pickup? Why?


I don't see the problem here sometimes these things just happen. Well handled by all


no the trukr, dude was going way too fast for the road conditions and right behind a fuckn plow to boot. unless he was having mechanical issues he was being a wildly irresponsible dumbass and shouldn't have a regular license much less a cdl, that kind of retard behavior can cause pile ups
u being sarcastic?


File: 1739446195676.mp3 (6.22 MB, Josquin_ Missa Pange lingu….mp3)

No even more f all I gonna considered we were if they red and dust it's all right cause go fast an work fuk you choktaw bingo


also also that trukr was passing on a blind curve
fukn pos


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dude is so fucking lucky his retard budy didn't murder him right there


would you be able to remain frens with the driver after that? i think i'd seriously contemplate murder if that happened to me


my friend's done some real rarted shit when i'd drive with him but never anything that bad
like he'd drive in the middle of the highway between lanes and say "it's ok bro there's no cops"
he also took one of thoise cloverfield exits with rly sharp corners that ur supposed to go like 30mph on max, he was hitting 60 on them and it was that rly high up interstate up by richmond where you're like 100ft off the ground and i RALY wanted to beat the shit out of him right there


>e was hitting 60 on them and it was that rly high up interstate up by richmond where you're like 100ft off the ground and i RALY wanted to beat the shit out of him right there
if youre talking about the shit that's right there near RIC then that's fuckin terrifying i've had to drive up that shit in a box truck when the wind was blowing fast and it was piss pants scary


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yes, those same ones and it was more like 70mph
me and his brother both tore the fuck out of him right after that


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>1st one
damn rip budy, picuck truk faggots claim another life
>2nd one
rally bad wind or did he fuck up a turn? either way heem ROASTED


File: 1740035491672.webm (21.87 MB, 1056x720, 22:15, Louisiana:_Truck_Containe….webm)

no idea how this happened. how tf did that chassis go sideways lik dat


can't that happen pretty easily if one of the tires bursts?


Yeah it's on a fulcrum so it only takes a little force to absolutely twist the shit sideways anything over 50


havok engine is the engine of irl


File: 1740112279536.mp4 (7.76 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, AQOxXqaP6hjXqIgB15uCzpkizJ….mp4)

apparent brake failure


he was just really excited to see a car wash


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thats how i stop neger


>feb 14 2025
the fuk i watched daylight on that day


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>3 dead


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moar. this shit vawwy vawwwwyyy scawwy.


scary shit. i'm glad trukbro made it out. people underestimate how bad smoke is inhalation is


smoke inhalation is guuud for you


Wyoming tunnel crash caused by retarded canadian street shitting truk driver Harmanjeet Singh. An indian origin granted asylum by the tyrannical government of canada.
Singh did not maintain lane control and crashed into multiple vehicles before hitting the wall in the tunnel and stalling and catching on fire.

The time is now to slaughter every single canadian and correct the mistake that is their existence.


File: 1740211898331.mp4 (2.95 MB, 480x360, 4:3, The Wailing Wailers - Simm….mp4)

>still mad about a hockey game


why couldn't he just open his doors?


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day of the rake


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🎵uw, wu, wu, wuh wuwu🎵
🎵bweh weh wuwuwuwu🎵


saw that earlier today, you'd think they could make it look not rarted
but is it better or worse than the cybertruk


better, ofc it's better lmao it at least doesn't look like a hideous angular chunk of shit out of a 90s cgi cartoon


i dont even mention the cybertruk in day to day but you can't seem to help bringing hte fucking thing up every other post


here we go he's gettin upset and exaggerating, won't be long now


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Pope Francis in critical condition with asthma-like respiratory crisis

>Pope Francis is in critical condition due to an asthma-like respiratory crisis requiring high-flow oxygen and blood transfusions. “The Holy Father’s condition remains critical,” a statement reads. “The Pope is not out of danger.”

