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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1685039[Last 50 Posts]


Les hohols recevront des engins nucléaires français pour se défendre contre les EBIL RUSSIENS. - GHOSTmmanuel MaCRon

>European Union leaders have reassessed their defense strategy amid uncertainty over U.S. commitments to Ukraine, sparked by President Donald Trump’s skepticism about America’s security role in Europe. EU officials feared reduced U.S. support could weaken Ukraine’s position against Russia.

>The European Commission proposed increasing defense investments to bolster EU military capabilities. Germany and other nations discussed increased defense budgets.
>Europe faces pressure to act decisively, with divisions remaining over increased military spending and regional cooperation, as the bloc navigates shifting geopolitical realities.


>It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.
t.Henry GHOSTinger


>if you kill everyone you win
t. best cunt on the planet


duddder dox all the leaf shitheads here


what makes you think that dudder isn't an asset of the service canadien de renseignement de sécurité?? where do you think he got all those barrels of maple syrup from?


wtf i thought duddr was mossad but he was a mountie this whole time???


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lol posted to the last thread
Nah budy the way Indiana court werks you can face double jeopardy on pardoned charges if charged with a second crime and they would have used the excuse of the driving with no license to put him away for life without parole, he was in Indiana to have his pardon approved in the first place which is why the courts set the date clear the fuck out hoping to get him on probation.

Was more laughing that cop has no suicide prevention training but that schizo's life was literally over the second the cop pulled him over even if he had gone to get booked.


>double jeopardy on pardoned charges
fuckin legal system man
whats the training for sui prevention when they grab a gun outta the blue like that?


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what stage of the republic is 0:57


the stage where the left loses what little credibility they still had left


lame song
shouldve done this one
wouldve been sick af instead of gay


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>uk to codify giving lighter sentencing to "minorities"
>Trump admin to revoke legal status of 240,000 Ukrainian refugees
>trump still working on cancelling income tax
>dup issues statement to hummus
>deportation raids will now target migrant families who entered the U.S. illegally with their children
>dept of education expected to be dismantled via xo soon™


that spellin part be hrrrd doe


real internet tough guy stuff from dup there
isntreal can't even fully take over a strip of land the size of new jersey, hummus may be hurtin but they'll be fine


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damn he came a long way


how does the uk keep getting worse, leaving the eeeewwww was supposed to be a chance to break free of islamic subjugation not embrace it wholeheartedly lmao fuck anglos i'm glad >we told them to fuck off even if >we do have to deal with niggers. at least i can shoot a motherfucker for invading my house instead of having to go to mandatory cuckold seminars for not immediately rolling out a prayer rug for him after he rapes and beats my family


brexit forced the good foreigners to leave while the bad ones - aka asians - got to stay. also it doesn't help that they're run by a literal kike commie freemason


godless gommies won dubyadubya2


Considering they had to scrounge up 10 Democrats in order to censure him it means the cracks are starting to form.
Censure by itself doesn't mean much but if he does it again (or similar shenanigans) he could see himself removed from committees or suspended.

It's the stage of the Republic where Cicero found Lucius fucking around (and finding out). So far dup has been reluctant to play cicero tho'


>Censure by itself doesn't mean much
it means absolutely nothing
you just stand in front of the podium while the speaker says "you did a bad ;(" and that's it. no consequences whatsoever. if they could temporarily take away your vote that would be interesting


Dup backtracked on Mexican tariffs for 1 month after Mexico responded tepidly to the tariff instead of panicking. Canada to face the full brunt without relief following the announcement of Ontario's 25% energy tariff.


>He backtracked again and said Leaf products under USMCA are exempt too for a month
Booooo stop teasing dup!


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2028 looms…..


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Statement on the establishment and launch of the Military Council for the Liberation of Syria

In God, the Free and Ever-Merciful

O sons of the noble Syrian people,

O our valiant soldiers have swallowed their anger during months of injustice, oppression, kidnapping and murder based on an ethnic, religious or ideological views by the extremist jihadist terrorist regime that seized our country with the support of foreign powers.

They are currently implementing a fait accompli policy without any legal or constitutional justification and have failed to protect the country and its citizens. The security, economic and humanitarian conditions have deteriorated to unprecedented levels in the country’s history, and after our land has been violated by foreign powers, we, the leaders of the Syrian national armed forces, announce the establishment of a military council to liberate Syria.

This council represents the will of the free national Syrian people, and aims to achieve the following objectives:

🔴 Liberating all Syrian territory from all occupying and terrorist forces.

🔴 Overthrowing the existing regime and dismantling its abhorrent sectarian oppressive apparatus.

🔴 Protecting the lives and property of Syrian citizens.

🔴 Rebuilding state institutions on national and democratic foundations.

🔴 Preparing conditions for the return of refugees and displaced persons to their homes.

🔴 Establishing a unified, sovereign Syrian state that respects human rights and guarantees justice and equality for all its citizens.

We assure our people that we are not seeking power, and that our only goal is to liberate Syria and build a better future for its people. We call on all Syrians, from different sects, regions and ethnicities, to join our ranks and stand with us in this historical stage.

We also call on the international community to support the will of the Syrian people to liberate themselves from injustice and tyranny disguised in vague terms, and to stand by us in achieving our noble goals.

We believe that victory is ours, and that Syria will return free and proud, enjoying security, stability and prosperity.

May God protect Syria and its people.

God is the guardian of affairs and success, and victory comes only from Him.

Military Council for the Liberation of Syria

For the homeland
Signed Brigadier General Ghiath Suleiman Dala

At dawn 6/3/2025 in Syria.


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turks allegedly pullin up


enrons new rocket btfo


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finally i get to fucking post this


>mudslimes ramping up tearing each other apart in syria again
this is what happens when you're stuck between t*rkey and piss hell. i wonder how much of this shitfest was actually organic and how much of it is various glowniggers from t*rkey/piss hell/amerigay/russia/iran
>last vid
why are alawites even sticking around rn they're about to get the tutsi roll treatment


prolly just delusional loyalists, this will be over by tomorrow if it's not already over


its gud to see everyones still getting along


>why are alawites even sticking around
cuz its their spot
they got a buncha old alawite tombs and old shit in syria. theyve been there for literal centuries


i like how erryone's just standing around while they're eviscerating the apartment above them
zero sense of self preservation left


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leave it to yurop to fuck up this hard


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oh i absolutely cannot WAIT for this to pop off
suppose yurop actually does get its shit together and takes on putler, who would win


dup allies with putler
US at war with eu
yuros get BTFO


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>who would win
no one in between em
thats for sure


poland getting spitroasted is a european tradition


let the old world kill itself
sell em funs if they want. no free lunch tho


there's no way this is real


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it's real budy
t. xwitter user


it's fucking amazing, i really thought euros finally got past trying to fucking kill each other for the first century
then the retarded old men in charge spend the last 30 years fucking with russia cuz muh cold war, putler tells them to fuck off the only way he knows how by punching their retarded cousin in the mouth, now yurop screaming to put together a murder-suicide pact
and they wonder why they'll never be as good as america even at its worst


>goatse will bring upon WWIII and the apocalypse


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dimensional merge is real. buy sanic dvds


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yah i get it but there's actual genocide looming in the vary near future for them assad isn't coming back and everyone else there hates them


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i think the eu is more likely to break apart than get into a direct war with russia and it's not like russia is in a position to do any attacking into yurup rn either


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got a bit of a collection goin now


spro i think ur obsessed


isnt that already a thing in regular courts? getting counter-sued for damages


oh i figured out what stage it was
this is the part where all the court eunuchs whod been puppeting the empire for decades get slaughtered en masse


i dunno much of anything about how courts work but i think thats what counter suing is




dude communists lmao


americans are faggots


combo broker


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is it true


it's gonna become the next soyjak and then ur gonna look like one of those sharty retards im warning you


ill just delete em idk i download stuff and never use it im just gettin it to post here and there then i have no use
lik all those "i guess we makin x now yims. i got a bunch of those but dont delete cuz they aint polidickal so i dont look back at my hard drive with disgust
but ur right no lie detected


i lik to enjoy the yim in its youth


nah these are p funny i'be saved several of them


no it won't the only reason soyjak became like it is is specifically because of sharty faggots as long as he doesn't shoehorn it into every fuckin convo it will fade away before long


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i bet jim is behind this


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do not invoke his name


does he still do his live strams on yt with his 5 flip whorbs?


no idea what he's doing and i don't care, prolly just spamming q schizo nonsense on his brokedick site and reading bible verses


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US company says Moon mission over after landing sideways
Intuitive Machines on Friday said its second mission to the Moon has ended after the US space company’s lander came down on its side near the lunar south pole.
“With the direction of the sun, the orientation of the solar panels, and extreme cold temperatures in the crater, Intuitive Machines does not expect Athena to recharge,” the company said in a statement.
“The mission has concluded and teams are continuing to assess the data collected throughout the mission.”


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big if true
prolly not though


idk man multiple recucklicans have been caught doing gayboi stuff before so it's fiddy fiddy until actual evidence shows up imo


i don't like rino graham either but he's been the most vocal lately about how proud he is of dup telling war midget to fuck off so the fact they're doing this right now and can't muster anything more than some random screenshots means it's prolly fake
they tried the same shit with walzy and that went nowhere either and heem deserved it a lot more than graham does


Say thank you!


hes just a doofy lookin motherfucker
it was literally only a matter of time before he became an yim


ur p doofy lookin do but you don't see nobody makin yims outta ur ugly mug haha gottem im so fukn funy


i didnt realize they were trying to land on the south pole
that wouldve been fucking cool


it is a bit ironic
like what, 20-30yrs str8 of graham cracker being one of the most bombest iranest memebers in all of congress
suddenly hes having to fall in line with the lolberg antiwar shit thats sweeping through the redumblican party, but NOW its a fucking problem. NOW you gotta take him down

that said, id be utterly shocked if the whorbs lindsay hires dont have penises


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Democrat-led states join legal fight over Trump’s mass firings of federal workers

>A purge in February removed federal employees, including Tina Jackson, the conservation coordinator, impacting the black-footed ferret recovery program directly. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service saw job cuts affecting about 420 employees, which is about 5% of its workforce.

>A private bill enabled Maria Isabel Bueso, a rare disease advocate, and her family to gain permanent residency in the U.S. after a struggle against deportation. The black-footed ferret, once thought extinct, has been reintroduced with about 500 individuals released back into their habitat.


dis thang look fuckin STUPID


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Elon Musk’s DOGE cancels lease at Obama Library site

>The Department of Government Efficiency has terminated the lease for the Obama Presidential Library site in Chicago, according to reports. The library is scheduled to close and move to College Park in Maryland at the end of Fiscal Year 2025, according to a spokesperson from the National Archives and Records Administration.

>DOGE stated that the lease terminations will save taxpayers $468 million, as part of its efforts to reduce government spending. The Obama Presidential Library will house various artifacts and is expected to have its artifacts digitized and available at the new location when it opens.


kinda glad i didn't try to become a park ranger like i initially planned sounds like that whole group is about to get smacked lmao
woulda been p nice to get a couple years of getting paid to go look at shit in the woods tho


>half a billion dollar lease


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>he can't afford a $468 million dollar lease
what are you, poor?


so how bessent plans to solve the egg price problem?
is he gonna lay more or is he gonna introduce more tariffs on them?


demand eggs from zelensky as part of the minerals deal


supposedly buying eggs from t*rks or some shit according to my mom but she's batshit and makes things up sometimes and i don't know how that would cut the prices
not much you can do besides wait for the fuckin billion chickens that were killed unnecessarily to be replaced. luckily chickens grow fast but that's still a lotta birds to replace
tbh everyone involved with killing them off should be shot publicly. like not even straight executed i mean shot in the knees and elbows then left in a public square, soviet tire deliberate faggotry like that deserves soviet tire punishments


saw a headline they were thinkin about importing em too so your moms not crazy on that one at least
long term theyre workin to change the insane law that let em zyklon foam em to begin with
was apparently one fucking pcr test. not lik the creator of the test didnt say it was bullshit during memeflu


Was gonna say boomer news but the news is slow, just outlets trying to hype shit up because dup said he was pulling troops outta Germoney to move them to cunts that pay their dues (Hungary) and allegedly sanctioning Russia. Doubt.jpg
Dup Jr. Being a funny guy
>Trump Jr told reporters at the outlet, "I accurately predicted that my buddy JD would be an instant power player in national GOP politics, so your theory is that I worked my a** off to help get him the VP nomination because I want to run for president in 2028?"
>"Are you f*cking retarded? I’m actually glad you’re printing this bullsh*t though because at least now the rest of the press corps will see how sh*tty your 'sources' are and how easily you’re played by them. Congrats, moron," Trump Jr added.
I guess dup addressed the elephant in the room of Canada's 250% (with a 0) tariff on American milk and lumber and cuckdeau is pretending it doesn't exist since it doesn't fit his narrative
Guess dup is discussing tariffs on Russia to end the waaagh now that Ukraine lost their funding and had their himars shut off
And then lastly they're working on a path to citizenship for Boers who want to migrate to America from South Africa, but only if they are farmers.

