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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1629899[View All]

here, queer, spend your money
how you peppering that angussy?
300 posts and 91 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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sick 16" bud


not yet, anyway.
but i could easily see it replacing lower tier engineers in the very near future
basically the ones who managed to squeeze by in school but who don't have a real understanding of the fundamentals, so they have jobs that use exclusively tertiary skills
>'make me a production drawing for this weldment'
then it shits out a drawing
fuck, couldn't be worse than some of the drawings my engineers make now…




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im reminded of that three stooges episode where they build a house


that house look comfy


>propertary ai software
A lot of buzzwords for kike inverstors to waste money.


>having engis do drafting
rough. tbf a lotta drafters dont do much better any more
u ASME budy? should hire me


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Oh, a Cheshire Cat house.


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i am a mechie but i work as a marine engineer
its just my opinion but i do think an engineer should be able to do every step from concept to completion AND be good at it– theres a lot you're not learning if you're not the one shitting the drawings out too
plus drafting gives me ZEN vibes unless its a particularly hellish one


>"Welcome to the future of construction!"
<Uses Mitsubishi/Fanuc robot arms rebranded that have had machine learning since the 90s
lmao this guy is on a whole new level of snake oil
it's just having the AI integrate into the existing robot software and write its own G-code. That's cool but it's the kind of thing you have the software engineering undergrad do as his portfolio project during senior year. It's also not the sort of thing you use for construction when a spic can plug 10 nails into a shoddy 2x4 for 3 pesos. He'd be better off putting a chassis around it and rebranding as a manufacturing software but you don't get idiot donors that way


>an engineer should be able to do every step from concept to completion AND be good at it–
As a senior tech who has to work with engineers, I wish the engineers would stop having this mindset. An engineer shouldn't try to understand anything about what they are doing (unless it's for their own company) they should just understand the fundamentals in such a way that they can apply them in any situation and be the guy to read the schematic/manual when the fundamentals aren't working.


Normalfags keep talking about how Qardun DeFi is gonna crash the world market in 9 hours or something. Seems fake and gay.


lotta merit to that. to add perspective i've trained 20+ on drafting and only 1 was any good
def know commands, how to into .dxf & layers etc, but takes a speshul brand autism to create a good set of drawrings ime
on the other hand draftfags should def do a year mandatory working off their shit. at least suits arent gettin jeet designs off fiverr any more, those couple years sucked


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saying its pre-launch? how its gonna crasheroo?

in other crapto news: milei got libra rugged lel. dude was allegedly gibing his wife money and tellin him to tweet shit saying "i own this nigga"
presidental rugpulls are gud


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mustaine 2028


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i started an llc yesterday
now what


admire how limited your liability is


open a sketchy spartsbetting site in the caymans and implement it directly into spartschin


ok im done mirin
now what about expenses


accept cash only declare losses all year and deposit everything into gold
once you have enough gold melt it down and make a golden statue of yourself and register it as another llc then mire it for awhile


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company now registered with da state
you will address me as the ceo from now on


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>📈 US Gold Rush: Imports hit a record $30.4 Billion in January

>This is DOUBLE the amount seen during the 2020 pandemic.

>At the same time, the US trade deficit with Switzerland reached a record $22 billion.

>This suggests the majority of imported gold is coming from Swiss vaults.

>Physical gold buying is concerningly strong.


>dup goes into debt to buy gold
>mint a 1 trillion dollar coin
>pay off your debt with said coin
>paper is worth nothing
>dup sits on a mountain of gold
no idea's too crazy for him. probaly not what's going to happen, but something will happen. some kind of crash is coming


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strengthening SOFR as LIBOR's bloated corpse hits the ground
'08 never rally corrected so its long overdue pain tbh fam & burgers going to be best off


so hire a us citizen to do it you stupid faggot no one's gonna feel sorry for you finding out the bed you made was actually on a mattress made of shit
i'm actually really starting to hate farmers a lot because i keep seeing them whine about their precious spic slaves not being around


farmers are kinda lik barfly whorbs ime
the gud ones are GUD and the bad ones are rally BAAAAD and its hard to tell em apart from a glance


Or you could just reichsmark the debt and then immediately hop on the gold standard
it'd explain fort knox, whenever he gets around to that