>The 88-year-old was admitted to a Roman hospital on Feb. 14 due to difficulty breathing. He has since been diagnosed with double pneumonia.
>The Vatican announced that Pope Francis would not appear at Sunday’s prayer service with pilgrims for the second consecutive week.


oops wrong thread
need to stop doing that


did u sage out of politeness




File: 1740265669987.gif (1.47 MB, 353x448, 353:448, 87.gif)

hey may have autism but he has trips
what do YOU have?


>day in day out
>every other post
>ctrl + f "cyber
>5 results
>3 of which were from back in mid-december
wait do you actually get upset about this?


maybe heem angling for that elong bun in the oven?
ez $$$ plus u get to go to mars


| The STFU Truck |||""'|""\__,_
| _____________ l||__|__|__|)


Is it really critical? He is known to have lung issues IIRC from when he was first elected and went to Colombia.
Either way I'll pray for the old man.


File: 1740277573862.png (95.63 KB, 561x792, 17:24, ClipboardImage.png)

>5 results


File: 1740277868533.png (2.98 KB, 914x46, 457:23, wtf are you even looking a….png)

well 7 now i guess lmao, where are you looking? multiple threads ago from months back when you threw your weird homo babby fit?


pneumonia in one lung kills people way younger than him all the time


File: 1740278148996.jpg (52.21 KB, 1000x584, 125:73, Baitzkrieg.jpg)

i was never even involved in the yimtruk shitflinging but wow you fags really can't help yourselves whenever someone mentions it can you


will you shut the fuck and stop being a stan for some random billionaire
he's not gonna fuck you, bro


>praying for the false pope
why tho??


ok now we know it is just one autist
thanks for confirming that budy have nice day of many blessing


File: 1740279128532.jpg (104.49 KB, 854x1154, 427:577, ball breaker.jpg)

>you can't help yourself
>wha wha its one guy
says the guy who immediately bit the b8 instead of ignoring it lmao. calm down >we're just breaking your bawls, now go get your gay fapfic box


i was carefully cultivating him by playing both sides :( but spees slow enough that igi and forgive u lik the pope would


i created this issue by burying a car battery twenty years ago which grew into a cybertree that bears cybertruk fruit and it has come back to haunt me, i accept my punishment for it is just


Because even though the Protestants have separated from the one holy catholic and apostolic church, their leader is still a first among equals and deserves that much respect.
You should pray for everyone spartman, especially those you don't like. Pray to be able to tolerate their Jewish antics too.


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you have fun with that, sprother.
ragnar was right about christians tbh


ok gud talk but wehre r we on the cybertruks ????


theyre ugly af and some guy who posts here made money on tesla stocks and somehow this interaction causes drama idk i just use it for banter


will you shut the fuck up about your gay little truck
you get paid to shill for MPT musk, putin, and trump
we get it
now FUCK off


File: 1740449448642.jpg (39.98 KB, 598x448, 299:224, please clam down.jpg)

wo budy gettn litl unfrendly in the spartschan


>spartman demands cybertruk guy show himself
>he does
>thread devolves into sperging
wew, chaos on demand




❌ eat the bug
❌ live in the pod
✅ drive the electric car
i'm 1 for 3 now. i bought the electric car. i hope i didn't make a big mistake. /sp/rothers wish me luck


theyre not a bad idea if you mostly stick to a smaller area but if you wanna do road trips you're absolutely fucked if it breaks down and you're in the middle of the immense swathes of nowhere in the cunt


there's good infrastructure where i drive. but yeah i wouldn't use this car to drive into the sticks


yah fuck no, none of the mechanics in small towns know wtf to do with electric shit


as long as it's not MADE IN CHINA 2025™ and you don't mind driving an Orwellian computer
but tbf if you don't want to drive an Orwellian computer nowadays you have to buy and fix up an old pony car
reason #1553 to agitate for right to repair laws


over my dead body, it's a nice bmw


I know tesla owners, the battery can barely get you to the next city 100 miles away and back without crapping out you ain't doing any road trips in them budy lol