Yuge subsidies for chiggum breedin' and biosecurity on the farms. Idea is to breed them fast and loosen the laws that made the cullings possible, but help farmers still try and follow a modern biosecurity protocol by paying for the equipment.
Also IIRC they are going after former cdc head criminally.


where do i get a white souf african wife


>Go to souf Africa
>Put on blackface
>Convince local nigs to raid a ferm
>Let them kill her dad
>Shoot niggers before rapey rapey (or after if you're a little weirdo I guess)
>Take wifey as trophy from the hunt and seggs/protecc until wife visa is approved


>And then lastly they're working on a path to citizenship for Boers who want to migrate to America from South Africa, but only if they are farmers.
thats bullshit
we should honestly take any white saffer, dutch or not, farmer or otherwise. theyre all in very srs danger if they stay, and by now, they all know it. anyone white left in that cunt is gonna end up stuck in the middle of another literal bushwar tho i bet theres some looking forward to it lel

africa is heating up bigly. rwanda basically just "emperor has no clothes"d south africa incidentally with their push into DRC. SA is supposed to be the "big bad" in south/central africa, and they are military allies with DRC. but lik literally everything in SA, their military is horribly corrupt, underfunded, and under-trained, so rwandas mercs have been clowning on them for yrs. now, w rwanda in DRC for realsies, it forces SA govt to commit more troops in eastern congo to try to drive rwanda/M23 out gud luck
that leaves a very big wide opening for all the coloureds and whites on the western part of SA to call the bluff of the ANC. their right to rule has been tenuous at best for a long time. now theyre about to be fighting african WWII half a continent away while they can barely keep the lights on for 8hrs a day

that cunt is unironically about to collapse and >we should be taking any whites that want out as refugees. theyre about to all get fucking killed


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performative literal faggotry occupied governments cant end soon enough spro
>going after former cdc head criminally
gud. if a lot of big wigs dont go to jail the hellscape wont ever end imo


>Boers who want to migrate to America from South Africa, but only if they are farmers
oh hey actually decent immigration proposals for once


don't p much all the poor yts in sa count as farmers? from my understanding if you're not some poor fuck constant having their farms raided then you're some rich cunt that has protection and can afford to fuck off wherever you want anyway


>dictator for 10 years
<cries when he realized he has to leave
lmao cuckada has sunk to their absolute lowest under him, it would take a monumental fuckup from the next PM to fuck up as hard as he did


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Russia strikes Ukraine’s energy grid before Zelenskyy meets with US envoy

>Russia launched a large-scale missile and drone attack on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure overnight, injuring at least 10 people, including a child. The assault came shortly after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced upcoming peace talks with U.S. officials in Saudi Arabia.

>Ukraine’s air force reported 67 missiles and 194 drones were launched, primarily targeting natural gas sites.
>Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov defended the strikes as targeting military-related infrastructure, while President Donald Trump said he is now considering imposing sanctions on Russia following the attack.


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‘Deeply unfair’: Newsom addresses trans athletes in women’s sports on podcast

>Gov. Gavin Newsom’s comments on transgender athletes during his podcast launch have drawn some criticism from fellow Democrats. His remarks centered on fairness in women’s sports.

>Newsom expressed both support for fairness in sports and sympathy for transgender individuals.
>A New York Times poll found that a majority of Americans, including 67% of Democrats, believe transgender athletes should not compete in women’s sports.
yeah they want his to be pres for sure


>i've put canadians first
lmao that's the funniest joke he's ever told


he's more of an unlikeable slimy dickhead than romney tho, redumblicans would have to run an actual unironic clown to lose to this faggot and even then it'd be close. the only reason his state still has him as governor is because he drove out the last remaining californians that weren't total retards


>if you're not some poor fuck constant having their farms raided then you're some rich cunt that has protection and can afford to fuck off wherever you want anyway
not exactly
while most of them have land/house or other similar assets, the rand itself is basically worthless. that means, in some cases, you can be """rich""" and still essentially be trapped. if any actual wealth you have is trapped in a property that you cant even sell, thats def not a great spot to be in when shit hits the fan. least of all when your govt may or may not wake up one day and decide that that land is theirs. and all that provided you dont get raep/murdered by the hordes first

additionally, south african passport not unlike most african passports is hardly worth the paper its printed on. its a very weak passport to be trying to apply for visas to basically anywhere youd wanna be going. thats why i think the whites and the coloureds, frankly, cuz theyre def gonna get killed too if SHTF should be able to apply for refugee status. for one, they literally are in imminent peril of being BANTUd, esp if the economy somehow gets even worse from a costly war. second, in the likely event things start getting genocide-y, many of these people will have to leave literally everything they own behind. third, they simply do not have any other real options. no one else is recognizing the very real threat of another bushwar popping off. neither netherlands nor UK nor india/china is looking to take any of em back, so they dont even have a real escape plan


yea all this huffing and puffing over tariffs is p rich, given who its coming from

how many fucking bullshit carbon credit taxes and the like has this bastard son of a pinko journo WHORB subjected canadians to during his stewardship? i reckon thats caused a hell of a lot more economic hardship than anything donny boy could ever throw at em. and for what? where tf even is that money now? their finance minister just had to resign a few mos ago after releasing her report detailing how canada, itself, literally doesnt have any money and is going bankrupt

day of the rake cant possibly come soon enough
even some leafs must be praying for it by now


So rather than wife killing Gene, it sounds like wife died from eating rat shit and then Gene died about a week later in an unrelated incident. How he wasn't aware of his wife's rotting corpse is beyond me I'd think even with the dementia he'd smell that shit y'know?


AOC let one of her illegal spics write an interview about how he got deported, but now it's placing her in hot water because congressmen aren't allowed to have foreign aids period let alone be paying illegal immigrants w
Adnan Syed who religion of peace'd his girlfriend in '99 released from Jew York prison after change in law requiring all individuals convicted as minors to be released after 20 years served.


Correction it was Maryland not Jew York.
Not much less of a shit hole but worth mentioning


i see. but wouldn't the niggers be more angry at rwandans than politically powerless yts bc if the DRC shenanigans? or is this one of those situations where it's literally any excuse to kill yt no matter how retarded?
supposedly a lot of canAIDSians fucking hate him partly because only 30% voted for him last time but a parliamentary coalition still put him in power(?)
idk how that works
>eating rat shit
excuse me?


She had that one virus you get from inhaling/eating rat shit. Not the cat poop one but the one that comes from actual rat shit.


oh like hantavarus? vary nasty varus, glad it's basically non-existent where i'm at


gib every married couple three chikems and another chikm for every kid they got once they hit two kids


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free ranged chickens would end up steppin on mines


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>Make more money
>Bank raises my interest rates and starts charging me fees to slow down my credit card payments
Reminder that banker kikes get the rope after total CEO death


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got this one. what does it mean?


>wouldn't the niggers be more angry at rwandans
rwanda and the congo is very very far away
its a far flung foreign war theyre stuck in because theyve been LARPing as a military hegemon since the 90s cuz they inherited one of the biggest militaries in the continent from the apartheid govt
yt on the other hand, is right there in SA mostly on the western part of the cape so theyre gonna get the brunt of any frustrations. frustrations the ANC has been willingly stoking to try to remain in power age old african idiom: shits borked, blame yt

SA itself, aside from the war tho, has big fucking issues already at home. their nation-wide electrical grid is literally 50yrs old or older and falling apart. every cent meant to upgrade/maintain it the past several decades has been embezzled by the ANC. the cunt experiences load-shedding for most of the day ~16hrs off, 8 on, and sometimes even just rolling blackouts depending where one is.
and it doesnt stop there. literally everything in the cunt is built on top of crumbling old apartheid-era infrastructure. and the crooks-that-be steal literally ALL the money meant to maintain it, every single time

basically, SA has been headed towards hell in a handbasket for years, already. this war has the potential to not only break them economically, but also shatter their right to rule. SA is seen by africans as one of the big/strong cunts due to its size and its military. if it turns out they cant even protect one of their biggest allies from mercs hired by one of the smallest cunts in the continent, that sends a powerful message to anyone with any secessionary tendencies, and/or any neighbors with imperialist tendencies. in SA, that could mean any other non-bantu tribes, up to and including any whites or coloureds who generally all get along. and theres definitely a contingent of whites there that have ZERO interest in ever leaving their homes, and are ITCHING for a fight. payback for what was done to their dads/grandpas.
thats why i say another bushwar seems possible. whole situation is a powder keg sitting next to a cliff


well yts seem to do really fuckin well against niggers when it comes to combat in apefrica, whenever they get beaten it's usually because other yts stabbed them in the back not because of any spectacular achievements on the part of the niggers. gotta remember a lot of the monkeys are dumb enough to think dialing their weapon sights up to the highest number means it makes the boolets stronger and of they haven't been training their army then it's probably full of those exact kind of niggers


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>think dialing their weapon sights up to the highest number means it makes the boolets stronger
no that was kind of a unique property of the old bushwars. you had commies lik ZANU coming into bumfuck villages at night, chanting some songs to inspire muh revolution and/or just kidnapping ppl, giving them "stick em w the pointy end" tier training, then sending them off the next day to meatwave into one of the best fighting forces in the world at the time. with predictable results.

its certainly not gonna be like that anymore. like i said SAs army has combat exp with M23. theyre aware of how guns work and even prolly a lot of modern strats. theyre just also p underfunded and their brass is corrupt, inept, nepotism picks a la their whole govt.
the bigger problem for the govt is, if troops are all up in congo, that means theyre not back in SA. so thats a big opening for any number of diff things to break out domestically. esp if the economy somehow gets even worse it will. from race riots, to secession, maybe a coup, who knows? its not like the whites are the only ones suffering under ANC rule. everyones pissed. also, its africa, so you know literally anything can happen at any point


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to meny vance budys


yah including magical thinking about sights, i fully expect to see plenty of dancy shooty videos with drugged up apes holding guns sideways above their heads regardless of who has what training because magic is still "real" in africa. if they don't have someone like lettow-vorbek constantly whipping their asses into shape for years on end they tend to degrade really fuckin fast. or maybe the askari were just smarter than most africans idk. looking forward to that clusterfuck either way


holy shit he really does have jay jay the jet plane face, take the beard and edit the coloring a little bit and you could probably fool some people with it


*take the beard away


heres some footge of SA fighting in DRC, in goma last month
you can tell theyre out of their depth, but its not like 14yo villager ngubu whos never seen a gun before got handed a rusty AK and told he was immune to bullets if he covered himself in goats blood.
point is, they got btfo and driven out of eastern congo and so ramaphosa pres of south africa just lost his stake in the mining biz in eastern congo. so hes prolly gonna want that back


📝🇪🇺 Philippe Lemoine on Xitter:

>Do you remember the headline about how the EU had agreed on a plan to spend 800 billion euros more on defense? A document that was published today by Von der Leyen's office (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/sv/statement_25_673 [https://archive.ph/NEtsO may be not archiving]) explains how they arrived at that number.

>First, they created a new instrument that will make available 150 billion euros in loans, which member states may or may not avail themselves of. Second, they decided that, if that's to increase defense spending, member states could invoke the national escape clause of the Stability and Growth Pact.

>The Pact ordinarily commits member states to limit their deficit to 3% of the GDP. In theory, if they exceed that limit, they can be subject to penalties. With that decision, if they increase their deficit because they raised their defense spending, it won't count toward the 3% rule.

>To illustrate the idea, the Commission explains that if member states increase their defense spending by 1.5 points of GDP (it's just a totally arbitrary example, they don't give any reason to think member states will do that and they sure as hell haven't committed to doing so), it will amount to 650 billion euros of extra defense spending.

>Since 150 billion euros + 650 billion euros = 800 billion euros, that's apparently where the 800 billion figure comes from 🙃 I know it sounds like a joke but that really seems to be the explanation for the headline figure.

>They say that, by exempting defense spending increases from the Stability and Growth Pact (frankly it's not even clear exactly how this will work, because it's not as obvious as it seems once you start thinking about it), they will create fiscal space.

>Of course, that's complete nonsense, because fiscal space is not primarily determined by EU rules on the deficit (which many countries, such as France, have been systematically violated for 30 years), but by the market. There is no reason to think that member states will actually increase their defense spending by 650 billion euros.

>Even the 150 billion euros in loans is nothing more than a possibility that is given to member states. There is no guarantee that it will actually be used and, even if they do use it, it will be counted in defense spending, so the other 650 billion euros would have to come on top of that.

>Moreover, even if they do spend an extra 800 billion euros on defense (which to be clear has virtually zero chance of happening), this figure is apparently for a period of 4 years.

>Since last year defense spending in the EU amounted to ~326 billion euros (https://consilium.europa.eu/en/policies/defence-numbers/ [https://archive.ph/2pYTf]), it would result in a ~60% increase, barely enough to raise the bloc's defense spending to the 3% that Macron and other European leaders mentioned, which in fact may be the reason why they chose a 1.5% of GDP increase — again it's purely ad hoc — to illustrate their decision on the national escape clause.

>They mention a few other things, but they're even more vague and don't include any figures, not even bullshit figures like the 650 billion euros one. Once again, all the talk about how they see the war in Ukraine as "existential", the virtue signaling and the chest thumping is complete bullshit, nothing fundamental is going to change.


File: 1741460659583.jpg (68.3 KB, 1100x550, 2:1, original_pic_-_2025-03-08T….jpg)

Chiefs receiver Xavier Worthy arrested for trying to strangle a family member!
>There were four Chiefs football players arrested last season. Rashee Rice, another receiver who had just had his rookie season, was arrested on an assault charge that was later dropped as well as charges related to a high-speed car chase and hit-and-run.
>Last week, Chiefs general manager Brett Veach said of the players, per Sports Illustrated, "The last two years, we've added two great receivers. It's a shame Rashee (Rice) got hurt because I think he had a chance to be a top-10 receiver, and then the progress (Xavier) Worthy made last year, I think those guys will be a dynamic combination. We'll see if we can get Hollywood back. But again, receiver will be a position too that we never shy away from.”


>but its not like 14yo villager ngubu whos never seen a gun before got handed a rusty AK and told he was immune to bullets
yet, if when child soldiers come into play shits gonna get retarded fast. just gotta wait and see, tho maybe it won't happen it's not like i'm omniscient and africa isn't predictable


And I guess congress is trying to get a funding bill that will give money to the DoD and IRS while cutting it from everyone else. Typical of the crown to make sure the tax collectors get their cut. Making mountains out of 13 billion in cuts over six months when they're spending almost 3 trillion ffs
>Oh but we're cutting $600k from studying menstruation in men so praise us as if we lost a limb for taking a paper cut for the team!




they're kvetching about medicare being cut if they want to get their funding bill being passed, without that tumor of a system >we'd be a lot better off financially. but old people refuse to lay down and die and they're too retarded to invest their money themselves so they have daddy gubmint do it for them


Yee I used to say "it can be fixed if they grandfather over 50 and then raise the age to 85" on social security but at this point I would rather see the program go bankrupt and everyone suffer for stealing from the young. Medicare/medicaid is a fucking joke anyways they get shit service for 13 times the price and the resources invested in keeping one old satanic kike croaking could fund several hundred baby deliveries to try and solve the problems more efficiently.

