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its a tampa kinda day
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File: 1741511989903.png (8.11 MB, 2858x2078, 1429:1039, sumo.png)

 No.1685614[Last 50 Posts]>>1685632

haru basho (spring tournament) started today, budys!
we're watching it here: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner
everyday for the next 15 days
stram starts around 11:00 AM CT

if slov provides source for the videos that is
hopefully he does


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>they got his double boobs right
imagine being the artist who drew this and you have to study all the fighters to get their boob size and shape right


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>hairy takayasu 2nd row 4th from the right
i think this piece of art from 2022. the yokozuna is Teru, but Takayasu wore that kesho mawashi in 2016 and 2022. this year he sports a Chaplin


>>1685614 (OP)
>if slov provides source for the videos that is
i got you budy


slappy tiem


>11am CT
wat i thought it was gonna be around noon EST


its around noon EST
17:00 UTC
calculate yours


it starts NOW


sumo starts in 7 mins!


top5 fights of today in case you missed the stram


large man smash


portly fellow brawl


its EDT now budy, and believe it or not noon Eastern is 11 central u silly goose


>kotozakura starting off with a loss
damn and the look of determination he had entering the ring got my hopes up for the young ozeki cmon budy yu gotta get it together for 2025 with them double stacked double d titties
>hoshoryu squats on the clay
>stands up, rushes to the corner
>claps twice during the rush
<crowd goes wild
>gives some firm and convincing belly slaps
<demons utterly terrified, rush out and flee the entire prefecture
<crowd absolutely loses it
this guy puts on a good show whether he intends to or not. i feel real lucky he was the first i got to see rise to yokozuna
>quickly loses very first bout as yokozuna


both ukros lose their fight but were competitive


ya. i think shishi did better than the other holhol


Abi is a tricky one


yeh i forgot about dst being over i said so in the chat yesterday ugh pay attention to ME


so you already moved the clocks?
then its 13:00 East Coast time? (that is 1pm)
still it's 17:00 UTC that's sure


ya about 31:39 hours ago


pudge budge


blubber shove


whale flail


probably gonna wait another 5-10 mins tho


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hosh doin gud
onosato and taker fuji won ezpz
that one dude did a spin to win i forgot which dude tho
and vidrel was kinda lelzy


exactly that needed to be edited out! aweseom budy
sumo in 1 and a half!


sumo in 25


gud fights, glad I could catch the second half
thanks budy


gud sumo today


File: 1741798476072.jpg (124.15 KB, 673x800, 673:800, hoshoryu-vs-wakamotoharu.jpg)

yeah budys, sumo in 5 mins
its possible we'r gonna wait some




gud fatslap budys


sumo in half an hours budis!


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retsu go


top 5 bouts from today


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what a day yesterday was!
Chadoshoma absolutely schooled Hoshoryu. perhaps he's not a top rikishi, but he can cause surprises, top entertainment

btw sumo starts in 45!
yesterday we had quite a crowd, bigliest thanks for all of you!


>i won't be able to watch sumo tomorrow
at least there's sunday


File: 1742048182078.mp4 (2.74 MB, 608x1080, 76:135, tegata sumo.mp4) [play once] [loop]

gonna have to get a sumo hand print autograph at sometime


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there was one budy wanted to watch sumo on the weekend, its better be not you


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55 mins till sumo


10 minutes til sumo


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>The cost of ceremonial belts reaches 20 million yen, and they weigh about 10 kg.


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"ceremonial kesho-mawashi"


Hokutofuji based volcano.
Takerufuji has a black one with a crow I think.


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this one has himself on it. how based is that?


it was me it was me all along and i hated missing it


sumo tomorrow budy


a doctors note is required


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i paid $500 out of pocket for this my insurance doesn't cover sumo absences


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get a second opinion from doctor cr


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now what in the hell is this supposed to mean that stupid coon ate the burger off my plate and handed me this


sumo yes?


in 1 hour, yes


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getredy budys
15 mins




thanks budys for attending, great chat


watching sumo is fun especially with spartmen. i didnt think i'd get into pushy slappy this much but i lik it a lot more than nigger collide now.
guess i could call this nippon collide lel


it's really easy to get into. like after 10-15 fights you know what's going on, what's a good fight and a lame one and what fighters you like


wa ka fla kka ha ka


oh so you can split his name up like that then
anyway that's my favorite sumo that name is so fun. too bad he's mediocre but whatever maybe he'll train rally gud and become yokozuna


wahkahtahkahkahge of the forbidden name i meant


longest sumo names: Yatsushironishiki and Mitsushimanishiki


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File: 1742205925491-1.jpg (2.43 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, bunta2.jpg)

rl bunta


Waka The Unnameable Kage
hes good rikishi, good fighter
before his injury he looked like one who might reach ozeki title, i think he still has a chance
sure rn he isnt doing that great


you could blindfold him with dental floss


i think his eyelids are enough blindfold even when they're "open", don't trust this sumo behind the wheel
oh he got fucked up? i only vary recently started watching so i don't know who's a brokedick and who's in great condition


heres stats:
>In Makuuchi - 190-123-56/311 (25 basho), 1 Yusho, 2 Jun-Yusho, 5 Gino-Sho, 1 Shukun-Sho
1 tournament championship, 2 runner ups, 5 technique prizes, 1 outstanding performance award
highest rank is sekiwake, which is just one step below ozeki (yokozuna > ozeki > sekiwake > komusubi > maegeshira #1 > m#2 etc.)
in 2023 he had to miss 3 consequent tournaments due to injury, so he fell way back, and spent the last year climbing back
his week point is his age, he is 30 now, and I guess he risks re-injury all the time


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1 hours till sumo budys


sumocrik gud




oh shid tomorrow Onosato and Takayasu fighting it out!




