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its a tampa kinda day


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no spartman ever told me how to improve my wage slave always tired life in 5 steps


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hatsu basho starts today, budys!
still don't know if i can get any source for the videos
so stay tuned i till update you budys
generally can reach me here or not: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner



fuk yu fagor get bak to werk in crikbat factori den maybee i payr yu 50 rupees

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 No.1650310[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


.>we are on the eve of the fall season now after a generally mediocre season AGAIN
upcoming notables
>Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon S5?
as a recap and possible spoiler left off last season with him basically entering a relationship after bonding with the elf through shared hardship
they better not fucking back off on that it was actually really refreshing
>BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!! S2
a K-on knock off with decent ratings? i really liked bochi the rock, maybe i'll try this
>Demon Lord 2099
a 'demon lord returns' and cyberpunk synthesis. basically 'boomer demonlord reincarnates in gen alpha cybertopia' which is a premise i might like because i like fish out of water tropes
>re zero S3
i hated the second half of the first one so much i didn't even bother watching s2

a smattering of isekai or video gaym fantasy that are probably garbage but will update if theres a standout
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dont eat the street food


ofc not lmao why would you just pick up turds off the street and bite them?


just wait until 2030 bitch basterd bitch


fuck last season was so fucking slow the thread is still up
gonna lock this thread so the next seasons stuff can get front and center

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Thursday, Jan. 9
%No. 5 Notre Dame 27, No. 4 Penn State 24 (College Football Playoff semifinal — Orangeb Owl)

Friday, Jan. 10
No. 3 Texas vs. No. 6 Ohio State (College Football Playoff semifinal — Cottonb Owl) | 7:30 p.m. | ESPN


STRAMS - sportsurge.net
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texas choking hard making idiot plays
death to ohio


also ohio shit coach runs lik a gril


>texas lost
lel they rly choked that one away for no reason other than being rarted
yay for a championship that no one in the world cares about


it's what the NCAA always wanted.


had we just used the 4 team playoff none of this would have happened
all 4 top rated seeds also lose right away
shit playoffs
shit championship game
death to ohio and cucklith scum
hope ISIS wins

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Cleveland Browns (3-13) vs. Baltimore Ravens (3-13)
>4:30 PM CT

Cincinnati Bengals (8-8) vs. Pittsburgh Steelers (10-6)
>8:00 PM CT


>Carolina Panthers at Atlanta Falcons, 1:00p, CBS

>Washington Commanders at Dallas Cowboys, 1:00p, FOX
>Chicago Bears at Green Bay Packers., 1:00p, FOX
>Jacksonville Jaguars at Indianapolis Colts, 1:00p, FOX
>Buffalo Bills at New England Patriots, 1:00p, CBS
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wow to think Shannon was the good guy all along


IATA budy pls check dacar thred kindly 🙏


>1.5 million for sex
Bullshit and I don't believe it.


the story gets ridiculous and it sounds like this bitch was making some shit up as revenge for getting fired

she alleges that joy "milk truck have arrived" taylor also bullied her and made fun of her muslim name with like school yard tier name parody

just thinking about joy with her large breasts protruding very very disrespectfully as she mogs this hairstylist on set rally gave me a chuckle

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Tuesday, Dec. 31
No. 4 Penn State vs. No. 9 Boise State (College Football Playoff quarterfinals — Fiestab Owl) | 7:30 p.m. | ESPN

Wednesday, Jan. 1
No. 3 Texas vs. No. 12 Arizona State (College Football Playoff quarterfinals — Peachb Owl) | 1 p.m. | ESPN
No. 1 Oregon vs. No. 6 Ohio State (College Football Playoff quarterfinals — Roseb Owl) | 5 p.m. | ESPN
No. 2 Georgia vs. No. 5 Notre Dame (College Football Playoff quarterfinals — Sugarb Owl) | 8:45 p.m. | ESPN

Sunday, Jan. 5
North Central (IL) vs. Mount Union (Staggb Owl for the DIII championship game in Houston) | 8 p.m. | ESPN

Monday, Jan. 6
Montana State vs. North Dakota State (FCS championship game in Frisco, Texas) | 7 p.m. | ESPN

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go n central


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go ndsu


NDSU won the thang


i can't stop watching this


the sound it makes is ridiculously funny. wtf even is it? jello?