Like yeah you need to respect your elders but part of that equation is being a not-shir elder so your spawn take care of you in late life to get rid of the need to be getting work surgeries in your 60s.


Not-shit even.*
>Dup tells DC to clean up
>Mayor laughs at him
>Dup threatens to enact congressional rules that let the federal government take over administration of DC under the executive branch
>Mayor cucks out and removes homeless


congo has plenty of child soldiers already. i saw a vid of some captured ones and there were a few where id be surprised if they were even 13. its a job, ya know? one of the only ones. M23 has some young looking kids too. its africa ffs. some merc group comes to your jungle village, everything else is fucked, might as well join and get some money for once. their primary operation rn is just strip-mining the congo and getting that shit shipped back through the jungle to rwanda safely. not everyone needs to be some crack shot w a rifle, or a super disciplined stormtrooper or whatev. its prolly more lik
>are you tall enough to drive the truck?
and shit lik that

point stands tho
military literacy is a lot lot higher than it was 60-70yrs ago, even in bumfuck congo. they just had a HUGE war lik not even that long ago 90s. nvm south africa, who inherited a highly functioning and disciplined modern military before they let it go to rot


if we kill medicare/social security/fucking whatever they better refund the money they took from everyone first
the IRS fucking sucks but the first thing that came to mind was when the tax man caught microsoft in tax fraud so they stonewalled in court until they could get lobbyists to pass legislation cutting the IRS's budget and rendering them unable to prosecute the case


>they better refund the money they took from everyone first
<government giving money back to anyone ever for any reason


m$ should've been dead and fucking buried in the early 2000s but billy g really used every dirty trick in the book to stay ahead. doesn't help that penalties mean fuckall when you're raking in billions annually. the fucking eu hit them harder than we did.


tbh i just rally want to see world war africa go as africa as possible and see stuff like child soldiers in fairy wings and pink boots shooting overhead with improperly adjusted sights or soldiers boiling elmo dolls and babbies bc a witch doctor told them it'd make them invincible, full retard africa is prolly some of the funniest shit imaginable


well stay tuned, cuz this definitely has the potential to become that.
the congos military is hopelessly underfunded. i heard some anecdote from a merc who was hired to train them. he was wondering why everyone was so shit at everything, noticed one guy literally shaking. merc asked what was wrong and apparently they had stopped sending food to them a week prior, so none of them had eaten in 3 days. their whole military is that story on repeat, at every lvl

and now theyre stuck fighting a battle they literally cannot win. rwanda has an actual highly trained military thats fully kitted out. AND mercs. congo has em on raw numbers, but thats about it. if the war continues to escalate, its gonna be a case of DRC "throwing bodies at a problem until something breaks". most likely themselves


are they smart enough for insurgency and gorilla warface?


look up the "leopard society", while what they were doing probably isn't technically "warfare" it sure as hell could be used for that purpose
niggers can be really cunning sometimes


oh and look up lettow-vorbeck, i mentioned him earlier. he was a german guy that trained askari nogs in guerilla combat and they were ridiculously effective against the british


>who would win
The jews.


i lik da african war nerd
thax budy


It would be great for our people.


keep seein ppl say this shit fuckin teenbros lik "ya we NEED a war the west is emasculated!" and when i ask em when they gonna enlist cuz obv they a part of the emasculated west well its crikits from da satan/death worshippin gallery. shits frustrating


File: 1741494401894.png (1.24 MB, 915x907, 915:907, ha ha.png)

h'wat in the hell are you tryin to say bwah?


everyone assumes when the revolution comes they'll be the one holding the gun and not the one blindfolded because they're just so HECKIN' BASED AND REDPILLED


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da sauna gettin a lil hot


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tom was a good man and doesnt deserve this.


theres at least 2 of >us
and its an exciting time to be an african war nerd. kagame is lik the putler of africa. you know the moment he gets directly involved, its gonna be a beeeeg one


these ppl cant think on their own
they were told their whole lives
<proxy war bad
<interventionism bad
now dup is antiwar so
>proxy war gud
<interventionism bad
you can obv see where theyre headed
>proxy war gud
>interventionism gud


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flood flooded flooding the flood


🇺🇸/🇨🇳 A court has ruled in favor of Missouri, issuing a historic $24 billion judgment against the Chinese Communist Party in a COVID-related lawsuit.

This allows Missouri to proceed with seizing China’s US-held assets, including farmland and other properties.



>This allows Missouri to proceed with seizing China’s US-held assets, including farmland and other properties


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lowe chap been saying the deport word so nigel found two whorbs sayin he was baaad. straight outta the whip
nigel's heel turn is complete


File: 1741534084085.jpg (95.98 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, chinese land.jpg)

>want haplogroup specific franken wirus for xmas, but illegal here :(
>move to china where OSHA is spelled LOL
>pikachu face when it releases from non existent safety measures
<sue the cunt that let you and take land the corrupt politshits got paid to sell em
basado tbh. life to america
national legal precedent now do the rest


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pushing for digital euro CBDC by october


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this bitch has some serious cunt high school english teacher vibes


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beebs says the thing out loud, sanctions lifted now that approved terrorists in charge, mimi got CHONKY, dem sunni boys doin MENA things, trumpler names the roach


>sanctions lifted now that approved terrorists in charge
ahh i get it now
too pissy to buy from russia
too pissy to buy from US
buy oil from jihadis


File: 1741542183327.webm (1.29 MB, 1000x562, 500:281, let us begin.webm)

>that guy that pulled over but decided to go through it anyways


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appears to be purely a political move per picrel. 2024 official data isnt out but gAy.I. saying known trends remain mostly the same
also in a bong moment;
>A report last month by CREA found the 27-member EU bloc bought around 21.9 billion euros ($23.5 billion) in fossil fuels from Russia in 2024.
>This is higher than the 18.7 billion euros ($20 billion) it said that the EU had allocated to Ukraine in financial aid in the same period


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maybe spartman should wait until the current threads fall off the front page before making another one of these threads

Also pick 3 for my work laptop. It will be seen by a hundred or so people each day.


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maybe rebel coon but this is a good theme






I bet it's a good time to be norwegian


oh yah
i always forget theyre a literal petrostate


File: 1741552249745.png (639.47 KB, 860x570, 86:57, HALVDAN WUZ HERE.png)

i feel lik the best time to be a scandinavian was if you were in the varangian guard back in the gud ol days of the ottoman empire. unreasonably high pay iirc it was something lik the value ~ 30 slave girls per month, and since you were the literal elite cadre enforcer unit, you could get away with all kindsa bullshit.

shoutout to my nigger halvdan who got piss drunk one night lik 1000yrs ago then climbed up into the hagia sophia and carved his name into the side of it w an axe


whatever you know what i meant


File: 1741553989357.jpeg (178.16 KB, 1777x740, 1777:740, after all why not.jpeg)

the draw is too strong for their feeble goy minds


Yup, that's how it werks budy, can't operate in someone else's cunt without following their laws. Maybe American investors should take the hint and pull outta their yellow whorb


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>We have CBDC!
CBDC only werks if you have control of a sizeable economy. European cunts are so protectionist it would immediately get trade war'd into a shitcoin.

Oh lord my mom is gonna lose her shit since she's trying to abuse dead people money to buy her first home. Told her this shit would happen.
Gon' be gud long term if they get rid of it but short term sheem gonna freak the fuck out this is what happens when you let your daughter be a single mother of 3 for 7 years tho' ffs


I'm just here to let you faggots know who won


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So wait, because the Liberals voted in a new dear leader they don't have to hold an erectionb owl?
Fuck now I remember why I laugh at the rest of the world when they talk about DeMoCrAcY lmao


ya thats why he delayed leaving until now iirc and downplayed a lot of stuff as unimportant cuz if it meant the gov had to come back in session that would immediately give cause to have an actual election bcuz whatever deadline trudy was waiting for hadn't been hit yet.


sportschan has declared an official fatwa on this mark carney fuck


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come one come all let >us see the strongest Southern Spartman defeat the rest and claim victory for spee
ha ha double post oops


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greenland statehood when


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goin for da rike strat i see


p strong theory that $cumbong is just an excuse for gubmint bankruptcy anyway. if it plays out that way, the top 5 biggest rothschild fuck yous would still be debatable tbh
>trying to abuse dead people money to buy her first home
she may have just missed the gibby boats, but why tf would anyone buy right now?


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>pull outta their yellow whorb


File: 1741612501250.png (66.44 KB, 578x533, 578:533, GlnJNrhWkAA6rrm.png)

calm the fuck down elong


i knew this tech"bro" faggot was up to some supervillain shit


threatening limp wristed faggot politards isn't really much of a supervillian tactic


File: 1741620193737.mp4 (10.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, niggers.mp4)

>and today on black athletes do the darndest things
4x100m clobbering relay


looks fine to me but im over 50


just because he's threatening some polish retard right now doesn't mean he can't or won't just pivot that your way if you piss him off
plus it wouldn't stop with enron, once he's dead or retired or whatever who's to say the next cunt in charge won't be worse? the infrastructure is there to fuck with people on a global scale, particularly rural populations who have always wound up being a major target for authoritarians


what a piece of shit


Way to not only ruin your athletic record but your life as well, them assault/battery charges right there.


rather robber-barons than bleeding-hearts tbh fam
at least the robber-baron gets sated and leaves you the fuck alone sometimes


How much keta did Elon snort this morning do you think?


yeh if it's either or he's still better, but fuck that there's gotta be a third option that doesn't involve giving someone the keys to arbitrarily fuck with everyone's lives


yes, she literally cracked the other grils skull + concussion


Enough to counterbalance the kratom prolly


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lol queen nigger RALLY don't want dup to make good on that threat to federalize DC


nrx spergs had a point imo. dont think its possible with this big and [autism]diverse[\autism] of a cunt tree or security collapses
gotta be a touch psycho to achieve any national status, just gotta hope they dont actively hat you


so long gay bowser. now its pardon chauvin time


File: 1741624752659.jpeg (130.87 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, nwsa.jpeg)

lmao based ketamine rocket man
mr. (((applebaum))) can go suck a dick


I'm ready to die… for Israel.


File: 1741625177545.png (225.07 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, GlSjHu5aMAAk8Pj.png)

>(((goverment))) maymays


Now put the map with the farmland owned by bill gates.


>Călin Georgescu, Romania's leading presidential candidate and winner of the elections in the first instance, officially banned from running

spartman's prediction of a EU-wide funny trending up methinks


File: 1741626847517.mp4 (946.38 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Cocaine Screech.mp4)


lel rip it up
niggers illegal again



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wtf spartman ur a liberal troll plz stop disrespecting ur vice president like this


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i lik that they already have the info so it's literally "we know who you are, register to self deport or you waive your right to ever come back legally"


i hope they make the app so dogshit to use that none of them can self-deport so they get permab& by your boy homan
it's the gubmint so they'll prolly fuck it up


also go after the judge, jurors and their families
public execution for all to witness as mandatory viewing material before any jury summons and selection


could you fucking imagine the salt if he did this
that alone would singlehandedly spark a race war

also been thinkin they buried the nog in a fucking solid gold coffin, that shit's gonna get dug up some day and be worth millions. would make for a raly funy heist movie too


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dup was asked about it, he said first he's heard the idea. abby shapiro's bro did start pardonderek dawt com
not 100% it would be a racewar tbh. usaids cash not flowing, him bein innocent is literally letmegooglethatforyou tier, plus the brothers dig trump
veneer's gone imo but i'd def be down for an AWFL race war

his family prob copper stripped the casket before burial tbh
also saint floydius is apparently buried in houston? fukn why? was that just the end of the world tour and no one planned it?


oh nvm he moved into da prawjects at 2




>self-deport app
Don't tell me, is to let the normalfags deport wetbacks?


No… you!


File: 1741633017572.jpg (28.12 KB, 419x372, 419:372, lel_samuel_jackson.jpg)

oh shit, lmao


File: 1741633083578.png (19.9 KB, 831x392, 831:392, Shapiro.png)

please don't make me side with fucking shapiro


that has to be edited in it's too perfect


its not
niggers really do be lik that


the 15 second nigger


File: 1741634756860.jpg (23.22 KB, 679x464, 679:464, 382917.jpg)

maybe in the era when they returned results and not agitprop


latina and dup teaming up to cap credit card interest at 10%
name a more powerful duo


prolly a gud thing bc the level of usury credit card companies get away with is ludicrous, but the kind of person who doesn't budget so they can pay off their cc debnts every month or at least pay more than just the interest is also the kind of subhuman that deserves those consequences. don't apply for a fuckin card with a big limit if you can't afford it but every retard is just allowed to debntmax anyway


woah so i guess kurds are officially laying down the fight against the turks
thats fucking crazy

now all they gotta do is kick the jews out
gud luck lel


anyone stupid enough to fall for 30% rates deserves it
their stupidity subsidizes my cashback


File: 1741641203303.png (58.07 KB, 1261x161, 1261:161, AmEx.png)

p much, what cards u got budy cuz i like the ones i have so far
>amex blue cash preferred, 6% back on groceries and 3% on gas/transit
>discover, 5% cash back on whatever they decide every three months, for january-march its restaurants and hardware stores
>barclays aadvantage, free checked bag on aa flights (thinking about cancelling cuz $100 annual fee and i don't fly that much but idk how it will affect my credit score)
>capital one quicksilver, 1.5% back on everything
credit score hit 800 this much so i have officially earned exceptional goyim status


was gonna say no money for money lenders but thats a gud point given abolishing interest outright will never happen


dang, need me an amex blue
amazog's a nice one if you live in buttfuck nowhere. 5% always, can find 6-7% if youre not in a hurry


File: 1741642760478-0.mp4 (1.55 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, ID'd.mp4)

File: 1741642760478-1.mp4 (7.02 MB, 480x640, 3:4, Jew York Pali Arrests.mp4)

File: 1741642760478-2.mp4 (714.58 KB, 320x692, 80:173, Tranny singer helping you ….mp4)

File: 1741642760478-3.mp4 (2.77 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Full Tranny Vid.mp4)

File: 1741642760478-4.mp4 (772.49 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Elensky sent a letter.mp4)

boomer news:
>dup wants Jewkraine to have an erectionb owl before he will give them more intel or officially sign the mineral deal, also wants him to agree to ceding territory which has republicucks up in arms over at boomer news
>ICE arrests Palestine protest organizer at Columbia University, intend to revoke his visa, cancel his green card application, and deport
>Climate United sues Citibank for $7 billion after dup refuses to unfreeze their CIA assets, says they will go bankrupt before the lawsuit completes
>Restaurants, coffee shops, grocery stores, manufacturing, construction, and farms struggling as 20% or more of their workforce gets laid off due to being deported
>Florida Man wins 1st amendment lawsuit after Walton County charges him $50/day for having dup banners
>Large law firms whine that they don't feel safe suing dup after watching bidup arrest several lawyers that got in the way of the former president using lawfare against dup
>The /sp/aliphate successfully takes credit for the DDoS attack on Xitter
>Frog-man Mitch bitches that dup doesn't need to see the gold in Fort Knox because heem seen it
>dup signs executive order putting states and localities in charge of disaster response as he considers axing FEMA, CIA cries


man i've been stuck in the 790s for years now and i always payy shit off entirely every month what do you have to do to get those last extra points for turbogoy stats?


