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/v/ - Vidya I Guess

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File: 1738675063488.png (432.93 KB, 973x539, 139:77, Pro Gaming Rig.png)


whats ur rig
do u like it
what parts u wanna buy


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A 10 year old Dell Inspiron that I added an SSD and a salvaged Nvidia card to over the years
Sure, it runs pretty much every game I care about
None until if/when something breaks (and I'm not installing shitblows 11 either fuck you microshart)


that screencap is almost physically painful to read, dude got ripped off as hard as best buy could manage
anyway my rig is a decade old with a 3.6 ghz amd processor, 8 gb ram, and a radeon 290 (i think, i'm on my laptop and just recalling from memory rn) and it runs the vast majority of modern indie shit. dunno if it would be able to run any AAA stuff at all, but i also haven't seen a AAA game that i was even remotely interested in playing in like 4 years
i like it tho it's served me well, but the gpu is probably about to go to shit and when that happens i'm gonna have to build a whole new rig because of how old all the hardware is. not looking forward to it tbh considering the gpu prices nowadays where even a mid range one is probably going to be over half of the cost of the build


*radeon r9 290
whoops forgot that bit


recently upgraded to 7800x3d, 4070TiSupah. i lik it a lot
floor layout is completely open so running a projector. they're no OLED but the pic quality is impressive on them now


as much shit as newegg rightfully gets now they often have 4-500 dollhairs off deals for prebuilts if yeem wanna drop some extra to future proof since gpus are rape anyway
bought two over the last 3-4 years and they still run great, cheaper than building, and free two year warranty


nah i'd rather build it myself and have as much control over what goes into it as possible. i've got the money i'm just jew tier when it comes to spending it


Ryzen 5 2600 hex core 3.4GHz w/32GB RAM and a Radeon RX 580, got it hooked up to a proscan television
Werks more or less and the fan only comes on during newer games. It's at that sweet spot in hardware/software where I can play older stuff and newer stuff so long as I avoid PC-killers like cowaduddy. Still I don't think I've ever taken it to more than 60-70% of its limits. I clean it about every 3-5 months.


how indepth you get with your cleaning?


>extra $600 just for the warranty
holy shit


i haven't so much as air dusted my pc in like two years either my house's air quality is just that gr8 it's not. it's fine but it's not that gud or the dust is the only thing holding it together at this point. i'm honestly a little nervous to even open it at this point. still runs fine tho


dafuq. mine were free, better be seller dependent and not jewegg embarrassing me in front of my real life friends


Usually just a mildly wet and warm towel and compressed air for the components I don't feel safe getting wet even deenergized.


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I only clean mine once every year or 2 and it's usually not that bad. I think as long you actually clean your house and don't keep your PC in a room like those old /v/ battlestation threads it'll be alright. I'm glad I don't have one of those gayming cases with the glass panel tho cuz I'd probably go full OCD if I could see it all the time.


Ods on sportchan progeny being in the double digits


I stole my PC from a home depot paint kiosk


u offer color matching budy? need a gallon of hsv fuscia


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error posting


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also this is prolly the single greatest part i've ever bought
>uses a 5.25 bay to hold a full size drive and an ssd
>only needs one sata power connector
>usb 3 ports
>easy hotswapping for drives, just pull it out and shove it in cuz sata hotswap
>indicator lights for each drive
it's less than $40 and absolutely worth it if you have an older case with a 5.25 bay


where buy object


Isn't it a bad idea to have 2 drives on the same sata port? I thought about doing something like this so I can dualboot when wangblows updates end but according to my bro (who works in IT) you can lose your data pretty easily that way because one cable doesn't provide enough power or smth


it uses one sata power connector but they have their own sata data connectors, vary easy


enter + a buncha spaces is your fren


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>949 burgerbux for an AMD card that some chink slapped an anime girl picture and a car air freshener onto
Would spart/v/ buy it?


i dunno tbh


no bc i don't buy yim cases that have big glass windows and LEDs out the ass so i wouldn't see the cuckime gril in the first place


I find it hard to even get PC accessories without the gayming shit these days. A few years back I wanted to buy a new mechanical keyboard and had to search for prolly like an hour to find one with no LEDs


is there any actual benefit in having a mechanical klickety klack keyboard :^) or is it just a preference? the cheap logitech keyboard i have works fine. tbh the keyboard is the one thing i wish had some lights to it (as long as you can toggle them on and off) bc the glare from my room light off the monitor sucks for horror gayman but i cant see shit on the keyboard in a dark room obviously


They feel a little nicer and are a lot easier to clean than regular keyboards because the keys come off easily, but otherwise it's not a huge difference. In the past I always just used the cheap boards that came with the computer and didn't really have any problems with them. People will often talk about shit like how they have input lag or whatever but I'm 99% sure it's placebo bullshit.


decades spent on cheap membrane keyboards mean my fingers are lost whenever I use a mechanical. I still have no idea whether I pressed hard enough to record my keystroke when I use a mechanical

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