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 No.7509[View All]

general, modding, adventures, w/e
no tism too small

mods recs from other thread:
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I remember something like that being mentioned in Oblivion but never really looked into it more than that. Mainly just hoping they managed to keep it feeling natural and not too fanfic-y (pls no C0DA autism), but the TR team have been pretty good for that so far so I'm not too worried.


There's some fag who makes smutbait videos on Jewtube for daggerfall that makes the game look fun. I guess this is his modlist, I might have to give it a look in a few months.


Some of them look decent but
>magicka regen
>loading screens
wtf? are people unironically adding artificial loading times into games now?


That they are, that they are.


Quick reply is disconnected from the main reply now for some reason.


>modding in loading screens
no way lmao


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They even made them look exactly like the Skyrim ones, Todd has truly mindbroken them


lel whats it called when someone has nostalgia for something they never actually experienced? there's no way this kind of shit gets made by people who had to deal with constant loading screens/breaks back in the day. hell it used to be a noteworthy achievement if a game had as few of those as possible


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anemoia, humanity would lik to congratulate todd on his entrance into the collective consciousness
ps5 make a hullabaloo about low load time tech didnt it? then again some zoomies play 56k screeches as a novelty, so mayb going backwards is the new vidya frontier


>some zoomies play 56k screeches as a novelty
man i'm learning all sorts of things in this thread


>mayb going backwards is the new vidya frontier
Hasn't it kinda been that way for a while already with all the indie pixelshits they've been making for the past 10 years or so? Hilarious that people want to emulate the inconvenient parts now tho, I guess it's like the gaymer version of how audiophile fags insist on using vinyls and cassette tapes.


you're not wrong but going so far back as to reintroduce shit people explicitly hated back then is next level


i dont hat it for some reason. kind of a white cell against brain rot maybe?
or lik them nintoddle warnings about vidya too long


i fail to see how loading screens would counteract brainrot, the content itself is what causes that


I always like loading screens as a kid because they were opportunities for cool shit and to talk with your budys during multiplayer, I just hated when they took like 30 seconds or more


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True. Particularly the ones with minigames or neat lore would be fun to see at times.


it just seems laughably arbitrary to put a completely unnecessary "feature" into a game that brings everything to a screeching halt when it otherwise doesn't need to go through noticeable loading times


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people might not like a lot of shit on their turkey and shit sandwich but they question where's the shit when it's not there


In most games they never bothered me that much but specifically in Todd's games they were pure hell. I highly doubt that anyone has fond memories of playing Oblivion on Xbox 360 at 10fps with long ass loading screens every 5 minutes. Heard that Morrowind was even worse but neither me nor any of my bros could afford an OG Xbox tbh


File: 1741034872388.webm (3.76 MB, 1080x720, 3:2, Todd Howard Xbox.webm)

that's cuz todd was rebootin ur box


I lik watching these interviews with old vidya devs. You can tell that they had genuine passion. It wasn't just a commercial product, they were just a bunch of nerds making some cool shit for other nerds to enjoy. Different to nowadays where games are made by clueless suits with zero connection to the player base who just mindlessly follow trends and mass appeal so that nothing new ever gets tried. I'm glad we have the TR devs carrying the torch nowadays because there's no way Bethesda will ever be allowed to do anything interesting again (and I doubt they'd even be capable of it anymore anyway tbh).


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og xbox morrowind was kinda like this


I never played xbox morrowind, but potato PC morrowind was a lot like this too. You get used to having a buffer every 5 steps


except stadia was actually garbage and is now ded


lik starin out da window when yeem been clicky clackin for too long, break the spell for a sec
just spit ballin obv


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That image aged pretty badly lol
Reminds me of playing Oblivion on a potato. My PC was so shit that I downloaded a mod called "Oldblivion" (I think) which let you turn the graphics down even further than the lowest settings and still only got like 15-20fps at most. Eventually I just caved and bought the console version.
>tfw missed out on all those weird fucked up Japanese porn mods


counteracting brainrot takes months for most people not a couple minutes or however long these fake loading screens last lmao that's like saying you counteracted your emphysema by not smoking for a day


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Is it just me or does anyone else find it rally uncanny in SHOTN and PC seeing real life animals and fauna in Morrowind's engine?


in what way? the human characters look freakish too


idk, I've played the base game to death so I guess it just feels weird after being accustomed to guars and giant mushrooms everywhere for so long


ohhh i think i get what you mean


oh is that the new cyrodiil mod?
im still waiting on the hlaalu update for TR before playing again tbh


DF is fun
ditch the magicka regen tho that shit is for fuckin pansies
DFs magick is already ludicrously OP


yeah, it's like opening a door in vivec and stepping into the office of a tax accountant busy on the phone


That screenshot is from the Skyrim mod but yeah similar thing with that one too
>im still waiting on the hlaalu update for TR
I'm pretty sure that already came out a few months back, there's a bunch of Hlaalu content now that wasn't there when I last played anyway


>enchant all your shit with spell absorb
>make a bunch of high range spells
>hit yourself with them
>literally infinite magicka
I have no idea how someone would have trouble with magic in Daggerfall, it's even more OP than Morrowind


get a load of this faggot and his retarded takes


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Just started a new playthrough on OpenMW and have to say it has some really nice unique mods now with the new lua scripting system. I particularly like this one https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/55293 which lets NPCs heal and adds some much-needed difficulty to the game. It's not quite at the same level as MWSE yet, but personally I prefer a more vanilla-esque experience anyway. Thought it's worth mentioning since we seem to have a lot of linuxfags here now


someone make me a nexus account the trannies in charge don't like my email


p sure I made mine years ago with one of those 10 minute mail sites, but it's harder to find ones that work these days so failing that try a Protonmail burner or smth


Do you have a copy of it? I don't want to touch Nexus


https://anonfile.io/f/WcV_B-nl (totally not dolphin porn btw)
I don't like Nexus either but they pretty much have a total monopoly over TES/Fallout modding so there isn't much choice but to use it


Thank you


proton doesn't let you reg for stuff if they think the email is a burner
they send a generic message that "hey we intercepted this registration email we think you're using our email for spam >:^((((("


Really? Must be a new thing, I used a bunch of them a year or 2 ago to spam free trials on AI sites. Guess other people prolly had the same idea. Maybe it'd work if you sent some generic emails to yourself before signing up to anything? idk
But yeah it's difficult to find working burners these days because all the sites ask for your fucking phone number, it's bullshit


nah thats just part of it
the big one is gonna have the actual hlaalu capital of narsis and fill out their questlines. narsis is supposed to be lik an old ebonheart kinda deal, where its absolutely fucking enormous.

you only need one item with spell absorb. it acts like an ability, not as a cast-when-held spell, so itll never break. you just need empty spell points to be filled up and itll always absorb

its also a p common enchanted drop, so no need to go out of your way to enchant it. you almost always eventually end up with at least one "cloth amulet of magicka" or some such. and thats all you rly need

you wanna know a gud one to enchant?
find a wand wands are among the best cast-on-use spell catalysts for their price and weight, then enchant it with cast-on-use shalidors mirror. if you have that and spell absorb going on at the same time, daedra lords/seducers and ancient vamps go from potentially OHKOing you, to self btfoening themselves


Oh right, I'm doing a Hlaalu playthrough myself rn so prolly should have waited too lol. But honestly there's already enough content that you'd never be able to touch all of it in one playthrough anyway, I'm lik level 15 and only just did the dwemer puzzle box quest, next time might get a slower leveling mod or make a separate character just for mainland content.


I also forgot that you can take spell absorb as an advantage right from the start, basically like the Atronach sign but without the downside

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