File: 1741643360788-0.mp4 (748.12 KB, 480x852, 40:71, RoboVance.mp4)

File: 1741643360788-1.mp4 (6.17 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Cuntry JD.mp4)

File: 1741643360788-2.mp4 (14.14 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Rancher's Mad Max gate.mp4)

They're talking about stripping canenigger of his committee assignments for brandishing a weapon at the president lol
Oh right and I guess microshaft is still promoting and funding chopping off kids' genitals


>Only show the first smack and not the second skull-crack
bish ain't nobody belieb that shit lmao you tried to murder her and now you findin' out
I hope they do, my bank is trying to royally fuck me and raise my interest rates because I started paying back my credit card and I want to see them squirm. Fucking HATE that they are trying to use my loans to pay back people who defaulted's loans but I can't swap to a credit union until I pay back that stupid card. Hate my fam for guilt trippin' me into keeping them from being homeless and then dipping on paying me back.
Spigga they auto-raised my monthly limits I didn't sign up for that shit. It helped when it helped and I will admit my fam are subhumans but I thought they were subhumans that would at least pay back fam instead of running for the hills after pulling out $20k debt for 'em. Plus I had a stupidly low interest rate for years but they're basically saying "lol sue us for raising your interest rates we dare you" so it's rock and a hard place unless I file for bankruptcy and I'm NOT selling my book collection.
I was grandfathered in at 3% interest rate but apparently grandfathered don't mean what it used to.


Not pay your shit off but pay more than the minimum monthly. Also have a long-term loan or a mortgage.


i have a mortgage and a land loan. neither changed my score at all. am i really gonna have to keep some cc debnt every month just to get like 5 or 6 points to put me over the top? because i'm not doing that lmao guess i'll sit here with really gud credit instead of perfect credit or whatever


File: 1741646234820.jpg (36.51 KB, 640x360, 16:9, NO SOCIAL CREDIT FOR YOU.jpg)

i have no idea, i applied for the quicksilver last month and i thought that would hurt my credit score but instead it boosted it 30 points into elite goy status
idfk how this shit works


also i still have about $16k in student loans so maybe that has something to do with it


>am i really gonna have to keep some cc debnt every month just to get like 5 or 6 points to put me over the top?
thats actually exactly how it works
if you arent regularly paying shit back, theyll knock you down a few pts. happened to my fren. he had his whole mortgage paid off and didnt have any debt whatsoever for lik a year. he checked back and his credit score had dropped. due to literally nothing


File: 1741648794697.png (6.77 KB, 53x90, 53:90, small joker.png)

massie and paul gonna vote no on the stopgap spending package
gubmint prolly gonna shut down friday


man fuck these jewish number games. wonder if i can just apply for an amex card and get a goy boost like >>1685924. it's time i started playing the rewards game anyway. i semi-accidentally on purpose landed in a spot where i could go get some shitty $18/hr fuck around job and still be perfectly fine so i don't have shit to worry about for now at least. >we'll see what the future brings tho i don't wanna get too arrogant about it


hey you
yeah you

join the military
become a milcel

we need you in the upcoming nigger cleansing when the milltary is called in to control the niggers arter derek chauvin is pardoned


File: 1741660689349.png (9.39 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)



nah already did that and am currently violently abusing my gi bill with ez classes
thx for the money btw you tax paying Lovely people who are my friends


just dont forget >us tax paying Lovely people who are your friends when you make it big time there mr fancy book learner


paying taxes when you're already paid by the government is funny


File: 1741668037393.jpg (118.59 KB, 1170x1029, 390:343, poo mayday.jpg)



11 of the 12 toilets on the plane were clogged they must've had too much chicago deep dish b4 they boarded


File: 1741681915847-0.mp4 (10.17 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, massie-budget.mp4)

File: 1741681915847-1.jpg (696.17 KB, 3000x4000, 3:4, dup massie.jpg)

surprise dup wanna get rid of like the only guy independent of aipac shekels and probably the least bad congressman


File: 1741683958091.mp4 (10.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, VID_20250311_050448_424.mp4)

the guy that won the erection in romania but they said no


File: 1741687959857.png (59.33 KB, 175x213, 175:213, 1682359494453.png)

>Wake up late
>Turn on news to see what's going on with Russia-Jewkraine
>The Jews arrested Duterte on an official diplomatic visit and delivered him to the ICC
What the fuck!?


>Philippines left ICC in 2019
>He was arrested in Manila on his way to Honk Honk
Wow holy shit, fuck the Philippines, but also fuck the ICC this is pretty blatant drug cartels getting back at the dude regardless of your opinions on him murdering drug users.


File: 1741688856975-0.mp4 (700.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Gib starlink OR ELSE.mp4)

File: 1741688856975-1.mp4 (8.39 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Chicago secret gift room.mp4)

File: 1741688856975-2.mp4 (9 MB, 640x360, 16:9, George Soros Agitators pro….mp4)

File: 1741688856975-3.mp4 (12.22 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Dear Leader Protest 2.mp4)

File: 1741688856975-4.mp4 (4.18 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Dear Leader Protest 3.mp4)

oh yeah and I guess the DDoS attack originated in Jewkraine
dup reveals the only reason he hasn't cut FEMA entirely is because he's making sure to fire the workers who skipped homes along the East Coast for being Republican first so that they aren't rehireable for other departments
Chicongo mayor flips shit when feds go after him for "secret gifts room" where people "give the city gifts" and they end up in the mayor's pockets. Decides to get rid of the program.
Judge blocked deportation of Columbia university activist, last three vids were happening outside the courtroom when the judge made the ruling


the icc which the joos laugh at did a thing on the opposite end of the planet
>in the flippapeens which p much no one cares about drugs or nor
>joos diddit
hortler horled


I'm too old (31) so only the army will take me
i don't wanna lick windows for less than minimum wage when i make $36/hourly cleaning metal shavings and wiping down photoeyes and they're talking about getting rid of GI bill or at least cracking down on it, which is the only incentive I've got to go in
but my current jerb is gonna give me $5000/year towards getting a CS degree anyways due to the pajeet deportations


File: 1741689329630.mp4 (13.25 MB, 480x270, 16:9, They murdered Jamie.mp4)

Not used to news dropping at this hour. *ahem* Washington state is suing Adams County for following federal law and deporting illegals. They sued in state court and the county is trying to get the case moved to federal court to get the bill struck down nationally.
You gonna tell me the Jews didn't murder Jamie (Alex's right hand man) next, tripsman?


Good. If it shuts down we'll rally know where the money is going starting it back up


Damn, Massie has lost the weight and become haggard. I remember when he was a happy lil pudgester


>oh yeah and I guess the DDoS attack originated in Jewkraine
these guys arent much for diplomacy, are they?


no i'm going to say horl hortler because actually engaging with joo worshipping fags is pointless


duterte knew the game he was playing was a dangerous one. he did it anyways. flipland was on its way to becoming a literal narcostate before him. still kinda is tbph.
the problem is, just whacking ppl indiscriminately tends to piss off their frens. so this was coming eventually, one way or another. ICC is prolly the better ending than being tortured to death by flip scarface or whatever


obv webring tourist is obv
go back


File: 1741692785350-0.jpg (163.32 KB, 430x508, 215:254, The Dark 2hu Rises.jpg)

File: 1741692785350-1.webm (8.14 MB, 478x360, 239:180, Japan US Relations.webm)

Aight look yah fuckin' kike I got Jew buddies IRL when I say "jews did X" I can be referrin' to the pedophile rings, the Synagogue of Satan part 2 (Vatican), the Synagogue of Satan part 3 (Protestants), the Synagogue of Satan part 4 (Muslims), the elites in Jew York (which contain quite a few Irish), the potatonigger Mafia in Spain, the Eyetalian mafia (best friends of the Vatican), the Oligarchs in Jewkraine/Slavland, the Brazilian Supreme Court, P. Diddy, etc. What I'm doing is distinguishing "groups of elites aligned with yids" from "groups of elites aligned with Chinks" or "groups of elites aligned with Latin-speaking cartels." It's not literally Israel doing it albeit I could probably connect the dots p. easily given their tendency to fund war criminals, arms dealers, and drug dealers, but rather groups aligned with kike interests. If that makes you uncomfortable than stop rubbing your hands together so hard and stop shouting oy vey from the rooftops.


File: 1741692977763.mp4 (8.89 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Miku Feel Good.mp4)

annoying fag is annoying
Repeating lines daily makes them repeated
water is wet
people die when they are killed


File: 1741693251386.webm (2.86 MB, 640x800, 4:5, jew stealing power.webm)

>oy vey from the rooftops


File: 1741696350554-0.mp4 (2.46 MB, 352x640, 11:20, moscow drone.mp4)

File: 1741696350554-1.mp4 (1.88 MB, 384x640, 3:5, moscow drone1.mp4)

File: 1741696350554-2.mp4 (2.32 MB, 720x720, 1:1, moscow drone2.mp4)

>ukes sent over 300 drones into russia yesterday
>some striking civilian residences in moscow
P.U. rally doesnt want war to stop


the fucking around and finding out will continue forever


File: 1741698864277-0.mp4 (16.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, sudzha kursk.mp4)

File: 1741698864277-1.jpg (392.99 KB, 1536x1920, 4:5, sudzha.jpg)

they're in saudi again rn to sign. cant wait for war midge to renig again, fugged gutter punks less histrionic and taller
so putler apparently said k imma stroll into kursk then


horl hortoer fag feel free to keep writing essays i won't read because i refuse to engage with dramaring tourists that shit everything up and refuse to even attempt to learn the local culture


nigger you came from /k/ and are importing that schizoshit from the webring right now
stfu fag lol


File: 1741702468859.mp4 (7.01 MB, 854x480, 427:240, liao meat engineering.mp4)

all right chinr can have taiwan but only if they hit 90% civ casualty



lol shut up autist


>Washing footage
>"Honestly not that bad, they can replace a lot of that in-"
<Drone goes over the building
<No roof
<Everything after that
yeah shit's fucked


File: 1741704244198.png (1.22 MB, 750x931, 750:931, 2 int nene.png)

>I suggest something that hasn't been tried before
*Laughs in 1920s-60s*
It's not like the US spent (modern equivalent) $130,000,000,000,000 on dams to make Alabama/Georgia/Mississippi livable and farmable or anything. Or Chinr's discount version with 3 gorges dam. Or the entire Panama Canal/Suez Canal experiments.
>Engineered meat-
Engineered meat still sux best we can do is scallop-like simple proteins that I guess you could extrude into the proper meat sinew shapes so they have the texture of-
>We could artificially induce intolerance to meat
nigga wut he completely lost the plot there and shot directly towards the sun


stop posting weebshit and maybe i'll read what you have to say nah jk lol dudr ban this retard


now he won't even link posts, shut up /k/uck use the proper paperwork or fuck off


File: 1741704730423.png (907.94 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

not wasting time arguing with tards
here's da update

Jasmine Crockett insists ‘it’s not a crime’ to illegally cross the border

>Rep. Jasmine Crockett faces backlash over her claim that illegal entry into the United States is not a crime. Border czar Tom Homan responded, stating that illegally entering the U.S. is a federal misdemeanor punishable by fines and jail time under Title 8, United States Code 1325.

>Homan emphasized that illegally entering the country can lead to both criminal and civil penalties, with repeat offenders facing harsher punishments.

>Crockett criticized the focus on immigration by law enforcement over serious crimes like murder or sexual assault.


File: 1741704762307.png (3.35 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Chicago council committee approves $280K for woman hurt in 2020 protests

>The Chicago City Council Finance Committee approved a $280,000 settlement for Miracle Boyd, injured during the July 2020 protests.

>Boyd claimed excessive force by a former police officer caused her injury. The Civilian Office of Police Accountability recommended the officer’s termination, but the officer resigned instead.
>The settlement will go before the full City Council on Wednesday.


