i have more fun being a scrub and figuring it out on my own, then minmaxing later if i get into the game
iirc thats not going to fuck me right?
>>7510its not rly minmaxing tbh
its just armors gay. youll see what i mean. it looks gay, it works gay, and if its heavy armor, thats lik half your inventory weight, which is p gay
the only thing that most ppl will tell you """matters""" is minmaxing your END early on so you have more health. but i guess it doesnt matter that much at all, cuz i never use armor, and thus p much cant level up END. its never been a problem tho cuz shield spells is GOAT
>>7510>iirc thats not going to fuck me right?and thats the thing is that it kinda DOES. lik the ex with lvling END early. if you dont, youll never have as much health as a character who did. but its also oblivion so you can just break another mechanic and make up for it in other ways. magic being the easiest way to do so in vanilla
>>7511>>7512thanks spros i'm sold on no armor and tard flailing. akshually cant remember if i ever finished it now
you guys play recently or remember this stuff?
there was some mod that let you have more than 1 summon at a time, depending on skill level. Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul or maybe included in Midas idk. i went as a conjuration mage into a deadra conjurer dungeon with that, shit was hours of ww1 attrition battle to get through a door into the main room. breddy gud
also, touch paralysis is great. touch dude, let summons beat him up, if he stands up touch again
>>7513>akshually cant remember if i ever finished it nowi wouldnt be surprised if you didnt. all my homies never fucked w the MQ.
back when i first played i found oblivion gates annoying since they fucked up the pretty lookin sky if you got too near them. so i just never gave jauffre the amulet, so then theyd never show up. then id just futz around in sidequests, maybe go to the shivering isles and just stay there until i wanted to roll a new character.
its kinda the same thing with skyrim, where if you just never go to bleak falls barrow, youll never need to plink arrows at dragons trying to get them to land, cuz theyll just never show up. you can still have a decent time, BUT you lose access to shouts and cant "win".
in oblivion, shirking the MQ lets you do all the other quests, and even beat the whole DLC no problem, but you do give up being able to have access to the best form of enchantments in the game: sigil stones. if you wanna get srs about enchanting you need to do the MQ until oblivion gates show up. only lik 1 or 2 missions in.
first time i actually bothered to do the whole MQ was lik 2yrs ago. tbh its ok, its not better than morrowinds, but it looks/sounds a lot more epic. aside from the generic oblivion gate spam
the great gate is p sick tho. peak ripping off LotR vibes its rly not even that long. mankars lil monologue towards the very end there is actually extremely interesting from a lore pov.
but i wouldnt get bent out of shape trying to focus on it, as most of the other faction quests and even dumb sidequests/dungeons
esp those in the shivering isles are way more fun. theres no time limit to anything, so the stark contrast of the MQs "HURRY YOU NEED TO SAVE LE WORLD", and then me fucking off for lik 6 in-game months always fucked w my sense of RPing.
its one of those many little things morrowind did way better than any other game in the series. you show up to caius and hes lik, "wtf bro? are you unironically lvl 1? go do some quests first n00b"
its worth a playthrough at least, but only do it if you feel like it, or if its what your character would do or whatev.
if youre looking for an extra challenge, start it AFTER youve leveled up some and itll be p hard cuz lvl scaling. if you just want the lore then do it rly quick and you can prolly breeze through it never have to fight much of anything above scamps
one big thing about the DLC shivering isles, if youre playing that.
if youre playing on the GotY version, definitely make sure you patch it. iirc, in vanilla, all the rly rly cool, unique, and def worth it sidequest loot in the isles scales to the moment you obtain the start-up quest to go visit sheogorath. todd, in his near infinite wisdom, made it so all sidequest loot scales to the moment you install the DLC. w the GotY version, its permanently pre-installed, so that means you get the quest immediately upon exiting the tutorial dungeon, permanently ruining basically all of the cool sidequest loot and locking it at lvl 1 scaling. colossal fuck-up. and one they never officially fixed
iirc this is one of the things the unofficial oblivion patch fixes, but it might just be a small stand-alone mod idk.
def worth considering if you wanna play the shivering isles, cuz theres some rly cool stuff you can get
>>7515>also, touch paralysis is great. touch dude, let summons beat him up, if he stands up touch againheh you aint seen nothin kid
>custom spell>damage fatigue on touch x pts for 5-10secs>weakness to magicka on touch 100% for 5-10secsmight cost more and take a few more casts, but once they run out of fatigue they turn into jello and just collapse into golden-era havok engine ragdoll shenanigans. even better the weakness to magicka not only stacks, and refreshes the timer on both spell effects, but its also multiplicative w itself and the timer on the spell.
i memeber i did that one quest where you turn in the corrupt imperial city guard. when he
broke out a few days later and tried to murder me in my sleep i was in my house on the waterfront. woke up and just kept spamming the spell on him nonstop for like 20mins. he was there, stuck as a helpless puddle of polygons, for several in-game days. sometimes id whack him w a sword and he would scream. hopefully he learned his lesson to not be such a meanie
ill admit paralyze is p fun tho
i usually just use it for cheap crowd control
>paralyze on touch in 10ft for 1sec
if youre getting cornered, press that and theyll all fall over and have to get back up. super cheap spell to cast. just gotta be careful w enemies that have reflect
the better one in a practical sense is prolly using demoralize
>fortify speed on touch 75-100pts for 3secs
>fortify athletics on touch 75-100pts for 3secs
>demoralize on touch for 4secs
if you can afford it, you can even make it AoE. stupid powerful. it makes all the enemies run away at super speed like theyre in some looney toons shit. i seem to remember its not even considered an attack either, cuz i vaguely recall spamming it on NPCs/guards in the imperial city for shits and giggles and i dont think i got arrested
>>7516nice glad to hear about MQ, hat that timed shit too
only time ive ever finished scrolls main stories was getting bored and just wanting it to be over, so just skyrim
>>7517>sidequest loot scales to the moment you install the DLClel what a genius. fortunately godd has no power in my domain
>>7520>400 modsoh youre prolly gud then. you wont even have to worry about the scaling
ive always argued that the OG "enemies are min-maxing from lvl 1, and if ur not u can git fuckt kid" type of lvl scaling was actually what made oblivion kinda unique. it forced you to play around with all the broken mechanics you have available, lik magic, alchemy, stealth multipliers etc.
problem was, even if you left it at default difficulty, by the time you were lvl 20+ you HAD to be getting creative in how you were doing damage or else you would just get outmuscled and fucked to death by a swarm of daedra.
it was prolly just laziness/lack of time that resulted in it being as fucked as it was, but imo it does kinda fit the theme of tamriel getting invaded by dagon. if they had just made it so all the bandits arent running around w ebony/daedric armor/weapons too, it mightve actually made sense
either way im sure thats been modded out for something more sensible in whatever modpack youre going with. its lik the first thing everyone wanted to change. OG has its charm tho imo
>>7522well shit. agree with your argument 100%, didnt know that
fucking around for funs bc alone on friday tonight. no idea what im doing far as the game
planning on none of this working and going straight vanilla other than textures
is base game oblivion worth a shit at all?
>>7524upfront: t. the tard itt
what do you value in gaymen? product of its time as all vidya but i remember it being at the start of de-evolution/evolution where certain shit was still dumbed down in balance if that makes sense
>>7522nah not quite because there was always the emergency out of backpedaling in circles and spamming the heal spell you start with and waiting for your magicka to recharge so you can do it some more, plus the option to buy stacks of potions because when every bandit is wearing glass a gauntlet is worth more than your house
thank fuck deadly reflex and the others fixed every enemy being a tree to chop down, moving away from morrowind combat was the worst mistake bethesda ever made except for all the others
>>7516the plots of morrowind and oblivion are amazing for completely different reasons, except morrowind's main quest is [spoiler]fun[/spoiler]
morrowind's is brilliant because it's a complete subversion of monomyth that can basically be summeed up by the opening quote "each event is preceded by prophecy, but without the hero there's no event"
oblivion on the other hand is amazing because it's the most post-9/11 fantasy game ever made. the seemingly invincible empire faces an existential threat out of nowhere from the invincible Mythic-Al-Qaeda-Dawn and when they crash their daggers into the twin heirs and it's up to you and Jack Baurus to save the world in 24 not-actually-timed hours from Michael Biehn. the only way it could be better is if the final villain was literally Osama
>>7524i did it str8 nilla 2ish yrs ago and beat the MQ (for the first time) and all of shivering isles and i had fun
tho i also played it first around lik 2008-2011 with mods and shit
i bet if you were skybabby that never played it, itd be a bit of a shock
so long as you avoid basic ass sword and board
which is p bad and arguably unplayable at hi difficulty theres some fun stuff to do.
imo its the best game for being stealth archer in the series. magic is also raly fun, but not quite as fun as in morrowind.
the sidequests are usually quite gud, and it possibly has some of the best in the series. thieves guild quest is the best faction questline in the whole series. tons of ppl love the DB, personally i think its a bit corny, but the actual quests in isolation are quite fun with their "bonuses" you can achieve for killing the mark in a special way. and the bonuses are rly gud loot
i think its a lot of fun. in fact it kinda ruined skyrim completely for me now. having a speed attribute and athletics and acrobatics
and being able to buff those well over 100 with magic leaves all the other games feeling slow af
>>7526>moving away from morrowind combat was the worst mistake bethesda ever made except for all the othersi lik dicerolls too budy
its just better if youre trying to RP as some sort of gimped character, or someone who has a weakness
which is the secret to getting a lot of replayability out of RPGsonce you get too gud at something thats essentially just an action game, you cant get un-gud. youre just gud now, and even if your character isnt, it doesnt matter
ya know whats funny tho is, other than the lack of dicerolls, it actually p much still IS morrowinds system. fatigue is still of paramount importance, its just that everyone
thinks its useless. if you just spam attack on an enemy till you have no green-juice left, your actual attack power drops %-wise alongside your fatigue bar. at high lvl w melee only, this means youre basically spamming left click/R1 10x as much as if you had full fatigue. and at high lvls, enemy health regen becomes impossible to overcome if youre only doin 1/10th of the damage on a sword that only does 10dmg.
the solution is ez af, you just make a ton of restore fatigue potions and pop a few before heading into battle. its just no one thinks to do it cuz "fatigue is pointless in oblivion". try it, youll notice the difference
>>7528that's interesting but the critical problem with oblivion's combat is that in morrowind attacks could do damage. if you're doing an ironman run and you see a guy with a big sword or axe he's SCARY. that s'wit can take all your health in one swing if you're not wearing a full tin can. will he? maybe he'll do pokes for 2 damage or miss every swing. considering all of that is tense and it's FUN. it's fun if you're doing a normal savescumming playthrough but you may not feel it as much because you can just cheese and reload a quicksave from 2min ago.
in oblivion every attack does 2 damage. if you're a pro maybe you do 3 damage. it's a little bit fun to have to block and dodge enemy attacks because they can do so much damage but all you're doing is chopping down a tree, and the difference between a full fatigue bar or not is the difference between a sharpened axe and a dull one–you're still chopping down a tree
>the power attacks that could disarm or knockdown were a little fun too No.7536
>Oblivion moddingIs this even worth it beyond bugfixes and QoL stuff? I remember trying OOO a few years ago and all the new weapons and stuff were nice but from I remember it made the enemies even more bullet sponge-y than they are in the vanilla game.
Nowadays I use this guide which was made by the same guy as Viva New Vegas, it's mostly decent but there's also a lot of pointless fluff in there which you can ignore (like fucking diverse class portraits lmao).
>>7536dunno see if the other guy shows up
the only mod i remember clearly was the 28 days and a bit later mod. which apparently is still getting updated. sick. and then i also remember playing that one where theres lik an archaeologists guild and it had amateur voice-acting and the guy who made it apparently moved on to start some youtube cult where he told everyone to smoke DMT every day for a month. that one was p gud actually. he shouldve just kept making mods and not smoked as much DMT tbh
>>7536nah there's a bunch of optional mods to improve the experience but all you REALLY need is whatever the community bugfix and I think darnified UI is the one people recommend to unfuck the consoleitis afflicting the menus.
everything else is seasonings, side dishes and desserts
has anyone played nehrim? it's a TC I remember being very well received
>>7538I played the Daggerfall archaeologist guild mod which was decent so might check that out I guess
> the guy who made it apparently moved on to start some youtube cult where he told everyone to smoke DMT every day for a monthbased
Thinking of it I also played this one a while ago which was pretty decent's unfinished and doesn't have voice acting but there's some okay quests, items, player homes etc.. Always thought it was a shame that Oblivion is lacking in good landmass mods when Morrowind has Tamriel Rebuilt and Skyrim has the Beyond projects so this is pretty much the closest thing it has.
>>7541>I played the Daggerfall archaeologist guild modthat ones great
esp with the buffed
so that they work at all speech skills in the sourceport, having a guild around that was needed. clever way to introduce a QoL change too w the dungeon-quest-objective-finder-thang.
im p sure the DF one
i think theres a morrowind one too is based on that oblivion mod. they act the same. theyre an anti-mages guild, thievey/bard-y bunch of nerds who look for rare artifacts. it
"the lost spires", had to look it up was one of the big mods back in the day for oblivion. i think it was the only one to have voiced dialogue, which was a p big deal
i dont want to start a new thread just to ask this. i was looking at a torrent for oneshot, but it's an igg games torrent. did all of their torrents have cryptomining embedded in them or was that just some of them? i remember that being an issue several years ago because some 8/v/ faggot got really mad at me for not knowing about it
>>7520its kind of impressive that vortex "just works"
for a while nexus had a whole mishmosh of various mod managers for different bethesda games
i ended up going with this collection then a scaling fix that makes enemies static and caps the scaling for quest related monsters
and a better faces because dear god vannilla face models are so fucking bad
not sure i even need the 4gb patch but i might go get it to be safe
>>7543my budy that stays on top of this stuff says he avoids em fwtw
>>7546nice looks lik a clean collection
ya hadnt messed with vortex before. went nuts just to see and its pure magic. shame its nexus but w/e
>>7546isn't vortex windows only and requires a nexus account?
>>7549you're right but I think beth is terrified of proper pacing because if they don't frontload the """awesome"""" like a cheap michael bay knockoff the casuals will quit after an hour. what you describe would also do a lot to alleviate how tedious the gates are
>walk from anvil to leyawiin>50 gates on the way>they're all one of 5 templates>going to one gate reveals another 2 on the compass>ignoring the gates reveals they're 0 threat>complete paper tigers>red sky still ruins the commuteexcept for maybe fallout 3 every bethesda game after morrowind has the climax at the start and everything after is just falling action and fetch quests
>>7549>Its just such a shame that post-Morrowind Bethesda knows nothing about pacingtbh i think it was a conscious decision. something they """perfected""" in skyrim. its more apparent in that game at least. the entire intro sequence is all crazy "whoah scawwy dragon", then you escape and youre p much constantly signposted by literally every NPC, or even dungeon, into the first MQ. its done so that your first time playing, youll be fighting dragons within lik, idk, 2hrs or so. in one sitting at least. THAT was the idea. they were trying to market it towards cowadoody normies who thought an RPG was a rocket launcher. those fags have zero patience for a slowburn CRPG, so they wouldve bounced right off if it just started as you as some farmhand in backfucksville
imo its an irredeemably shit idea. one that p much spits in the face of the entire point of open-world design. but it
was executed well enough by skyrim ultimately, and it def did work seeing its sales numbers
oblivions intro/pacing issues were just growing pains for shitrim
>>7550>they're all one of 5 templatesiirc theres 6
but still
idk if i wouldve even minded if they bothered to actually hide stuff in any of them. the only one that has any actual secrets is the one where you can find the hatreds heart/soul weapons
its guaranteed outside chorrol iirc. that one is really cool. if they had done more stuff like that i doubt ppl would even complain that theres only a handful of them.
other than the hatreds heart/soul one, my fav was always the big mountain one. where youre just supposed to run around all the obstacles/traps and head through caves to get to the tower up top. until you figure out you can make a custom spell of fortify acrobatics, speed and feather and can use that slingshot yourself off of geometry straight to the tower
make 100% chameleon gear
stealth archer them into the faec
>>7558dont knock stealth archer in oblivion
oblivion archery is fun and actually feels like a bow and arrow. unlike skyrim where its basically just a laser gun
throw in the athletics skill, speed stat
and much higher movement speed overall, and acrobatics skill mastery letting you literally jump off the surface of water, you got a p gud time
>>7560i just remember stealth anything being ridiculously op in anything bethesda
to be fair its been years since i played these games and generally when i did it was as a completely OP murder hobo
right now im playing through as a good guy, trying to obey the law and doing things legit and i think im getting some quests that i have never seen before because of "good guy" status, its refreshing
>>7562>i just remember stealth anything being ridiculously op in anything bethesdaits pretty bad in morrowind. more a factor of stealth as a skill hardly working tho
DOSggerfall its p bad too. with the unity port its fun tho
>right now im playing through as a good guyif you picked heavy armor, you could try to do the knights of the nine questline. hell even if you didnt pick it as a skill, its still prolly worth it. rly rly gud armor and weapons. you go full paladin and youll have p much the best armor
no worrying about scaling either since you can scale it up to your current lvl by putting it on the armor stand at base. gives you some cool paladin-like spells and constant effects
one of em makes it so animals dont aggro on you, which is awesome cuz then you can ride the unicorn while you wear it too
either way, you cant even DO that questline if you have higher than 2 infamy
and it cant go any higher while youre wearing it or the armor will literally fall off of you and you have to go repent, so if youre already a gud guy and plan on staying that way, its well worth your time
>>7563Its kind of funny that the armor of a guy who in the lore led a genocidal no mercy leave behind a sea of blood murder spree against Elves is the goody two-shoes armor.
