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its a tampa kinda day
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Tomorrow is Ladies' Foot Health Day


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footfags get the rope
armpit superiority


luv feet
luv armpit
luv every part of the woman tbh
except the asshole, women shouldn't shit that was a mistake on god's part


god don't make no mistakes, you just don't love women


sodomy is a mistake
cant have sodomy without assholes
assholes + sodomy = faggots = sin = god mistake
god mistake/mistake = a world without mistakes = women without assholes
i have this down to a formula and not the babby kind bc that's also a mistake babbies should get titty milk to male them righteous and strong and not in love with assholes
i'm sorry you were fed babby formula i told your mom to whip those flapjacks out and feed you god's love but her asshole corrupted her thinking before i could do anything about it


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cant you just be normal?


how would poop withou butt? chekmate


what a beauty


cravin arbys now


it.. stares back at me


It's like when you find a bag of dirty coveralls you threw in the closet two years ago. Or a tuna sandwich you forgot in your locker at school and found two months later still sealed. The smell is nasty but you gotta share the sniff with everyone so they understand just how grotesque the thing you are presenting actually is.




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go sports


woah! look at that monster!


wtf did you put a crt filter over the kaki or something?


and i thought my 2.25 incher was a BEAST


dudder said hogs over 3 inches will be taxed and put in the clitty cage


is it even possible to have a dick THAT big ?


wow veri bigr peen budy


fucking THUNDERCOCKS in tha house! Way to go (kc) kings!


ngl suckin toes is kinda hawt




don't put your god here
through game theory the last time I checked God's are supposed to fall by the hands of gamers
for example God of war can't forget Darksiders as well as many others you're literally putting yourself out there to be mocked and humiliated and I'm all for that but don't put your religious belief out here because when the day games become reality all God's will fall and we will rise as a community of gamers to bring down the tyranny of beings that created us or at least that's how most theory of video games are oh yeah can't forget to mention any or all final fantasy franchise


uhmm >we're akshually in a simulation right now i heard neil debuss tyson talk about and elon too so if you think about it all these choose your own adventure reality issues where no one agrees on basic concepts is kinda lik candy crush where you match three if you think about it




>nurse bish in apartment below me claims i'm stomping around my apartment all day and night
>get noise violation
>have no idea what the fuck they're talking about since i'm in socks all day and walking like a normal human bean, not even the crazy spic that lived below me earlier in the year complained about it
>meanwhile the single-digit iq retard with a jeep trackhawk does nothing but drive around the complex all day and night with his LOUD AS FUCK exhaust
why is it always FUCKING nurses


all nurses are whorbs too. it's actually amazing


nothing a little rape wouldn't solve

nurses are the female equivalent of cops for males


Hello dr spee how are doing i need your help
I sat down and felt my BALLS vibrate it was very scawwy
Thanks much you for you're service doc

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