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its a tampa kinda day
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File: 1733858643077.mp4 (5.32 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, most sane mazda owner.mp4)

 No.1667916[View All]


>NEW: Utah man drives his car through the front of a Mazda dealership just hours after purchasing the car from the same dealership.

>The incident happened in Sandy, Utah, after the man was told he couldn’t return the car.
>The man told the dealership that he would drive the car through the front door of the dealership if they didn’t let him return it.
>They told him that it was sold "as-is."
>The man did exactly what he promised and drove the car through the front door.
>He was arrested on charges of felony criminal mischief and reckless endangerment.
304 posts and 83 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1741890386602.jpg (56.16 KB, 1024x514, 512:257, hell is real.jpg)

i will buy the land, tear it down, and build a buccee's on top of it
no truks alowed


boy i sure hope so. one of the best truk stops still around
>post when you are back in Arizona budy
10-4 budy


are turks allowed?


cold turks yas


saw trukr flipped over on side on other side of freeway
whole highway stopped for miles
thought it was one of you


File: 1741919942704.mp4 (30.59 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, truck_tank_flips_over_vira….mp4)

fuk u budy i driv gud
in other news heres wat happens when ur fully loaded but aint connected to the trailr gud. someone prob pulled his thang to open the lockjaw while he was parked, i say cuz this was outside a truk stop so if he got it there then it was secured right to get there. if wat i say is tru then he musta raly pissed someone off. nothin happens after the roll, vid long for no reason


i was waiting for a huge explosion


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File: 1742077397538-1.mp4 (4.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, AQNWQ2kAtUx72X9bzZBgP6PQxK….mp4)

holy shit budys




File: 1742139437421.mp4 (31.21 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, VID_20250316_093348_219.mp4)

wonderful news budys


injuns btfo


this dude has a kot. i've seen trukcoons but not trukkots, wouldn't kots be way more likely to run away at some random stop and never come back?


i like truk kot he seem like gud boy


my lady had a truk kot when i first started srivin with her, a three legged fucker. to meny cooks in da kitchen tho so kot went to stay with her friend. gud kot, i liked havin him around.


she ate one of his legs so he couldn't run away


no way kots are way less dumb
also rly territorial
in an area where kot knows nothing its gonna stick to what it knows. in this case: the truk and the area immediately around the truk


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🇺🇸 Texas (March 13, 2025) An 18-Wheeler Driver was arrested and is facing intoxication charges after a North Austin crash, that took 5 lives—three adults, one child, and one infant. Twelve others were injured.

Solomun Weldekeal Araya, age 37, is facing five charges of intoxication manslaughter. He has been booked into the Travis County Jail.


>amazon truk
yeh seems right they hire a lot of tards, from trukrs to the van drivers lots of them drive like they're high af and they prolly mostly are


fuck man it's crazy only 5 people died all but one of those smaller vehicles are obliterated


Featherniggers and regular niggers are so fucked lol
Not if you train 'em gud. You can train kots to camp with you too, and kots love going camping.

Prolly Stars contracting or whatever the fuck their name is. The actual amazog drivers for TOM team are taught real gud but the contractors they hire basically pick up people who have no fucking business driving truks


idk who contracts who all i know is i've had multiple near accidents with their fuckin vans and i get nervous whenever i see one ahead of me now
the trukrs they contract are prolly just lowest bidder trash that couldn't pass those english tests that arkansas is apparently implementing, which is admittedly not unique to amazon by any means


other trucker mad af
good lad


surprised he didnt call him a nigger and kick the shit out of his facial hole places
hopefully he did and was smart enough to put the phone down first


File: 1742297900503.png (1.08 MB, 968x1377, 968:1377, ClipboardImage.png)

trukrbudy what u do if hapen?


Turn around and go back unless you want a cop's cordless hole puncher through your head.


Grab your shotgun.


prob call the police unless backing out of that situation was an option


basically gtfo but absolutely not get out of truk


so it's obviously a murder trap but who sets it up mountain serial killers? cults?



Or glow niggers. Short answer 'yes.'



File: 1742397020308.mp4 (3.17 MB, 480x854, 240:427, supplies.mp4)

n ski


b-b-blue snow ?


if he kept going he could ask the hyperboreans for help


how do you even get out of that


File: 1742575205186.mp4 (10.57 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, VID_20250321_103917_452.mp4)

>Amazon truck raid in Dallas, Texas.

>This "lootbox" thing is getting out of control!


The act of looting by heavily pigmented individuals can be influenced by various social, economic, and situational factors. Here are some possible reasons why people might loot an abandoned tractor trailer:

Economic Need: Individuals may be in desperate financial situations and see looting as a means of survival or obtaining essential goods.

Opportunity: An abandoned vehicle might present an opportunity for individuals to acquire items they perceive as valuable or useful, regardless of their background.

Social Influence: Group dynamics can play a role in decision-making. If individuals are in a group where looting is occurring, social pressure or a sense of camaraderie might influence their actions.

Perception of Abandonment: People may feel that an abandoned vehicle is fair game, especially if they believe it belongs to a large corporation rather than an individual.

Desperation: In times of crisis, such as natural disasters or economic downturns, individuals may resort to looting as a last resort.


niggerzon driver in on it?
howd they get him to pull over? hit him?
why wouldn't you just drive off the moment they try to break the seal on your trailer??


>Yellow totes
Niggers stole broken goods lol >we only store returns and problem solve in yellow totes during transport, otherwise they stay at facility.


Damn spro, that's insane. Heem real lucky there.
You don't. Like maybe you can climb out depending on the situation but normally you get rescued when that shit happens or you die.


dude was with peiple but broke out climbing gear too from what i member


File: 1742634260658.mp4 (3.68 MB, 718x1280, 359:640, AQNcPDwZPMhh7V77ZyA0XPC8Ep….mp4)

when the wind fights back


i dunno budy but theres no truk attached to the trailer. maybe niggerzog decided it best to just let that junk ( >>1688201 ) get took instead of dealing with the shit themselves ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


File: 1742663844214.png (89.81 KB, 272x276, 68:69, ClipboardImage.png)

i thought it looked like there was, just turned aggressively to the right
on closer inspection, i think your right. i think thats 2 more POVs


HortlarSperge getting arrested for a DUI


File: 1742708218037.gif (1.24 MB, 301x375, 301:375, car cresh.gif)

i was sifting through all the files i typically never look at and came across this and every time i do i imagine this was an elaborate execution from a particularly debaucherous nation


File: 1742708878511.webm (3.15 MB, 720x560, 9:7, 1742671876375146.webm)

what about THIS execution?


File: 1742782882191.mp4 (3.64 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, AQOqetZdHopSTxX_7PjdVengUN….mp4)

california raisins died on their reunion tour


impeccable timing hitting that pole, thang splodey barfed

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