Is Bethesda trying to tell us that sometimes….genocide against certain races is good ?
>>7560I only used a bow in vanilla on *XBOX*. It was so bad I never touched it again. I think I used a hundred arrows on a single daedra before I just gave up.
>>7564haven't elves in elder scrolls typically always been portrayed as cuntish and borderline/outright evil in many cases?
>>7564i could explain it for you but if youre feeling brave go look for "the songs of pelinel" 1-10. theyre in most chapels, in the underground parts where the priests have their living quarters. prolly my favorite books in the series tbh. its lik if the 36 lessons were written even semi-coherently. still raly weird and kirkbride, but ya
pelinel is a time traveling cyborg(?) from the future, powered by the heart of lorkhan/shezarr/shor, sent back as an avatar of the dead god to restore balance between the races and lift the races of men out of perpetual servitude to the ayleids. its a divine comeuppance for the ayleids who had pushed too far at unraveling the secrets of the missing gods realm (that is if you believe mankars assertions (i do) that nirn, itself, is the realm of shezarr). under ayleid slavery, humans never knew "hope". alessia was the first to think of the concept of "hope" and "freedom", and tried praying for it. auriel and the aedra, being strictly elven gods at the time, spurned her prayer, so shezarr the trickster answered her instead. one night, under the sign of the serpent (shezarrs star sign) pelinel gets sent down to slaughter all the wicked elves for their misdeeds and mistreatment of shezarrs children (men). to be clear tho, he didnt kill ALL of the elves. some ayleids actually allied with alessia, after recognizing the forces at work in her rebellion. after succeeding in toppling the ayleids, alessia established a new pantheon (the eight and one), fundamentally changing the elven gods forever into the aedra we recognize today (minus talos obv)now pelinel DID have his brief bouts of rage/frenzy occasionally, where he would fly off the handle and start slaughtering literally every living thing around him. but i think this was more a factor of being sent back in time from the reman era, straight into the merethic era. youd prolly be raly confused and scared too. imo, its more a way to allow the player character to later mantle sheogorath from a RPing PoV and do both DLCs on a single character>>7566it depends on the era, but yes
trinimac literally killed lorkhan, and auriel ripped out then shot his heart to the far side of the planet. lorkhan just had a couple tricks up his sleeve, so he got the last laugh
>>7565yea if you got a shitty bow, shitty iron arrows, and low marksman and AGI, then youre gonna suck dick. imo they shouldve made ALL the weapons and armor less worthless at the very start. it gives ppl a bad taste for the skills overall, then they never try them again, and so never actually lvl up and see how strong they get
you GOTTA be stealthy. once you have mid lvl sneak and marksman, the damage multipliers start to get wild. then you should make some poisons. thatll keep you goin through the mid game. once you max out marksman skill, you have a chance to proc paralysis on every single shot. makes it p much the most OP weapon class. the other weapons, once mastered, have a chance to proc para too, but ONLY for power attacks.
its also imperative to pair marksman with high speed and acrobatics so you can just leap tf out of harms way, or even get to an unreachable spot for the enemy
but yah, if you START using a bow midway through a levelled up character, its gonna be rough af for a while. tho that does make it much easier to lvl up quickly
>>7567I wish Bethesda would lean into how cool Pelinal is as a concept and make a DOOM style spin off game centering around him.
They own ID software, they could easily set them up to make it.
>>7570i wish they would do fucking anything tbh.
but i know they wont. and tbh i dont rly care that much anymore. most of the ppl i liked worked there ~2 decades ago, so they can just do whatever. and im sure theyll do exactly that: whatever.
frankly, its unclear if they have writers employed at all anymore. the starfield story is literally just the dragonborn thang again, but in space. took em 6yrs to think of that? ouch
im sure some time within the next century there will be an elder scrolls 6, and itll have somehow even less stats and RPG mechanics than skyrim, even more paid mods and horse armor, be lauded as the savior of AAA vidya, eaten up by normies, and will ultimately be a very mediocre and shallow exp in comparison to its predecessors.
but its rly got nothin to do w me at this point. ill swoop in a few years late and see what mods are goin on, then inadvertently end up playing morrowind again, like ive done for every TES game since morrowind
the ending of the words is ALMSIVI No.7572
>>7570i dislike the cyborg shtick personally. thankfully it was left vague enough, as kirkbride is known for
his saving grace rly. dude writes a LOT of retarded bullshiti lik pelinel more as a sort of "deus vult", literal physical manifestation of the will of a dead god. like hes seemingly portrayed in the books
other than a few lines. he appears when he has to, no matter where or when, kills fucking everything thats trying to fuck up his realm, then leaves. and everyone else is just left wondering, "wtf was that?", and makes up crazy stories about him for the next thousand years
>>7572He doesnt even have to be a Terminator style cyborg.
Just give him a "magic" cannon arm and make the gameplay similar to Amid Evil.
I just want to genocide some evil flesh sculpture, gut garden, human sacrifice and torture enjoyer elves.
I also would just like to see what fucked up shit the Ayeleid's were getting up to during their peak.
>>7549It's not just Bethesda. Game devs in general like to put all the cool shit at the start so that journalists who aren't going to play the game for longer than 10 minutes see it
>>7567Is the cyborg thing even canon? I always assumed it was just another one of Kirkbride's autistic fanfics
>>7576>assumed it was just another one of Kirkbride's autistic fanficsits still that
but the songs of pelinel is p much solely him, and that IS official cuz its the whole knights of nine DLC.
in the books its pretty much a line about his armor being "from future time", and a remark about his "left hand wielding a killing light". then no one ever seeing him with his armor off.
its only in his random bullshit forumposts and IRCposts where hes explicit so imma just CHiM that outta my head cuz its retarded
but thats par for the course with mikey. he has some cool stuff every once in a while but a lot of it seems lik he was trying way too hard to be an edgier harlan ellison
>>7577yea thats what im saying. its just got nothing to do with me anymore
theyre just gonna do whatever that is, and imma just keep not giving them any of my money
>>7580imo Kirkbride is a good writer but without Todd keeping him on a leash and limiting his autism he just goes full retard. Kind of like Kojimbo with that Fukushima guy who left after MGS3.
>>7583imo the thing hes actually always fantastic at, and should be known for, is his art
look at some of those concept art sketches for morrowind. cant go wrong when youre starting from that
but his writing is rly very hit or miss. and when it misses, it misses big. lik borderline unreadable big. his ideas can be cool in spite of that, sometimes, but then you read something like 2920 and you can see how much better of a writer ted is.
>>7575nice repeating digits
most games aren't supposed to be long, nonlinear RPGs
>>7578>img fellates skyrim>uses soyjakunderage b& has become self parody
anyway can you salvage your skyrim install with weird porn and le dank maymay xDDDDD mods?
>>7585There are some actual decent mods (my favourite is probably this one which adds in a whole religion mechanic), but yeah I probably should have guessed that the game itself is shallow when most people are just using it for porn. Also I'm pretty sure the image is supposed to be le ironic, anyone retarded enough to actually like quest markers as a mechanic has probably never even heard of Morrowind in the first place
>>7588>nexusdownload it before it gets removed
>>7589Is there some drama going on with them? But yeah I usually back up all my mods ever since mw.modhistory went down, we lost so much cool shit
>>7592just that some mods get deleted bcuz jannies are fags
I don't even want to post anymore it's a minefield of random wordfilters
>>7598>randomit's p specific actually. take a screenshot of your post and show us
>>7595yea thats the last lvl scale the enemies get
or maybe theres one more. iirc xivilai are the last ones that show up, and theyre a real bitch as a mage w their summons and spell absorb
how many spider daedra are you seeing? they get to be p common too and their mini spiders para you which is annoying af
but now that youre high lvl go loot randumb dungeons. the loot scales too, and a lot of the rly rly rly gud loot is randumb
see gud ones to look out for
>mundane ringcockblocks + reflects most magic
>ring of perfection+10 to every stat
>>7600I found the Storm Atronachs to be the biggest bitch so far. At least with the Spider Daedra if you kill the spawn you cant get paralyzed.
If you run into a Strom Atronach and some other fodder Daedra inside a Tower its pretty a brutal encounter. They are dangerous at range and up close and have a fuck load of health. You pretty much have to break line of sight and lure the fodder out than deal with the Atronach.
>>7602personally my least fav were always the clanfears. if youre not on a character with decent AGI they can stunlock tf out of you. more aggravating than the para enemies imo
but i think youre mostly lvled past seeing them.
if ur getting mobbed, esp in an oblivion gate, try to run through doors that change cells. most big non-humanoid mobs wont be able to follow you ime. dremora will still follow you, but i never had a problem with them personally No.7608
>>7595>it was hard to getjust kill Divayth bro
>>7608not him
but def not worth it
the back path fucking sucks. you literally lose 200 health, permanently, the moment you equip fake-wraithguard and keening. absolutely crippling
bound armor > actual daedric armor, imo
actual daedric armor is ludicrously heavy. whereas bound doesnt weigh anything, gives you the same armor rating, you never need to repair it, and they come with built-in skill/attribute-boosting buffs.
the only pieces you actually
need for a full set are the pauldrons, since theres no spell for those. and iirc, so long as you know where to go, both are p ez to get if you have a decent levi spell/enchantment
or even better, that one shrine in vivec that gives you lik a day of free 100pts levi if you offer a potion. one was on top of that big ice castle on solstheim, and the other one is in tribunal, down in the sewers, where you have to fly up one of those big waterfalls in one of the big rooms. just bring a ring of aversion or some invis potions to break aggro when you need to and you dont rly need to fight anyone. ive done it at lik lvl 5 before for a breton battlemage build
>>7608>killing the dunmer chad who gave himself 4 wives made from himselfshame full
>>7608>just kill Divayth brohow about just kill yourself
>>7595>hard to getthat reminds me I want to make a mod that turns getting daedric into a quest. not like the propylon indices where a guy tells you "go here and kill this guy" "or search the wrong storage room for an hour lol" but some kind of breadcrumb trail of notes to give players clues and an alternative to uesp
>>7609would you really take bound armor over a fully enchanted set?
>>7609Pretty sure you can kill him and still finish the MQ as long as you finish the cure quest, but
>>7611 is right
>the back path fucking sucks. you literally lose 200 health, permanentlyI had to do that in one playthrough where I accidentally killed some essential character and the last save was from hours ago. I had to keep my character alive for the rest of the game by constantly consooming fortify health potions (since I didn't even have 200 health beforehand), was unironically pretty cool from an autistic RP perspective
did you just stop resting/waiting? how did you manage to source enough fortify HP potions? if you couldn't rest did you stop leveling up?
>>7620I just made stronger ones with alchemy that would last a few (in-game) hours for resting, also put the effect on a few enchantments too
>>7621did you have to do the famous intelligence buff exploit to get your potions to last that long?
>>7613yea def
if i want some fuckmassive constant effect enchant that i need to fortify my INT up to +1000 to even make, imma just use one of the small daedric shields
still 120 pts iirc, or maybe one of the daedric faces. but full daedric set is cancer and weighs lik 300 lbs. hard pass. i usually dont even use much armor in MW tbh. maybe ebony or daedric pauldrons for some constant effects, but imo clothes give you way more bang for their weight
and dont even get me started on bound weapons. completely weightless, and as a result, you can swing them lik 2x faster. you can rly notice it with the bound hammer.
and iirc ebony weapons are actually the superior ones for enchants. i remember i had an argonian with an ebony staff called pestilence that did 200 poison dmg per hit. un-reflectable since argonians are immune to all poison
i didnt even know yagrum would let you try to put it on without 200 health. he just told me i needed to be stronger and told me to fuck off. maybe its a lvl requirement?
>>7622diff fag obv
but another, imo way easier trick than alchemy is to make a spell/ring that buffs INT, LCK and alchemy skill
all the stats that deal w alchemy (also useful for enchants) for 1 second. muh thinkin ring. you might need to buff INT via alchemy the first time, to make the ring, but itll def save you a ton of time and ash yams in the long run. hell, i used it for speechcraft sometimes too, since the LCK buff helps there too
>>7622Yeah lol, I tried to use it with reason rather than just boosting everything into the millions though
>>7624All it does is just check that you have enough health so it even works if you're just using a temporary fortify effect when you talk to him
Here's a mod I've been hoping someone would make for a long time since lua became a thing: you open the inventory without pausing like STALKER so you can't just cheese every fight by pausing and chugging potions
>>7626tes3mp is a wholly different game because of that, especially if you ironman
>hit for 90% of hp>FUCKFUCKFUCKWHATSTHEINVISIBILITYPOTIONHOTK–>>7623but if you enchant fortify ST or at least feather that weight goes away and you get the ancillary benefits and most armor clothes use different equip slots
and I'm 90% certain the ebony staff is special and none of the other ebony items have more capacity than daedric. the telvanni cephalopod helm is the other unintuitive exception I remember to "daedric best"
>>7637yah pelinels set is so dope
the only gud looking armor in the game
dont forget you can go back to the knights of the 9 base and place the armor on the stand and itll lvl scale up to your current lvl
>>7634if you go full daedric armor, you WILL have the most enchant points. period. tho its mostly cuz of the tower shield having lik 220 or some insane amount. its lik quadruple anything else
ime tho, exquisite clothes is more than enough. and having daedric everything really is way too fucking heavy. slows you down so damn much its not even funny. you literally end up moving half speed, even after youve feathered up
more important than anything tho,
i just think it looks way cooler to be rocking clothes with only a couple armor accents, like pauldrons or gauntletsthe weapons are diff tho. its cuz of lore. i forget which book.
basically, daedric weapons ARE ebony weapons
ebony in TES being the dried blood seeping out of lorkhans heart, but with the soul of a lesser daedra bound to it, so i assume thats prolly taking up some "room" for additional enchants
>>7637Did you get a mod to change the dynamic levelling? If not they get pretty painful later on, I usually end up just turning invisible and running straight to the end lol
>>7638imo the glass armor doesn't look too bad if you get the mod that makes it darker (wtf were they thinking with that fluorescent green shit?). But my main problem is the lack of closed helms (only Dwarvern and Daedric have them iirc), guess Bethesda were just that proud of the potato faces.
>so i assume thats prolly taking up some "room" for additional enchantsI always assumed the ebony staff was just an oversight by the devs, since with all the other weapon types the daedric version has more enchant points. Wouldn't surprise me if there's some lore reason though
>>7639>guess Bethesda were just that proud of the potato that you say that it might be because of the speechcraft minigame. which was obv shit in its own right
and it mightve been a design oversight, but in the other direction. cuz its in one of the books. and iirc theres even a rumor or whatever where NPCs will talk about the superstitions surrounding using daedric weapons
>>7638yeh i waited till level 20 something to go get it
>>7639im using a scaling mod
the enemies basically require an enchanted weapon to kill
it feels appropriate, end game enemies now so you need end game weapons to damage them
>>7639>replacing mr potato headwhy even play?
