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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1655002[Last 50 Posts]



did you died yet?


no but I almost missed my flight cuz I was watching a rly gud movie on my laptop facing away from the gate


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atlanta again


that clearly says kansas city


you gonna do a 9/11 on the sportschan server?


Milton already did that tho


It’s an A1 kinda day.


milton was a weak faggy storm
didnt even submerge tampa and kill boatbro


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they still taking flights?


dutch guy mad his bag got lost in amsterdam


how else they gonna let in the ZOGs?


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havent been in an airport since before memeflu
hows it looking out there travelbro?


it's fine, restrictions are long gone


Call me when it returns like it was before 9/11


niggers b wilin' a lot more at the airports tho and people in general seem to be a lot worse to deal with overall ime. flying always sucked but now it fuckin blows dick even for short hops. i wasn't even allowed to bring night night vodka when i did a cross cunt flight last time. then again i also haven't flown in about a year has it gotten better recently?


You’ve got to bring the airplane bottles. They are under the 3 oz i think weight limit. Oddly enough, I’ve accidentally a full tube of tooth paste (no pun intended) and a lock pick kit on two different flights. Lock pick kit made it to Italy and back last year :D


let me know when the TSA stops raping people in the ass


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tsa has always blown, they took my fukn face wash cuz it was over the limit and the moment they took the bag aside i remembered their gayass rule on that cuz they just assume its fukn anfo or tannerite or nitro or whatever the fuck the explosive of the day is and just let them chuck it. they say ur not allowed to bring your own alcohol on the flight but i don't think they really care and it's prolly so they can try to charge you $8/bottle on the flight for their shitty selection.
also im convinced that the one asian tsa guy at my airtport has the gay, he always randomly selects men and makes sure to pat them down rly tight around the crotch area, it's happened to me at least twice now


>randomly selects
i think he picks the ones that look the gayest


oh so ur well acquainted with him then


when i heard you got selected twice, i just KNEW


no he picked you out because he knew you were a low t balding beta male


he picked you bc he knew youd go home and flick your sissy clitty to the thought of him confiscating your elonmobile


i've never gone through a TSA checkpoint before?? idk what you're even trying to say
i think the gay hormones are fucking up your ability to reason


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I’m in purgatories waiting room again heathrow


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safe travels Mr. Steven C. McCraw


[This post has been Archived by Archivebro]



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you dumb dumbys


There’s a fuck ton of Jews here. It’s weirding me out tbh


they are conspiring against you
did you bring a portable oven?


i think i could get my toaster oven as a carry on


see if there are any aerosols at the airport shops
try and spray them down with the gas




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yu r allegiant to delta budy? that's the spirit. better not risk flying on airlines with rabid animals on their tail fins.


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where in the world is travelbro
>inb4 dox


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this no straight sign was a dead give away
the gay bar


the number plate says you are eating pizza at this very moment. with pizza I mean real pizza and not chicago or ny style.


rome sux, filled with shitty tourist trap restaurants run by pajeets, couldn't find any actual italian food. refused to buy a shitty 5 euro umbrella from some street shitter and he called me a stupid american.
make sure to visit the spot where caesar got ventilated, it's a kot sanctuary now


correctimundo, >>1658910
>all that shit
ye p much that why I went further south and there’s double sandniggers here from last year shameful dispray imo


looks homosexual
probly somewhere along the adriatic


wtf you're a nigger zogbot????


that tail fin looks kinda smart


travelbro is in salerno, italy
took me 7 minutes, i'd say very easy difficulty as he left a big clue that he probably isn't aware of


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If you meant Tyrrhenian, you’re right.
I figured I left a few clues, I wonder which one you got inb4 xif
Pics from today. Will upload more if /r/equested.


theres a sign that literally says 'medeival aqueduct' in shitalian as well as at least 1 store sign, i reckon he got one of those.


rome was literally mentioned already. reading the thread it’s obvious its shitaly. stfu if youre going to derail the thread you…you, TRIPLE DOUBLE NIGGER


this ain't a tren dummy
t. trens job guy


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that it's italy was obvious. vegetation didn't fit northern italy and was too lush for southern italy. i sometimes watch this guy rainbolt on yt doing geolocation and the guy says to look out for street lights and manhole covers. bingo. chatgpt gave me a list of cities in italy with an aqueduct. looked up the coat of arms of them and got it on the 5th try


vary nice budy


What a shit hole everything looks old


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Check out who I found lurking da square.


he's watching you


Have fun in cuba


put your phone down NOW and start running
Dont Look Back.


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heem following me down the coast :o


brb train strike
if i miss my flight can I has donation drive for travelbro emergency evac?