It's not that they don't know what to do but that Tesla refuses to release the OEM data or sell to third party vendors, kinda like apple scam products.


even if tesla or whatever did allow third party repairs most small town mechanics won't know wtf to do with them you think their main customer base is driving electric? nah i'm willing to bet many of them rarely deal with hybrids either it's all gas and oil operated in the poor places


goin off memory but iirc if it breaks you're gonna be payin' apple prices and waitin' john deere times to get it fixed
boxes big enough to rma a car are prob tough to find too


living in grrrrmany atm. there's a certified bmw shop on every corner


thinkin about buying a jag
would that be retarded


ya budy just get an old kenworth K200 and be done with it


what model?


aren't those notoriously shitty cars?


whichever is available, newer-ish one though
from what i've ready they're just expensive to maintain
idk anything about cars except how to wreck them


they need expensive to maintain a lot


i've only ever known one guy who owned a jaguar and he bitched and moaned about how it constantly needed to be fixed so afaik it's expensive because it's a shitty car that needs perpetual maintenance but that's just one anecdote so iunno fuckin go for it if you've got the money you can always just get rid of it if it sucks


i wouldn't go as far as calling a jaguar a meme car but they aren't a leading car manufacturer. this means their cars are often 2-4 years behind technologically or you'll have to overpay for the same tech. compare a current jaguar xf to a lexus gs or a 5 series bmw and you'll find no reason to chose a jaguar


well at least its not the ps1 graphics pile of garbage like the cybershit
rusts in the rain, breaks in half if you try to tow stuff, and doesn't even connections for fucking steering
made by a fucking nazi to boot


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half a century and 6million+ safe miles drivin and shes got strangers running to help lel boy sheem more a trukr'n uyll ever be


is that not just a polite thing to do regardless?


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well ya of course but i wanted to be a jerk about it


wut monument?


st george floyd memorial


oh ok good i wanted to know what to be mad about
i'm ongry he didn't do more damage now


lol JK it was a civil war memorial fagot


oh im not mad then confederates lost get over it queer


a civil war memorial honoring the sacrifice of union solders


now i'm angry about the asphalt being damaged


That trukr did a public service then. Unless it was Grant. Grant was the only honorable yankee during that whole debacle.


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gud arkansas bill introduced

Bill Summary



bludy bastard bitch am us citizen can drive lorry bettr than u maderchod


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Ok listen up patel:





I liked it until
Fuck nah mang they already made it so you have to go to trial for anything that's not a nonmoving violation and that alone made me drop my CDL like hot lead because of how triggerhappy cops are with over-exaggerating fucking tickets this shit will kill the commercial truckin' jerbs even if it kicks out all those ayyrabs they brought over from Afghanistan as trukrpullrs.


my teammate sheem pit manooverd a nigr a few months ago and she dont gotta do no trial


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fuk yu basted i am of naturalized amrikan citizen wid amrika pasport
i am an reel amrikan


i am reel merikan
fite for rites of evry man
fite for what rite
fite 4 lyfe


trucking is dead anyway, give it 5 years and an intel processor will be doing the job of 99% of truckers TBH


I keep hearing this, but the leap in technology needed to make that happen is greater than the leap in technology needed to make large batteries commercially viable, and that one has been a conundrum for about 40 years now with no solutions in sight.


you keep hearing it because retards take such yim claims as gospel and run with it just like converting everywhere into walkable shitties within 5 years (nevermind fags were saying walkable cities would be everywhere within 5 years a decade ago)
next year dude lik totally it'll happen in two years trust me next decade is the century. and ofc if you argue with them about it a lot of them will say some dumb copout shit kike "joos will use der soopah god powers to force it". niggers need to stop falling for popsci clickb8 and blackpill faggotry


walkable shitties dont have a tech barrier


is self driving still rarted?
can see em doing it anyway once projected insurance payouts balance out tbh


File: 1741203795096.webm (5.29 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, THE FUTURE OF DRIVING.webm)

oldish video but i'd still say no


lelk that's why they're everywhere rite?