>>7641>yeh i waited till level 20 something to go get itthats the thing
you dont have to
you can get it at lvl 1 even, then keep going back to the base every time you see the mobs lvl up
it is a bit OP tho, so its prolly for the best you held off and got to try other shit first
one cool thing i never realized: it actually changes armor types based on what armor skill is highest. had no idea it did that, but my reformed thief ended up with a light armor pelinel set. neat
>the enemies basically require an enchanted weapon to killsounds p much lik vanilla then lel
imo, it doesnt need to be altered THAT much. just need to mix up the lvled lists for mobs a bit, and make it not so mutually exclusive like it is now, where wolves become extinct past ~lvl 10
dude i feel the same way about most face replacement mods in the series. ill see clips of ppl playing MW or oblivion and all the characters end up looking like this weird pseudo anime shit
its srsly ALWAYS anime. i fucking h8 weebs so much lmao and it looks retarded.
its like when you see those old retro 2D remakes where half of it looks like original sprites, and the background looks like RPGmaker. it just clashes and sticks out in all the wrong ways
>>7645Most people use OCO in Oblivion which doesn't look too bad imo (but to be fair the standards aren't exactly high with Oblivion lol), but Morrowind face mods are always uncanny valley tier shit. I don't see the point anyway because the OG heads looked fine. Though I'll say that the new faces added in TR look pretty close to vanilla.
>the characters end up looking like this weird pseudo anime shitMy main gripe is that they always make the men look like gigachads and the women look like supermodels. I'm not one of those /pol/fag/twitterfag anti-sexy prudes but when every NPC in the game looks like that it's just retarded.
>>7646>make the men look like gigachads and the women look like supermodelslel yea
youll got beggar chicks wearing rags with lipstick and heavy eyeliner its silly
what can you do? its a special kind of autist willing to fuck around for no pay in TESconstruction set for 9000+ hrs. its that miyazaki quote all over again. the actual one, that is, not the yim one; about humans not interacting w each other etc
its def not ez tho, so i can respect the retardation, even if i kinda hate it. lik i couldnt take picrel and make it "better" if i tried. even the ones i think totally suck clearly took a lot of effort
>>7651>RPing as a prostitute fucking menhave to say that's p gay tbh fam
Anyway I've played Daggerfall once or twice in Unity and just rolled some generic battlemage, do meme builds like that actually work? Most people on the internet were saying that you pretty much have to minmax if you want to stand a chance in the lategame.
Also speaking of Daggerfall here's another interesting MW mod I found that adds in the Daggerfall advantage/disadvantage system: how this would affect the balance though, some powers might be too OP for Morrowind.
>>7652well if you wanna RP being a manwhorb so bad, then
you can do it
imma be a seekrit agent
of daggerfall stripper cuz that sounds p sick tbh. its even a p gud cover story, given how uriel wants me to cozy up with the various nobiliies in the bay
who tf knows why they would take something like that out
actually i lie. i know exactly why:
it was on xbawks
>some powers might be too OP for Morrowind.base morrowind is too powerful for morrowind
>>7652>do meme builds like that actually work?yes and no
you shouldnt do it if youre not familiar with the game thats for sure
i did a bard/thief once with primary/majors in similarly retarded shit before. bosmer tho so rly gud w bows regardless
they get a plus to hitits a rough start since youre basically defenseless against anything larger than a rat. but the sourceport buffed the speech skills so they arent like 1 in 100 like they were in DOSggerfall, so you can actually end up unreasonably powerful. once you get 100 in ettiquette and streetwise and have high PER almost no humanoid enemies will even attack you. additionally, the sourceport allows for enemy infighting, so you can just lead big mobs back to the pacified enemies and theyll kill it for you. and now i got this mod where i can literally recruit enemies as followers so we will see
>>7655>almost no humanoid enemies will even attack youi should add, you basically cant get arrested either. its hilarious.
>>7652>Most people on the internet were saying that you pretty much have to minmax if you want to stand a chance in the lategame.have you never made it to the mantellan crux?
tbh the enemies are less the problem than the opaque af ""puzzles"". thats the part where you kinda might just need a guide lel. or just fly around clicking on random shit for hrs
theres rly only one thing you NEED to survive and thats reliable, repeatable levitation.
a way to reflect or absorb spells is pretty crucial too since its all daedra lords and ancient lichs and stuff. i much prefer absorb, since spell absorb is busted in DF. it always absorbs if you have empty spell points. so you just need to make sure you arent at full magicka ever. the daedra lords and dark seducers have these sleep spells that last, no joke, several in-game hrs. so if they hit you with that, its ogre. esp if youre mid flight and/or cant retreat and rest
imo tho, anyone saying you need to "minmax" is out of it. i dont even know what that would mean for DF tbh. no stats can even go above 100. and its an elder scrolls game so as per usual theres half a dozen ways to get your stats maxxxxed. youll usually get your main stats there by midgame.
>enchanted gear w constant effect buffs>buff self spells/items>be a werewolf>be a vampire>petition hermeus mora for the oghma infinium make sure to save before. the daedra are cunts and theres no refunds if they just dont feel like showing upor any combination of those in addition to just leveling up some more
>>7657Haven't done it for a few years so my memory of the game isn't great but yeah, the only parts I remember needing a guide was that fucking skull puzzle and that one castle where you have to click one specific torch to find a secret exit or whatever. But I remember even my OP dude with a full daedric set, spell absorb etc. had trouble with the late-game enemies at times (mainly those sexy vampire chicks iirc) so having no primary combat skills like
>>7651 seems like it'd be a real challenge. Never knew that DFU made the language skills usable though, might try that out on my next run.
>>7658it certainly sounds like one of the MQ dungeons. maybe castle wayrest or sentinel? were you trying to find a painting?
youd recognize the mantellan crux if you made it there. its a bunch of weird floating islands and shit in aetherius and you gotta fly around and accidentally yourself the "answer" to the "puzzles". not DFs strongest moments, to be sure
>mainly those sexy vampire chicksthose vamp ladies cast that same sleep spell as the daedra i was talking about, but theyre like half the level so its less strong/long. can still be devastating if you cant retreat somewhere safe, but if you got a spell to heal your fatigue you can usually just kinda heal through it since it only triggers once for every in-game minute.
the dark seducers, not so much. my headcanon is that they cast sleep on you and rape you to death while youre passed out
thing with vamps
and lichs for some reason is that they can be pacified with etiquette. so that super goofy meme speech build is actually prolly the easiest way to deal with them. go figure
>DFU made the language skills usablei just checked cuz i wanted to see if i could archeologists guild this run
i can, she just needs to hit the books for a bitturns out its THAT mod, not DFU itself
which makes sense, the whole point of the guild was to give language skills purpose
great mod. i wouldnt play without it at this point, even if i wasnt a language build. the quest item locaters they sell are fucking invaluable, and honestly rly well balanced for something that sounds so OP on paper
i remember seeing some video where a guy was doin the speech thing but way more hardcore with no magic at all
ill see if i can find it. the channel was called lik adventure something
>>7659Just looked it up and Shedungent is the one I think. I was wandering around aimlessly in there for hours lol.
It's a shame that Bethesda completely removed the language skills when Daggerfall mods show that it could have fixed with some minor changes. It would have been a good non-magic alternative to conjuration. Same as climbing as an alternative to levitation, lock bashing as a replacement for lockpicks/spells for pure warrior characters etc.. When you think about it they removed so much shit, hopefully someone adds it back in eventually, might be possible with all this fancy new LUA shit.
>>7662*teleports behind u*
heh, let's see you block THIS
*unzips dick*
>>7663>Just looked it up and Shedungent is the oneah yea thats one of the first big main ones. theres lik half a dozen more that even crazier lol
thats undoubtedly what got me the first couple times too tho. its basically designed for that.
>went in there>caught some horrific disease from a zombie or some undead>had like 6 in medical>character doesnt even know>played for a while>all stats quietly trickling down to 0 in the background>keep making more and more saves>character still deosnt know>keel over dead suddenly and have no idea why>no save to roll back to where im not already dying<REEE this game sucksand its WAY tf out in wrothgaria. lik a months ride from fucking anywhere. i feel lik it was done that way on purpose to show you you need to stockpile some cure disease potions and stuff in your wagon, or have some spells, before going for the big ones. theres a gud reason they give lik 300+days for each of the MQ objectives
ya know whats even sillier is you can skip that whole dungeon. bit meta tho
>walk in>click statue directly in front of you>it asks for your commands>type shut up>skip literally the entire 3hr dungeon crawli lik that idea tho, where nulfaga is just this batshit crazy ass bitch and got fed up so she changed her secret password to just telling a statue to piss off lel
now that i think of it, the skeleton key can prolly just break in too. never tried that tho
if you ever try DF again, i strongly recc using the "smaller dungeons" mode in the launcher.
all the MQ dungeons are still their usual unchanged labyrinthian nightmares. but smaller sidequest dungeons means youll be able to get used to DFs crawling and what to prepare for/look out for much easier. and when you ARE going for a MQ dungeon, youll think to yourself, "ok this next one is gonna be lik 4x as big as the others, so i need to get prepared FIRST"
>When you think about it they removed so much shitit really is the same thing every game since DF
they just keep removing shit
they dont even have stats anymore so idk where it goes from here. but im sure theyll find a way to make it even less of an RPG in TES6
its tradition at this point
>>7665there will be 3 skills
>sneak>bows>carry weightmaybe that's still too many
is tes6 taking so long because there's nothing left to cut?
>>7666>is tes6 taking so long because there's nothing left to cut?i know fatigue is already technically cut, but its retarded little bro "stamina" is next for sure. its already utterly pointless in shitrim, thx to soup of all things
>>7671umaril was such a fucking cheater
its a shame >well never get a game or even any more real lore about the end of the merethic era. it was some real deal end of evangelion shit. at least for elves
>>7671this is a really good video i like it
No.7675 this one might be worth keeping an eye on; some dude is making his own build of DFU that includes the entire of Tamriel. Tbh the one thing that Daggerfall doesn't need is a bigger map but it still looks interesting I guess.
>>7671I just want to be able to do this to the Thalmor.
Holy fuck are the Thalmor hateable, such a blown opportunity to not make them a bigger threat in Skyrim.
They literal call for total nord death, actively deny the entire arc of the player character and Martin from TES IV, are trying to yeet Tiber Septim out of existence because they are jealous inbred hicks mad they couldn't God themselves, they are VERY VERY VERY J*wish in the ways they scheme, they worship demons and if you really want to get esoteric with it the Thalmor are an apocalypse cult that want to unmake the world via the White Gold Tower because they want a return to the spirit realm very much in the same Z*onists want to unmake the world for the J*wish saviour to return and enslave all other races.
tl:dr The Thalmor are J*wish and are begging for a Pelnal 2.0
>>7676thalmor are a major missed opportunity imo
they couldve been rly rly rly cool but instead theyre just written as liderally hitler and completely irredeemable unless youre an altmer. and even then theyre kinda too overwhelmingly evil to provide any narrative depth
>Thalmor are an apocalypse cultthis is the only halfway decent explanation ive ever heard and not only is it not rly based on any in-game lore, but it still just makes them total cartoon bad guys in every way. its bad writing imo, and worse, theres rly no way out of the corner they painted them into
but theres some srs legitimacy to their claim of tiber not only not being a god, but in all likelihood, he was never even "talos". and im not even just talking the arcturian heresey, lik a lotta ppl say nowadays, but lik str8 up going back to daggerfall lore. the underking only makes sense if talos is ysmir/wulfhearth + zurin arctus + hjolti earlybeard smashed together into the mantella BY tiber in order to power his numidium. which basically excludes tiber from EVER being talos, because he was literally still there, in physical form, taking over the world with numidium for years afterwards. i guess you could say him wielding the brass tower meant he functionally WAS a god, but that seems lik a stretch even for TES lore. lik are we gonna call akulahkhan talos cuz it was built off of numidium? nah. its p much just dagoth being high out of his mind on power, doin necromancy shenanigans on lorkhans dead parts. which is arguably what talos is and always has been: ppl tryna use/mantle shor to further their own ambitions on nirn
i digress tho
in either case, its p likely that talos was not only not a god, but is more akin to something lik 3 bound super-liches unwillingly smashed together and being wielded by a genocidal maniac via a giant robot. decidedly NOT divine.
and talos as a concept in 3rd and 4th era is just this completely misguided agitprop used by a dying empire to try to prop itself up. nothing more, nothing less. you literally talk to an aspect of him in MW and hes lik, "yah maybe its time to just let old thangs die, ya know?"
they had a chance to actually let the empire fall apart finally and have the thalmor be these racially-motivated, but not wholly evil, faction you could join or assist, or sabatoge etc.
couldve still even had the civil war and most other factions too since all the other guilds werent imperial guilds. instead they whiffed it and ended up writing in a massive retcon anyways with the dragon priest shit, and it wasnt even half as gud as the idea they scrapped
where the last remaining bloodline of the septim dynasty returns from akavir WITH the dragons to take over tamrieltl;dr
talos is fake and gay and their writers they hired aint got that
spark lik the oldfags they fired 20yrs ago
>>7675poor guy doesnt realize what hes getting into with something like that
the map of DF is the size of great britain. lik str8 up. thats JUST highrock and hammerfell. the tiny corner in the top left.
just decide to casually go 8x that on your own solo autism project? gud luck man
idk what youd even do with all that extra real estate tbh. the only way to make it interesting would be to have varied biomes, and DF p much already has all of them anyways. lik is elsweyr just gonna be another alik'r desert, just twice as big and further south? i dont see the point
>>7677Even after playing through Daggerfall and reading a bunch of lore sites I don't understand the whole Talos being 3 people thing, 3deep5me
>where the last remaining bloodline of the septim dynasty returns from akavir WITH the dragons to take over tamrielwtf why'd they scrap that? Would have been so much cooler than the plot they actually gave us. TES6 being based in Hammerfell has a lot of potential too since Redguards have some of the most based lore in the series but you can pretty much guarantee that Todd will retcon it so they'll just be African Americans or some shit.
>>7678I guess having new architecture, landscape, enemy types etc. for each region would be nice. I think he's also planning to add a survival mechanic where you have to change your clothes depending on the climate, similar to Skyrim's survival mode which sounds pretty cool. I'll check back in 20 years when it's finished lol.
>>7679>Even after playing through Daggerfall and reading a bunch of lore sitestry "the arcturian heresey", thats the main one. and i think theres one in skyrim too called "the talos mistake" which explains the altmer position on it, which has some merit. thats the basics. its mostly just a theory, but imo it makes sense since it still lines up with daggerfall mostly. talos is just this big god-shaped hole for the player/shezzarrines to fill and enact change on lorkhans plane of oblivion (mundus).
at any rate its p obv why altmer would be hesitant to accept some guy who literally nuked alinor being revered as a deity
tiber tasked zurin, his advisor/battlemage, to find a way to activate numidium, so he needed a powerful soul(s). so he invited all the most powerful dudes
who may or may not have been literal shezzarines and they all killed each other, or something went horribly wrong, and they all got trapped. this is basically what the underking is, and why hes fucking pissed and wants to smash the empire.
activating numidium fucks shit up in a physical and metaphysical way
cuz MK tried to make every DF ending canon, which was prolly his worst idea ever so it gets a lil confusing. thats what you read about in "the warp in the west"
>>7680kinda already got all those things tho. lik thats p much what im playing rn
climates and calories mod already does all the weather and survival/eating, travel options and basic roads gives you roads and the ability to snap to them, or just go straight across wilderness, and travel along them at highspeed/time compression. then theres fixed desert architecture which makes all the stuff in the southern kingdoms look entirely different. theres lik 6 biomes already implemented in the base game too. you got regular, highlands, and big mountains, then you also got desert, tropical/jungle and swamps. p much all have their own flora and fauna, and look/play totally different w mods. summer in the alik'r desert has you basically going nocturnal or else you roast in the sun. winter in the mountains means its almost impassable at night without 100END and decked out in furs and stuff
i just dont rly get what you could add to that that would make it more engaging. and biting off THAT much seems lik itll just never get done, even if he actually tries to finish it
the problem with daggerfall is that it was already too large. mods have been useful to allow ppl to fill it in substantially, such that its p much a whole new game at this point. but adding in the entirety of tamriel is just ludicrous imo
Man shivering isles is so good. All the scenery is much improved from the base game, the new enemies are great, the weird characers are great. I like how it hits all the different aspects of madness without just resorting to "LOL SO RANDUM XDDDD".
