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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day


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make the superb owl thread


make the riotb owl thread


File: 1739189606433.webm (867.76 KB, 320x568, 40:71, no riot.webm)

sorry, i'm not going out rioting. i'm having chinese

File: 1739162560915.jpeg (156.26 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, OIG.zdCGD_6kcFK.jpeg)


GHOST won.

File: 1738120722765.jpg (118.51 KB, 431x696, 431:696, 1733970346668.jpg)


someone make da invite
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File: 1739129723059.png (332.49 KB, 320x402, 160:201, dotzler2.png)


invite t. swift and behead her for all of /sp/ee to bask in the glory of this justice to the infidel


File: 1739132905742.webm (3.95 MB, 208x360, 26:45, The Power.webm)

tvch would be ok if it wasn't filled with namefags and btards
gaohogre seems ok too ignoring that he may be a fed plant after he got raided


File: 1739136561844.mp4 (1.91 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, stretching.mp4)

need help with my pregame stretches


turn ur head and cough

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lookin GOOD gayhocks lmao
bouncyball madness time SOON


either way missouri still going to win the owl


stupid lookin birp

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make the nfl thread
52 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>spee only watches nfl
you know this isnt even legally a sport right
you do know that right
nfl is strictly not a sport you do know that dont you
you do know that nfl is not a sport




i should be more of a dirtbag it clearly makes you live longer


but do you want to spend 40 years watching your team go to shit with no hope in sight, knowing that it's all your fault?


yah if it's a guaranteed winning bet lmao, kill the birds idgaf i'm a millionaire because of it


Beyond gay


yeah your irl loli posting is beyond gay
please die of liver failure

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'frog on the 'log


File: 1738621754512.webm (12.66 MB, 720x720, 1:1, al_mawt_li_israil.webm)



File: 1738852813341.mp4 (9.28 MB, 360x360, 1:1, Beam On Ya Toes.mp4)

Divided by dudder is asian

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this smug little fucker is TAUNTING me
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I’d taunt yu too, if you cut my tree down to maker crik bats yu benchod basted paki dog


home run derby is cursed media


has anyone actually beaten this game legit?
what am i asking ofc someone has the real question is how functional is their autism?


yes, there are videos of people beating the game. it's doable but hard and you need some rng luck

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prob owl
nobody watches this
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how would spee make the prob owl entertaining


is that scoragami?


dirtbikes prolly


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 No.1677911[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


yuo are of danger to cunt and because of your sympathy towards EBIL jansexers i cannot appoint you as nomnee -Senator GHOST (CR-D)

total cia death coming to a country near you
551 posts and 244 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


even more incentive to jihadaroo


I’m in the wrong line of bidness. how many did they break?


dont mess with football


It's just like any typical hostage situation
Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette


idk sounds to me like the judge is given


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when is the dup mandated actual race war?


File: 1738603991553.png (713.08 KB, 1295x851, 35:23, Trump Royale.png)

starts next wednesday


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race war canceled ty

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A swift and powerful death to ALL of these leaf fucks
becoming a 51st state would be too good of a fate for you fuckface actual niggers
A 9/11 every minute is what is deserved
Full invasion to kill every man, woman, and child in canadumb


File: 1738585532309.jpg (149.75 KB, 662x804, 331:402, Monster Butthurt.jpg)

lmao what a bunch of butthurt leafs
just need to redirect that anger towards their retarded trudeaufuhrer then maybe we'll think about importing royal canadian again


hey leaf
kill yourself
then you win

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helo budys i am india now
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India on the seaweed train


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Did you die riding the train yet


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this guy definitely in bollywood


Leaving india
didn't get sick at all
hope to go back and watch crik next time


vary nic
how was the trip overall?
pls cum back agen budy

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its a kcbro kinda day


File: 1738380383500.jpeg (168.16 KB, 1161x1468, 1161:1468, fight like the third monk….jpeg)

kc will lose


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both must lose

File: 1737550531087.webm (9.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, dupgate.webm)

 No.1676206[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Together these world leading technology giants are announcing the formation of Stargate. So put that name down in your books because I think you're going to hear a lot about it in the future. A new American company that will invest $500 billion at least in AI infrastructure in the United States and move very rapidly, creating over 100,000 American jobs almost immediately.
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>tulsis on at the same time
amateur hour at senate scheduling committee


Qoomers on suicide watch


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your ticket sir


File: 1738289541694.mp4 (5.58 MB, 1260x720, 7:4, irh5p9IaLzJW-fKP.mp4)


>my money didnt come from pharmaceutical companies.
>it came from the workers in pharmaceutical companies.
I don't think contributions from individuals get grouped by the types of jobs those individuals held, bernie.

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