you've really gotta have blinders on to not see the writing on the wall. 5 years ago this shit didn't even exist. now it drives at least on par with a student driver
its like saying how clunky a palm pilot is and how it will never replace the personal computer then the iphone came out less than a decade later and it does 99% of what normies use a pc for

its not exactly a TECH problem…


yep any day this week next month of proximo año + 2 weeks


they're undeniably building them and want more. idk why the guy you made up in your head sayin everywhere yesterday

ya tech goes from nowhere to everywhere in a blink. denyin it outright is just as goofed
been in a (relatively) long slump of not much advancement thats lookin lik its about to pop watchin some of the e/acc fags & dup moves


>in your head
ok i guess those hundreds of threads saying stupid shit like >we'd all be in pods in walkable cities while eating bugs and have no cars by 2020 that used to be spammed on bolidicks borts just never happened
but yeah it'll happen tomorrow hour century or whatever because literally everything that is ever predicted and started actually comes to fruition right?


>tech goes from nowhere to everywhere in a blink
the only time that has ever happened is in the past century and a half, and the past decade has mostly been stagnant bullshit
what exists today that would've blown anyone's minds in 2015? gay eye? lmao


why would you argue with all threads on all boards over the years here? vary confusing
correct, tech has only done tech thangs since tech has been around
ya not much since 2015 (srsly get a 3rd rack dishwasher) which is why its prob due
espec with the VC techbros rubbin elbows in da white house, regs are gonna start comin off & cash is goin into andruil etc.


There's a processing power/transistor limitation that has not been addressed for most tech that makes leaps and bounds. Frankly I just don't see anyone finding a way to mass produce (keyword mass produce) the less than 15 nanometer chips required to power such devices on a mass scale commercially.
Yeah dup is throwing a fuckton of money at the problem but it's like throwing a fuckton of money at late game tech troops in an RTS. The ROI is shit and you're basically spending fuckyou money because you got it rather than being efficient or effective. The chips that will be developed are still small batch small scale production they just got cash injections instead of solving the underlying issues.


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>🇺🇸 A truck was blown away by the wind in the state of #Kansas.

>The incident occurred on March 4 in the area of Garden City. Western Kansas experienced winds in excess of 80MPH creating hazardous condition for drivers.

gotta be haulin heavy lik real heavy in winds lik that


lel no wonder you buy into yim shit with reading comprehension like that


so can you just refuse to truk in winds like that if you're not weighed down enough?


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ya budy think about it what company wants their equipment rolled over not only is their shit fucked but they gotta pay to get it back up and outta there. if ur an owner op you gotta do what you gotta do ya but if ur loaded but not heavy as fuck what customer wants you to be not only late as fuck but also all their shit just suffered that roll too. gotta keep the communication up so they arent surprised when you arent there at scheduled time. ive seen lit signs over the highway in wyoming say basically if ur under 30 tons stay the fuck off the road ur BANNED FROM DRIVING WIND TO STRONG


damn what's it like driving a regular personal vehicle in winds like that? i've had to drive in 50mph winds before and it was shaking my shit all over the road bc >civic


now ur just bein a silly goose
oh shit, thats the full shebang. good luck spartman write me in your will
only driven one with shoulder correcting and about wrecked it. once cause i didnt know and once out of spite for it


There was a major wind storm passing through, we had major wind storms Monday and Wednesday.


Not too bad but depends on how much of a lift you have. In minivans and small truks you get random gusts that damn near knock you off the road if you aren't watching your shit, but you're fine so long as you keep control of the wheel with two hands and stay in a lower gear in manuals. If I had a big truk/anything lifted I wouldn't even bother in anything above ~45mph unless it's just short distance grocery store and back stuff because the wind gusts are likely to make your day y'know?