Also, I want to FUCK a Golden Saint. But I have a feeling they would be into some kind of Femdom type shit, but i mean is an interdimensional Golden demoness wants to chain you up and do some kinky shit I guess you got to oblige that shit right ?
>>7682its almost a shame it came out as gud as it did
the success of oblivions DLCs was what led to the current day, where its just expected all the best parts of a game will be cut out and sold piece by piece for extra shekels
you can def tell they had a lotta fun with it. esp the VAs
>hey you got any shoes??<no>oh no…. ohnononoNINININININININININININININININININININI No.7685
>>7682>But I have a feeling they would be into some kind of Femdom type shitif ur just some mortal yah def
but if youre the literal god of madness himself…
iirc sheo was goin steady w a dark seducer for a while, thats how the mazken ended up in his realm. iirc they served dagon prior to that
sheos just got the best taste in lesser daedra, clearly
>>7685I also WOULD dark seducers.
Man Champion of Cyrodil really lucked out as a TES protagonist. He becomes a God, massive level of power, has a realm all to his own and has an army of Golden baddies and dark skin succubi to service his cock and balls.
What a king.
Dare I say the best outcome of any of the TES player characters ? Nevarine just fucked off back to akavir, agent might have been yeeted due to a dragonbreak, arenas champion just retired and died ? I mean TLDB does get an immortal goth vampire gf that is a pretty high bar, but who knows how long that will last or what the writers will say happened to them in TESVI.
>>7686arenas protag became a widely celebrated hero throughout the empire and just chilled, undoubtedly w the emperors favor for life. in fact if you read ur chars background in DF it says the champion is who inspired them to better themselves as a kid, since they wanted to get strong enough to save the emperor themselves
cuz arena takes lik 10+yrs irl timeagent gets more or less the same treatment if they side with the blades, tho prolly w constant fear of being taken out by the remnants of every other faction they fucked over. OR they fuck over EVERYONE and side with gortwog, mannimarco, the underking, or just go full-on wildcard and activate numidium for themselves. so that could either be raly raly bad, or raly raly ebin
idk why they even bothered with the dragonbreak retcon tbh. it couldve easily ended w the canon being basically any of the wildcard endings, write a book about some wars that happened, then empire takes back over. no need for metaphysical faggotry, but LOLE kirkbride did DMT once, so whatever i guessnerevarine is literally an immortal living god, so thats prolly neat. but they also just forgot about him in akavir cuz heem was clearly gonna be part of the scrapped "emperor returning from akavir" plotline from skyrim
at least imo thats what they were prolly going for w that oblivion NPC dialogueCoC prolly has the most perks, as hes even more of a literal god than nerevarine, but he also got stuck with the most responsibility by far. lik he p much mantled two daedric princes, lorkhan and sheogorath, in the span of ~ a year or so. thats gotta take its toll, nvm becoming the literal lord of madness and wtf that means in the long run for him.
dragonborns got at LEAST one more massive war to fight to get the elves to finally fuck off, and thats depending on how/if they even settled the civil war yet
so at the very least youre looking at several decades of major war and instability caused by it. sounds kinda shit tbh, esp after all the good ol days were just wacky misadventures with goth mommy and being able to eat soup and spam power attacks to win
>>7687>or just go full-on wildcard and activate numidium for themselvesIs that a possible ending? I thought it said only people with Septim blood could use it (dunno how the fuck that explains Gortwog)
>>7688what a noob
its ez af to get 100% magic resist
>be breton>get mundane ringdone. you can now fug any elemental enemy in the game
>>7689iirc yeah its one of the options. ive never done all of them tho. only the blades one, gortwog one, and i had a vampire character so i sided w manny once too cuz i thought it made sense
and most major factions treat you as literally dead once youre a vamp No.7691
>>7689>I thought it said only people with Septim blood could use it also if that was the case itd be useless for all the kingdoms, and it def isnt cuz if you side w them they wipe everyone else in the bay out
i guess its just the totem kinda IS tiber septim, and thats why everyones looking for it in DF
my bad
heres all 7 endings
>The great Numidium, its raw power tempered only by the Blades, crushes all the rebellious children of the Empire, destroying their armies.
<The great Numidium comes to the call of the Dragon of Daggerfall. The armies of Sentinel and Wayrest fall like scattered leaves, leaving Daggerfall still in control of the Iliac Bay
>The Mantella is hurled from Aetherius. Although drawn to the empty chest of great Numidium, the will of the King of Worms commands it to his side. With its power the King of Worms leaves his mortal frame and joins the ranks of the Gods of Oblivion.
<Under the command Gortwog, Numidium destroys the other powers of Iliac Bay: Daggerfall, Sentinal and Wayrest. The new orcish homeland is carved out for Orsinium. And the Empire will never be able to dispute Gorthwog’s claim to orcish equality.
>The Mantella is released from the Atherius and at the command of Sentinel draws forth great Numidium. The other powers of Iliac Bay are swept aside like children’s toys. Placing the White Moon of Sentinel ascendancy over the Iliac Bay.
<Centuries of undead sleep are shaken off, rousing the Underking. No mortal force could stop his faithful reunion with the ghost of his heart. And he joins with it in an all consuming fiery embrace. And for just one moment he is flesh and blood and blessed death is granted to Tiber Septim’s Battlemage.
>King Eadwyre of Wayrest, traitor to the Empire, commands great Numidium to destroy his enemies. Daggerfall and Sentinel fall first, leaving Wayrest in complete control of Iliac Bay.
def DONT need to be a septim tho
>>7688isnt this the guy who sang a song about wanting to fuck a pokemon ?
pokemon autism really hits different
pokemon was japan's revenge on the west for the bombs
>>7688autism speaks
it's time to listen
>>7688this geek aint got nothin
i got 3 fire daddys rn that basically one-shot everything, including me sometimes
Is the Daggerfall unity version any good ?
I actually kind of like the way it looks, reminds me a bit of Gothic
friendly reminder to run unity in a sandbox because it's a dataminer
>>7697Yeah it's great, makes Daggerfall play similarly to the modern TES games while keeping mostly the same look (it actually has a built-in "Retro Mode" if you want it to look more like the DOS version). Also has a fuck ton of mods.
>>7698lol I'm using Windows so I'm fucked anyway. iirc the dev was talking about doing it again in an OS engine like OpenMW, but that would be years off, and even if it happened a lot of people would probably refuse to migrate because of modding support (same as why a lot of people are still playing Morrowind in the vanilla engine)
never played gothic
why does everyone love it?
>>7700it's great, play it. controls are rly weird at first, but they're fine once you get used to them. Gothic has nailed that feeling of progression in an open world RPG: no level scaling or spawn lists at all, so you start as a weak loser that has to run from many enemies, then get noticeably stronger as you learn skills and get better gear. it's the only game I know that actually means it when some dude tells you to stay away from a dangerous place. it also has good combat system, excellent pacing (big enough to explore and reward exploration, gets more focused towards the end so it doesn't overstay its welcome) and a nice atmosphere overall
>>7697it kicks tf out of trying to get DOSbox to run the OG version at the right speed
its also not literally broken. theres a common joke about DF being released early in development, but realistically, its hardly a joke. theres like 2 dozen fan patches for the original install and shits still broken. i remember finding out the hard way that lvling the dodging skill actually increased enemies ability to dodge, not yours, and that rly chapped my ass. had to start over my char
but its absolutely the way to play it nowadays
lemme know if you need help, as its a lot to take in first time. i did a schizopost on a gud basic combat class and some mods worth considering lik a year ago somewhere on here. i dont
think it got wiped
>>7699they rly biffed it
unity is getting increasingly scheisty with its licensing shenanigans
hence the need to add a splashscreen on launch and its arguably as limited an engine as the OG ver, albeit in diff ways. the mod support is nice, and weve been having a ton of mods as a result. but it still has srs limitations
contrary to openMW vs vanilla MW, where vanilla has script extender and openMW has it coming soon™, going to a new engine would allow for much more control
daggerXL was the future we didnt deserve, so instead >we got stuck w unity project. at the very least it does run a LOT better in the past few releases. so GG.
and to the guys credit, he did actually manage to finish it, and mostly on his own. def atypical of a hobby unity project, nvm one of this scope
truly the predecessor to morrowind and oblivions dialogue
heem prolly rly tired of listening to nulfagas insane bullshit tho, so i def get it
cant tell if i was incredibly lucky or incredibly unlucky to get lysandus tomb as a location for a randumb quest. prolly save a step or two later on in the MQ i guess.
but holy FUCK what a labyrinth. place is MASSIVE. literally found the dudes actual tomb
cant do anything w it yet tho before i found where tf i was supposed to go for my quest, and its still only lik 2/3rds of it
>>7705IAWTSN No.7707
>>7706patricianTV made a maymay mod that links the sewers entrance to every single dungeon in the game as one long crawl, and between it and df dungeons like this I'm thinking we need a mod where you start in a df dungeon and the entire thing is just a survival game where you try to escape to the surface before you starve to death or become a moleman or something
>>7702OpenMW does actually have lua support in the latest dev versions now, problem is that it's a totally different framework to MWSE so it requires completely rewriting the mods so most people aren't gonna bother to port them. But imo Morrowind isn't the kind of game where you need to completely overhaul the game to make it playable anyway, might as well just play Skyrim at that point.
>>7705Who even wants this anyway? A Morrowind remake would just be Morrowind but without spellmaking, broken alchemy and everything else that made the game actually fun. I never understood the point of the Skywind project for this reason either.
>>7708>OpenMW does actually have lua support in the latest dev versionsoh well thats gud news
tbh id heard the project had been kinda floundering for a while now
>problem is that it's a totally different framework to MWSEof course, but its a big step in the right direction. you can only do so much without custom scripting
one id rly like to see is basic NPC schedules. wouldnt have to go full oblivion on it, just have ppl lock their doors and go to bed. make being a thief so much better.
problem is, with TR, thats a fucking enormous amount of NPC schedules to manage
>>7707i remember seeing a mod where someone made some of the MQ dungeons for DF in skyrims engine. so you start in privateers, fast travel to the castle, go to shedungent etc.
it looked about as retarded as youd imagine but it def showed the scope of even just one of these thangs, and why you p much CANT do cool oldskool dungeons lik this w new gfx
w 90s-tier DOS gfx, you can easily let you imagination fill shit in, but w gud gfx, not so much
>>7708>I never understood the point of the Skywind project for this reason eitherat first i thought it was gfx, but skyrim gfx are noticeably out-of-date by now, so its def not just that anymore
its literally just dice-rolls. ppl who never played an RPG till skyrim simply cannot stand, nor understand the advantages of, dice-rolls in combat. and tbh its hardly even their fault. every major RPG-like that comes out nowadays has you as THE hero, or THE spess marine etc, and your combat prowess reflects that. so when they play anything older where you swing and miss, it literally feels like the game is broken to them. its the way theyve been conditioned via every game theyve ever played
problem is, there rly isnt a solution. oblivion tried to straddle that line and it resulted in HP bloat and a kind of "weightless" feeling melee. and skyrim did away with it entirely and it resulted in boring ass hack-n-slash combat.
without dice-rolls and stats you simply cannot make a gimped character. and without that, like 75% of the fun builds are completely off the table. theyll never get to know that the secret to having a fun RPG that you can play for literal decades is the ability to make a weak character that overcomes his challenges via gaming around his weaknesses.
their loss
>>7709>one id rly like to see is basic NPC schedulesThere is actually already a mod for that (for OMW, dunno if there's an MWSE equivalent): uses lua scripting so that NPCs automatically go to cells with their own name so it should be compatible with TR, SHOTN and pretty much any mod really. Haven't tried it out yet though so idk how well it works.
>>7710Although I always thought the "miss miss miss" meme is retarded and easily mitigated by not having a shit build, I think that Morrowind's combat is really lacking in sound effects. There's a sound for swinging and one for hit connection and that's it, which might be partially why new players get confused. The SFX in Daggerfall feel a lot more satisfying where there's different ones for blades and blunt weapons, different ones for missing, blocking, parrying etc.
added in a simple lil mod that adds a book that shows the vague area where the witch covens are. saw it in a library, jotted it down, then realized one was rly close by.
idk how tf they expected ppl to find these w DFs default draw distance tho. literal needle in a haystack. theres only lik a dozen in the whole bay. only reason i noticed is cuz i heard the music change while i was fast traveling on my way back to town after giving up
p much due west of lysandus tomb, just before the coast
lel not that that helps too much tho, as his tomb is usually hidden till late in the MQ
>>7711>I think that Morrowind's combat is really lacking in sound effectsjust a stagger animation and lik a "ting" parry sound wouldve done it imo
worked lik that in DF and for all the complaining about that game being archaic, its combat isnt ever brought up. even tho its almost identical to MWs
another thing i think they couldve done is be a little more on-the-nose with explaining how agility and other stats work. sure if you pay attention in character creation, or mouse over your stats, it says it. but imo they shouldve had a fighters guild guy or some NPC explain how crucial AGI is. it literally increases your chance to hit while decreasing enemies to hit on you.
ill see ppl rolling some breton battlemage with lik 30 AGI and its lik yah no shit that ol geezers not gonna hit anything faster than a mudcrab
>>7709>have ppl lock their doors and go to bed<stand ramrod stiff staring at bet for 9 hours>breakfast<staring at same kwama egg and trama root for day 2873this feels like a really dumb (good) creepypasta parody, though if someone did go full autism with it they could probably do a pretty good job by combining it with the stage business anims from morrowind comes alive. add in ephemeral generic named NPCs and suddenly there's one less huge advantage oblivion has over morrowind
>>7715>stand ramrod stiff staring at bet for 9 hoursyea there literally isnt an animation/pose for laying down/sleeping
if ppl actually went to bed you could, among other things, make vampirism actually fun. as it is, its the most half-baked version of vampirism in the entire series. you literally cant even feed. thats a shame cuz the buffs are actually retarded strong and fun to play with.
>>7708There have always been calls for a Morrowind remake and to Todd's credit he usually shoots them down.
>>7717todd knows better
its the last untarnished bit of his legacy left
he can, and likely will, scheist everyone for every last penny with shitfield and shitrim re-re-release #9001 and shitty mobile games, and none of it matters cuz at the end of the day he at least knows he made one truly great, genre-defining game. and all the video essayists, and even those kids who told em to gb2chessclub 40yrs ago, can go kick rocks
so theyll prolly remake it when hes dead/sold out of any stake in the IP
>>7717think you give him too much credit
it could just as easily be he recognizes morrowind's shit would never fly with the casual bethesda audience
how do you voiceact all the dialgoue? how do you keep all the awesome broken spells and combat system where weapons can do actual damage? how do you render and populate the big cities? I think there's more residences in vivec than in skyrim
>>7720Here's the actual quote:
>"I’m really happy that Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and others are making it easier for people to play [older games] as they were played at the time," he said. "I actually prefer that over remasters. I’d rather you play Morrowind the way it was … I think the age is part of its identity.">"For something like Morrowind, my personal preference is not to remaster it."And on Fallout 1/2:
>“The main priority for us is to make sure they're available and you can still play them,” Howard said. “So on the PC obviously they're there for people to go and get and play, and making sure that they run okay. As far as beyond that, we've talked about it, but our priorities in terms of, hey let’s go do dev work and make certain things work, they haven't been in those areas. So again, priority is, hey can people load it up and play it?>“We want it to load up and run well. The rest of it, I could argue some of the charm of games from that era and the original Fallouts is a little bit of that age. I would never want to paste over some of that with, well we changed how this works so it's more modern. So as long as you can download it, as long as it loads up and runs, I'd like people to experience it the way it was.”For all the shit people give him I think that somewhere he does legitimately care about the industry. I've always wondered about whether it's really all him causing the casualization in Bethesda games or whether it's something to do with the Jew shareholders. He's an old DnD nerd so chances are he'd probably enjoy making something like Morrowind again but knows that it wouldn't appeal to normies.