File: 1741705084985.mp4 (3.86 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, kursk plant.mp4)

vodkas threw a 3 ton at an ammonium nitrate plant for gud measure


File: 1741705740066.mp4 (18.94 MB, 1080x1138, 540:569, holhol soldier.mp4)

so zelenskyyyy def fucks off to isntreal or smth right? but idk how they repair the government tbh it was rekt before maidan


File: 1741706130709-0.mp4 (402.39 KB, 480x496, 30:31, uke drone.mp4)

File: 1741706130709-1.mp4 (2.56 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, uke drone1.mp4)

rooshya says 1 civvie kill, 3+ injured
"Over the past night, air defense systems on duty intercepted and destroyed 337 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles"

- 91 UAVs Moscow region
- 126 UAVs Kursk region
- 38 UAVs Bryansk region
- 25 UAVs Belgorod region
- 22 UAVs Ryazan region
- 10 UAVs Kaluga region
- 8 UAVs Lipetsk region
- 6 UAVs Oryol region
- 6 UAVs Voronezh region
- 3 UAVs Nizhny Novgorod region
- unknown # got through

and hungary's pissed bcuz they took out fuel going there


File: 1741706315263.jpg (322.43 KB, 1070x1654, 535:827, dup leaf tariff.jpg)


File: 1741709402582.jpg (55.05 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, cold turk.jpg)

eat the meatrix


i likd the brand new lookin little pavilion/shed in the middle of the shanty town poverty, right before the tank kil ~1:00
it looks lik the wrong asset loaded in or something, lik it forgot to load in the ukranian poverty texture


>hortler is back on the lol shut up autist cuc/k/ cuc/k/ cuc/k/ shit
dudder already told you to fuck off with this you're gaying up the board with your retarded webring horseshit again
i wonder if that xonotic thread brought this asshole back i fuckin knew it was a mistake to invite any of the /v/ boards


would piss hell even take him?


of course
half their govt is russian jews


holy shit thas a big boom


>russian jews
>accepting a ukrainian jew
gonna need more than bcuz joos. afaik piss hell is still butthurt yimlensky redirected a significant amount of burger shekels and aid to ukraine


rammstein r faggits


finally a post i can raly get behind


Musk accuses Dem payment site ActBlue of bankrolling Tesla protest groups

>Elon Musk accused ActBlue, a Democratic fundraising platform, of financing protests against Tesla, citing five groups involved: Troublemakers, Disruption Project, Rise & Resist, Indivisible Project, and the Democratic Socialists of America. On X, Musk said, “An investigation has found 5 ActBlue-funded groups responsible for Tesla ‘protests.'”

>Musk’s claims lack evidence, and the protests at Tesla locations have drawn significant public anger towards him rather than any organized Democratic effort. In the post, Musk did not talk further on exactly what or how such an investigation is being conducted, asking for X users to provide further information and evidence.

probably true tbh


ye idk for sure but idk where else he'll go
assuming so based on the overlap of zionist support for both cunts, and khazar long being a backup plan for levant
war midget is rich af & connected too, hopefully he gets heemed tho


Gabbard strips security access from top Biden aides, prosecutors

>The Trump administration revoked security clearances for top national security officials and legal figures, citing “inappropriate activity” and election interference. Affected individuals include Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Lisa Monaco, Letitia James and Alvin Bragg.

>The move follows an executive order targeting officials accused of misleading the public and engaging in political coordination against Trump.
>Critics warned the decision could weaken intelligence operations and set a precedent for using security clearances as a political weapon.


nah you can join almost any branch other than da United States Marine Corp Shake and Fries Apple Pies Hoo-Ray 😤🫡

#Air Force: 17 - 42

>Army: 17 - 35
<Coast Guard: 17 - 41
Marine Corps: 17 - 28
>Navy: 17 - 41
%Space Force: 17 - 42


what branch do i join to go through the stargate?


i think the age got pushed up in '23
mofukken SPACE FORCE CUH!!!!!!!




File: 1741714314645.mp4 (7.15 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, A3sTu3OeJ9zcB6oz.mp4)

I have AIDS, what now bros?!


fyi moon was almost full this morning where i live


File: 1741714357512.mp4 (4.37 MB, 720x400, 9:5, mothafucka.mp4)

Well shit, when did they raise the age? Used to be like 28 - 30 was the cutoff for all of 'em with army being 32 or 34 or something. I know you can serve past your age bracket if you're already in but they had p strict ages for oldest recruits.
Might have to do that when I pay off my debts in about 18 months and go kill some messican cartelniggers for that there GI bill. Don't wanna be doing (skilled) physical labor when I'm 50.
That's prolly why I stopped paying attention in '22 because 23 was a shitshow

nah he'll go to Florida prolly, heem holding out on erectionb owl until he gets some kinda deal with dup so he can lose graciously/not get assassinated and then fuck off to his Florida mansion where Ron will suck his dick for a nickel
Yeah ammonia is some explosive chemical shit, that shit's gonna fuck with the air too it be like that tho'
p sure that happened several months ago but cool beans

Navy if you wanna have a jerb after military, chairforce if you have a very specifig profession you want to git gud at.
Muhreens are window lickers and army will just get your legs crippled from PT but blame it on an IED lol

You don't even watch sparts prolly wouldn't even know who won at Hockey recently if not for washing tariffshit shut up autist


Prolly sign up as a milcel to fund drugs? I dunno spro


File: 1741714742744.jpg (152.21 KB, 1290x1635, 86:109, media_GlwESPFWkAAKO5x.jpg)

Never name the jew.


tesla stock is also down ~33% since this time last month no wonder his mensies are out of control
if xonotic spartman is seeing this it'd also prolly be a gud idea to not bother with any of the /v/s next time tbh apparently>we can't even have a gamenight without some obnoxious tourist setting up shop and acting like he runs shit


tbh Muskettaman collapse was inevitable it's kinda surprising it's happening right now rather than 6 months ago tho'

Fuck man, Jamie was my favorite reporter over there, only one outside of Alex where I'd bother watching the show from time to time. He really was set up to take over the company when Alex retired.
I hope they catch the glowniggers that killed him and lock them up for life, fuck I'm actually rally sad about this i don't usually get sad about journos dying


hard to say it's not like joos dont also backstab each other and yim midget has gotten on a lotta people's bad sides over the past several months
>i'm almost too old for r me reconscription
couple more years and i'm in the clear


gud vid for fags bitching


File: 1741717009753.jpg (139.35 KB, 1070x1222, 535:611, media_GlxlvPpWIAE-7Yl.jpg)

I'm ready to invest in EU, what about you?


File: 1741717518763.png (141.46 KB, 985x658, 985:658, ClipboardImage.png)

shits gonna get real pranky real fast when the jerkops that have been protecting the rapists of their children also find out their pensions went poof


File: 1741718101407.mp4 (8.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, alina habba epstain.mp4)

>bondi rep again says any day now on epstain files
>kash asks for direct line to dup, bypassing AG


File: 1741718267646.mp4 (3.6 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, yook ceasefire.mp4)

ukeleles agree to ceasefire, over to the ruskies


File: 1741718728334.png (289.7 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Frustration.png)

errytim a politician starts their response with "i understand ur frustration" that tells me they know fuckall


gud job creampuff
fukn took long enough


that or they know a lot and are getting off on your ignorant frustration knowing they have the ability to end it but won't


sheem right tho
if you wanna see them actually charged you need to wait for lawyers to do lawyer thangs. cuz if they know all the evidence against them, you cant rly corner em in court


Starting to wonder if getting rid of Gaetz with the 17 y/o affair yim wasn't just da joos planting Bondi to keep IDF-pedophile relationships from surfacing

erryone knows mossad controls congress through child sex slaves


Well yah ceasefire lets them consolidate forces and purge defectors
whether the snowniggers agree to it or not is a completely different story they've already been burned twice on ceasefire negotiations so they may say "fuck off" y'know?


to be fair Elensky wasn't doin' no favors
it's hard to work out a deal with the pipo you wanna be an ally with to fuck over yurop when some kike comedian gets in your way with a big ol' war


heh, speaking of which
Doug Ford suspends 25 percent tariff on electricity to US, will meet with Howard Lutnick on Thursday
turns out Ford panicked when the burgers responded in kind and now heem trying to smooth shit out to avoid getting ousted after talkin' a big game and havin' nothing to show for it
This is why you don't go for the touchdown if you run like a geriatric old man. Fucking Leafs deserve the rake


u sayin bondi has child sex slaves?


Supreme Court to decide whether conversion therapy is free speech

>The Supreme Court will hear a case over whether conversion therapy is protected by the First Amendment in its next term. Conversion therapy is meant to convince people to change their sexual orientations or gender identities.

>Colorado banned the practice, but a Christian therapist is arguing that the ban violates the First Amendment right to free speech.
>The lawsuit uses a 2018 Supreme Court ruling as an example. In the ruling, the court said that a California law requiring anti-abortion clinics to notify clients about abortion access violated the First Amendment.
the most clown world headline you'll see in a long time


thats not what freeze peach is tho?


uhh pumping my two year old full of hormones is freeze peach bigot like come on now sweaty


yah thas nod freeze peach either tho?



Polish bidness man see: buy high sell low, have your savings stole!


>Christian therapist
aint they still taking bake the cake dude to court? that chemtrail gravy be hittin at high elevations


File: 1741729101595.mp4 (4.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ironing.mp4)

idk if botox gaytz wouldve been better tbh
in america you have to go all in the jeet


File: 1741729110503.jpg (84.99 KB, 666x960, 111:160, RAM.jpg)

DOJ pushes Google to sell Chrome over ‘monopoly’ practices as stocks dip

>The Department of Justice is pushing to break up Google by forcing the company to sell its Chrome browser and curb its exclusivity deals with companies. The move reflects bipartisan concern over Google’s dominance in the tech industry.

>The DOJ argued Google’s dominance over search engines limits consumer choice and competition.
>Google argues its success comes from innovation, not monopoly tactics.
death to google


File: 1741729730442-0.mp4 (12.04 MB, 724x720, 181:180, bobert on uke.mp4)

File: 1741729730442-1.jpg (69.95 KB, 520x693, 520:693, Barack-Obama-Nobel-Prize-W….jpg)

ya idk if they will or should take it tbh
>already been burned twice on ceasefire negotiations
fuckin nuland came out and said minsk was a ruse cruise from the get
then holhols launch largest drone swarm yet today
putler deserves a nobel peace prize for not poisoning half of western leaders out a window tbh


File: 1741730229749-0.jpg (71.2 KB, 1170x909, 130:101, chinky bill.jpg)

File: 1741730229750-1.jpg (93.89 KB, 1320x977, 1320:977, lacivita1.jpg)

File: 1741730229750-2.jpg (123.73 KB, 1320x1029, 440:343, lacivita.jpg)

massie only no vote, dup still assmad at him
lacivita is backtracing


File: 1741731020199.mp4 (20.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ford groveling.mp4)

lamo bro went from floppin his nuts on the table to poppin the bussy back in a day
also that carney fag only moved to leafland in january & has 3 passports

not even worth statehood, miteb worse than commiefornia


File: 1741731099520.mp4 (3.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, troon sperg.mp4)


duddr deserves more respect than this
so sad


he doesnt deserve a peace nobel
he deserves a kick over the head and a "fell for it again" medal for going along so many times with crooked agreements and not responding to escalation with asymmetric force therefore encouraging more of the same

as for the "ceasefire"
its obviously not good enough for ru since they haven't achieved their stated goals and will just be used to restock ammo
i.e. putlel will take it


sounds like xhe was just gonna roll w it anyways, but then politicians gotta dramafag


nah thats crazy hes taking it for sure
zman will chimp out again tho prolly


miteb? budy california is a utopian paradise compared to leafland the only thing separating them from commie faggot regimes of the cold war is they haven't committed any massacres otherwise the marx koolaid is in their fuckin bone marrow by now


i'm sure this retard's constituents are glad their elected official is shitting his pants and wasting everyone's time with brownie point pronoun faggotry
swear to fuckin god these people need medieval punishment to knock their retarded asses back down alto earth, try crying about xhes and xirs when someones shoving a red hot poker into the soles of your feet


because putler just has SUCH a sterling record
he really is the new Cato


guess >we're getting into the whataboutism argument again, fuck this repetitive shit i'm gonna go jerk off


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voice is too aggressive it changes the whole energy


Yee, tl;dr he won.
Summarized version:
Bake the cake guy won his court case back in 2018 and SCOTUS said that the violation of law on the part of the state was so egregious they couldn't even begin to conduct a case about the law itself since they were too focused on restoring the ugy's property and rights. So a tranny tried to bring a similar case against him like a week later and Colorado jumped on that shit because double-dipping is the state's motto when it comes to punitive measures against people they don't like. Colorado Appeals Court brought the fine down to $500 hoping that the cake shop would just pay the fine and let the state win the case by default but the cake shop told them to fuck off with that shit and that they refused to let them have the W. Colorado Supreme Court dismissed the tranny case entirely at the end of 2024 in order to avoid having dup investigate them for this bullshit and to keep their stupid and highly illegal anti-discrimination law on the books.


Holy shit Doug is hungover as shit in that video, wonder how much he drank the night before?


>Medieval punishment
p sure the only reason these faggots act like they do is because they know our society is so nonviolent that nobody will knock their teeth in or cordless hole punch them
Honorable dueling would end 90% of this blustering crap overnight, p sure that's the only reason zoomers and co want war so bad since they know they can't spank a whorb for being out-of-line during peacetime


tbf Putler had to spend the 00s and half of the 10s getting the oligarchs in line so they could stop the FAFO train domestically, people don't understand just how corrupt Russia is, like even today you can't get personal mail sent outside of Moscow/St. Petersburg without including a bribe with your letter for the postal worker so he doesn't use it as kindling
the vodkaniggers would be too busy screwing each other to pay attention to the natto being inserted into their angus if not for literally Putler so i give him the benefit of the doubt for not responding more aggressively
and tbh fam he kinda did respond asymmetrically that's half the reason the Middle East & Africa are such shitshows
now call me a Russian bot or somethin' i dunno
>i.e. putlel will take it
He might just because >muh legacy or some shit i mean the guy's an old man and the state department assassinated all of his successors at this point i feel like the only thing driving him is spite towards his old KGB budys who got high off the hog


You're gonna go blind from that shit lift weights instead


beats going retarded from getting into your stale bullshit either way


>muh legacy
getting a bad result in this war, which this useless "30 day ceasefire" will surely contribute to, is what will ruin his "legacy"
so if he cared about his legacy he would NOT take it
but his track record of getting screwed on dishonest treaties is pretty bad, so…


USAID official orders documents to be shredded and burned, lawsuit filed

>A senior official at USAID instructed employees to shred and burn documents, prompting legal action from Democracy Forward and Public Citizen Litigation Group. They filed a motion for an emergency restraining order to preserve the documents under the Federal Records Act.