It's a vicious cycle with farmers.
>Lobby for stricter farm regulations to kill small farms
>Put companies like Florida's Oranges and Dole in charge of deciding regulations on OJ to kill small farms
>Hire illegals to kill small farms
>Cry to the gubmint for handouts when one thing goes wrong in your giant fruit cartel operation and beg for subsidies saying you're too big to fail
<Surprise pikachu face when they eventually say "no"


fuck em, idc if shit gets more expensive in the short term all of these faggots need some kind of comeuppance and financial destruction is their main fear
>notice tracts of land i can afford are popping up for sale everywhere
>too afraid to make a move on any of it bc there's a good chance the gun laws are about to get really fucking gay by next year
maybe i should get a cheapshit piece of land a state over and declare that my residence so i can buy guns there, but keep the property i have in my home state and rent some of it out. is that a shitty idea or could it work?


there's chatter u.s. bonds are gonna get lik 5% gold backing


yeem gonna keep living in your home state?
most places you have to actually have an eligible residence so not just land. there's workarounds lik parking a trailer but most places its a limited time frame and you have to be working on an eligible place

the paperwork kinda blows afaik. def scope both states regulations, espec out of state tax laws too some places double dip


yeh planning on staying here for a few more years at least. i know the state i'm talking about is rally lenient when it comes to what qualifies as a permanent residence so i can get some half acre plot and set a little trailer down then call it a home. i could even actually get away with building a tiny cabin with an outhouse and have that qualify as a residence, and afaik the taxes are way more manageable than my home state


as long as they don't property tax rape you. assessors have been pulling some hiking bullsheeyit, can usually search xitter and find info on that
check the specific county too, wildly varying residence laws
thats all the downsides i can think of rn, be a sweet setup espec if you work from home


well luckily my current house is a fixer upper shithole and the recent reassessments have me well below whatever gay tax hiking they're doing for anyone unlucky enough to own a house valued at more than $300k, so i should be good for a couple years in that regard even after i've renovated it. regardless i wouldn't be at risk of going homeless but it's nice i dont have to pay an extra $1500/yr or whatever the fuck. the state i'm looking at is poor as hell so everything there tax and property-wise is easily affordable, but there's fuckall for jobs. the lax gun laws are really the only thing good about it. i think i might do this though fuck it, my new 5 year plan is coming together


thats fucking sick if thats actually true



wonder where the bottom will be


what stonks


alright so >we regularly talk international politrix on this sparts board i was thinkin maybe i aughtta try trading currencies and see how that goes. thoughts?


i have 200k to pump waiting for the bottom


Trading currency is only profitable if you are trading a lot of it, you're basically skimming the margins when there's a dip. Usually banks already skim that margin off the top whenever you do a currency exchange.


t. doesn't know anything


i have almost 100k
foolish to try and time the market, but like, hey shits GOTTA pop right? fucking house built on sand


i always see people say this but wtf are you supposed to do? dollar cost average? doesn't that have just as much of a chance to backfire? i've been considering reopening my etrade account just to buy when everything is down, if the market bounces back i'll get a return and if it fails then well those dollars wouldn't have been worth shit in a savings account at that point


yea, dollar cost average.
its less risky in the sense that if you think a stock (or market as a whole) has good long term prospects, then the highs and lows in your purchasing period will just average out
sure you can get screwed, but it does reduce your risk a bit. cuts both ways tho, potentially reduces your rewards


anyway i'll probly buy some more tesla.
not sure if i'll spread it out. maybe drop 10 big on it? idk still thinkin


might wanna wait a little to see what happens with the cybertruk recall and pantifa vandalism, that shit does not bode well so the stonk prices will prolly dip p hard here soon. if enron can just wrangle his autism a little bit it'll prolly recover tho i imagine
or maybe its completely fucked idk hard to tell when people politicize cars


im aware of all above
its more a question of if its already factored into the price or not
theres already doom and gloom about q1 yuro sales and cybertruk production
that said, theres actual money going into paid hit pieces on the company, has been for years, and its only gotten worse with the whole political side of it
the real question is if you believe they've cracked the nut with vision automated driving– which i do believe its a matter of time in the short term, say 5 years


>last night
>too lazy to set up trade
>this morning
>TSLA +5%


>now up 15% from when i was about to buy but was too lazy that night to put my order in

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