>>7721i think todds primary driving force for a while now has been to keep the lights on at his studio. and thats the thing hes p gud at tbh. he knows what it means when your studio gets absorbed into some mega AAA shit. most studios get lik 1 gud game in, then everyones fired. sometimes everyone just gets fired immediately. todds been through that twice now, and seen it happen to countless of his peers and rivals
what todds rly gud at is treading that line of mugging ppl for their lunchmoney with awful gacha-tier mobile crap and re-releases, and leading fanboys on that hes developing some masterwork and getting ppl way too hyped. former keeps the shareholders happy, and the latter strings the fans along. it may burn a lot of oldheads along the way, but you gotta think about it from an employment perspective. game dev shit is a precarious occupation at best of times. meanwhile todd and co have been making big money in the industry since morrowind. thats kinda ridiculous.
>>7721something i really wish some big studios would do, is to contract out to small indie studios the rights to make a "retro" style game of one of their IPS
considering all these various romhacks, total conversions and spiritual successors that exist, there is clearly talent and a market for it
like a lot of people love the old school Resident Evil games but capcom has fully committed to "remaking" the classics, but just let a small team develop a ps1/ps2 era graphics classic survival horror RE game
i would love to see small talented team make an isometic crpg fallout, maybe taking place on the west coast and post FNV ? and you could bet the hype would be insane for it
>>7723>leading fanboys on that hes developing some masterwork and getting ppl way too hyped. lmao he really has been doing that since the start. I remember when they were talking about Starfield having a hueg procedurally generated map and people were like "holy shit based Todd is making Daggerfall 2!".
>>7726There's been some pretty good examples of that in the past (Sonic Mania and Castlevania Rebirth come to mind) and Fallout seems like the perfect candidate for that treatment right now. Todd is busy with Shartfield DLC, TES VI and that Indiana Jones game so I doubt Bethesda will be making a mainline game any time soon. Also there are a lot of spiritual successors to classic Fallout like Underrail, Atom RPG, Wasteland etc. so the talent is there. Problem is that they're clearly going for the AAA normie audience (I even know some unironic boomers who got into the series from the TV show lol), who would buy it and just think "lol wtf is this nerd shit? Where's the voice acting? wtf are "stats"?". An isometric NV sequel would be incredibly based tho.
>>7721>>7727go back to peddit
>>7727>"holy shit based Todd is making Daggerfall 2!"funny thing is it isnt even procgen in the same way daggerfall was. DF arguably does it better. it was generated randomly, once, and its the same massive map for everyone. so everyones only got one playground, but its a BEEEEEG playground. you can find a spot, then tell your friend about that spot, and they can go there and its the exact same for both of you, every playthrough
the way starfield does it is so mindbogglingly stupid
its literally just
not even that big of a square of mostly empty terrain you need to walk through. like if they were gonna have every landing point just be procgen jibberish, why not cut out the walk entirely and just make a more interesting set of dungeon modules? you know have a few "blocks" that can connect in diff ways. from what i saw theres like 3 outposts and some caves. its just a disposable 30second dungeon with a randomly generated mandatory 5min walking simulator in between loading screens
its beyond me how anyone looked at something like that and thought, "yea that looks fun"
>>7731only if your smile is more bisexual than mine
>>7732>admits to peddit statusL E L
>>7734VIP Quality reply
>>7733I don't know why nobody has ever attempted something like Daggerfall again. It always felt like something incredibly ambitious, but held back by the fact that it was made in the 90s with no budget and a team of like 5 dudes. With current technology, especially AI shit, and some more money they really could achieve something great. I guess the passion just isn't there in the modern industry though.
>>7737AAA companies probably don't expect to make much of a return on something like that and idk if their pajeet hordes could even manage to make something like skyrim much less a fuckhuge and far more in depth RPG like daggerfall without it either being unoptimized to the point of unplayability for anyone without a $5000 computer or even mroe buggy than anything bethesda could dream of, or both
as far as indie devs go there might be a couple out there capable of attempting it but they're all so thoroughly poisoned with the tranny mind virus you would probably just wind up with a monkey's paw result
>>7737the OG TES devs were actually working on a spiritual successor, but it's been in development hell for some time now No.7741
>>7737yea what he said
>>7739the bois got the band back together. only guys w balls i guess. p sure they got the guy who did DFs music too
and im sure theyre running up against every possible problem you could imagine when doing something as birdbrained as trying to unironically make a game as big as possible
>how tf do you do something this big w actual gfx?>how tf do you asspull an entire new universes lore (again)?>how tf do you make something of this scale actually run on a midrange PC?>how tf do you make and model enough dungeon blocks to make a gorillion unique dungeons?>how tf do you make enough assets to make places look unique?>how tf do you even bugtest something like that?>how tf do you market a game based around procgen in a post AI/post starfield era?>how tf do you literally even?and its not like they rly even answered most of these the first time around either. DOSggerfall needed lik 2 dozen patches to even get up to "somewhat playable"
at least theyre trying tho. everyone else is too pussy to even do that. which is ironic since AAA studios, in theory, are way better equipped to take risky bets like that. and its even more fucking dumb when you see the absolute slop theyve been pushing out. theyve been putting out big-budget flop after big-budget flop for ages now
>>7740lol I keep getting that as well, duder needs to fix his spam filter I guess.
Anyway I wouldn't even care if it was just a generic high fantasy setting as long as it had actual roleplaying elements.
>>7741Honesty I think they'd be better off just using the Daggerfall Unity engine. All the code is publicly available (in fact those guys actually helped out with it iirc) which would save a shit ton of time, and being Unity it would run on toasters and consoles pretty easily. Graphics-wise I doubt anyone cares that much since it's not like they're going for the normie dudebro audience anyway, and Daggerfall nerds would probably actually prefer a pixel aesthetic. Assets also wouldn't be too much of a problem since they can just AI generate all that shit these days. The main problem though is writing an entire new setting, that's the main strength of TES and I doubt they'd be able to compete with that (unless they somehow hired MK and gave him a shit load of drugs I guess.)
>>7742errororor posting
also wtf why dooesnt paint have MS chiller font? that was the GOAT
i think i just about finished my crusader playthrough
i wrapped up shivering isles which really is this game at its best, the whole main quest line is great each quest is actually memorable
and the side quests are pretty good, some shitty item collection ones aside, i think i found most of them and they were generally okay, the one where you help the guy commit suicide actually made me laugh, they would NEVER in a million years write a quest like that today
i was going to try and get the Oghma Infinium but after banging out a quite few of the daedra quests i ran into the ones where they just straight up want you to murder people for fun which i literally cant do if i want to keep the crusader armor
i might try another playthrough as a stealth marksman/caster to do the thieves and dark brotherhood
>>7744>quite few of the daedra quests i ran into the ones where they just straight up want you to murder people for fun which i literally cant do if i want to keep the crusader armorthe mephala one, right?
thats my go-to "fall from grace" quest if im trying to RP it. a perfect opportunity to break bad
and tbh the oghma quest is just busywork by the time you can even get it, post lvl 20 or whatever it is. you just go soultrap one of each race. p much exactly what he makes you do in skyrims MQ, now that i think about it. youd think mora would already have that data on file
thieves and DB are def worth a playthrough. the DB has a ton of fun missions, arguably several of the best ones, even if it is needlessly edgy
imoand the thieves guild is prolly the best faction questline they ever did, period
>>7744>they would NEVER in a million years write a quest like that todaywhich is sad cuz his note he leaves with the ring of happiness is some of the better writing in the game. a pretty thinly veiled, in-lore, rant against anti-depressants being bullshit
>>7747>even if it is needlessly edgy That's something I enjoy a lot in that era of Bethesda's games actually. Oblivion and Fallout 3's evil choices are so comically evil that it feels like some shit that the Joker would do, but it also does it in a humorous way rather than being grimdark. Everyone wants muh ambiguous morality these days but sometimes it's just satisfying to be an edgy motherfucker.
>>7750>Oblivion and Fallout 3's evil choices are so comically evil that it feels like some shit that the Joker would dowell def do the DB then cuz thats all emil, and oblivions DB line is prolly the peak of his entire career. its def why he got promoted as high as he did.
imo, guys rly bad at writing stories that have any sort of meaningful choices you can take, but for relatively linear stories intertwined w gameplay mechanics, i think heem p gud at that at least.
i get kinda bummed out by it tbh, cuz DB was clearly building up to be something very different and more interesting during morrowind
ever notice how the morag tong/threads of the webspinner quests have you killing a bunch of DB members/dagon cultists? a solid half of your targets are in shrines to dagon, one of which is literally the night mother and who were the dagon cultists in the late 3rd era?dasrite, mythic dawn. DB was supposed to be allied w mythic dawn for oblivion, which couldve been sick. possible evil ending for the MQ and now instead of that theyre just perma-edgelords. post-skyrim, idk how they can even salvage them as a faction anymore. theyre at a narrative dead end. what do you even do at that point? you cant go bigger than assassinating the emperor, and as far as we know, the skyrim sanctuary is literally the only chapter left.
>>7751Oblivion generally is pretty lacking in terms of the relationships between the guilds. The Mages Guild had the Necromancers and the Fighters Guild has the Blackwood Company etc., but when they're not joinable unlike for example the Telvanni in Morrowind it's impossible to see it from their side so it's never gonna be anything other than just le bad guys. Still I find Oblivion's DB enjoyable because of the comic edginess and Lucien Lachance being easily one of the coolest characters in the series.
>DB was supposed to be allied w mythic dawn for oblivion, which couldve been sick. possible evil ending for the MQI always assumed that that the devs wanted to avoid multiple endings after they had to come up with a total asspull with Daggerfall. Guess it will be interesting to see what they decide on for Skyrim but I'm 99% sure they'll just make the Imperial route canon.
>>7752>assumed that that the devs wanted to avoid multiple endings after they had to come up with a total asspull with Daggerfall.idk why they think they need to make literally everything in every game canon anyways. its literally MKs shittiest idea he ever had, which is saying something cuz c0da fucking sucked. but more importantly from a game design PoV, its suffocating. it forces this everythings-possible-on-one-character cancer that skyrim """perfected""". the polar opposite to how an open-ended RPG should be
either way tho, you were supposed to be able to join the sixth house in MW. hence the initial invitation dagoth sends you through dagoth gares, and the later final questions he has with you before the heart chamber. so i dont think its impossible that they were thinking about it back then at least during MWs development, if not during oblivion. they p clearly telegraphed both the oblivion crisis
in tribunal and p much the entire plot of skyrim
in bloodmoon, so i dont think its out of the question that this was more breadcrumbs that simply went unused. the connection between DB and dagon cultists seems way too deliberate
>>7682Lore-wise they're basically Amazonians. They have a disdain for men and apparently make excellent surrogate mothers for mages.
it's implied that if the Mazken are masochists, the Aureal are probably sadists, all else being opposite in the two species' demeanors
>>7687>nvm becoming the literal lord of madness and wtf that means in the long run for him.Wasn't it implied that this was Sheogorath's ultimate troll and he ultimately is just using CoC as a vessel for rebirth purposes so he wants people to become familiar with his face since he'll be possessing it later?
>>7758no its not quite that simple.
well it is kinda simple in daggerfall, by itself. its the canonization of all DF endings going forward that makes it get retarded
daggerfall takes place several centuries after the end of tiber septims reign as emperor. in DF he is neither talos, nor is talos a god in the empire. hes just tiber septim, the founder of the septim empire from lik 400yrs ago
during his conquest of tamriel tiber came across the remains of the dwarven automaton, numidium. he had his battlemage zurin arctus tasked with finding a way to power it. he didnt have the heart of lorkhan, so zurin created the mantella. basically a very large soul gem. somehow, either through treachery or accident, zurin ended up becoming soultrapped, himself, within the mantella. this is who "the underking" is in daggerfall. so one of the most powerful battlemages in history had accidentally turned himself/been tricked into becoming into a lich. bummer.
tiber gave zero fucks tho
and prolly planned it that way cuz now he had a giant death robot. so he set about nuking the fuck out of alinor and everywhere else in tamriel that still had any fight left in them. this was the founding of the empire as we know it in the games, and is what marks the beginning of the 3rd era. he ruled for about 40yrs after this, then he died and passed the job onto the rest of the septim family line
tiber septim had been dead for hundreds of years prior to DF. the endings of DF are what results in talos becoming a god in retrospect (the warp in the west)
>>7760idgi is this for TR?
i didnt realize they were going for the rest i thought it was just supposed to be mainland morrowind
anvil seems like a weird place to start for cyrodiil. youd think theyd start from cheydinhal
>>7761>>7762It's a sister project called Project Tamriel. Uses the same assets from Tamriel Data and has a lot of the same dudes working on it. If you want to try it check out Skyrim: Home of the Nords, it's the furthest ahead as of now (over 100 quests and a landmass around half the size of Vvardenfell iirc)
>>7760I think Warlockracy made a video about this one. He talked about it as "coming soon" and that was like multiple years ago. He made a follow up shortly after saying the Devs reached out and gave a more accurate timeline.
It looked pretty good very high quality.
One of these days I got to try Tamriel Rebuilt. Just on the principle that this mod has been in development since the BEFORE the release of Morrowind.
Anyone ever play TR, is it worth it ? Does it still include Vvardenfell ?
>>7764They released one part a long time ago that was just the island of Stirk. It was pretty much just intended as an alpha demo to show off the assets since it was incredibly unoptimized and half the quests were broken. But they're saying that the update will be out before the end of the year so hopefully we should see it soon enough.
As for TR I've only really scratched the surface of it in 2 playthroughs because it's fucking huge but I'd highly recommend it. Quality-wise it feels mostly on-par with vanilla and some things it even does better imo (for example the House Dres areas do a better job of capturing the whole isolated xenophobic feeling that the original game was going for imo). And yes Vvardenfell is still there without really being changed. It does make the MQ kind of a pain in the ass since you have to find another like 7 Telvanni councilors in the Hortator quest but that's an optional esp that can be disabled if you don't want it. I did hear that it's a pain in the ass to set up in the vanilla engine but I didn't have much trouble with it in OpenMW.
>>7763>Skyrim: Home of the Nordsah i didnt realize that was part of an entirely different project
tbh i havent tried TR since ages ago, before most places even had NPCs or enterable buildings
kinda been saving it for when/if i ever get a real computer. i didnt realize it was actually essentially "done" tho
>>7765>I did hear that it's a pain in the ass to set up in the vanilla engineyea last time i tried to do it i managed to bork my whole install
not looking to repeat on that since the install i got rn has a buncha mods you literally cant even get anymore
to my knowledge like uviriths legacy and the one where you can build up a whole town around your tower
its a shame thats the telvanni mod thats gone, whereas ppl backed up the WAYYYYYYY shittier rise of house telvanni. at least nowadays theres a patch that lets you edit out that stupid vivec-gril autistic modder self-insert character
>>7769>>7770It's nowhere near done (the devs said it's about 1/3rd finished iirc) but it's already easily as big if not bigger than the vanilla game. They also stopped putting the preview stuff in new releases so you're not gonna accidentally walk into some unfinished area.
>for when/if i ever get a real computer.From my experience it runs fine on toasters. There will be lag in the bigger cities like Old Ebonheart but that's more a problem with the game's engine not being designed for huge settlements rather than whatever PC you're using. There's also an option for vanilla-res textures rather than the default HD ones (which I'd personally use either way since it looks more in-line with the base game).
>i managed to bork my whole installI think it's supposed to be easier nowadays since there's none of that whole registering BSAs shit. But if you can be bothered I'd recommend reinstalling and setting it up again with MO2. It basically makes modding Bethesda games retard proof by storing the mods in a separate folder and not touching the game's data files so it's pretty much impossible to fuck up your install.
