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its a tampa kinda day
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kakasex in spee and fedocel in librejp

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just crazy enough to believe


it's happening again in the cat thread


dudder pls do something about the pizza in librejp
getting tired of seeing it


that's their culture bigot


tbh what the pizza spammer posts is tame compared to what they post there






>multiple mental shitfits in the politics containment thread
>some of it seeps into other threads
>only active sparts thread is the sumo basho thread
>now the shit chomo is back and posting full on penetration
wow >we really everything this past week
hows that upgrade coming along dudder it supposedly has better anti-pedo spam filtering at least right?


duddr get rid of the spam and move to jschan






Reported the pizza, jannies do something NOW


ddduder needs a neurochip connected directly to the lik button


btw, the onion has been down for a week or more




>sea pea still up
>webring spastic(s?) just going ham and shitting the whole board up now
ok fuck this i'll be back in like a month or so and if it still sucks i'm gonna pull a tpaste and whine a bit then leave forever


Oh sure, just leave when the going gets tough. Good riddance. cya tomorrow fam :D


budy this ain't shit, give dudder time heem prolly asleep or at werk or chasing tail
Get back to me when it's more than some retards in their containment thread and I'll understand your frustration


there's 3 or 4 threads not including the chomp thread that are blatant faggotry so you're wrong tho leaving for a month mite b an overreaction on his part. or he's just tired of your faggot politics thread getting all the traffic idk this place got annoying af rally fuckin fast


seen a couple stupid slapfights and suddenly a couple spartmen are tearing their damned eyes out
the politics are gay but this is either completely manufactured BS or spartman really has lost his backbone, and I'm leaning towards completely manufactured BS because the two autists screeching at each other are both stupid chiefs fans


who fucking cares the uppity tourist fags need to be told to chill the fuck out or get the fuck out no one comes to this bort for this autistic shit >we come here for other autistic shit like kakis and /sp/animals
speaking of which i haven't made a kaki in a couple months


Yeah well, we got fencing in early April, chinky track and field in 2 days, cricket, a couple dakar events coming up, and about a dozen foosball events between rugby, hurling, american foosball, and international foosball.
So the fuck do you wanna watch?


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>more metapost whining

this. budy lonked me picrel and idk wut that zine has to do w anything but it reads lik some fag tryin to start bort wars which mitebfun but at least go all in and not a tween girl
its indistinguishable from the retardation and ur just givin xim what xe wants ya doof. board 101


>goes to screencap
>accuses others of starting shit
you made those posts lmao quit being a fucking faggot dude it's just an autistic video game magazine jesus christ


lik this just gets funnier the more i think about it
>shits the bort up and accuses others of posting on other sites
>frequently goes and whinges about people insulting the tesla shit out of nowhere
>has shitfits then tells others to calm down
>realize your shitstirring isn't really going anywhere
>go make some low effort posts on another site then screencap them
i hope you're merely having a giggle bc idk how anyone could do this shit unironically


it prolly is just one faggot arguing with himself like a deranged autist
duddr can chek ip hosts if they're all the same vpn company its prolly just one guy


maybe can check if its the same vpn that poopedo uses


it's already readily apparent it's like one or two fags. seems like it's calming down anyway, plus if shit chomo is involved somehow he definitely uses multiple vpns bc otherwise he'd prolly have burned through all of the usable ips from a single provider by now


not my cap guy who guesses everyone wrong


or posts. fuckin hell this fags got panties all bunched up


uh huh right
i don't see anyone else running about other sites grabbing screenshots just to run back here and gawk like the rest of >us are supposed to give a shit what gets posted wherever that is
literally the only reason to do what you're doing is to start shit. you're accusing others of what you're doing, i bet if you went and got a dna test it'd come back at least half ashkenazi


you wrote an entire greentext about retarded your theory is and said yup send it. moron
rather than prove it i'm going to let you schizo flail


lel i dont have to "flail" to prove youre a faggot at all budy youre making yourself look retarded enough on your own. even if that other faggotry wasnt you it is going to another site screencapping stupid shit and then posting it here and soy gawking about it alone is the gayest behavior imaginable


that fag has broken you lelmao


>One or two fags and slowing down
I just stopped giving heil hortlarnigger (You)s since it's p obvious he's just doing it for attention and it's manufactured e-drama with how he sperges out. It seemed organic the first couple times but now it's pretty clear he thinks he's milking cows or something and I'm bored/annoyed with him shitting up the board for personal pleasure. He couldn't even tell me which sparts he wanted to wash when I gave him a curated list
nah fam i'll just stick to only posting major news updates and stop posting Ukrainian warshit/Israelshit since it triggers him. Would rather post sumo or dakar or trukr anyways, maybe some crik or fencing when the next tourney comes up


only reasonable response tbh since hes resorted to screencapping his own posts hes clearly desperate for dopamine
i'm just glad i never had something fuck my life up to the point i waste my time with gayops


ur creating gayops in ur head bud
point speeps are trying to mak is anon posts shouldn't matter bc they dont. not worth emotions other than beneficial ones






Nah he's right making screencaps of other posts on other sites to blame people here for it is peak fag shit. Plus you're contradicting yourself, saying "chillllll brah ppl just post n shiet" right after doing that is stupid lmao, maybe practice what you preach.


Speaking of fag shit the chomo got tired of making threads and is spamming inside other threads now. If it's not autists trying to start petty board wars it's fuckin child molesters salting the board, ffs just nuke Siberia until there's nothing left alive, none of those "people" are human anyway.


lik i said a budy sent it to me so figured i'd give heads up
ya ur right tho. idgaf about this shit so who cares


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here. had a few and figured i'd clear the air instead of antagonizing retards cuz this site is kinda lik the old guys who coffee at mcdonalds in the morn to me
my bro doesnt main spee, knows i do, so asked
now can shit chill tf out?


just stop talking about it and go back to talking and sparts and dup shenanigans
that's literally it
anyone posting about drama after this point will be beaten mutilated and fed to the retarded kids


i demand an apology in 14pt arial GHOST on my desk ACLU formatting by noon
no overtime



>he's still going
i'm not reading anymore of your shit just drop it and quit being a drama causing nigger this shouldn't be difficult








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