>>8249it's at least a more interesting concept than cookie cutter spess/modern warfare fps with generic sound design
>>8313looks pretty but i hope the soundtrack isn't all dubstep garbage or whatever the fuck you'd call that ear rape in the trailer
>>8315Looks great, I thought it was actually an SNK game at first
>>8320played for an hour, its worth
very faithful and the crt filter options may look the best i've seen
>>8313>Segalil spro was telling me that all their shit is riddled with always-online DRMs or something since Like a Dragon
>>8327they use Denuvo iirc
>>8315this is fun. beat the second boss a little bit ago. thx for postin.
i was reminded of hollow knight the other day and then i remembered there was supposed to be a sequel and it looks like it's in its 6th year of development hell wtf is going on with it i wanna play as the bitch bug
im gonna play split fiction cuz it looks interesting and i like josef "fuck the oscars" farris and because it will maek /v/ really upset since i want to form my own opinion on things
installing it now, hope it doesn't run like dogshit through proton
>>8405why would anyone here be mad about it? if it sucks then it's your time wasted, if it's fun then it's just another thing to check out
>>8405did it run lik dogshit or do i get to be upset cuz ur forming ure own opinion grrrrr
>>8405>since i want to form my own opinion on thingscool it with the antisemitic remarks
so was it fun or did you just make that post because you mistook this /v/ for some dramaring cry party and only wanted the grrs?
>>8406>>8407>>8408haven't played it yet, i think the installer fucked up and wine is being a lil bitch
im just used to vee autists having pissing contests over who can fake being ongry the most, im glad that spartmen are normal
>>8410you can't run it with lutris? that's what i resort to when something doesn't "just werks :^)" when i'm fucking around in nobara
>>8411i think the installer crashed since it complained about not finding files. i'll try it again later but i am busy making gaem at the moment
>>8412wait, you said something about proton so you're trying to run this off of steam right? check the community to see if anyone else has the same issues. brand new games take some time to become fully supported or at least supported enough to run ok in linux and if you're getting it through steam and can't run it in proton then it might not be supported at all yet
i just looked it up real quick and the clickb8 articles are blabbing about it being on the steam deck so idk man linux b gay like that sometimes
>>8414stamdek loonix tho right?
enjoy this stolen text that is green
>be valve, 2018, enjoy printing money from pc games on steam
>realize microsoft could easily kill you by making gaming on windows a walled garden like the app store
>what to do?
>the greatest heist of all time: steal every game from windows by porting them all to linux
>"it can't be done!" screams anon
>"it can, anon. we're going to upgrade wine. reimplement the DirectX API and translate it to Vulkan at runtime. same with .NET, everything." says gaben calmly
>"but you'll never get EVERY windows game to run on linux, we can't even get EVERY windows game to run on windows for christ sake!" shouts anon again
>"we don't need to. we just have to get enough, to convince everyone it's going to work."…
>*cassette time skip to 2025*
>proton is amazing. despite translating everything at runtime, it can run AAA games well and sometimes faster than Windows cuz Windows syscalls slow
>pewdiepie switch to linux
>microsoft absolutely seething
>bill gates personally makes emergency call to satya nadella at 3am
>"they did WHAT? how many users did we lose?"
>"about 30% of gamers sir, they keep saying 'linux gaming just works now'"
>valve's masterplan succeeding beyond expectations
>gaben sitting in office made entirely of knives, laughing
>"phase 1 complete, commence phase 2"
>>8415yes that's why i'm saying idk, if it runs on that shit shouldn't it be able to be at least be tweaked to run on other distros besides what the steamdick uses?
did you ever get it to run?
>>8433you didn't realize that? lmao it's right in the description of anywhere you look it up i thought you had a budy testing it with you. oh well, hopefully stalker 2 doesn't run like ass
like the original games No.8438
>>8434>>8435ty budy i tried it with the 3 proton options lutris lets me pick from and the game insta crashes with all of em. luckily this game specifically dont need nothin fancy for runnin, it werks smooth and all that. idk if the proton thang is my hardware or if its this game specifically or what. maybe i can install it through proton but for now im not gonna do to much cuz hey aint broke dont fix ykno.
>>8432>>8438inwas the one that recc'd lutris to you yah it just does all the wine/proton/whatever shit for dummies like me and seems to work for almost anything with comparatively minimal fiddling than trying to set that shit up manually
>>8443gud peng
the searx instance i use can take forever to load pics sometimes i stop waitin and just work with what little its given
>>8444>searxJust use Startpage or 4get bro. I used Searx in the past but having to change instance every few weeks because of rate limits got rally annoying. Also for some reason no matter what I typed into image search a bunch of hentai pics would always show up
Speaking of the whole loonix gayming thing I just seen this>Valve has now made it official with the launch of a new version of the operating system. The patch notes for SteamOS 3.7.0 Preview mention "Beginnings of support for non-Steam Deck handhelds" as one of the key additions. So basically seems like we're gonna get a bunch of chink 'eck clones soon. But if they end up porting the OS to desktops too it'll be 100% ogre for Microsoft's monopoly over the gayming PC market. Never thought I'd see the day that Linux became normiefied, tho not in the way that freetards imagined.
>>8446I still think that normalfags will find Linux difficult but at least Macroshaft will lose some of its monopoly
>>8447wangblows at this point is a bigger pain in the ass than linux imo, randomly things will start going slow or stop functioning entirely until i do their gay constant updating i hate it so much
at least with linux i can just fiddle around with it for a bit
ok sometimes hours and get it to work without having to drop everything and reboot like three times in a fuckin row
>>8447no one cares what you think shitbrain "special"fag
>>8459>KickstarterDon't these projects almost always end up in total disaster? The only one I remember turning out okay was Bloodstained, but it still had some annoying shit like the pictures of donators doing soy faces in the background
>>8465i dunno i just thought it was funny that voivod of all bands is getting a game