>The directive came after Secretary of State Marco Rubio announced cuts to USAID programs.
>Thousands of USAID staff have been laid off, and concerns are raised over the destruction of potentially important documents. A judge set a Wednesday morning deadline for briefs on the issue.
what they hidin


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Did Trump violate the Hatch Act with his Tesla White House event?

>President Trump is being accused of violating the Hatch Act by showcasing Tesla vehicles with Elon Musk at the White House Tuesday afternoon. The event featured multiple Tesla models that the president was checking out with the intention of buying one.

>Critics called it a commercial and corrupt. They also said he violated the Hatch Act, so much so that “Hatch Act” was trending for hours on X.
>The reality is that the Hatch Act does not apply to presidents; it only applies to federal employees.
dup came this close to buying a yimtruk
could you fucking imagine


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A schi/x/o GET sounded fun but I'll be damned before I'll willingly use that stupid fucking 4chin captcha


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Washington state city council appointed an OnlyFans tranny with a cannibalism fetish to the board lmao
this shit is why more boys are getting raped in Washington than ever got raped at the Vatican


seems more like a yurop problem to me than a dishonest treaties problem
the guy gets along fine with browns and yellers and doesn't have issues with the browns/yellers violating treaties or vise-versa
in any case I feel like this is all a big work so the US can pull outta that Ukrainian bussy, January/February was great but dup has been doing some real slimy neocon shit so far this month
guess it's the wait and see game again


Gotta prop up your budy's bidness somehow, wouldn't be the first time he's had a conflict of interest at the white house. Man these guys are fucking rabid, like snake oil salesman is a snake oil salesman but they lookin' for literally any excuse to throw a shitfit about him


>January/February was great but dup has been doing some real slimy neocon shit so far this month


i think its p funny how hes lik best buds w enron rn, has more money than god, and still doesnt have a tesla


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one more jd yim for that spro


>seems more like a yurop problem to me than a dishonest treaties problem
it is
yurop is run by insane clowns
one might even call them a "posse"


the eu is if you took america and put europeans in charge of it
the desire to be ruled by despots is in their nature


so in syria, dup stopped funding kurds, so kurds had to lay down their endless bloodfeud with turks/jihadis
now theyve joined up with the nu-syria govt and the only thing left, outside of a handful of ISIS and assadist stragglers, is the IDF which is currently occupying the golan and has established a "buffer zone" ie: they shoot you for anyone trying to go south of damascus

so thats p neat
funny how that works tho. you stop seeding a place w infinite guns forever, and suddenly everyone remembers wtf an diplomacy is same shit in ukraine, go figure
gud news, if >we arent funding kurds, that means proxy war w iran is p much off the table for the foreseeable future. cuz that wouldve been THE main proxy to directly fuck w em


Inflation cools more than expected for Trump’s first full month as president

>Inflation came in cooler than expected in February at 0.2% for the month and 2.8% for the year.

>It’s the first time since September 2024 the annual inflation rate has declined, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
>Egg prices continue to experience double-digit increases each month, yet overall grocery prices did not rise in February.
cheeto hitler actually doin sumthin


thanks for the good news
gud for him, hope he doesnt turn the other cheek and countersues. fuckin with a dude for that long over a cake is obviously malicious


who's their hatchetman?


he prolly has to countersue after that much lawfare, even without a lawyer that shit is thousands upon thousands of dollary doos just for the process, i imagine he's destitute unless he sold a fuckload of cakes and got a metric shitload of gofundme monies
idk wtf the fags thought would happen tho, the cake incident has prolly singlehandedly made more people hat gays again than any chomo scandal


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>Washington state Democrats want to gift $120,000+ to black homebuyers to cover the cost of the downpayment on their first home
>They rejected a Republican amendment that would have excluded sex offenders from getting the benefit


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>Ukraine says the overnight attack on Kryvyi Rih killed a 47-year-old woman and injured at least nine others
>Rubio to talk with Putler today
>the condition of midge saying he'd agree to ceasefire was usa turning back on intel and weapons


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>we will not recognize any territories occupied by Russia
this fukn guy


heem gonna get heemed if he keeps this shit up
kikes really don't know when to quit do they?


he doesn’t have recognize them they aren’t going to be part of his cunt anymore lol


i give him 6 months at most


if you sue the gubmint in court over actions by the exec dept and you lose you now have to pay out the ass
gud job dup


spruh his condition for a ceasefire is essentially k but russians gotta lose the war
and he also wants usa to sanction putler if he doesnt accept
unreal. faggots trying to ctrl+z a whole ass war, they really dont want this shit to stop


its a nice thing to say if youre in the run for re-erection
actually enforcing it wont be as ez


that's RALLY bad if you're a debtor or a bank tho'
>We won't change our constitution
>We won't recognize the territories
>We require more American weapons and intel to sell on the black market
At this point fuck 'em, let it burn. If Russua doesn't finish this shit by August then dup should just stage a false flag with Ukraine attacking a Polish airbase and invade from the West side so they can partition the cunt between Poland/Romania/Hungary/Russia/Belarus and disintegrate Ukraine as a cunt/ethnicity/language.


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boomer news
>Guy who investigated Jamie's murder has been SWATted twice in the last 24 hours
>Carney imposes 20 billion in retaliatory tariffs until dup stops calling Canada their 51st state
>Man who sabotaged keystone pipeline in 2022 was a FUCKING LEAF
<The 50 y/o was sentenced to 25 years in prison for terrorism
<He'll be deported if he survives to 75
>MSNBC gets in a fight with congress over whether burning down tesla facilities is a protest or terrorism
>84% of illegals arrested by ICE in Houston had criminal records that should have seen them deported during sentencing
>University of Washington says they will not comply with dup and will "cut costs" if their federal funding is purged sparking outrage from student body asking why they don't cut costs now if they can afford to
>Dup's team arguing that Jew York can't keep them from deporting the Columbia hummus ringleader because he has already been transferred to Louisiana, therefore any motions to prevent deportation must come out of Louisiana and not Jew York
<Khalil's lawyer wants him brought back to Jew York before the decision on change of venue can be addressed
>USDA cuts funding to Maine universities to the tune of hundreds of millions after they let a man compete in women's sparts


US defense firms look to Ukraine for battlefield-proven drones

>The U.S. partnered with Ukrainian drone manufacturers to enhance military capabilities, using war-tested technology proven in combat. This collaboration aims to improve drone autonomy, sensor technology and affordability.

>Ukrainian firms mass-produce drones capable of withstanding electronic warfare, operating in contested airspace and carrying explosive payloads hundreds of miles.
>The Pentagon’s focus on Ukrainian drones signals a shift in military strategy, prioritizing practical, battlefield-ready systems over high-cost, high-tech platforms.
from a practical perspective a buncha retards strapping IEDs to drones then flying them for hundreds of miles without getting shot down or jammed is kinda impressive


you already have to pay out the ass why do you think the only people or groups who bother have significant financial backing? peasants never had the option


you don't even have to do that, all you need is to disappear war midget
that's it
most of his cunt wants the war to end, they don't gaf about losing the east, their soldiers are tired of this bullshit >>1686046 and most of his cabinet is telling him to take the fucking deal
either somebody is whispering in his ear for more dead vatniks for some reason or maybe he really is deranged enough to want to kill as many of them as he can before he gets ousted


>Ordered mushrooms from Latvia
>Shipping manifest shows they coming from Lutsk Ukraine instead
Damn it these things are going to kill me if I ingest them aren't they?


I thought this was the entire reason we sent them thousands of >our drones in the first place


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there will be an ied in your mailbox signed by war midget himself
slaveo ukraineo


dude def mouths off on coke, but other cunts have been runnin this from the get. he's 360'd multiple times after meetings and war wouldve been long over if they werent backing him

i dont buy its 100% to weaken puttputt either tbh, they're hardly the biggest threat
think lot of it is for the minerals. would explain why elen's being such a cluster b about the deal, murrica would get a big slice if it goes thru


magic mushrooms? just read a book to make sure what types you should go for and go pick em in the woods if you live where they grow and if not surely there's better connections than fuckin eastern yurup


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thax spudy


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-ursula von der leyen created the ‘Savings and Investments Union’ to "help leverage the enormous wealth of private savings in support of the EU’s wider objectives"
-addresses reuse of ~10 trillion of citizens monies "just sitting in low interest accounts" to "close the gap between idle savings and enterprises in need of funds"
-march 4 ursula announced the "rearm europe" plan
-volkswagen plants may be used for weapon production
-digital euro planned for october
eurobros better watch your ass & cash


>yo bro i heard you liked owning nothing
>so we put some owning nothing in your owning nothing and now you own nothing


Nah I can just go to the nearby cattle ranchers and they'll let me forage on their property in exchange for giving them half. These are ibotenic acid/muscimol ones rather than psilocybe ones, and the Eastern European varieties tend to be more aggressive on the mental effects than the American ones, less chance of puking too, but have less of a chance of giving you the bad hallucinations.
You should stick to the blue ones since the red ones are more of an "unfuck my shit" trip rather than a "haha tasting colors" trip.


lel that is fuckin RALY scary tho
bitch is srsly gonna take the last scraps yuros managed to sock away after taxes and gommunism, then kickflip that into funding a foreign war. what could possibly go wrong?
meanwhile the war is now essentially done, and putlers prolly gonna nap for a couple two tree.
haddya wanna bet she takes everyones money anyways and uses it to fund germanys first fully islamic gay bar?

can you even imagine being named ursula, unironically tho?
you cant NOT end up some villain w a name lik that


Report: Biden administration spent $1.1T on programs with DEI Elements

>The Biden administration has spent over $128 million on grants for diversity, equity and inclusion, according to the American Principles Project. A different study by the Functional Government Initiative and Center for Renewing America revealed that over $1 trillion was spent on 460 DEI-related programs across 24 agencies during Biden’s presidency.

>The Trump administration opposes DEI initiatives, flagging words like “activism” and “discrimination” for employees to limit or avoid.
>Wade Miller from CRA stated that DEI is ingrained in the federal government and called for its complete removal.


if you squish it and its blue, its for you

that said, do not go picking and eating random mushies from the woods without having someone whos done it before in your area. really deceptively dangerous thing to do. minor differences in how they look can mean anything from a bunk trip, to a tummyache/shits, to a trip to the hospital to get your stomach pumped

>These are ibotenic acid/muscimol ones
those are a bit rough on the tummy at the best of times ime

i was reading up on berserkers lik a yr ago, and those are the mushies they reportedly used to use. always was confused why since they actually have a crazy heavy body load, and i never got how one would do battle on them without just getting killed.

apparently tho, they were way wayyyy ahead of my dumbass
its all about piss. muscimol stays active all the way through your body until its pissed out. but the nasty stuff gets filtered out by your liver. so the easiest way to get purely "the gud stuff" is drinking your own piss
so it went like this:
>day before battle
>draw straws
>loser eats a hero dose of mushies
>presumably loses his fucking mind
>all piss is collected
>next day the whole troop drinks some of the piss
>now everyones ACTUALLY berserk from one single dose
and then they could theoretically continue the chain by collecting all the piss and stay high af for a whole deployment. even when abroad and unable to get more mushies

gnarly and gross af, but you gotta hand it to those vikings. p clever


i'm feeling real smug rn bc of all the people who gave me shit for buying shinies yurocunts were some of the most vocal
i spit in your collective fuckin faces, bet that silver and gold doesn't look like such a bad option now huh?


ancient people really knew how to brutalize each other while high on the kind of stuff that hippies will take and then croak about peace and love and other gay shit
like imagine smoking hash and then sneaking into a fortress to cut the head honcho's throat i can't even get off my fuckin couch when i smoke it lmao


reading more of their shit, 2spoopy:
-ensure the delivery of U.N. sustainable development goals aj_ahhh.gif
-tackling disinfo
-ensure dieversity & green energy
-bundling loans into tradable assets
-whole damn paper on "Speeding up the process of harmonising European insolvency law to strengthen financial integration"


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IIRC they would force-feed them to a deer and collect the deer piss after the deer died of overdose. Not sure which version is funnier tbh


that sounds lik wat you do with them animitas muscari or whatever the mario mushrooms are called
>dont eat the yellow snow


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them drinking each other's piss in a continuous pattern to conquer northern yurup is way funnier, imagine being conquered by literal piss drinking insane people. like imagine if homeless people were battle hardened more muscular and more organized that must've been similar vibes to what being attacked by vikings was like


if this doesn't wake yuros up and shatter the ewww then the whole continent deserves what it gets


because that's the mushroom they would eat
it's called amanita muscaria you were close


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>US and Hohols want cease fire
>meanwhile in Russia
The bullying will continue.


heem doin a photo op for taking back kursk


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I mean if they didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all


itll grow back


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Brightly colored flames were seen shooting up from manholes at Texas Tech as evacuations continued amid “multiple fires” spreading across campus buildings.


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>green flame
obviously another one of the riddlers traps
alfred… i need you to send in the batsuit…. now

what burns green? i only know of copper, but that looks lik a str8 gas leak


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so true!
>we serve ukrainians… for breakfast!
wtf did this retard think he was saying???


lel when did lefties decide they love john mccain
he was always a goober that did nothing noteable except get captured and blow up an aircraft carrier


>he was always a goober that did nothing notable except get captured and blow up an aircraft carrier
he was always seen as a neocon warhawk PoS by the left. AND most of the right, for that matter
my fav is how they all fucking LUV the cheneys all of a sudden. peak delusion and enemy-of-my-enemy tier confusion

i mean russia IS a gangster state. much like israel. its literally an ex-KGB goon w red mafia connections whos consolidated the entire govt to be his mob

the quip about selling muh gas is retarded tho
the moment the war winds down, putlers gonna sell shit to EU and make a fortune. EU will go back to talking shit on russia in between slobbering down their cock for cheap oil


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Trump admin starts registry for some Canadian visitors to the US

>Canadians staying in the U.S. for more than 30 days must now register with immigration authorities and provide fingerprints, according to a rule published in the Federal Register. The requirement, previously unenforced for land travelers, takes effect April 11.

