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its a tampa kinda day


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what is ur name

mine is peter peterson


>what is ur name
my name is mine

t. Jeff Jeffers


File: 1739650347392-0.jpg (156.93 KB, 900x563, 900:563, Russians.jpg)

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 No.1681568[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


if you bigots had just listened to us about CLIMATE CHANGE the meteor would've hit mar-a-lago instead of bombay -GHOSTPeace

>China is recruiting for what it calls a “planetary defense” unit to protect Earth from an asteroid that could strike in 2032. Beijing’s State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry has posted job listings for three positions, according to a Chinese news outlet.

>One listing said the department was seeking graduates to study asteroid monitoring and design early warning systems.
>The move comes as the European Space Agency reported on Friday that the probability of Asteroid 2024 YR4 hitting Earth in 2032 was 2.2%.

563 posts and 200 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


but who would play chrischan?


i just rly dont see where or how it couldve been worse given the circumstances. short of it spiraling out into actual WWIII, of course. and/or it continuing uninterrupted for another 3-4yrs which it def wouldve under bidup/kammy
in terms of modern wars fought with modern militaries armed with modern equipment, this war was on a completely diff level than anything thats happened since ive been alive. and it rly is not close.

syrian civil war was a legendary shitshow with lik a dozen diff sides killing each other for over a decade. all while civvies were trapped directly in the middle of it. even that has nowhere near these numbers.
and in slavlands you can hardly even fight for lik a third of the year, cuz its cold af. didnt matter here tho, cuz drones. still hundreds on each side dying every week, even in the absolute doldrums of winter. you got 100s of thousands of kids coming back home as paraplegics, if they were even lucky enough to come back at all. the mass dismemberment is what rly sets it apart from other wars imo. its lik the IED casualties from iraq war, but multiplied by a gorillion

ill say it again, cuz it bears repeating: this war was absolutely fucking retarded


more lik it turns out kiwinigger rumors aren't actually evidence and anyone can tell at a glance that chris can be tricked into saying and believing p much anything if you word it to him right bc he's a literal autist


the world population was collectively less than 2.5 billion in the 40s and ww1 and ww2 combined killed about 100 million people so those two conflicts alone btfo like 4% of the global population and then there was all the smaller wars and commie genocides that took place outside of the scope of either world war. then post-ww2 the korean war and vietnam war piled on another couple million bodies, prolly millions dedded in apefrican and south american conflicts bc >cold war, then the iran-iraq shitfest and yugoslavia breaking up
i'm not gonna do all these calculations rn but that's a couple hundred million ded in a century even %-wise that btfos the vast majority of past centuries save for shit like the black plague and golden horde days and maybe a couple of ancient chink dynasties


she hit the wall



ITT: describe your dad with a subreddit's name
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i thought sports ching was gone forever


it is. do you not remember hitting your head?


yah where is teh bunker now that depreschan is kil?




Did something happen, i was out for a week


yah >we just crashed


 No.1672824[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

make a dacar thread
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File: 1737055875398-0.mp4 (24.24 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, DakarFlash_-_The_rally_lea….mp4) [play once] [loop]

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no flood


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/sp/uys… im starting to think we don't have "yuge gocks"….


desribe you're gockr using spartschan memes





File: 1740273338080.webm (4.48 MB, 426x240, 71:40, op is a faggot.webm) [play once] [loop]

yeah yu are


File: 1740107599335.png (90.77 KB, 1008x248, 126:31, Screenshot_20250220-221222.png)


I'm so proud of Jim Watkins for somehow keeping this thing alive, such rennovation and upkeep.


What ever happened to the genetic dud anyways?


heem a christian furry thats into makin fonts last i heard


>speak freely legally
if that isn't a joke then whoever wrote it should be kicked in the head


oh no that was the good ending
he didnt grind up enough points tho so he got the bad ending
hes a tranny diaperfur now
im not even kidding


its all retarded but, gonna try here
yiffag: always kinda wrote that off as him being stuck in a crash test dummy and getting brain broken by jim-Q-ibs
diaper shit: prob get used to doodoo being a crash test dummy & payin a ladyboy to change your nappie cant be cheap

but tranny on top? fug. sure i'm not the only one here that banted with him b4 the cheese slid off his cracker years ago, why not just old yeller if you need to escape that bad idgi


File: 1740159231326.webm (4.91 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1669184790023115.webm) [play once] [loop]



Rays (0-0) vs. Yankees (0-0)
>12:05 PM CT

Northeastern Huskies (0-0) vs. Red Sox (0-0)
>12:05 PM CT

Rangers (0-0) vs. Royals (0-0)
>2:05 PM CT

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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canada would win that one too


canada isnt even a country so that whole thing was mostly just a formality




File: 1740171856660.webm (1.2 MB, 960x720, 4:3, King_Terry_the_Terrible.webm) [play once] [loop]

i miss terry spros


File: 1740172495587.webm (4.94 MB, 600x338, 300:169, kingterry.webm) [play once] [loop]

me too, budy



is your dad alright?


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 No.1632877[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm traveling to America for the first time today. How do I stay alive and maybe even enjoy my time there.
467 posts and 130 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


such a great game, I still play it sometimes


File: 1740134041764.jpg (3.68 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, 20250220_131239.jpg)

Flew back today. Ate this before boarding. Also in one of the men's bathroom at Seattle airport there was a dispenser for tampons and pregnancy tests. First time saw something like that.


looked like you had a lotta fun this trip tho glad you enjoyed yourself


gud blt
what was restaurant


Dunno, some pub in the airport

yup budy, until next time


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>/sp/orts board
>no floor squeak thread
Specifically no floor squeak thread with J. Butler shitting himself in-game


if your turds are yellow you have a bad liver problem


basketball is not a spart. it's an activity


Do you think he was the spammer this whole time?


well it is nigger tier behavior


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Cubs vs. Dodgers
Game in Progress
>CHC: 1 - LAD: 3
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joke kakis aside that sucks, the fact you can hear a THWOCK at all is vary bad hope he doesn't have brain bleeding


vary nice kaki


came here to post that




lel i just noticed the batter's reaction, he had a bit of a wtf do i do here moment



can u add all the 76chan boards back since we have 76chan.org again
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ok i asked him about search, he pointed out that theres one in the catalog, but it only searches OPs. Said he could add a full text search but got a shit ton of things ahead of that so i was lik ok cool no hurry :) and that was that. nice guy


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this. use proven enterprise software. java, tomcat server, servlets, jsp. mvc design pattern, security and scalability


i tried to watch one of this guy's java classes for the lulz once and couldn't understand a single fucking thing he was talking about


obv not of the caliber that the esteemed and honorable mr nagoor babu, the icon of java, demands of his students


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i am but a worm
i am not worthy


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who is your fursona?


File: 1740004342085.webm (5.48 MB, 480x360, 4:3, YIFF IN HELL.webm) [play once] [loop]

yiff in hell dogfucker


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the chinky coon


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