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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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sign my petition


I used to sign petitions, but then I took an arrow to the knee.


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sportschan hasn't been part of the webring in years how about fuck off with your gay shit and ignore hortler and his retarded takes if it bothers you he doesn't even try to blend in so it should be ezpz to just scroll instead of give him dopamine via (you)s


I wondered for a long time why imageboards are dying but it's obvious now it's because we eat our own
one day there will be two anons left and one will be an 8gag soyjack pedditor and the other will be a glowie apu fedocel IDF /pol/ack


>not supposed to eat my own
but im hoongryyyyy


It grew and peaked around the early 2010s and went downhill in the mid to late 2010s i believe. No new users is another factor, the zoomers went to discord and other websites.


you fags and your moaning i swear to fucking god
no one here "eats our own", it's been the same handful of spartmen for years and >we mostly get along with each other and occasional tourists. sometimes an obnoxious retard shows up to faggot around for a bit and then leave, so what get over it, and no one cares about "the state of imageboards" you're not saying anything profound or new i was seeing these exact same comments floating around like a decade ago either enjoy what's left or shut the hell up about it bc there's no going back and bitching about it on loop is annoying faggot droning autistic retard behavior


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death to the webring


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p much it's why i just roll with the punches and have fun
one joo mention and he thinks i'm some poltard so i post weeb images at him to make him reee harder
like spruh getting mad about someone using the word joo just makes you look like a retarded sperg and then i wanna pick on you for shits and giggles and know I'll get a rise out of you using anime grills


this tbh fam


im sorry i had it backwards
spartchan not on the dramaring but dramaring boards list sportschan on their webring list. there should be a way to block them from getting info on boards tho


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haha ok if u insist


>he thinks it's because he mentions jews and posts anime
oh wow you really are oblivious to your own faggot behavior. the fact you honestly believe that points to you not lurking at all before posting too >we have a fucking anime thread and kikes get shit on all the time here you stupid tourist faggot


>haha wow you think it's about joos and animus
well yeah, that's when you had a shitfit and accused me of being the other faggot you pick fights with all the time over stupid shit like Russia and Cybertruk. That's when you went into histrionics over me using the kike word. (You) started this, budy.

I responded in a deescalating manner so that you would feel it was a waste of your time to continue having a slapfight but now you're right back in here trying to create beef where there is none.
Don't you get it?
There is no beef.
that's why i said lol shut up autist


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if webring faggots do not immediately cease their faggory then we will invoke article 5 of the spee charter and declare a /sp/ecial shitposting operation across all webring boards


Now THIS I can sign on for!


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Sounds gud to me fam


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spamson option?!?? a dozen would be killed


im including markchan and kiwiniggers too because why the fuck not lul death to cakekike death to jewsh


>i was deescelating
lmao no the fuck you weren't and i wasn't even the first one to call you out on any of this but ok play victim retard i'm done responding to this horseshit


one spartman's fingernail is worth a thousand dramaring lives


i think you need to take a chill pill spigga


Damn the webring is still around?
How tf is that thing even surviving?


it basically exists just so i can have a place to advertise spee freely and wantonly


>thus gay af thread is still going
come on man just take a break i get that the dude's an annoying fag but responding like this is just gonna egg him on
same way sportschan is? it's a dedicated handful of posters and admins that are fine with paying for servers so they can lord over something. only difference is spartmen are usually more relaxed (recent blowup notwithstanding) and dudder isn't a banhappy retard he's just a drunk like me which makes him cool like me :). oh and another thing, this dramatic spat will blow over and >we'll move on to whatever while something like this would cause a years long vendetta on the webring, which by itself is enough to sustain multiple sites since they all crosspost to skme extent. never underestimate the power of an autistic grudge, if someone ever finds a way to harness spergotry as energy then oil would be replaced overnight


i think dddduder put the bottle mostly to rest if not down entirely


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I was talking about imageboards in general you dumb shit


i know you were, gonna cry about it? gonna bitch and write an essay about the absolute state of immuj boredsses? gtfo with this crap everyone but you apparently is tired of that repetitive whinging


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sign my petition


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flood eliminated

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