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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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I'm so proud of Jim Watkins for somehow keeping this thing alive, such rennovation and upkeep.


What ever happened to the genetic dud anyways?


heem a christian furry thats into makin fonts last i heard


>speak freely legally
if that isn't a joke then whoever wrote it should be kicked in the head


oh no that was the good ending
he didnt grind up enough points tho so he got the bad ending
hes a tranny diaperfur now
im not even kidding


its all retarded but, gonna try here
yiffag: always kinda wrote that off as him being stuck in a crash test dummy and getting brain broken by jim-Q-ibs
diaper shit: prob get used to doodoo being a crash test dummy & payin a ladyboy to change your nappie cant be cheap

but tranny on top? fug. sure i'm not the only one here that banted with him b4 the cheese slid off his cracker years ago, why not just old yeller if you need to escape that bad idgi

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