>uviriths legacy and the one where you can build up a whole town around your towerI think someone reuploaded those to Nexus. Never really tried any of those Telvanni mods but it always annoyed me that they get all the cool stuff while nobody makes shit for Hlaalu and Redoran. I mean I get that edgy ancap wizard lords are more interesting than basically a generic knightly order and literal Jews but it's not like I'm gonna do the same factions in every single playthrough.
>>7780real barenziah is a classic. todd knows better than to censor that one
the funny part is in DF theres a side mission where you have to go try to steal the censored part back from gortwog
who was blackmailing her with it but then when you get there the fuckin necromancers usually already stole it, cuz of course they did, so you gotta go aaaaaallllll the way back out of orsinium and down to scourg barrow to steal it back from the king of worms then bring it back to barenziah in wayrest
so theres actually unironic lore for why that book is the way it is. crazy retard shit old bethesda was
>At least that also resulted in him making MK retcon the part about Pelinal being gay thoughdid it? im p sure that part is still in the songs of pelinel. or at least its still vaguely hinted at enough that i read it that way. his death is the thing that sets him off on the whole frenzy where he goes full kill mode and
So are all the dungeons in the first region in Daggerfall all shit compared to the tutorial dungeon Privateer Hold ? Figured I would just explore the first region a bit before trying out some quests.
I also decided to start Daggerfall going in pretty much blind except for creating a custom class as I know that is the recommended way to play. Just went in as a basic nord warrior and tried to pick skills all related to warrior using blunt weapons as my main damage skill.
Based on the first dungeon, I seem capable once I got my hands on an actual blunt weapon that is, for some reason they start me with a shortsword and i was getting owned by rats.
>>7784>I seem capable once I got my hands on an actual blunt weapon that is, for some reason they start me with a shortsword and i was getting owned by rats.lel yea they rly just throw you down the well. you literally cant even hit the imp unless you specifically answered the questions so that uriel gifts you the ebony dagger in the intro. or in your case the silver staff
they wanted to show you "one" of basically everything that can happen in a dungeon, really quick. thats all privateers is. just get outta there and get some equipment and a wagon
size of the dungeon is dependent on whether youre playing vanilla or smaller dungeons mode. vanilla should be comparable to privateers, but quickly doable. if youre playing vanilla, or doing anything related to the MQ theyll be anywhere from 4x to 10x times the size, so you might be in there for a while. or not. if its your first time prolly do smaller ones. you can still get a taste for it with the MQ ones, as theyre the same either way
dungeon delving isnt rly a thing you should rly do until you have a cure poison, cure disease, maybe some cheap custom healing spells for health and fatigue, or potions at least. cheapest-you-can-make custom slowfall, levitate, water walking, water breathing is worth having around too
if youre a warrior just go join the fighters guild and only take the jobs that sound doable for some lvl2 nobody. free bed, cheaper repairs, training. if youre a thief go steal everything and skip town. if youre a mage
do be careful cuz the mages guild is notorious for sending newbies off to fucking die a hopeless death in the great forgotten infini-labyrinth of Old Barbausa's Hovel No.7786
>>7781Let's not forget the loli daedra from Battlespire who wants to show you her "secret parts". Man they could really get away with anything back then.
>DF theres a side mission where you have to go try to steal the censored part back from gortwogI never really understood that one since you can just find the book all over the place anyway. Was it just a bug/dev oversight or was it implied that she had ulterior motives or something? I can't remember.
>or at least its still vaguely hinted at From what I remember in one of MK's forum posts it was supposed to be more explicitly stated that they "shared the bed" but he was told to tone it down. I'm guessing because Bethesda was fully going for the console audience at that point and didn't want to deal with a bunch of pissed off soccer moms.
>>7784The MQ dungeons are handmade while the rest are procgenned so there is a difference in quality. Are you playing with smaller dungeons enabled? It's a big improvement imo.
>>7786>I never really understood that one since you can just find the book all over the place anyway. Was it just a bug/dev oversight or was it implied that she had ulterior motives or something? I can't remember.its just one chapter she wants to censor. youd assume itd be the one about barbed cat penii, but i guess that ones fine lel.
i was actually gonna do that quest this time
you need to help helseth blackmail that guy first, prior to helping elysanna. DONT open the letter. thats the trigger and post what she wanted censored ITT, but i didnt realize the quest timer starts as soon as barenziah gives you the note to come see her. which explains why i always get to orsinium then have to turn tf back around and go steal from manny.
this time, i had been helping the witches and had become a rather notorious criminal in menevia, so had to catch a boat to hammerfell for a couple seasons. by the time i got back to wayrest, quest was gone
>>7785The fighters guild gave me an absolutely insane second contract. First one was your standard kill some bats in a guys house.
But the second one sent me to this fucking huge dungeon to kill a giant. After I killed it, the dungeon starts spawning them to chase you down until you escape. I barely survived killing one and then there are like 5-6 chasing you down. Honestly it was fucking fun. Took me like an hour to find the fucking giant and then it was a run like hell back to the start.
I do think I will have to break the pure warrior approach to get recall and some method of curing poison.
>>7796>it was a run like hell back to the start.It's worth saying that Mark/Recall is pretty much essential in Daggerfall at least for some of the hueg MQ dungeons. Getting lost in one can unironically end your whole playthrough if you're not careful. Can't remember if it's possible to use it without magic, like potions or whatever.
>>7796you can just turn down contracts that sound too fucked. the questgiver will be lik, "wow wat a pussy", but you dont lose rep unless you accept something then fail it
>I do think I will have to break the pure warrior approach to get recall and some method of curing poisonthe traditional daggerfall playstyle is kinda this warrior mage in plate armor thats kinda sneaky. a lotta skills just kinda lvl up as you play, and plate armor of diff materials is the only real armor in vanilla, so it just ends up that way if no gameplay mods are involved
the mages guild will sell you spells even if youre a non-memeber, so you should def get recall. i cant believe i forgot that lel. its just a given. just remember you NEED to set an anchor after every teleport. not like in MW.
the annoying part is that other than basic shit like balynas balm, most of their pre-made spells are ludicrously expensive, esp so for a non-mage, so i dont rly get the logic. with custom spells you can make all kinds of shit that only costs lik 5SP and you can spam it to level. thats the way to go. even if idgaf about mages guild, i almost always go in there, join, make some basic skills, and then theyll eventually kick me out for not doing any jobs for them. who care
>>7797>Can't remember if it's possible to use it without magic, like potions or whateverin vanilla, sadly, no
if you get the archaeologists mod, they give you a recall mark for free on joining. theyll even repair it for you once you get like rank3, which is unusual given how you cant repair enchanted stuff
iirc its "penwick papers" which is the mod that adds in teleport potions
amongst a BUNCH of other shit. it mightve been "potions of the illiac" tho, i dont rly remember tbh
oh yea, one more thing worth looking into
take a look through uesp and look at all the temples and what services they offer. theyre all different
some notable ones i remember
functionally a replacement mages guild. theyre the only other vanilla guild with a spellmaker AND an enchanter. super powerful stuff. iirc they might be enemies w mages guild, so keep that in mind if you wanna be in both. theyre also fucking hardcore egghead nerds, so that could be annoying from a RP perspective, depending
only place other than the dark brotherhood that traffics in soulgems and souls cuz theyre secretly allies. go figure, god of death and all
just be aware, the dark brotherhood rly rly hates random mercs that go around doing their jobs for them, so if youre a fighters guild guy all the way you might have some issues joining them depending on what quests you do
giant tits and hung beefcakes galore. what more do you need?
also iirc the earliest faction potion sellers, so if you rank up a lot, theyll sell you potions for almost nothing
i think kynareth might have a spellmaker too, but dont quote me on that. and stendarr is the only ones who will heal you for free, regardless of memebership
at any rate, temples are worth looking into, just so you dont inadvertently end up a vampire/were-critter
that said, both diseases/curses are def worth trying some time imo. but they def make things a lot more complicated, and its def NOT trivial to heal it like in later games.
of the two id have to say lycanthropy is the better one, just remember to turn into wereform BEFORE you FEAST ON THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT unless you dgaf about being branded a murderous lunatic. i like to climb up on a building, transform, then leap down and slaughter everyone. its based.
the permanent +40 to STR END AGI and SPD is just fucking silly, PLUS you end up immune to all iron and steel weapons, making you invincible against all town guards. vamps get that one too tho, but being tied down to only traveling at night AND needing to kill at least once a day can get rly complicated. +20 to all stats and para immunity is nice tho
jfc theres a lot to this game
i also totally forgot: get a spell of free action
youre totally fucked in this game if you cant deal with parlysis. a ton of enemies love to spam it, from spiders, to mages and nightblades, to daedra and vamps
this fact alone is why high elf was always the go-to race in vanilla, as theyre immune to it by default
>>7801I guess it makes sense when the whole point of the mod is to make non-magic characters more viable. I need to try that one sometime, battlemages are basically the stealth archers of Daggerfall so would be nice to try something different for once.
>>7817its a great mod
excellent quests, makes language skills worthwhile and actually useful
what more could you need?
cuz they prolly got that too.
>daedra summoning>enchanter>item identification>potion brewer/vendor>quest target locator devices worth the membership by itselfthe only thing is that, in addition to needing your skills high enough, you also need to raise you INT high enough to get promoted. which makes sense, since theyre basically just rogue-ish scholars
im p sure they wont even accept you if youre too dumb
>>7817also if youre going no/low magic, get penwick papers mod and the skullduggery mod too. both add a lot for rogues, which was by far the weakest character type in vanilla
honestly, just go through nexus and sort by most popular mods. skip the gfx mods and youre p much gud to go. or do gfx mods. see if i care
>>7822>the town is haunted by a ghost that looks like the Phantasms from Blood and just screams "VENGEANCE" and they go about like nothing.Man I shit myself the first time that happened. Also DF skeletons were spoopy as fuck, wish they kept them like that in the later games.
>>7827>I was expecting it to be le good guys vs. literally HitlerThat's what the developers intended though. Like I'm pretty sure Todd has come out and said you aren't supposed to side with the Stormcloaks because racism but nobody gives a shit since the Imperials were the ones who try to execute you at the beginning.
>where you fuck them all over and become High King yourselfI honestly thought this is what they were leading up to the first time I played all those years ago and what you described is why I joined the Imperials despite disliking them.
Imagine my disappointment when it turned out I was just a useful stooge to kill Ulfric and I was never meant to walk in Tiber Septim's footsteps. Hammerfell was gonna rebel anyways, etc. and none of my choices had any political consequence on the game whatsoever other than maybe killing the Emperor, but if the Dark Brotherhood didn't do it someone else would've anyways. No.7830
>>7822the political sim stuff is all kindsa esoteric
i couldnt even begin to tell you i actually understand it 100%
but basically, when you ask anyone "any news?" theyll sometimes tell you
>oh the summoners of mara were fine with koegria till that incident at the palaceor some shit, indicating theyre now hostile to each other. you cant join the summoners of mara, but you can join the temple of mara itself. each guild in the game has these separate sub-guilds within them. as theyre part of the same guild, ranking up with mara directly causes some spill-over with all their sub-factions. ranking up with them incidentally will also cause you to rank down w any factions theyre at war w in roughly equal measure
faction and sub-faction alliances are set at the beginning of the game, and theres a few that CANT change, but most can change at any point in the game with or without your involvement
in-game the only real consequence is that some ppl might not talk to you
theyll offer services still, but at slightly raised prices, although it CAN become an issue if your faction is at war directly with a kingdom youre currently in. once you get to be "a scoundrel" or lower
press the I key to check, theyll start sending guards to arrest you on "criminal conspiracy". so that means its time to gtfo unless you rly lik being a political prisoner
its also worth noting fighters guild tough guys are NOT knights of honor or whatever. theyre literal mercs. anyone with coin can hire them. and some jobs they do arent exactly always legal.
if you want the respect and adoration of the people you should look into joining the knightly orders. once youre a knight, all taverns in the kingdom of your order will let you stay for free indefinitely, and apparently theyll eventually even give you a house. idk tho i hardly ever even wear armor so never got that far in them. theres a mod that extends their quests substantially, and i have it installed, i just always end up playing anything other than an honorable knight
>Bethesda advertised "radiant quests" for Skyrim as if it was some kind of new content when I'm pretty sure 100% of the content I have done in Daggerfall was all "radiantly" generated.imo DF does it far better. i think its mostly the flavor text that makes the difference. in skyrim its usually go there do this thing then come back, with little to hide that its just an errand. DF does the same a lot, but sometimes theres choices, or youll fail, or the initial quest was a trick/trap etc
>>7827it bums me out that ppl rag on the civil war quest so much tbh. its not the greatest, and it was rly buggy at release, but its also the only questline that has a choice and visible consequences
you can fulfill a literal vampire doomsday prophecy and fuckall changes in-game. its the last stand for actual RPing in TES, and you just KNOW theyre never gonna do anything like it ever again. too much effort, too many bugs, and normies hate it. its ogre
one thing tho
ulfric being an asset is only an enemy-of-my-enemy kind of relationship. if you read that dossier in the MQ, the thalmor arent giving him orders. they tortured him and tricked him, but hes def NOT listening to them. its not even clear they currently have any spies within stormcloaks to even slightly control him. they only note that that might be an option further down the road.
hes simply wearing down their future opposition, and thats useful, so they let him do his thang
i also strongly reject the idea of him being a useful idiot. hes retarded, but so are nords, and hes prolly their only hope. torygg wouldntve done shit, idc what that vampire court sorceress that he was enthralled to says. shes obv lying to you, idk why no one notices that. she literally sends you to go die in a cave so that potema could be resurrected in a different cave across the street ffs. and the empire itself is totally co-opted by thalmor anyways, so anyone making a move against them openly would be killed before they could even declare war. ulfric is rly the only option imo
also, elves are fucking pussies and cant reproduce as fast, which is actually a huge deal. the redguards literally just beat tf out of them, so the nords certainly can too. if they try to move against nords within the next century, theyd be btfo so utterly their race might unironically never recover.
also, skyrim is encircled by massive fuckoff mountains, so the only way in is the way trinimac did it: through the sea of ghosts.
i cant think of a place on tamriel that would cause more attrition than naval-to-land attack on the sea of ghosts into a horde of angry nords.
>>7829>Todd has come out and said you aren't supposed to side with the Stormcloaks because racismReally? Lmao. I wonder if that's what they really intended and I'm just interpreting it wrong, or if Todd himself is misunderstanding it? I doubt they let him have much say in the writing since his quests in Morrowind were complete ass. Also, I wonder if this would still be the common view if the game was based on Hammerfell's rebellion instead? I'm 100% sure you'd be encouraged to side with the Redguard kangz and queanz to fight against whitey.
>Imagine my disappointment when it turned out I was just a useful stooge to kill Ulfric and I was never meant to walk in Tiber Septim's footstepsWould've been cool but it would never happen because they never like to disclose details about the MCs in later games. Imagine if TES VI came out and the lore surrounding that event was "So the legendary Dragonborn appeared, singlehandedly beat everyone and crowned himself the new Emperor but we forgot his name, what race he was or if he was a man or woman just because lol". It might work if they did a spin-off with an established MC like Redguard but I can't see them doing that again.
>>7831There was one note I was thinking of that also said that the Stormcloaks were unknowingly being supplied by Thalmor-owned companies, but now that I think of it that might've been a quest from Beyond: Bruma (good mod, check it out if you decide to play Skyrim for whatever reason). Still, to me the Stormcloak rebellion seems pointless in the long run because they ultimately want the same thing as the Empire anyway. The moment the Empire openly declares war on the Dominion Skyrim and Hammerfell would probably just rejoin them.
>>7831>consequencesin all fairness Skyrim takes place over the course of what, a month or two? A lot of the "big" consequences in that game are the type of things that take years or decades to have a real impact prior to the creation of electrical lines.
Skyrim has one very important feature that gives it some superiority over all the other elder scroll games.
Hot Goth Vampire GF with Daddy Issues.