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I'm genderfluid
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im trans btw


If ranma gets pregnate and transforms back into a guy, what happens to the baby?


bump since this is a vary important question


the babby moves to the boy uterus aka the colon and then gets miscarried out his asshole


Is it possible for ranma to impregnate himself??

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 No.1671669[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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it's okay we live in a democratic republic


whos talkn bout bollards


I read this guys supposed manifesto and it's retarded



u of wantrs link budy?

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 No.1670051[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


CR bless us, every one. -GHOSTy Tim

may your stockings be full and your handeggs intercepted by kelce and taytay, along with mahomes and his BEAUTIFUL wife brittany
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china would still be a third world country if the west hadn't betrayed it's own people and moved all production and the know how there


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its official


out of many one - bundle of sticks
this is why America is so gay?


A fascine is a type of long faggot used to maintain earthworks such as trenches


Cuckdeau resigning
I don't belieb it
Are the coffers secretly 100x more empty than he claims? This nigga has not cared about scandal after scandal and then ALLLLL OF A SUDDEN he gives a shit? I don't buy it
where's the fuckin' money, Justin?


no such thing as """GOATbro"""
no such thing as """ditz"""
never a """mcq"""
never was any a "da """five""""
sp is a lie
this place never.
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what about rimjobs tho?


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hey there kids
i heard you had some problems with your heads
why dont you hop in the back of the ol van and doc will have you fixed up P E R M A N E N T L Y in 15mins or less


so it's official, cucks are caused by brain damage
now we just need to bankroll the study to prove it


been pretending the music autist is him
we are homesteading


>that janitor
u talmbout lowtax fam nigga ded fo yers now hurd meh?

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New York Rangers (17-20-1) vs. Washington Capitals (26-10-3)
>11:00 AM CT
<WSH -167 OVER 6

New Jersey Devils (24-14-3) vs. San Jose Sharks (12-23-6)
>3:00 PM CT
<NJ -361 SJ +285

Detroit Red Wings (16-18-4) vs. Winnipeg Jets (27-11-2)
>6:00 PM CT
<DET +176 WPG -214
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good start


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gud win


hawk tuah coin > monero


that whore is 4/10 sorry

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Thursday, Dec. 19
Sam Houston vs. Georgia Southern (New Orleansb Owl) | 7 p.m. | ESPN2

Friday, Dec. 20
Ohio vs. Jacksonville State (Cureb Owl) | 12 p.m. | ESPN
Florida vs. Tulane (Gasparillab Owl) | 3:30 p.m. | ESPN

Monday, Dec. 23
Coastal Carolina vs. UTSA (Myrtle Beachb Owl) | 11 a.m. | ESPN
Northern Illinois vs. Fresno State (Famous Idaho Potatob Owl) | 2:30 p.m. | ESPN

Tuesday, Dec. 24
South Florida vs. San Jose State (Hawai'ib Owl) | 8 p.m. | ESPN

Thursday, Dec. 26
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go old piss


tomorrow is last day ofb owls for the season
only playoffs and championships after that


go liberty




vacationb owl


Why does the TOR address still exist if u cant even post through it dudbro


because you post pizza over it
now please die of liver failure before new year


torposters should be allowed to post text only or at least into a queue to be manually approved by the jannies


this ☝️☝️☝️


duddr stopped paying jannies in CRcoins because they worth nothing and duddr is still a teen and his allowance doesn't allow him to pay real money to mods


that never stopped moot

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if we're gonna have a troonime thread where's the programming socks thread?




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you faggots should die of liver failure just lik poopedo


im trans btw forgot to mention that

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Minnesota Wild vs. Washington Capitals
Game in Progress
>MIN: 0 - WSH: 0

Carolina Hurricanes vs. Florida Panthers
Game in Progress
>CAR: 1 - FLA: 0

Boston Bruins vs. New York Rangers
Game in Progress
>BOS: 0 - NYR: 0
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good period


no such thing as good periods


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good shot


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gud win

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