>>1688634if you want cheap souls you should just kill a cliffracer
comparable power enchant-wise, way easier to find
>>1688666i mean its p much literally already happening
jews have set up a no-go-zone for basically the whole cunt south of damascus. the excuse is that theyre gonna protect the druze
which tbf they prolly would fair better under israelis than jihadis so theyve annexed most of the golan and the rest of the part east of it
lotta druze there tooits just an excuse tho obv. lik, sure, they lik conscripting druze in israel for the IDF, and im SURE theyll do the same w the ones in syria if they can. but youd have to be fucking rarted to think bibis suddenly doin this shit for humanitarian reasons
need i remind anyone: the golan is fucking loaded w oil, and also has the most freshwater around. its a str8 landgrab, and def illegal in regards to intl law. not lik thats ever stopped them tho
>>1688638any place without animals it can't be heaven
does anyone a screencap of the thread where OP asked what WOW power you would take if you could have one and the /thread response was >revive pet ?
>>1688669scrub tier
just buy a bone charm then summon and soul trap skeletons
>>1688671how long before
>you got your oil in my drinking water!<you got your drinking water in my oil! No.1688687
>>1688681if there isn't some sekrit deal between erdogan and bibi and this isn't all theater then prolly not that long. i think torkey is the only cunt that can outright attack piss hell troops and not face the wrath of good goy uncle sam bc unlike piss hell they're kinda
actually rally important to have on your side in that region ao it's not a gud idea to bomb the fuck out of them. they're also prolly the only shitskins out there with a military that is an actual threat to the usa. i mean they'd probably still lose but it wouldn't be like those times >we attacked iraq and their military folded in less than a year there'd be
a lotta bloodshed. rusnigs would get involved at that point too prolly they want torkey to be "frens" with them as much as amerigay
>>1688686that aint no accident
thats a leak
>>1688687boy I hope so
the way dup bends over, says thank you daddy, and cleans up afterward I swear that mossad has a grave's worth of dirt on him
as in enough to make him do something really bad for america
>23andme is closing down
>They intend to sell off everyone's data to pay for the bankruptcy unless you log in and delete it right now
>>1688687Roachland is in a fun conundrum, like Israel they've managed to piss off their neighbors on every side, and like Israel, they're almost at war with most of those cunts at any given time.
If Yidsrael and Turkey go to war, Greece is getting payback 100% there's no way they'll sit by while their economy is floundering and they have a shot at Greek clay.
>>1688638but what if the girl doggie doesnt orgasm during conception?
>>1688696its such a shame obongo did his presidency when he was so young. now >were stuck dealing w his endless faggotry from behind the curtain for prolly several more decades until he finally croaks
just fucking die already you megalomaniacal old nigger
>>1688695grease has all those debnts owed to germoney too so who knows where that would go
you know what i can buy that this could actually result in ww3 if roaches and rats start fighting bc the strings attached to all of those faggots go around the globe multiple times and i don't think any of the big boy cunts (mainly amerigayans, rusnigs and chinks) are actually in any kind of position to stop the snowball from turning into an avalanche
>>1688691i think dup is just that gud of a goy tbh, if they actually had major dirt on him they'd have tossed it all out and axed him awhile back when zionists, bibi specifically, stabbed him in the back during and after the 2020 erection
gotta member parts of his direct family are married to hardcore ziokikes
>>1688687idk if its gayfabe from what i'm seein. roaches have been stickin it to isntreal p hard over gaza
imamoglustick just went to prison too, lotta protests
def legit on some level but high production value, timing, and coverage is rally familiar iykwim
>>1688701i'm sure plenty of "da peepo™" would gladly take a whack at the kikes but it all reeks of the same kinda shit hitler (horl be aporn hirm) and stalin were doing in poland right before the last big one kicked off.
lik it might actually get way worse for syria here in the vary near future. if that's even possible, poor syrians have been fuckpuppeted around so much for like 14 years it's hard to believe they're not desensitized to p mich everything by now
>>1688581><Aber gained notoriety for forcing CIA assets to testify under oath about illegally sharing information with Israelyou got a link for this?
thing is w the turks
erdogans whole gig for a while now is his NATO memebership allows him to play many sides at once, while avoiding any srs repercussions. its allowed him to fuck around for a long time now, so idk if hes too keen on letting it go just yet prolly wanna at least beef up syria first. and attacking israel would certainly mean turkey is out of NATO, at the very least. in fact hed prolly be in line for a gud ol fashioned regime change™ if he tried, seeing how things are going for him domestically rn
>The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) just made a move that will protect bad patents at the expense of everyone else.
>USPTO further restricted access to inter partes review, or IPR
>IPR allows anyone to challenge a patent’s validity based on prior art, and it’s done before specialized judges at the USPTO, where experts can re-evaluate whether a patent was properly granted.
>memo reinstates widespread use of the Apple v. Fintiv rule, under which the USPTO often rejected IPR petitions whenever there’s an ongoing district court case about the same patent.
can't believe this wasn't discussed in any of the previous threads
it's gonna get a lot harder to be a small biz
>>1688724guess that imamoglusnif dude erdy jailed was the kurd's boy too. whole thangs convoluted af and givin me democracy™ vibes too
hopefully the slappin stays in syria. but beebs is on a wicked bender rn, so idk how it would play out if he pulls the old baww while striking trik on turk
>>1688727bibis looking for war. any war. if all the palestinians suddenly laid down and died, hed still need war or hes goin to jail
>idk how it would play out if he pulls the old baww while striking trik on turkwell they usually just do it anyways, then have the media just fuckin lie about errytang
id imagine there will be some shit about muh druze, since thats their whole fake casus beli rn
>>1688729sounds lik an accurate representation of norf
>>1688728yids drew up plans for gaza just waitin for the green light
was thinkin regarding nato, but guess thats not exactly solid ground rn. shit man idk not lookin great there
is Miss Scotland /oargal/?