>>7843>Hot Goth Vampire GF with Daddy Issueswas just telling my bro about how there's an entire porn industry built around Skyrim adult mods because of that fucking vampire lmao
>>7843>>7845serana is the most basic bitch skybabbys first boner there ever was
i actually rly lik how they made her impossible to marry, that shits funny af. they knew all TES fans would seethe
course they also prolly had to know the modders wouldnt take it lying down
poor dumb broad was already raped by molag bal, then ends up getting raped across infinite timelines by every coom-modder ever via the elder scrolls construction set. cant catch a break
who are the 2 psycho poison bitches you could marry?
thats the real shit tbh. the one in markarth was muiri, i remember that one cuz she gives you her ring. and i wanna say the gril in riften was ingi or some weird name lik that? she was a blackbriar. always thought it was a missed opportunity to not be able to
help her poison the rest of her family so she could inherit the family business. couldve been a cool quest
>>7844Skyrim already had a TON of coomer mods but after Serana came out that number probably doubled and then some.
I did play with some face and lighting fix mods
>>7845 I cant remember the name but it was years ago so now there are probably way better iterations but it made the face models better and the skin better without looking like those over the top sex doll looks that gooners use.
I just like em pale with dark hair, so Serana will always be goated.
I also always liked that its implied she may be from the First Era but of course they don't really elaborate on that at all in game.
>>7844Skyrim coom mods kind of fascinate me in a way because people put countless hours of effort into that shit. Those dudes could probably create something amazing if they channeled their autism into something other than crippling porn addiction
>>7849>if they channeled their autism into something other than crippling porn addictionthats a BEEEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGG if
>>7848>its implied she may be from the First Eraits actually prolly the merethic era
she mentions shes never even heard of "an empire", which means she actually predates allessias slave rebellion. so she was prolly sealed up either before or around that time.
but then iirc she contradicts that cuz i remember she has flavor dialogue for cities lik solitude which literally shouldntve existed yet
idk i think it was a DLC, and they prolly made it in a couple months and recorded all the dialogue already, and said fuck it no one will notice
id have to play it again, and im prolly not gonna, but i bet theres a retcon in there somewhere
>>7849Ever read about the Skyrim vore mod guy ?
I think its called the "Devouring" or something like that. But he specifically wants the mod to remove ALL male characters, no male player characters, no male npcs and this rule CANNOT be violated by anyone.
Its a hilarious story. Apparently his family and extended family staged an intervention because someone found the vore folder. He apparently lives in the Bible Belt so they sent him to some kind of "Pray the Vore" away retreat. And he is a fedora tipper redditor complaining about it all and being taken away from his precious project. LMFAO.
Skyrim really was like a new generations Sonic, it gave birth to crazy forms of autism.
>>7853im pretty sure i saw it on kiwifarms, that would have been a way better read than leddit
they had screencaps of his various forum posts and they were pretty fucking funny
i mean what would you expect of reddit ?
the guy is like the stereotypical redditor, they each see a reflection of themselves in him
>>7854true I should've expected it really but it's not like there's gonna be many other results from searching "Skyrim vore guy" on the normienet
Skyrim Grandma is retiring. She's apparently gonna make quilting videos instead until TES VI releases.
>>7856>Skyrim Grandmahad to look it up
>88yo>waiting for TES6yah idk man thats gonna be cutting it p close
if were to believe the main team was working on starfield until just recently, thats lik MAYBE a release around 2030
being 95 or so and playing a bad game sounds exhausting at best, and lethal at worst
it boggles the mind that starfield was even made in the first place
lik i get wanting to start fresh in a new IP and not be strangled creatively by decades of clusterfuck lore. but its not lik they actually did anything with that opportunity. if anything, it might be the most boring, uninspired space setting ive ever seen in any media, vidya or otherwise. and then after what, lik 6-8yrs of dev, the best story they could come up with was literally just muh dragonborn in spess. and to have the gall to literally call it starborn is just the chefs kiss of insipid bad writing. chatGPT tier
how zenimax and/or microshaft didnt see that bland shitshow and just shut it down and force them to start TES6 is beyond me. theyre the ones that are supposed to be averse to risk
>>7858play everspace instead
>>7858what they really should have done is look at Outer Worlds and how it failed and tried to improve, however they made something infinitely worse. everything i have seene of starfield just makes it look like a chore to play
while Outer Worlds was not good, it wasnt terrible, it just fell very flat and ends up very forgettable, tonally its a complete mess, it doesn't quite know what it wants to be or say
>>7861>look it up thinking this was an oblivion quest i somehow missed>it's a skyream questlel
>>7879im p sure those quests are all just radiant nonsense tho, so nearly every NPC can be a target for those
>>7861>playing "The Forsworn Conspiracy" quest<hey i think u dropp-NO<my letter? no thats yo-NONONONONONONOI DONT WANT YOUR FUCKING QUESTI DONT WANNA GO TO PRISON RN HOLY SHIT[mash buttons]
NOW GO STAND INDEFINITELY IN THE TEMPLE OF TALOS THAT ABSOLUTELY NO ONE IN-GAME OR IRL SEEMS TO KNOW EXISTS FOR SOME REASON<madlad actually does it>calm down>proceed with adventure>walk down the street<have you seen anyone enter or leave this ho-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAmarkarth is an absolute minefield for that shit No.7890
that said i actually like that one dibella quest you can get from the bum who tries to get you to steal a statue from their inner sanctum the buff you get is also p decent too if you got a female PC.
if they catch you, it sends you to a p fun, but not overly long, forsworn dungeon full of a buncha traps and shit. its implied that theyre some sort of sanguine worshippers and were gonna do a raperino to that poor little gril.
im kinda surprised they had the balls to even hint at that as much as they did. too often in skyrim and oblivion daedra worship is made to seem lik its no big deal, so its nice to see them not shy away from showing some of the fucked up shit those types actually get up to.
Why is that every time I go into a main quest dungeon in Daggerfall, I seem to go to all the place in the whole fucking huge ass dugeon EXCEPT for the path to the room with the item you actually need.
I clear these dungeons like near 90-100% each time before I finally find the branching path that I missed early and didnt choose to go down and it leads me to the quest item. What the fuck lmao.
Playing this game without recall would be an exercise in madness. I wish they had an item like prism stoness in dark souls. I would set certain color stones on certain paths to indicate I traveled on them and to differentiate each path from one another. Would be a neat QOL item, marking the map feels kind shitty because you need to check the map to see it, little marking stones would allow you to just navigate visually.
>>7891well its always gonna be in the last place you look
for MQ dungeons specifically, its cuz they were designed that way. as opposed to the other dungeons in the game, those were all hand-made, so they almost always have some sort of hidden switch or lever
or a torchfuck you nulfaga, or youll click a skull and get teleported away somewhere, or
its castle wayrest, so like 75% of the dungeon is just a different dungeon and not where you needed to go in the first place
>I wish they had an item like prism stoness in dark souls.well outside of marking the map, you kinda do tbh
just drop a drake. if you click the "gold" button in your inventory you can drop single gold coins onto the floor. or just whatever you dont wanna carry. iirc you can even click the picture up on the top right and change what the flat looks like when you drop it, so you can mark things differently
i never bother as im used to the fuckmassive dungeon crawls. i just sorta feel my way around. DFs MQ dungeons are notable tho in that theyre so large i still dont remember how tf to beat them even after playing through them a few times. ill sometimes get to a part and think, "oh yea, gettin close now", then lik an hr later and im still lost lel
>>7889Yeah, any time I opt to play Skyrim I either avoid Markath at all costs or make it the very first thing I do before even Whiterun because of that shit. Doesn't help that the quest is broken as all shit and nigs plot items out of your inventory breaking shit.
>>7919Yeah most of Daggerfall's endings are kinda ass. I always thought of the Underking as being the closest thing to a "good ending". He doesn't have any ulterior motives, dude just wants his soul back so he can finally become an hero after all these years. The Emperor makess sense since that was your mission in the first place, and maybe Mannimarco if you're going for some chaotic evil shit. Gortwog seems okay if you're an Orc Lives Matter kinda guy but he always seemed kinda shady to me for some reason, plus I don't really know why you'd have any sympathy for Orcs in Daggerfall when you're getting attacked by them constantly. I don't know who the fuck unironically sides with any of the nobles though. They send assassins after you the moment you get the Mantella and the reward of 100000 gold is pretty shit when you're normally a multi-millionaire by the end of Daggerfall anyway.
cool game innit?
>most of the choices outside of the underking and king of worms seem like bad optionsking of worms is the only one that explicitly doesnt get a LOT of ppl killed. no one gets attacked and numidium isnt even activated. and hes gud on his word, he increases your rep in the whole illiac.
seeing how the underking ending ended up breaking time itself, its hard to even rly understand what the collateral of that is, but in terms of DF itself, its a peaceful end. its at least merciful for zurin, poor bastard
of the three kingdoms id say wayrest might be the most benign. i mean they still kill the other two kingdoms if given the mantella, but thats to be expected in the illiac. and, as far as i understand the intrigue, the crown of wayrest isnt actually the ones responsible for
lysandus murder, just princess elyssanna and lord woodborne, who presumably were planning to kill barenziah and eadwyre afterwards
>last dungeon was the best in the game easily, the main quest dungeons needed more of that uniquenessi agree. a lotta ppl i see playing nowadays seem to hate it. and i guess it prolly would be an absolute bitch with a magic-less character, but i thought it was neat
lemme know and ill screencap my modlist at some point.
>>7921the empire ending is prolly the MOST destructive, as thats the one that gets numidium used on all 3 major kingdoms
king of worms is, at least in the immediate future, the most peaceful by far. he doesnt even activate the numidium and instead gets his apotheosis and fucks off forever to become a moon/god of necromancy or whatever
gortwog, similar to the empire ending, gets everyone else nuked, but they kinda had it coming tbf. plus i lik his letter he sends to try to convince you. its the most well-written one and, even better, isnt a thinly-veiled threat to your life if you disobey him
>the reward of 100000 gold is pretty shit when you're normally a multi-millionaire by the end of Daggerfall anywaygotta get limitedgoldshops mod
does what it says on the tin, and you can even limit bank loans being totally game-breaking. i find 10k per lvl to be a gud limit. that way you can still get a loan if you need some for daedra summoning, but no more multi-million drake loans with zero consequences. between that and unleveled loot mod and it becomes genuinely difficult to get even 1M, even if youre robbin an stealin all day erryday
>>7923>you can even limit bank loans being totally game-breaking.idk man going to some random province, robbing the bank blind and then fucking off never to be seen again although broken feels like an essential part of my playthroughs at this point, kinda like stealing the limeware platter in Morrowind. I did at least install a mod where they send bounty hunters after you to make it more interesting tho.
>>7924its fun the first few times i guess
my problem is that the hobo phase is the most fun. and when you can take out 100k loan as soon as you get to gothway, thats too broken for there to even be a hobo phase anymore
>>7936no pajeet accent 0/10
>>7936they need a quest where they are scamming elderly imperials out of their savings and if you go against them they start shouting FUK YU BLOODY
>>7952it must just be a simple way of coding/dealing with water cuz thats far from the only engine ive heard where it works like that
i know vanilla engine daggerfall is the same way
for that matter i think unity itself has the same issue which is why theres no real rivers mod for DFU
but thats why most of the lakes in DF end up looking like fingerlakes, with these steep ass cliffs that drop into the lake, cuz it needs to make up for that change in elevation
so what are the gud towns in TR?
it kinda looks like telvanni area is the most developed from what ive seen of it, but i havent been down south much yet
was thinking of joining telvanni, just so i dont have to go to like a thousand different telvanni wizards during the hortator quest. i remember one of you fags said that shit was rly annoying and i kinda wanted to build up tel uvirith w that one mod for myself anyways
>>7956I haven't played it for a few years so there's probably a lot of stuff I don't know about but the main cities I remember are Old Ebonheart, Port Telvannis and Necrom so I guess just try checking those out and explore the areas around them. Telanni has the most quests but I think one of the newer updates also added some Hlaalu stuff if you want to go that route.
>just so i dont have to go to like a thousand different telvanni wizards during the hortator quest. i remember one of you fags said that shit was rly annoying TR comes with an optional file called TR_Factions.esp or something like that which adds the MQ integration (I think there are now mainland Ashlander tribes you have to find now as well as Telvanni dudes) and also slows down the progression in guilds since there's a lot more quests for them now. You can disable it if you just want the OG MQ.
>>7957just checked out andothren. p big hlaalu city
got robbed, found a bum camp, some cammonna tong thugs tried to pull the ol hospitality papers scam on me, about what youd expect.
i couldnt really track down any thieves guild presence/jobs but it looks like theres a ton of quests for hlaalu. thats gud, they rly needed it, even redoran had more mods than hlaalu. thats just pathetic
>>7957figured it out
there is a thieves guild, but you gotta rebuild it cuz the tong killed erryone
free seekrit hideout in the dwemer ruins northeast of town. neat
>>7958>even redoran had more modsAny you can recommend? I did Redoran on my last playthrough and it was kinda boring tbh.
Not TES related but since we're talking about mods does anyone know any gud ones for STALKER Anomaly? I'm generally happy with it vanilla but mainly just want to de-autism it a little since the survival and repair stuff is a bit over the top. Or should I just play vanilla CoC at that point?
>>7980Me again samefagging in case anyone else is interested in Stalker. Found out about Call of the Zone and would recommend it. It's basically vanilla CoP/CoC gameplay but with more interesting quests and more dynamic AI (you can end up with crazy shit like Monolith squads getting all the way down to Cordon etc.). Feels like a breath of fresh air since most of the modern mods are all about /k/ tacticool autism or tedious survival/crafting mechanics to the point that newfag fans are surprised when they play the OG trilogy and find out that they don't really focus much on that kind of stuff.
>>7989I lik shadow of Chernobyl. I think I red abowt a modrs thet smashrs the gams togever to makrs one gam
>>7990Yeah that's pretty much what I'm talking about. Call of Chernobyl is the original mod that mashed all the maps together and most other popular mods are built on it. There's not really a main quest though so the intention is basically that you join one of the factions and RP your own story. Pretty fun but I'd recommend playing all of the OG trilogy first (or at least just Call of Pripyat, Clear Sky is kinda ass tbh).
>>7980hold on ill look around for my most recent anomameme install and try and find what mods i was using
def stay far away from the popular bloatpacks lik gamma. that stuff is for tarkov zoomers who got tired of getting aimbotted. its hilariously unfun.
plus you gotta go to the geeks dicksword and install it w a .exe installer, then go through and configure lik 300 of the 400 or so mods to make it not autistic
just make your own loadout. imo its unironically easier than sifting through all that autism
heres some basic QoL things
>anomaly mod configuration menu>cozy campfires>food/drug/drink animations i actually turn these off mostly since i find it makes item management too tedious. but theyre nicely done>parts in tooltip>instant tooltip>persistent weather>sorting+>shift hover transfer>crooks faction identification>HTS bars>PDA to previous weapon>maid vanilla+ HD icons>pre-blowout murder of crowsand then i had these for my particular character
drug-addled ecologist obsessed w artifacts, fell in w freedom, then got stuck north and lost his mind>psy stress>perk-based artifactswhich added a layer of insanity
keep in mind this is ~2yrs ago so there might be better/newer replacements for some of these
oh yah for the repairing autism in particular there was one more, but i didnt get to try it much cuz it was still early/buggy af
>sum of its parts No.8008
>>7964the LGNPC mods have a bunch of diff parts for diff regions
the parts for redoran territories are called "pax redoran" and tie into their questline
its nothin special rly, as its mostly just more verbose NPCs. very light cutscene scripting in some cases
no MWSE stuff tho. its more based around honor and doing the right thing always, even if its not the ez thing
for ex, that first quest you get where theres that hlaalu guy trying to sneak in with the helmet, if you accept his bribe they will permab& you from the house. its got a bunch of little stuff like that which helps a lot imo if youre RPing some hardline redoran traditionalist
or a dropoutbut its just a
bunch of little stuff like that
a number of extra quests. some required, most not. some tie into the temple. a lil quest to fund a shrine in suran. it allows to
kinda do that one vampire quest in ald'ruhn, without being a vampire
idk try it out. redoran was p half-baked in vanilla so anything helps
i was just sayin hlaalu had actually nothing
and now that ive seen a few hlaalu towns in TR, imma wait and do a legit hlaalu run once that drops in full
>>8007Thanks bro, will check those out if I end up playing Anomaly again. I also found this one which apparently cuts down on a lot of the item bloat and attempts to generally make the whole thing more vanilla-esque. But I'm having fun with CoTZ right now anyway, the upgraded A-life gets really weird (currently playing Military and somehow ended up at war with Ecologists and being bros with Freedom lol), plus it runs nicer on my potato since it doesn't come with any grafix stuff installed. Only complaint is that it crashes more than Anomaly since it isn't in the new 64-bit engine.