>Sciopero nazionale del personale del Gruppo FS, Trenitalia Tper e Trenord dalle ore 9:01 alle ore 16:59 di oggi 5 novembre.
lel. wops like going on strike. good for you that they have to guarantee a certain number of trains unlike in other countries.


Guessed the perps ethnicity right sand nigger


I'm pretty sure it was CR that pranked the conductor and tried to blame it on travelbro.


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he's showing you butthole too


very american couple


did you make it


no heem got heem'd


helo budys also an travelbro here
india visit jan 13 week hyderabad and bangalore which one of you benchods is picking me up at airport?


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maderchod blod bastard bich


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gem stone mining


yuo get rubees and safires budy?


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Book a taxi at the airport before leaving the airport. If you pick up a random taxi they'll likely overcharge you 10 times the price for being a stupid foreigner.

Eat hyderabadi dum biryani, it's good also go to some sweets shop to get indian sweets like kaju katli. Char minar is sorta worth seeing. Ramoji Film City (bahubali and RRR were shot there) is about 1-1.5hrs away from the city. It's huge, could spend a whole day there.

Don't know much about Bangalore except traffic is a bitch and you'll spend most of your time stuck in there.

Republic Day is on January 26 if you are still there by then. Watch the news, they do stuff like host the flag at delhi.
England tour of India begins on Jaunary 2022. If you are with other indians, go watch criket with them.
You're likely going to get stomach sickness or something eating all the shit ridden food there regardless so carry some medicine.

Enjoy your stay budy.


is the gem stone mining parking lot? Is there a big sign "here be gem stones"? dork


or go to a country with basic hygiene


>Jaunary 2022
I mean january 22


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Ofs nos budy, meny quarts tho


but how meny galons?


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make sure to get lots of crystals we're going to need them for soul trapping


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You mean like these?


that's a grand soul gem right there
that one's for chuck jewmer


what do you do to clean those up spray them with a hose?


Oxalic acid will shine them up after you spray them with the hose. I’ll post moar pix tomorrow, not good light right now


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have you found tendies yet?


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Now these are what you capture liberals, succubi, or your annoying neighbors kids who keep trampling your yard when they throw their stupid ball over the fence, with.


very scenic, budy!

limestone hills?

good find, bit of iron oxide here and there?


>limestone hills
Not sure tbh I was in Hot Springs, Arkansas
>iron oxide
Ye there is some on a few pieces. I think they are called inclusions, that and other material that’s in the crystal.


literal trash for children to collect like picking up shells at the beach. Nigger what the fuck are you doing?


>eehhhhhh u pik up rok i don like dat stobbit
get a load of this beta chad homo fapfic writer


get a classifier and go to a creek nearby


shut up faggot


kill yourself


i think you should pick up more rocks and use them to stone >>1666128 to death


I like this idea.


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one for each /sp/artan


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travelbro can you tell me if denver airport is actually cursed or not
all my flights out west want to go through it but i've heard too many horror stories about it and i try to avoid it if possible


yes it is a point where all of the epsteins do their little girl sex slave trafficking
you should stop flying jewnited airlines to avoid denver


all of colorado is cursed so the airport automatically is as well


not just denver
colorado is officially a quarantined state
you must tell all your california and new york friends to stay out and maybe also kill themselves idk


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what is paki airlines trying to tell us?




I think travelbro died in at least 2 plane crashes. He will be missed.




>502 bad gateway
what happened?


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the gateway was bad


did >we just crashed?


what a naughty portal


server ran out of storage on one partition and was BUGGIN 😭😭


i see its up an running budy


blessed by /sp/allah and he/sp/ollah


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I'm in monaco
gambling the entire sportschan server fund


fancy architecture
do you have pics of the inside?


I've got pictures from Wadinas insides


i was in monaco some years ago and the thing that struck me the most was how clean and nice everything was. i went into a public restroom and it looked like a five star hotel with marble and golden faucets. no trash, no grafiti, no tags and no bums or third worlders anywhere. must be nice to live there.
i recommend continuing to st.tropez. the one thing i can't forget about st.tropez is the mcdonalds. inside worked 5 10/10 supermodels. i'm not kidding. there were 5 absolutely beautiful women behind the counter


yeah but I bet the big macs were like 30€


iirc the prices were normal


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what to ohio?


you better be there to jihad ohio


detonate your nuclear device




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ok srsly i forgot how bad this state was
its just a wasteland of every fast food restaurant known to man
found a couple of good bars though so that's nice


>drinking the liquid jew


i've only been to ohio once and the only thing i member about it was someone ranting about astronauts. looks like a comfy small bar i used to go to in hortlermany
>being a spic


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chicongo again


thank you for using the culturally accurate name

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