>The Trump administration reinforced existing immigration law through an executive order, making non-compliance a civil and criminal enforcement priority.
>Failure to register may result in fines up to $5,000, imprisonment up to 30 days or both, with exemptions for certain groups.


>exemptions for certain groups
hmmmmmmm i wonder


I hate normalfags, but I hate elite normalfags more.


cheapskate war midge cosplay


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didnt think he'd accept tbh


why? i know russia is prolly better off than ukraine rn but they still got more than their fair share of ass kickings. time to bring the bydlo back home so they can breed the next wave of meat shields


does this mean this gay war is finally over


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Nearly 26 years after Columbine mass shooting, death toll rises to 13 students

>The death toll from the mass shooting at Columbine High School has risen nearly 26 years after the killings. An autopsy report on Wednesday revealed “the manner of death” for Anne Marie Hochhalter, who died in her apartment in a Denver suburb in February, “is best classified as homicide.”

>The report found that Hochhalter died because of medical complications from sepsis and paralysis due to a pair of gunshot wounds she sustained during the shooting, which were ruled a “significant contributing factor” to her death at the age of 43.
>Hochhalter’s death now increases the death toll in the Columbine killings to 13 students and one teacher.


wasnt certain hed take the first deal, but don has been buttering him up raly gud


no more free bags if u fly soufwest
but amtrak has free bags
tren supremacy


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>13 students
Their legacy grows.


unless holhols do a funny
which def isnt out of the realm of possibility


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>🇨🇳🇦🇺 China's warships circle Australia

>A flotilla of three Chinese navy ships sailed around Australia for nearly a month, moving in and out of its exclusive economic zone, conducting live-fire drills and forcing civilian flights to reroute.

>China's two warships had 144 missile launchers, while Australia's entire fleet of 10 warships had only 200. Australia's two fuel tankers, crucial for long-range operations, were out of commission.

>Australia's navy is old and dependent on the United States.


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damn chinks doin this shit to >our greatest ally
theyll pay for their small-dicked arrogance


Green is usually a sign of copper fire, so could be an arc flash under the surface or something copper igniting. Borax from stump remover also causes green fire so could be a contractor poured stump remover down the drains to remove trees caught in the sewage pipes gone wrong.


Wastewater uses some algae control chemicals that contain copper/borax so could be backflow from the wastewater plant. My money is on plumber contractor apprentice pouring a FUCKTON of borax down the drain to kill tree roots and it chemically reacting with the poopoo water


no just ceasefire, and terms on it still need to be finalized
wouldnt hold your breath for long term yet
hinges entirely on putlers trust of dup leashin the p.u. phreaks


I imagine Donny did a backroom deal and agreed to not supply Ukraine with shit during the ceasefire. Without US aid the only real thing they can do is build trenches, and it'll be real obvious real quick on satellite footage if they do that.
No reason not to tentatively agree to it. If Jewkraine re-armors up then Poutine can complain to dup and prolly get sanctions canceled (or at least US shipments of shit canceled) while going full war criminal without serious repercussions, and if the ceasefire werks then the two sides can end this gay war.


>Lived to 43
That's honestly p gud and nothing to complain about.


>Choices are being crammed like sardines with gud pilots or risking a DEI crash landing
Man this is why I haet flying


'Straya's navy has a budget issue, not a skill issue. China can have 10000 missile launchers and it won't matter if 9999 of them miss or fail to penetrate.


ukes got aid and intel back the second they said they were open to the ceasefire
then immediately after midget said as part of it he wouldnt cede any territory
with ya on the putler angle now i think about it. dups gotta be as sick of elen as he is


Its an electric fire.


Another angle that I just considered is that soldiers on both sides have got to be exhausted. Russia promised their soldiers a shit ton of money, but that money don't mean much if you're in a casket while on the Ukrainian side you got guys who haven't been rotated out in half a year and are on the verge of going rambo on their officers.
A temp pause is prolly gud for both sides if only to give the soldiers an excuse to break for a couple weeks and spend their money to inject some funds into the local economies.


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ya its been war (overt or otherwise) with long timeouts for over a decade
vodkanigs are fully aware now its prob not a good faith offer. doesnt seem like either side will let the territory go for long tho fam, but here's hoping


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>in dup tower
>chasin homan around hollerin
>torching cybertruks and tesla stores
libshits found energy again? or just spring fever?


does anyone have that gif of bill clinton during the 2016 debate where he looks like a corpse in the audience
cuz that's how i feel right now


>joos against arming israel
all 12 of them apparently


Has anyone told ED?


Boomer news:
>Jack Dorsey banned from X
>Tranny campaign staffer in Florida stole a lil nigga's bike
>WA city council to vote on rescinding installing the tranny after the whole pedocel cannibalism fetish came to life
>NYC mayoral candidate allegedly leading several of the protests against Homan
>Man accidentally torches himself while trying to molotov a Tesla facility, reportedly spraypainted "slava Ukraini" at the site
>Dup threatens 200% tariff on EU spirits and wines after EU passes preemptive 50% tariff on American whiskey
>My favorite big booty latina facing ethics complaint violation after training her ass for a spanking at a dance studio
>Canada spent $11 billion on DEI overseas
>Lee Zeldin announces end of climate regulations
>Pete Hegseth orders review of military fitness and to kick out fatties
>Joos bring 119 lawsuits against dup in first 51 days
>NYPD arrested the guys from the protest up above
>Downtown Seattle turning into Detroit as major retailers and restaurants flee the violent homeless population
>They're gonna audit air traffic control and make them all retest to make sure nobody cheated
>DOJ investigating hotels that housed migrants for criminal penalties
>Dup insists he's getting Greenland one way or another
>Judge temporarily halts canceling of Seattle law firm's security clearances because "well I think it might be unconstitutional but I dunno lol"
>Kohberger says he was framed in Idaho school killings


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story from jan 10



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odds are up a bit after their erections


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🇺🇸 🇮🇱 - Colonel Douglas Macgregor on Tucker Carlson’s show said that Trump should handle Netanyahu the same way he handled Zelensky.

>The way Donald Trump handled Zelensky is the way he has got to handle Netanyahu, because if he doesn’t, Netanyahu will drag him into the abyss…because he wants this war with Iran🇮🇷 come hell or high water.


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i lik leftie toons budy
its lik lookin at heiroglyphics and goin oh them niggas raly think he had a birb head


that martyrmade fella on toegan talmbout ww2 sympathy today too
times are a changin


thats cool
let the bug people fite


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2020s been raly spicy so far
way better than 2010s gayshit
keep it comin


I miss 5 years ago at this moment when marble racing was the ONLY sport


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Adam Boehler, the Trump administration negotiator who blew off Israel's objections to his holding direct talks with Hamas by proclaiming the US is "not an agent of Israel," has reportedly now been sidelined.

pic unrelated


We should do a marble rally thread


Oh yeah getting rid of the guy willing to talk with the sandniggers is totally going to get you your hostages back
Not even sure how "we are not a vassal state" is controversial. Well I do because protestants and joos are like faggots and Satan but you know what I mean


White House has asked US military to develop options for the Panama Canal, officials say

>President Donald Trump’s White House has requested the U.S. Military to draw up plans for a military operation to retake the Panama Canal. Officials said the aim is to reduce China’s influence there, according to NBC News sources.

>The military options include closer cooperation with the Panamanian military and the possibility of using force if necessary, as reported by NBC News.
>Trump has emphasized expanding U.S. territory, which includes plans for the Panama Canal and has generated significant backlash, particularly from Canadians, as reported by NBC News.
>U.S. Southern Command is considering various strategies to increase military presence in Panama, according to NBC News.


That will teach that goy to never disrespect our greatest ally.


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gather round spee, time to play guess that troon!


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Greenland? More like muttland, am I right?


They always take pics at that angle to not show the torso hip proportions and hide the shoulders which are both dead giveaways.


Mr. Spartman, will you accept my daughter, DOTZ, as your bride? We have taken the utmost pains to raise xer as a decent xoman, and we have taught xer to be exemplary in all the necessary and chosen fields. I would be exceedingly happy if you were to accept my offer and I could be your spather-in-law.


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had a nigger faggot mtf on as a """stewardess""" united airlines flight
they're a lot more convincing because gorilla nigger women are already pretty masculine, but the very obvious giveaways were the adams apple, voice, and funny enough the hands were really, REALLY obvious
if you didn't know men and women have different connective tissue in the skin– dudes skin, especially at the hands, have this X sorta striations on it
can't get rid of that one lmao


Was thinking about the Francis JD shit and how the pope wants to excommunicate JD & is going full WEF internationalist.
Assuming this isn't all a numbers game and asshurt over American Catholics leaving during Vatican 2 killing Catholic growth in our god loving cunt for good, it really does seem on a surface level to be a matter of Satan intervening in the church.
But I don't think that's it. I think it's the same illness of pseudo intellectualism that has plagued modern societies since the days of the godless communists. We kept seeking higher and higher faculties from our leaders and in doing so we arranged the world in a way where you are rewarded for sniffing your own farts. I think the pope means well when he tells JD he's gotta let in all the rapists, drug dealers, and murderers who want to ruin our cunt because the pope is following doctrine, but heem following doctrine the way someone with severe alcoholism follows a cold turkey habit break in which they get DTs and either seriously injure themselves or end up dead without breaking the addiction. We do need to love our enemies and we do need to love the stranger, but society is a set of building blocks and just like how it took God a long time to build up the Jews from godless savages fleeing a city of rapists and animal fuckers to the fart sniffers of Jesus' days, if you don't have all the building blocks below, the whole thing collapses.

You have to love your fam to love your neighbor, love your neighbor to love the stranger, and you have to love the stranger to love the enemy, but if you don't even love your neighbors or fam, how can you ever hope to love the stranger or your enemy? It's as difficult as a fat man who gorges on wine and meat trying to follow Lent. Pope is mad about all the funding for illegal chinks and spics to enter the cunt being cut off with the loss of glownigger billing department, but he is failing to see the forest for the trees and understand us Americans need to learn to love each other again before we try loving outsiders, even the fabric of relations between man and woman are on the brink of extinction right now outside of small religious sects that take that shit seriously still.

Anyways thanks for listening to my Ted Talk it was bugging me while trying to fall asleep and I felt like I needed to type my thoughts out as words and now I feel more relaxed.

Sleep snug sprutha


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batten down the hatches


Ah shit, all the crazies and robbing niggers will be out on my way to work. Fuck


make sure you kill at least 10 niggers before you get to work


theyve been vandalizing tesla stuff. funny thing is most tesla cars are owned by yuppie libshits so they're just eating their own as usual


i feel like every tranny ive ever seen irl has been a 6ft+ in heels black tranny hooker. basketball player sized fuckers with giant ass wigs, fake lashes, those disgusting talons/fake nails. you know the drill. my old house when i used to live in da hood had this neighboring traphouse up the block full of lik 7 of em. p based in the literal sense

but lik, ive seen a couple two tree white ones down in da sauna, i bought mdma off one once, and a couple more that i would class as "literally not even fucking trying". but 95% of all troons irl are black tranny hookers. its just a fact of reality. i suppose the white ones are all inside moderating discords/leddit subs and grooming children on roblox


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jd got in hot water for citing 'ordo amoris', which is what yeem sayin
says a lot tbh. trying to blue clues intent is post facto, as you'll know them by their works

standing by, let alone enabling, murder of loved brothas and sistas reminds me of another one: those without a glock switch sell your jordans


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best pick so far and its not even close


>to make american food the healthiest in the world the way that it was when I was a child.
OK, boomer.


i actually didn't know that but dude hands are always bigger and blockier than girls anyway, even the petite sissy boi hands dwarf most women's


>love your enemies
or i could do everything in my power to keep them the fuck away from me and hopefully see them die in the process, that seems to work really well too


budy amerigay actually had really awesome food back in the mid-20th century and before, people weighing 250+ pounds was circus freak tier not 30 some percent of the fuckin population


not very christian of you :^(


The ceasefire also gives time for ursula and co to steal money and build a defense industry to resupply Ukraine and restart the war. Although I don't know how much time they have for that, it's not like this is a particularly stable agreement.


worshipping a dead kike on a stick is retarded
I am a real true god while your god is an faggot


Europe isn't going to like that one bit when American food starts competing seriously on the same playing field. Death to Kellogg, death to Kroger. Death to the shitty snack food aisle in grocery stores.


it's perfectly christian to destroy your enemies, it happens a lot in the bible :D
i threw your fedora like a frisbee


it'd be awful funny if the usa withdrew from gaytoe and the yurup union got directly involved with fighting rusmutts, only to get nuked into submission while amerigay sits by with no obligation to do shit about it
not gonna happen but it should, only the usa has enough nukes to rival russia. third in line is the chinks and their arsenal is not even in the same league, while everyone else has fuckall. i think combined the whole eu still doesn't approach chinas arsenal


Nukes are a yim anyways. Radiation isn't as bad as they make it out to be (see: Chernobyl, Fukushima where China is blaming their illegal dumping of chemical/radioactive waste poisoning the ocean on the meltdown, etc.) and the main reason big cunts are scared of them is it's like a wasp stinger for small cunts. Can't bully them if they can hurt you, even if it's mostly superficial.