>>8008>LGNPC modsWow that looks ambitious, will have to give it a try on my next playthrough. Wish there was a version with everything in 1 addon rather than having to install like 20 of them separately.
>no MWSE stuff thoI'm an OpenMWfag anyway. Some MWSE stuff looks interesting but not enough that I'd bother going back to Todd's old broken engine, not to mention the tedium of setting up MGE XE and having to regenerate the distant land every time you change you're load order. Only mod that really tempted me so far is the one that introduces Oblivion's poison system but I'm sure someone will make an OMW-lua version soon™
>>8010it makes sense from a modders pov
it adds a LOT of writing, so they all divvy it up and focus on one area
lik i said its just dialogue mostly so it shouldnt be a huge issue dealing with load order or even worrying about it being a new game or not, just put it towards the end so it doesnt get overwritten by any other quest/dialogue mods. plus you might not want
every town to be so verbose
oh yah
>indarys manor expandednice lil upgrade to the rather pathetic vanilla outpost you build. and w pax redoran all those generic NPC underlings that come w the house have little quests you can do for em too
>>8009old world add on and CoTZ are both the popular alternatives for ppl that h8 anomameme
i dont rly get the contention
lik sure its empty, but no shit, thats the point. its supposed to be something you add mods to and have a sandbox
i think the problem is that, since the proliferation of sandbox mods w CoC, almost all the focus on new mods has been on making EVERYTHING a sandbox mod. plus you see a lotta ledditors even recommending skipping the trilogy and just diving into the sandbox mods, w no reference to any of the world/lore, which is phenomenally stupid. literally skipping the best part
imo the big thing those games need to elevate them to something closer to the trilogy is more side quests
ive often thought about writing up some simple little daggerfall type radiant quests. some shit that has little options on how you can beat them. the sandbox mods clearly WANT to be RPGs, but then theres no actual quests that allow any RPing. its just go there, do the thang, come back
problem is, idk if youve ever tried to mod anything in x-ray engine, but its fucking wacky. the alife in particular is unbelievably complex, so getting it to do what you want is nearly impossible. well above my paygrade
>>8012I don't hate anomaly, I've done a few runs in the past and enjoyed it enough. I just think there's a lot of tedium in the name of realism, like the repair system, animations every time you equip a new suit, your character flailing around and losing vision when your health is low etc.. Some of it even has the opposite effect and makes things less believable, like how you can kill some high-ranking military general and then find that his inventory includes a broken AK47 with 4 bullets and a cum-covered porn mag. If hardcore difficulty is your thing I can see it being more enjoyable but personally I'd rather have something that plays closer to the OG games.
>plus you see a lotta ledditors even recommending skipping the trilogy and just diving into the sandbox mods, w no reference to any of the world/loreYeah that seems particularly popular with zoomer streamers and the like. Never really understood it because the whole intention of sandbox mods is for people who have already played the games to death and want a new experience. In fact I read somewhere that SoC was supposed to have a freeplay mode that you unlock as a postgame thing, not sure how true that is tho.
>ive often thought about writing up some simple little daggerfall type radiant quests. some shit that has little options on how you can beat themCoTZ actually has something like that. Like for example there can be a quest where you have to find some documents for someone, but then after you've picked them up another dude might come along and offer you a better reward for them. It's only slightly less basic than the stuff from other sandbox mods though.
>>8013>I read somewhere that SoC was supposed to have a freeplay mode that you unlock as a postgame thingSoC was supposed to have a bunch of shit. too much to even list. the definition of scope creep.
they wanted the alife to be able to literally beat the game without you. like if you shut down the scorcher, then just dicked around too long, some other random NPC could make it to the wish granter/c-con instead of you, and youd "lose". or other NPCs could finish sidequests without you. the alife was supposed to be completely autonomous. wacky stuff to be even thinking about in early 00s PC gaming, nvm actually trying
it was basically babbys first game development
>hey sergay<da?>what if we did literally everything?<dacue lik 8yrs of development hell
>It's only slightly less basic than the stuff from other sandbox mods thoughthats all you rly need tho
you need lik maybe 2 dozen things lik that. something with choice, and some minor consequence of that choice. which IS a lot, i get that. but a little goes a long way
>>8026Isn't there a mod that restores a lot of the cut content in SoC? I've heard the stories about the game's development and they really did try to add all kinds of crazy shit. It's a shame that Stalker 2 seems to have used their budget to go full AAA with voiced cinematic cutscenes and the like rather than using the budget and better technology to realise some of their old ideas, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
>something with choice, and some minor consequence of that choiceYeah the consequence would be that you piss off whoever you were working for in the first place and lose rep with that faction. My favourite ones are the assassination quests. It's largely the same "go and kill X random dude" ones that you'll get in CoC/Anomaly, but you have to be quick since it also sends other Stalkers after him too. Then if you do manage to kill him his faction gets pissed and you end up with a price on your head yourself. It's pretty cool and feels like the kind of thing that A-Life was intended for in the first place.
>>8031>Isn't there a mod that restores a lot of the cut content in SoC?lost alpha was one. OGSE/R another. OLR. AMK. theres tons.
most mods, esp the earlier ones, are based on some weird interpretation of cut content to varying degrees.
one of the more fascinating things about SoC in particular is that, not only did it have an incredibly long and troubled development cycle, but it was remarkably well-documented. and we actually have those documents, and even assets, in some cases.
apart from the game just being the definition of slavjank SOVL this, more than any one thing, is what made stalker develop the mod scene it has. all that missed potential, and an entire slavic society of bored nerds willing to do the legwork
tfw preparing for my yearly NV playthrough and just found out that TTW got a big update and have to spend gorillions of hours running their installer again, wish there was an easier way to do this shit
>>8140i wanted to do a nv playthrough recently
but then i remembered that it takes like a week of installing mods before you can play it and i was just like naaaah
>>8145Just use the Viva New Vegas guide, it only takes a few hours from my experience and gives you all the fixes and QoL stuff you need. My problem is that I get carried away and end up spending days installing unnecessary shit (also using TTW despite knowing full well that Fallout 3 is total ass)
>>8188how does this affect sex mods?
>>8189Oblivion always had better models than Skyrim since they weren't cookie cutter generic and the shading/lighting choices allowed for more anime filtering so I would imagine Skyrim will devolve into the furry/BDSM sex mod game of choice while Oblivion Remaster will become the anime/weird shit mod game of choice.
>>8190vary interesting i must use this for my own financial gain and charge patreon monies for hardcore cuckime mods using licensed characters
>>8189Probably not as weird since OG Oblivion had a cult following in Japan.
Do modern Beth games even get modded that much anyway? Seems like Shartfield gets nowhere near as much attention in the modding scene as Morrowind and New Vegas. Hell even Skyrim and FO4 still get a fair few although most of them are sex mods.
>>8188>ideas to improve it were taken from Souls-like>The stamina system was reworked to be less frustrating>the HUD was changed to make it easier to understand and more aesthetically pleasing to young playersyeah fuck that zoomer shit I'm gonna be sticking to the original
>>8192my head canon on it is that every one with the talent to do it rightfully recognizes nubeth as shit
think i remember at least one OG sayin nah fuck fo4 but that may be bullshit
>>8194you might be thinking of that gay old man that does breakdowns of the development of the first two fallouts. tim? i forgot his name tbh
>>8195Tim Cain? iirc he directed Fallout 1 but left during the development of 2 because he didn't agree with the direction that the series was going in. Didn't like FO2 that much myself either tbh
>>8196yah that guy, but it's probably not the same guy
>>8194 was talking about tho since he left before bethesda acquired fallout. idk why i was thinking they had anything to do with the first two games
>>8195OG modder i coulda phrased that better
just remembered there was that bethesda mod store thang somewhere around 4 too, so ya i'm prob misremembering
>>8251I still need to play this
Wonder what kind of specs that guy has for it to be running that silky smooth? For me I usually get like 20-30fps max in the big TR cities
Something I noticed while reading through the latest TR changelog:
>Added the Foul Murder questline - an epilogue to Morrowind's main quest taking place in Necrom
Cool but wonder what made them change their mind on not including MQ related stuff? I wish you didn't have to play through Tribunal to get to it tho, I usually give that one a miss because it feels so different in tone to the main game.
>>8321It's implied after Bloodmoon that Nerevar found some shit and fucked off to Akavir. Official Imperial reports are that "Dagoth Ur, Sotha Sil, Almalexia, and possibly Vivec were slain in the possible Nerevar's fury" so it could just be a wrap-up quest to establish you as the one who killed 'em for the Imperial report or some shit.
>>8329I remember something like that being mentioned in Oblivion but never really looked into it more than that. Mainly just hoping they managed to keep it feeling natural and not too fanfic-y (pls no C0DA autism), but the TR team have been pretty good for that so far so I'm not too worried.
There's some fag who makes smutbait videos on Jewtube for daggerfall that makes the game look fun. I guess this is his modlist, I might have to give it a look in a few months. No.8354
>>8350Some of them look decent but
>magicka regenLOL
>loading screenswtf? are people unironically adding artificial loading times into games now?
>>8354That they are, that they are.
>>8354>>8355>modding in loading screensno way lmao
>>8359lel whats it called when someone has nostalgia for something they never actually experienced? there's no way this kind of shit gets made by people who had to deal with constant loading screens/breaks back in the day. hell it used to be a noteworthy achievement if a game had as few of those as possible
>>8362anemoia, humanity would lik to congratulate todd on his entrance into the collective consciousness
ps5 make a hullabaloo about low load time tech didnt it? then again some zoomies play 56k screeches as a novelty, so mayb going backwards is the new vidya frontier
>>8367>some zoomies play 56k screeches as a noveltyman i'm learning all sorts of things in this thread
>>8367>mayb going backwards is the new vidya frontierHasn't it kinda been that way for a while already with all the indie pixelshits they've been making for the past 10 years or so? Hilarious that people want to emulate the inconvenient parts now tho, I guess it's like the gaymer version of how audiophile fags insist on using vinyls and cassette tapes.
>>8369you're not wrong but going so far back as to reintroduce shit people explicitly hated back then is next level
>>8378>NOOO THIS IS TOO MUCH CONVENIENCE!!!i dont hat it for some reason. kind of a white cell against brain rot maybe?
or lik them nintoddle warnings about vidya too long
>>8387i fail to see how loading screens would counteract brainrot, the content itself is what causes that
>>8378I always like loading screens as a kid because they were opportunities for cool shit and to talk with your budys during multiplayer, I just hated when they took like 30 seconds or more
it just seems laughably arbitrary to put a completely unnecessary "feature" into a game that brings everything to a screeching halt when it otherwise doesn't need to go through noticeable loading times
>>8389In most games they never bothered me that much but specifically in Todd's games they were pure hell. I highly doubt that anyone has fond memories of playing Oblivion on Xbox 360 at 10fps with long ass loading screens every 5 minutes. Heard that Morrowind was even worse but neither me nor any of my bros could afford an OG Xbox tbh
>>8395I lik watching these interviews with old vidya devs. You can tell that they had genuine passion. It wasn't just a commercial product, they were just a bunch of nerds making some cool shit for other nerds to enjoy. Different to nowadays where games are made by clueless suits with zero connection to the player base who just mindlessly follow trends and mass appeal so that nothing new ever gets tried. I'm glad we have the TR devs carrying the torch nowadays because there's no way Bethesda will ever be allowed to do anything interesting again (and I doubt they'd even be capable of it anymore anyway tbh).
>>8397>>8394I never played xbox morrowind, but potato PC morrowind was a lot like this too. You get used to having a buffer every 5 steps
>>8397except stadia was actually garbage and is now ded
>>8388lik starin out da window when yeem been clicky clackin for too long, break the spell for a sec
just spit ballin obv
>>8397>>8399That image aged pretty badly lol
Reminds me of playing Oblivion on a potato. My PC was so shit that I downloaded a mod called "Oldblivion" (I think) which let you turn the graphics down even further than the lowest settings and still only got like 15-20fps at most. Eventually I just caved and bought the console version.
>tfw missed out on all those weird fucked up Japanese porn mods No.8418
>>8401counteracting brainrot takes months for most people not a couple minutes or however long these fake loading screens last lmao that's like saying you counteracted your emphysema by not smoking for a day
>>8420in what way? the human characters look freakish too
>>8421idk, I've played the base game to death so I guess it just feels weird after being accustomed to guars and giant mushrooms everywhere for so long
>>8424ohhh i think i get what you mean
>>8420oh is that the new cyrodiil mod?
im still waiting on the hlaalu update for TR before playing again tbh
is fun
ditch the magicka regen tho that shit is for fuckin pansies
DFs magick is already ludicrously OP
>>8420yeah, it's like opening a door in vivec and stepping into the office of a tax accountant busy on the phone
>>8449That screenshot is from the Skyrim mod but yeah similar thing with that one too
>im still waiting on the hlaalu update for TRI'm pretty sure that already came out a few months back, there's a bunch of Hlaalu content now that wasn't there when I last played anyway No.8453
>>8450>enchant all your shit with spell absorb>make a bunch of high range spells>hit yourself with them>literally infinite magickaI have no idea how someone would have trouble with magic in Daggerfall, it's even more OP than Morrowind
>>8452>>8453get a load of this faggot and his retarded takes
Just started a new playthrough on OpenMW and have to say it has some really nice unique mods now with the new lua scripting system. I particularly like this one which lets NPCs heal and adds some much-needed difficulty to the game. It's not quite at the same level as MWSE yet, but personally I prefer a more vanilla-esque experience anyway. Thought it's worth mentioning since we seem to have a lot of linuxfags here now
someone make me a nexus account the trannies in charge don't like my email
>>8463p sure I made mine years ago with one of those 10 minute mail sites, but it's harder to find ones that work these days so failing that try a Protonmail burner or smth
>>8458Do you have a copy of it? I don't want to touch Nexus
>>8466Sure (totally not dolphin porn btw)
I don't like Nexus either but they pretty much have a total monopoly over TES/Fallout modding so there isn't much choice but to use it
>>8464proton doesn't let you reg for stuff if they think the email is a burner
they send a generic message that "hey we intercepted this registration email we think you're using our email for spam >:^((((("
>>8473Really? Must be a new thing, I used a bunch of them a year or 2 ago to spam free trials on AI sites. Guess other people prolly had the same idea. Maybe it'd work if you sent some generic emails to yourself before signing up to anything? idk
But yeah it's difficult to find working burners these days because all the sites ask for your fucking phone number, it's bullshit
>>8452nah thats just part of it
the big one is gonna have the actual hlaalu capital of narsis and fill out their questlines. narsis is supposed to be lik an old ebonheart kinda deal, where its absolutely fucking enormous.
you only need one item with spell absorb. it acts like an ability, not as a cast-when-held spell, so itll never break. you just need empty spell points to be filled up and itll always absorb
its also a p common enchanted drop, so no need to go out of your way to enchant it. you almost always eventually end up with at least one "cloth amulet of magicka" or some such. and thats all you rly need
you wanna know a gud one to enchant?
find a wand
wands are among the best cast-on-use spell catalysts for their price and weight, then enchant it with cast-on-use shalidors mirror. if you have that and spell absorb going on at the same time, daedra lords/seducers and ancient vamps go from potentially OHKOing you, to self btfoening themselves
>>8476Oh right, I'm doing a Hlaalu playthrough myself rn so prolly should have waited too lol. But honestly there's already enough content that you'd never be able to touch all of it in one playthrough anyway, I'm lik level 15 and only just did the dwemer puzzle box quest, next time might get a slower leveling mod or make a separate character just for mainland content.
>>8476I also forgot that you can take spell absorb as an advantage right from the start, basically like the Atronach sign but without the downside