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u wan ridr flote bote budy?


whenever i have trouble sleeping this is the kind of thing my mind plays in my head to make god damn sure i don't fall asleep at all and grit my teeth the entire drive to work
just look at the road and stop touching your phone it's not hard


was that on purpose? wat are they trying to do


did he died?



to go back to a vary recent topic ill just say if they ever pass this bill been tryin for years to gib truk & pullrs OT after 40hrs and everyones gotta start payin more for everything cuz the cost to get it there just went right tf on up thems gonna be a lotta ppl "idgaf"ing about safety of robotrux so they lentils dont go up in price. compound dis with da tarrif war >we boutta be waging on *chex note* da world wew shits gonna be exsPANsive before it all regulates and finds a stable price



File: 1741357490981.mp4 (1.26 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Enezator - Sometimes luck ….mp4)

sleep tight budys


lottery playing luck, go to gas station and play the mega millions or whatever your equivalent is bud


doggone budy


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File: 1741624519054.mp4 (2.43 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, cyHBoXhBFUZ9abHx.mp4)

trukee, calee last year


they only allow truks in trukee?


is this where old truks go to die?


nice 50/50 grind



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>1st one
i've heard that music before but i can't member what it's from
>2nd one
damn, he prolly would've been better off just staying in his seat and bracing against the ceiling and floor as best he could


>2nd one
gmod ragdoll


File: 1741850771846.png (107.86 KB, 1035x690, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

bad fuckin news budys


Tucson Truck Terminal, with its 24/7 restaurant, motel, laundry, showers, bar, one Super Turbo cabinet, parkin, and more has been bein a great truk stop for truk & pullrs for 70 years and now its gettin sold. probably dont help with that mega chain truk stop pilot opening across the street. you may remember seeing the Triple T in the classic working man's film White Line Fever.

rest in peace, you will be missed.



It's been sold and under new ownership before. Hopefully it stays and some turbojews don't bulldoze it and build some low income section 8 bullshit instead.

post when you are back in Arizona budy


File: 1741890386602.jpg (56.16 KB, 1024x514, 512:257, hell is real.jpg)

i will buy the land, tear it down, and build a buccee's on top of it
no truks alowed


boy i sure hope so. one of the best truk stops still around
>post when you are back in Arizona budy
10-4 budy


are turks allowed?


cold turks yas


saw trukr flipped over on side on other side of freeway
whole highway stopped for miles
thought it was one of you


File: 1741919942704.mp4 (30.59 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, truck_tank_flips_over_vira….mp4)

fuk u budy i driv gud
in other news heres wat happens when ur fully loaded but aint connected to the trailr gud. someone prob pulled his thang to open the lockjaw while he was parked, i say cuz this was outside a truk stop so if he got it there then it was secured right to get there. if wat i say is tru then he musta raly pissed someone off. nothin happens after the roll, vid long for no reason


i was waiting for a huge explosion


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holy shit budys




File: 1742139437421.mp4 (31.21 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, VID_20250316_093348_219.mp4)

wonderful news budys


injuns btfo


this dude has a kot. i've seen trukcoons but not trukkots, wouldn't kots be way more likely to run away at some random stop and never come back?


i like truk kot he seem like gud boy


my lady had a truk kot when i first started srivin with her, a three legged fucker. to meny cooks in da kitchen tho so kot went to stay with her friend. gud kot, i liked havin him around.


she ate one of his legs so he couldn't run away


no way kots are way less dumb
also rly territorial
in an area where kot knows nothing its gonna stick to what it knows. in this case: the truk and the area immediately around the truk


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🇺🇸 Texas (March 13, 2025) An 18-Wheeler Driver was arrested and is facing intoxication charges after a North Austin crash, that took 5 lives—three adults, one child, and one infant. Twelve others were injured.

Solomun Weldekeal Araya, age 37, is facing five charges of intoxication manslaughter. He has been booked into the Travis County Jail.


>amazon truk
yeh seems right they hire a lot of tards, from trukrs to the van drivers lots of them drive like they're high af and they prolly mostly are


fuck man it's crazy only 5 people died all but one of those smaller vehicles are obliterated


Featherniggers and regular niggers are so fucked lol
Not if you train 'em gud. You can train kots to camp with you too, and kots love going camping.