File: 1742317213423.jpg (47.01 KB, 634x423, 634:423, Sumo-slammers.jpg)

time for ur slap medicine spartman




is there a basho for every season?


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this is what i saw concerning tickets. all translated automatically except the hashtag.


>Following numerous questions about how to get tickets to sumo with minimal effort, I am conducting research. So far my answer is no way, but I am not giving up.

>According to Japanese tradition, the right to buy tickets is first played out in a lottery. To take part in it, you need to register on the website of the sumo fan club https://fanclub.sumo.or.jp/ It is easy to do, you only need an email address.

>The interesting part starts further – to take part in the lottery, you need to buy a premium account. As you can see in the picture, the most expensive accounts (Yokozuna and Ozeki), which give the maximum chances of buying tickets, can no longer be purchased. The statuses of Yokozuna, Ozeki and Sekiwake give the right to participate in the first and second stage lotteries, lower statuses – only in the second stage lottery.
>After this, the remaining tickets, of which there are not many, go on general sale.

>But let's get back to the fan club membership. To buy a paid account, what do you need? That's right. A Japanese address and a Japanese phone number. I'm still wondering what to do with this, whether the Japanese address should match the card billing and whether the account confirmation comes to the Japanese phone number.



every two months


oh shit so no super long waits in between then nice


january, march, may, july, september, november
usually starts 2nd sunday and goes on for 15 days straight


perhaps when buying tickets, should start here with the reading
site is the official site of Japan Sumo Association




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yeah, budys
sumo in 30


wake up!!! sumo in 2 hours


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any minute now


do you have the video of the sumos jump roping? the one where there's like 3 or 4 of them going all at once with a long rope it was ridiculous


sadly no, must be a sight


it was vary funny imo. it prolly isn't too hard to find just looking it up on youtube i'll do that when i get home from work


whoops forgot embeds persist across posts


i keep missing sumo strems
when next strem


they're the same time every day for 15 days each basho, i think this weekend is the last of this one. i can only watch the weekend ones bc of work :(




today at 17:00 UTC - convert to your time zone


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lel they took the time to give a nice lil shot of the gaijin


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whoa there are liek 7 of em


>tfw no gf that's into watching sumo


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this guy has some nice drawings of sumos. most drawings are just pen on paper, looks lik he colors in trophy winnin drawings


1. Kotozakura
2. ?
3. Terunofuji
4. Hoshoryu
5. Hakuho, Tekerufuji, Hoshoryu
i think


>2. ?




which gogl translates as -
>Kotoehime Thank you for your hard work over 17 years in the sumo ring And thank you Echo for 1,043 consecutive appearances since your debut
maybe echo is the birb? im gonna assume echo is the birb. if you find it relevant, the post with that pic is from may 17 last year


ah, i think its Kotoeko, he fell down the ranks quickly from makuuchi and retired recently
he was a cool smaller sized rikishi




sumo today


if ur the budy that cant make it today, todays vids should be up on plvid


nah it was just last weekend i couldn't watch on saturday but thanks for the heads up


they should add a part of their ceremonies where all the top sumos jump rope in the ring and whoever wins becomes emperor of japan


an hour and slappy


>stram loaded quick with no flaws when i checked just now
my internet connection blesses me today




something must have gone wrong


no the stram was gr8 until it got to the bicc boy battles but even then it was better than usual
its definitely my connection tho its gotten rally shit lately despite them raising my payments by 5 fuckin dollars again


no i meant hte norm is that it doesnt work, so its working must have been an accident


come on budys sumo in 25
last day


Hijacking thread to post wrastlin'


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here is makuuchi in case of shitty stream
very sory budys


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thank all of you budys who watched this great basho with us
probably will write some summary sometiems

btw we're watching movie on april 5th, I could post aboot it


gud season of sumo budys. lookin forward to the next one in two months


sweet, ty you the man
don't sweat it. boomer mom can't find natto at all anymore let alone host


ah actually i think why the stream sucked
the file was over 500Mb so CF couldn't cache it
i haven't checked I guessed it was compressed enough


next basher is in may right?


may 11th, too long ;_;


convert your mind to sumo time, it's a fat circle


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>onosato wins 1st emperor cup as ozeki and has a chance to become yokozuna in may.
he turned pro only 2 years ago


if i didn't know this was sumo i would think it was some strange abdl ritual lmao
it's gotta feel fuckin awesome to slap the shit out of your opponents and then have all your budies yell BANZAI while you hold a big ass trophy
look at him he's the smuggest cunt alive in that moment


will be back in nipland next month
I will try to go to sumo event happening at yasukuni shrine


you the crikmonkr travelbro? how've you been doing?


he lives there


*error posting*




git gud fgt


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no, nippongol. he's jap
but speaking of mongols i looked up mongol wrasslin on wikipedo and this is what i found lmao
>undersized shirts
>booty shorts
i know these guys are hardcore and could prolly kill me with their bare hands but the first thing i thought of when i saw this was that simpsons skit where homer takes bart to a steel factory to show him what manly men do
we work hard we play hard

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