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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day


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time to pay the janny


File: 1739903544481.jpeg (29.06 KB, 388x600, 97:150, 1000001518.jpeg)

ten bux well spent thx fam


jannies are ai agents now, grampa




paki numbah wan


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Add the free speech feature to the 76chan Platinum Membershid dudr

File: 1739668690489.png (110.78 KB, 360x360, 1:1, BonziBUDDY.png)


we are so back
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make the /i/ board


and the /his/ board


File: 1739713643506.webm (7.52 MB, 1612x732, 403:183, sports.webm)

this take me back to simpler more innocent times where the worst thing you had to worry about was a hapa autist stealing your old board so you spammed his new board just for the fuck of it to the death


you're a baàaaaaaaaaaad mil


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r8 this story


see this is why you should never impregnate the hot librarian
your son will grow up to be an AGP fetishist who writes low-rent erotic literature on the internet


poor gavin


moar like this?



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The image captures a disturbing scene unfolding in what appears to be Minneapolis, Minnesota. A law enforcement officer is seen with his knee positioned on the neck of an individual lying face down on the ground. The background features a police vehicle, suggesting the setting is a street or public area. The tension is palpable, and the situation appears fraught with conflict.
The officer, likely White, seems resolute and focused. His annual income likely lies between 60,000 to 80,000 USD. His religious background is likely Christian. His political affiliation likely Republican. He appears stern and unyielding. He is clad in his police uniform. Hobbies are physical training, community service, and gardening, as well as excessive drinking, gambling and gossip. The individual, likely African American, appears subdued and vulnerable. His income likely lies between 30,000 to 50,000 USD. Their religious background is unknown. Their political affiliation is unknown. He is dressed in casual clothing. They enjoy reading and binge watching but participate in unhealthy eating habits, substance abuse, and excessive shopping.
The people seem prone to aggression and easily manipulated. Hence we can target them with products related to law enforcement and survival and those targeting vulnerabilities, such as body cameras – Axon, tactical gear – 5.11 Tactical, law enforcement training – VirTra, surveillance equipment – Motorola Solutions, financial assistance programs – Credit Karma, alcohol addiction treatment – Promises Behavioral Health, fast food delivery – DoorDash, home security systems – ADT.


>fent floyd
>enjoys reading
how could the AI be SO wrong


>excessive shopping
moar like excessive shoplifting, amirite?


File: 1739755241046.png (1.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, test.png)

>The image features President Vladimir Putin, a 71-year-old man, sitting at a desk. In the background are the Russian flag and an emblem depicting a double-headed eagle. Telephones are visible on the desk, adding to the official setting within what is likely a governmental building in Moscow, Russia.

>The person, of White ethnicity, appears stern and serious. He is wearing a dark suit with a burgundy tie and a white shirt, projecting an image of formality. Guessing at his hobbies, he probably enjoys ice hockey, judo, and skiing. Undesirable activities could include reading, disinformation campaigns, and intimidating dissent. His income likely falls between 10 to 20 million Russian Rubles, with a religious inclination toward the Russian Orthodox Church and political alignment with the United Russia party.

>President Vladimir Putin seems to exude controlled power and a strong sense of nationalistic /sp/ride. Hence we can target them with status-symbol products and services, such as Alexander Shorokhoff watches, Caviar iPhones, hunting rifles (ORSIS), luxury yachts (CRN Yachts), history books (Alpina Publisher), propaganda channels (Russia Today), surveillance software (Kaspersky), private jet services (VistaJet).


why hasn't dup pardoned him yet?

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File: 1738808731844-2.mp4 (22.58 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, AJ drone.mp4)

File: 1738808731844-3.mp4 (35.02 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, AJ turboforce.mp4)

 No.1679230[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


>speak softly and carry muh big dick - Secretary of RAEP, Comrade GHOST

the fucking FBI just gave AJ his own case files going back 10+ yrs
lel idk if he even asked for it
>tfw >were actually breaking the conditioning
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if taiwan falls then so does US credibility
all regional cunts incl. US allies kiss the ring of the chinks and then winnie the pooh has officially faked it until he maked it and all those commie trannies are proven right
if taiwan holds then the chinks have to resolve their own internal contradictions FIRST, like the ussr did. in their case it led not just to regime change, but complete liquidation.


>I think they deliberately got him artillery'd
i could believe it tbh. for all their harping on about how evil russians are ukrainians are every bit as cruel, they're all the same general type of slav at the end of the day just with slight differences in their drunk language. and maybe slightly more homo shit on the russian side of things which i still don't get, why do they assrape each other so much?


thread is full, make a new one


srsly tho
they should stop calling it pyrrhic and start calling it putleric


I actually chuckled irl


paki nunbah wan


fuk yu basted paki dog india nomber on you mother bitch

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happy valentine day budys of much love and blessing
to spee
from spartman
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


i luv u
cmere mwah


i don lik thes negr


File: 1739553457250.png (154.83 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 7090640_0-3538611844.png)

*dives in front of mwah*
heh, time to sell this shirt see ya later nerds




File: 1739569653066.jpg (94.03 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, condomon.jpg)

stay safe today


congratulations fag you have made me fuckin mad as shit for the first time in a long time you know who you are


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ha ha ha


i already calmed down i've gotten good at that good night

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 No.1680084[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

the suberb owl thread

18:30 EST

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i lik crik to budy


>indeterminate breed
im gonna use this synonymously with the word "mutt"




Why didn't the Chiefs try to score more points ? Are they stupid ?


mutthomes wasn't feelin' it

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this is the kansas "fag capital of the world" """city""" choffs thread
welcome too all mutt homos and twerking sissy jacksons
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Is kc or phily riotb owling


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Question to /sp/

Why is KC Royals good and supported but when it comes to KC Cheifs, they are bad and by extension Kansas City also bad?


both are gay
fag capital of the world


go brewrez
go pakrz


dc about royals but i got tired of the queefs being shoved in my face fuckin constantly with ads like i have adblockers to keep my browsing from getting annoying but holy fuck for the past two years everywhere i would go to hang out that had a tv was being bombarded with mutthomes and swift's fuckboy every handful of minutes
also kansas city itself sucks even st louis is better

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stay warm duddr
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assuming its true if duddr doesnt post a selfie in 3 minutes


rip rest in peace 🙏


thanks healthline


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the tyrant is dead
time to celebrate


bit cold today innit


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i was expecting a follow up at the end showing him in the hospital with a severe inner ear infection


If he was worried about it hurting then he should've used ear oil to soften the ear wax gunk, makes it less painful to remove, though it takes a while to settle in.


this is actually insane holy shit
so fucking dangerous to let some random fucking dude stick sharp fuckin dirty tweezers into the deepest depths of your ear for 100 rupees
like just soak a little hydrogen peroxide in your ear for 10 minutes, then get an attachment for a spray bottle and spray water into your ear it'll flush all that shit out without risking punching through your eardum


lol filthy british ears. Ol dirty ears billy


its p standard in india actually
guys prolly had way more practice than your lik actual dogtor, at cleaning ears at least


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