Prolly Stars contracting or whatever the fuck their name is. The actual amazog drivers for TOM team are taught real gud but the contractors they hire basically pick up people who have no fucking business driving truks


idk who contracts who all i know is i've had multiple near accidents with their fuckin vans and i get nervous whenever i see one ahead of me now
the trukrs they contract are prolly just lowest bidder trash that couldn't pass those english tests that arkansas is apparently implementing, which is admittedly not unique to amazon by any means


other trucker mad af
good lad


surprised he didnt call him a nigger and kick the shit out of his facial hole places
hopefully he did and was smart enough to put the phone down first


File: 1742297900503.png (1.08 MB, 968x1377, 968:1377, ClipboardImage.png)

trukrbudy what u do if hapen?


Turn around and go back unless you want a cop's cordless hole puncher through your head.


Grab your shotgun.


prob call the police unless backing out of that situation was an option


basically gtfo but absolutely not get out of truk


so it's obviously a murder trap but who sets it up mountain serial killers? cults?



Or glow niggers. Short answer 'yes.'



File: 1742397020308.mp4 (3.17 MB, 480x854, 240:427, supplies.mp4)

n ski


b-b-blue snow ?


if he kept going he could ask the hyperboreans for help


how do you even get out of that


File: 1742575205186.mp4 (10.57 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, VID_20250321_103917_452.mp4)

>Amazon truck raid in Dallas, Texas.

>This "lootbox" thing is getting out of control!


The act of looting by heavily pigmented individuals can be influenced by various social, economic, and situational factors. Here are some possible reasons why people might loot an abandoned tractor trailer:

Economic Need: Individuals may be in desperate financial situations and see looting as a means of survival or obtaining essential goods.

Opportunity: An abandoned vehicle might present an opportunity for individuals to acquire items they perceive as valuable or useful, regardless of their background.

Social Influence: Group dynamics can play a role in decision-making. If individuals are in a group where looting is occurring, social pressure or a sense of camaraderie might influence their actions.

Perception of Abandonment: People may feel that an abandoned vehicle is fair game, especially if they believe it belongs to a large corporation rather than an individual.

Desperation: In times of crisis, such as natural disasters or economic downturns, individuals may resort to looting as a last resort.


niggerzon driver in on it?
howd they get him to pull over? hit him?
why wouldn't you just drive off the moment they try to break the seal on your trailer??


>Yellow totes
Niggers stole broken goods lol >we only store returns and problem solve in yellow totes during transport, otherwise they stay at facility.


Damn spro, that's insane. Heem real lucky there.
You don't. Like maybe you can climb out depending on the situation but normally you get rescued when that shit happens or you die.


dude was with peiple but broke out climbing gear too from what i member


File: 1742634260658.mp4 (3.68 MB, 718x1280, 359:640, AQNcPDwZPMhh7V77ZyA0XPC8Ep….mp4)

when the wind fights back


i dunno budy but theres no truk attached to the trailer. maybe niggerzog decided it best to just let that junk ( >>1688201 ) get took instead of dealing with the shit themselves ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


File: 1742663844214.png (89.81 KB, 272x276, 68:69, ClipboardImage.png)

i thought it looked like there was, just turned aggressively to the right
on closer inspection, i think your right. i think thats 2 more POVs


HortlarSperge getting arrested for a DUI


File: 1742708218037.gif (1.24 MB, 301x375, 301:375, car cresh.gif)

i was sifting through all the files i typically never look at and came across this and every time i do i imagine this was an elaborate execution from a particularly debaucherous nation


File: 1742708878511.webm (3.15 MB, 720x560, 9:7, 1742671876375146.webm)

what about THIS execution?


File: 1742782882191.mp4 (3.64 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, AQOqetZdHopSTxX_7PjdVengUN….mp4)

california raisins died on their reunion tour


impeccable timing hitting that pole, thang splodey barfed

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