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/v/ - Vidya I Guess

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Onion domain: http://ylcjjrqko7pgobnvzreemm565ea3oj3c7rfqqb4x4twmay6hafv54mid.onion/

File: 1740845628738.png (638.02 KB, 720x1018, 360:509, ClipboardImage.png)


new issue (#9) out now, believe it or not

and here's a link to the previous 8 issues https://archive.org/details/SleepyStation/Sleepy%20Station%20%231/
hope you enjoy

last thread got wiped.


Fuck off back to the webring with your shitskin community.


i bet this was the thread that drew you in faggot bump lmao


is this the bisexual smile thread?


File: 1741952891975.png (161.25 KB, 400x512, 25:32, Dickenson Midget.png)

look i made the thread around when the guy was started flippin out in the today thread ok i cant control the guy ok why cant i just post a fun lil thing about vidya on the dang board for vidya i even wrote an article in it ok just calm down its for havin fun not for bein frowny


lol don't worry man >we're just making fun of that one dramafag who shows up here every now and then


you can do what you want no one actually cares about the sperg tourist
fun tourists are always welcome


why so mad gerp


yes, no tranny frowns allowed
one (or two?) autists had a shitfit and calmed down it happens sometimes, just keep posting the zine when it releases. the bort is rally slow so a sperg with a grudge can make it seem like a bigger deal than it is


i take it back fuck off forever you prolly attracted the shitters that have been running rampant for the past week


I'm pretty sure it's just one angry retard who is pissed because he found a /v/ board where people actually play and discuss video games rather than having autistic arguments 24/7


I just found out about the fake drama
sage and ignore

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