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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1685614[View All]

haru basho (spring tournament) started today, budys!
we're watching it here: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner
everyday for the next 15 days
stram starts around 11:00 AM CT

if slov provides source for the videos that is
hopefully he does
77 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


oh shit so no super long waits in between then nice


january, march, may, july, september, november
usually starts 2nd sunday and goes on for 15 days straight


perhaps when buying tickets, should start here with the reading
site is the official site of Japan Sumo Association




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yeah, budys
sumo in 30


wake up!!! sumo in 2 hours


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any minute now


do you have the video of the sumos jump roping? the one where there's like 3 or 4 of them going all at once with a long rope it was ridiculous


sadly no, must be a sight


it was vary funny imo. it prolly isn't too hard to find just looking it up on youtube i'll do that when i get home from work


whoops forgot embeds persist across posts


i keep missing sumo strems
when next strem


they're the same time every day for 15 days each basho, i think this weekend is the last of this one. i can only watch the weekend ones bc of work :(




today at 17:00 UTC - convert to your time zone


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lel they took the time to give a nice lil shot of the gaijin


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whoa there are liek 7 of em


>tfw no gf that's into watching sumo


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this guy has some nice drawings of sumos. most drawings are just pen on paper, looks lik he colors in trophy winnin drawings


1. Kotozakura
2. ?
3. Terunofuji
4. Hoshoryu
5. Hakuho, Tekerufuji, Hoshoryu
i think


>2. ?




which gogl translates as -
>Kotoehime Thank you for your hard work over 17 years in the sumo ring And thank you Echo for 1,043 consecutive appearances since your debut
maybe echo is the birb? im gonna assume echo is the birb. if you find it relevant, the post with that pic is from may 17 last year


ah, i think its Kotoeko, he fell down the ranks quickly from makuuchi and retired recently
he was a cool smaller sized rikishi




sumo today


if ur the budy that cant make it today, todays vids should be up on plvid


nah it was just last weekend i couldn't watch on saturday but thanks for the heads up


they should add a part of their ceremonies where all the top sumos jump rope in the ring and whoever wins becomes emperor of japan


an hour and slappy


>stram loaded quick with no flaws when i checked just now
my internet connection blesses me today




something must have gone wrong


no the stram was gr8 until it got to the bicc boy battles but even then it was better than usual
its definitely my connection tho its gotten rally shit lately despite them raising my payments by 5 fuckin dollars again


no i meant hte norm is that it doesnt work, so its working must have been an accident


come on budys sumo in 25
last day


Hijacking thread to post wrastlin'


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here is makuuchi in case of shitty stream
very sory budys


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thank all of you budys who watched this great basho with us
probably will write some summary sometiems

btw we're watching movie on april 5th, I could post aboot it


gud season of sumo budys. lookin forward to the next one in two months


sweet, ty you the man
don't sweat it. boomer mom can't find natto at all anymore let alone host


ah actually i think why the stream sucked
the file was over 500Mb so CF couldn't cache it
i haven't checked I guessed it was compressed enough


next basher is in may right?


may 11th, too long ;_;


convert your mind to sumo time, it's a fat circle


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>onosato wins 1st emperor cup as ozeki and has a chance to become yokozuna in may.
he turned pro only 2 years ago


if i didn't know this was sumo i would think it was some strange abdl ritual lmao
it's gotta feel fuckin awesome to slap the shit out of your opponents and then have all your budies yell BANZAI while you hold a big ass trophy
look at him he's the smuggest cunt alive in that moment


will be back in nipland next month
I will try to go to sumo event happening at yasukuni shrine


you the crikmonkr travelbro? how've you been doing?


he lives there

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