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how euphoric


inhad a more thought out response to this but i guess i accidentally hit f5 and lost it so the tl;dr of it was "i'm aware, it was just a retarded fantasy scenario"


the ability to immediately delete an entire fucking city and 100k civvies with one bomb doesn't seem like a yim


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American Airlines plane catches fire after emergency landing in Denver

>An American Airlines Boeing 737-800 caught fire after making an emergency landing in Denver due to engine vibrations. All 178 passengers evacuated, with 12 suffering minor injuries.

>The plane, which was flying from Colorado Springs to Dallas-Fort Worth, landed at 5:15 p.m. local time on Thursday, March 13, and ignited while taxiing to the gate.
>The FAA launched an investigation into the incident, the latest in a series of high-profile aviation accidents in 2025.
another day at denver airport


ya 30 day halt isnt enough time. assuming puttputt accepts at all, theres no way he does longer

rooshya's agreed to trade resources to usgay so donny prob dont care what flag's on it. plus greenland's realistically on the table for at least a trade agreement
maby i'm missing smth but idk wut P.U. is thinking, seems lik tard flailing


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footage and aerial pic


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>Europe deeply values its partnership with South Africa, just as we cherish our friendship with you, dear Cyril Ramaphosa.
>South Africa can always count on Europe, just as we know Europe can count on South Africa


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k congo 'roo startin to make some sense
hunter bidup apparently in souf africa too


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>🇲🇽 The Jalisco Cartel Extermination Camp

>The horrors described take the Mexican tragedy to a new level of Hell

>The ranch was alleged to be run by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and one if its over-zealous local warlords as a “training and extermination camp,” and people briefly went into Google Maps and labeled it as such. It adds credence to the U.S. State Department action in February to designate the Jalisco mob as a terrorist organization.

>Mexico has been scarred by mass graves and massacres since at least 2010, and I make a list of the worst atrocities here. Yet there are indications this could take the tragedy of Mexico’s conflict to a new level of Hell.


>da shooz

lel i cant take shoe pile pics srsly even if the thing is actually srs


he's talking about the whole "erf climate b permafuckt" angle of it. there'd be tremendous cancer rates for a little while but it wouldn't borderline end existence and turn everything into eternal deserts like you see in fallout or whatever


ramaphosa prolly b lik
>ayo ursula
>heard u needa fund a war an shieet?
>i gotchu nigga
dude wants his free diamonds and gold back

the irony cant get any thicker tho
you got bitch out here talking about "putting pressure on russia" while shes simultaneously simping for a BRICS cunt. and you KNOW theyre just gonna go right back to guzzling down ruskie oil the moment peace happens. thatll surely tighten the noose around russia. this time for real


tawain better order some himars n shit


if bugmen decide to invade there's nothing they can do to stop it. you hold a tinyass island against a hundred million bugmen. they could swim ashore and only 5% of their defective AKs can work and they'd still take over the island within a week


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oil never stopped, sheem just want those frozen assets. which is still insane to me
PU's so fugged this commie cunt is yoinking from citizens on 3 diff continents

oh ya dup dicked her on wednesday too lel
>Mar 12th: Trump did not extend Biden’s exemption that allowed sanctioned Russian banks to process European payments for Russian energy


nu-nukes arent nearly as dirty as oldskool ones
the reaction is much more efficient, so much much less lingering radiation from fallout
plus they also got smol tactical ones which further reduces the amount of shit spewed over everything as well as being much easier to reliably wipe a whole city with lik a dozen of emalso easier to use since you dont rly even need to be that far away.

fukushima iirc had 1 death due to acute radiation poisoning. thats 1 with no 0s. not a big deal as far as these things go and the place is fully habitable now.
chernobyl is the bad one. that one is still raly fucking bad, and will likely remain as such for several more centuries until all the rly hot stuff cools off. then itll just be "bad".

the bad isotope i remember off the top of my head is cesium-137, which got dusted absolutely EVERYWHERE. all the way up to the baltics even they found it. the fire was burning for like 2 wks, just spraying shit into the atmosphere.
in the immediate area of pripyat, ive seen multiple vids of ppl wandering around w geiger counters stumbling on some speck of graphite junk and its still hot af. that place is gonna be fucked for a long long time. esp so if the giant hole the ruskies put in the side of the new sarcophagus ends up causing larger problems down the road


its funny cuz all those sanctions and stuff were actually putting a lot of pressure on the avg ruskies, economically at least. but it was all for nothing cuz yuros cant exist let alone fund a war without that cheap pidor petroleum

theyve been saying dup is doing the "madman theory" on running the govt, but all his shit has made sense and been p much exactly what he campaigned on and said he was gonna do.
its the EU thats absolutely schizophrenic. literally nothing they do makes sense.
>trying to build gay race marxist utopia?
<import literal jihadis by the 10s of millions
>trying to go green?
<shut down most of EUs nuke plants
>trying to buzzsaw russia with sanctions and military proxy?
<one of the largest buyers of russian gas


Why is the CIA using mexico to massacre wetbacks?


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its always the shoes innit


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lel ye not great when the most consistent predictor of policy is just 'suicidal'

tbf before dup (and a couple powerless senators) was primarily the same shit in burgerstan
tdawg needs to start tellin these judges to pound sand. some fucknothing judge has filed injunctions against half his moves


I'm kinda talking both
Big cunts have some big nukes to do that, but it's like the Battleship vs Destroyer argument. Battleship can absolutely fuck up a destroyer, but destroyers are more efficient to the overall functioning of the navy kinda deal. Most cunts are gonna have nuclear artillery if not for yim treaties, the kinda shit that can take out a military base of 20k personnel or be dropped in the center of a city, but it'll be sub megaton or low megaton yields.
Obviously if you're a big cunt you don't want 10 to 20k troops wiped out at once from a major military installation getting hit with a low yield nuke, but the threat of your metropolitan city centers getting nuked by Myanmar or Pakistan halfway across the world using an ICBM are near zero.

The Taiwan threat is more a matter of crippling China's ports along the coasts with missiles. Yeah they can take the island but if it eliminates 20% of their GDP and gets them embargoed by half the world then suddenly taking the island isn't worth it.
Ironically, Taiwan will only really be viable for invasion when they are either irrelevant to Chinese economic interests or irrelevant to America & Japan interests.
Nah brah they grow apples for wine in Chernobyl because the soil is fertile and rich. Only the facility itself still suffers from long term radiation exposure, wolves and other wildlife have returned to the forest and the reactor is full of catfish.
Nasty shit that one, but also extremely soluble in water and ammonia allowing it to mostly disperse after a month of rain or pile of rotting corpses. Just avoid the groundwater for a generation and you're gud


its crazy to think that south africa was still fairly functional in the early 2000s but every year as been a decline because niggers can't upkeep any of the institutions and are biologically corrupt lmao
its such a good science experiment


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friendly reminder to not look at dudder while armed. follow safety /sp/rotocol at all times


Lutnick floats Trump idea of no income tax for people earning less than $150K

>Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick suggested President Donald Trump wants to eliminate income tax for people earning less than $150,000 annually. He said it is part of an overall plan by the Trump administration to drive down taxes for all Americans.

>Lutnick said the federal government would make up the revenue by eliminating overseas tax evasion and implementing tariffs.
>Roughly 93% of American adults earn less than $150,000 annually, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
give me this and you can give joos as many bombs and shekels as you want idgaf what you do after that


that bitch is one monke lookin mf tho frfr


>according to daily NK
>which is based in neighboring south korea
so its a propaganda source


this is sportschang
everyone here is $300k starting


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he already walked it back, "after the budget is balanced", then they wanna pass that poopy spending bill


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Schumer flipped on government funding. Here’s why progressives aren’t happy

>Sen. Chuck Schumer says he’s weighed the consequences of a government shutdown, and is willing to vote for the House-approved funding bill. He said that while the bill was bad, “a shutdown has consequences for America that are much, much worse.”

>Some Democrats worry that a shutdown could be used by the Trump administration to fire more federal workers.
>But there is dissent, with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saying, “To me it is almost unthinkable why Senate Democrats would vote to hand the few pieces of leverage that we have away for free.”
please run against this rat kike do the world a favor

>“While the CR bill is very bad, the potential for a shutdown has consequences for America that are much, much worse,” Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said during a speech Thursday, March 13.


>Some Democrats worry that a shutdown could be used by the Trump administration to fire more federal workers.
thats happening either way


enron gonna launch a wocket in 5
gotta go save the space lesbian who killed the entire space station


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spess is neat


Senate takes big step toward regulating cryptocurrency

>The Senate Banking Committee gave an initial thumbs-up to the Genius Act, which would create a regulatory framework for the cryptocurrency known as stablecoins. The bill sets up licensing guidelines and creates reserve requirements, as well as other ground rules for those who want to issue payment stablecoins.

>Supporters of the legislation say it will improve transaction efficiency, free up capital and drive U.S. Treasury demand.
>Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., opposed the bill, saying it does not sufficiently address issues in the current crypto marketplace.
<pocahontas mad that it doesn't regulate crypto enough


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Grill, stove cooking in LA creates nearly as many ozone pollutants as cars: Study

>According to new research from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, cooking emissions from some of America’s favorite foods are rivaling fossil fuels as an ozone pollutant in the Los Angeles area. Researchers in Southern California measured pollutants known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

>These toxins are created from cooking on a grill or stove, and scientists found they create roughly the same number of VOCs as vehicles.
>VOCs are one of two ingredients needed to produce toxic air known as ground-level ozone, which is deadly at high levels.


oklahoma is burning


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magats btfo


Fr fr so long as richfags don't try to use conscription they can send their private zogbot army to kill whoever the fuck they want if it's coming strictly from their taxes
Can't have starship troopers with that setup tho


This is informative and unfortunate, but hardly surprising


That's why dup hasn't particularly cared whether his budget gets passed.
>Cut the gubmint or defund it, either way it goes away




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dup btfo


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theyre lucky heem not an actual dictator
thats lik public execution lvl to do that to da kang


what happened here? can't hear a damn thang


need a spartman to translate this rn
can't hear shit and i want to hear a journo get btfo


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Cash-strapped Chicago asks for 3% discount on its bills

>Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration requested a 3% discount from city contractors to address financial challenges. The request follows a budget that raised taxes on streaming services, parking fees and paper bags to close a nearly $1 billion deficit.

>The city faces additional pressure from a $175 million pension payment owed by Chicago Public Schools. There are potential risks to its bond market standing if reserves are used to cover the shortfall.
>Chicago’s reliance on $4 billion in federal funding is under threat after the Trump administration froze aid programs. Some raised concerns about potential funding cuts for cities with policies opposed by the administration.

>Chicago passed a budget that included increased taxes on streaming services, parking fees and paper bags to close a nearly $1 billion budget hole. Now, Mayor Brandon Johnson’s office is asking businesses with contracts with the city to give it a 3% discount on their agreed rates.

<taxes on streaming services
retards that can't into torrents deserve everything they get


>The [protester] was so triggered by the $80,000 electric Tesla truck parked on Washington Avenue in Prospect Heights that he double-parked his Subaru – with two car seats in the back – burst out, and defaced the car
>“What are you doing?” shouted the owner, who quickly called 911
>The vandal then ditched his ride in the bike lane and ran.
>90 minutes later, he returned to the scene to retrieve his Subaru — only to be promptly handcuffed and arrested
lel, the anti cybertruk poster just got arrested


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but i'm still out and about telling owners their truk is ugly
isn't cybertruk production all backed up and need to be pre-ordered btw? as in isn't there a pretty big likelihood that everyone who has one rn ordered it way back before enron flipped from supporting demonrats to going full dup mode?


what CR is doin in serbia


Crackdown at the Border: Egg-smugglers Risk Getting Scrambled

>There has been a 36% increase in egg-smuggling attempts nationwide. Officials said there was a 54% rise along the Texas border.

>Egg prices in the U.S. dropped to an average of $5.51, compared to $2.30 in Mexican border towns.
>Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins warns that the slight dip in prices is unlikely to persist due to ongoing challenges with Avian bird flu.
<smuggling fucking eggs


Trump orders airstrikes on Yemen targeting Houthi bases and leaders

>President Donald Trump ordered airstrikes on Yemen on Saturday. The administration said the attacks targeted terrorist bases, leaders and missile defenses to protect American shipping and navigational freedom.

>Trump warned Iran to cease support for Houthi militants, emphasizing accountability for threats to American interests and shipping lanes.
>Houthi rebels have upgraded their drone technology and have launched numerous attacks on vessels and Israel, leading to increased U.S. and Israeli retaliatory strikes. The U.S. recently classified the Houthis as a terrorist organization.
hooties btfo


oh yea
15th was supposed to be a big protest
well a bigger one than already was goin on

basically, the guy with the funny lips is mostly liked by the avg subtard serb, cuz hes perceived as based and redbulled or whatever, but him and his buddies are also vary corrupt. then some chink awning or something collapsed on a bunch of ppl and he dgaf so everyone got raly mad at the same time, at the same guys vucic and his crew

no winners here
vucic is just running the state lik some mafioso and his administration is vary corrupt, but his opposition party is just a bunch of garden-variety globohomo gommies


>dup does the ayy enemies act thang
<judge immediately blocks it
kill all judges


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game is rigged.
thanks obama


>The last name Boasberg has its origins in the Jewish communities of Eastern Europe, particularly among Ashkenazi Jews.
really makes you think…..


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do you have the minion vance with the nazi officer cap by itself? i'm going to make that someone's phone wallpaper when they're not paying attention


someone else make the today thread i can't think of a good joke rn


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this is the best i can do i think


lel that could work too since burger pride may as well be nazism to this guy


The judges aren't even pretending to follow the law. Executive branch is doing the bare minimum in these frivolous cases and basically ignoring the judges whenever they can get away with it under executive authority


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Hey geezers I think you need to a hearing aid because if you try then it is audible enough to understand.



she bopped him in the face with the mic, was instantly apologetic, then he joshed her a bit and it was over


you guys ever have a friend you haven't seen in a long time, then you finally see them and they've become really pathetic and you internally die from cringe the entire time??


lel bukele clowning on these fifth column faggots


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sportschan has an alt right bias tbqhfamalam


how about you tell dr spee about your problem


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