>>1688731>yids drew up plans for gaza just waitin for the green lighttheyre already bombing them as of a few days ago
gazas gonna be quick now that theres no way to get new weapons in. lik, they prolly got
some way in idk about, but its not a very big place. not lik its hard to watch the med and the mile and a half border along egypt. they bombed/flooded most of the tunnels too
in either case itll be israel vs syria
firstIDF and turks will inevitably end up blasting one another during that, so that could ez turn into a big regional war. but i couldnt see a world where israel would skip over syria as it is rn. its weak af, disorganized, broke, doesnt rly have any allies
or rly exist yet, its got no anti-air, or any air capability whatsoever for that matter, and you even got some fake and gay war goal
muh druze. no way dont they at least try for the golan
thinking if i was israel, and just totally psychopathic and bloodhungry, id try for jewmascus
muh religious minorities etc. do that and mop up to somewhere south of beirut in lebanon. that causes the most damage to the whole region, while only having to fight the weakest ones at a time where they cant easily re-up on ammo
thats where i could see turks goin kara boga on israel proper. that would do it. itd turn turkey full pariah state lik iran or best korea.
but erdogan knows hes already on thin ice already. hes not gonna push that rn. hell be content to play footsie w them thru syria for at least a few yrs. and bibi will oblige
>>1688716Look up Asif William Rahman. Aber was the fed on that case. Asif leaked IDF information to Iran and Aber prosecuted, but in doing so basically proved that the CIA was sharing data they weren't supposed to with Israel in the first place.
>>1688708>friendly and benevolent leader>also makes him look fucking badassway to go, leftists.
>>1688696this nigger looks fucking older than trump
>>1688688i love how the journo said
>i couldn't believe the team would be SO incompetant to add ME to the strike planning chaininstead of
>someone obviously fucking maliciously added me, a journalist, to this planning sessioncan't wait for that retard to have their head on a pike
>>1688686why are they pretending this about bailing out yurop?
bombing yemen has been bipartisan project for more than a decade (obummer+saudis, dup 1, bidup, dup 2) and has much more to do with yids than with yuros (or muh freedumb of navigashun lmao)
>>1688757its obviously not the main reason but hooties and the blowfish are right there in a pretty major shipping lane that goes directly to the mediterranean (suez canal is kinda really super important) which in turn provides access to the entire southern portion of yurup
member when the evergreen got stuck in the suez and fucked everything up for literally
everyone? yuropeens felt that a lot harder than everyone south of the canal. it's not like there's an ezpz land delivery route to a mediterranean port in that general region, it's all jihadis and apefricans and apefrican jihadis who are ambivalent towards yurup at best and genuinely want yuro genocide at worst.
so considering all that and then factoring in pirates and hooties regularly attacking ships it kinda makes it hard for yuros to get imports and send exports to a pretty huge portion of the planet without having to go all the way around apefrica or go norf and risk dealing with russia who isn't exactly friendly with like 2/3 of yurup rn among environmental hazards like ice floes
>>1688674He can now join the caliphate of sportschan and lead
>>1688764>attacking ships"houthis" (wrong name, the political group is "ansarallah", "houthi" is an ethnic group) were not just attacking any ship, they were attacking/enforcing a blockade specifically on ships from countries supporting or aiding israel
clearly that's the main point, not yurop's maritime trade routes
notorious neocon (((jeffrey goldberg))), editor in chief of "the atlantic" is """accidentally""" added to an encrypted chat of top govt officials discussing another bombing raid on enemies of israel?
and what the discussion "reveals" is that this continuation of a >decade old policy is to "help out yurop" and "muh freedumb of navigashun"? lel
clearly staged
>>1688752he looks like fucking big brother ffs the background is even red
is this some kind of cope?
>>1688767oh cool thanks for repeating that it wasn't the main point at me and ignoring everything else about the post i almost forgot that i said it wasn't the main point
>>1688772the spice must flow
>>1688757oh ya know
its just the biggest shipping lane in the entire world
if its closed you just have to go literally all the way around africa
no biggie
>>1688738them drawin up for all the chickpeas budy
>couldnt see a world where israel would skip over syria as it is rnyeah, zero chance imo too. syria as it is was a blinken fluid & juland (etc) joint as far as i'm concerned. rushed the NOW this is Greater Isntreal! collab out to get ahead of dup's mixtape
i lik ur analcysts, gud point about footsie too. no big bad, no beebs. still think they're keepin the marmaris 2.0 play in reserve but globohomo got me TINFOILY rn
anything happening between roaches and rats is highly unlikely just cuz roach is nato and they would be a big no-no to have them fighting each other. like spartman said that's his only trap card and he can't afford to lose it.
that being said i'd still love to see watermelon seller get ousted
>>1688822>i'd still love to see watermelon seller get ousteddont let ur dreams be yeams. eyeran & rooshya are ongry at him over syria, nato doesnt exactly love him, 70% inflation, hes battin 1000 rn
either way think hes got 3 years left then cant run again iirc
>>1688827>either way think hes got 3 years left then cant run again iirclike that's ever stopped a dick tater