>>1685466I fought the urge to not give up for a long time and finally gave in over a year ago. I hate to do it but at the time it was what it was. As time passed I figured that this period would be a phase and eventually I'd get back on the horse and I have thought and even tried to do so, I'm still not quite there yet.
Despite the loss in motivation and optimism, it does feel less stressful and tense to care less and part of it could be a good lesson for the future.
>>1685471For me I gave up about a year ago when I became homeless, but then I found Jesus and things have gotten better budy.
feelin better than last night
made the mistake of drinking on an empty stomach
threw up 3 times then passed out trying to watch tng, slept through two episodes
is it true that drinking a tiny amount during a hangover actually helps
>>1685483ya itll help but only if its a lil lik actually a lil you need to hydrate too and get vitamins and stuff consume sea salt and water and maybe a shot or two a bit of the ol "
hair of the dog that bit ya", but srsly dont just get drunk again itll start to compound the hangovers and soon youll have a multi day hangover. unless ur lik 22 or some shit then you can take it ezpz just a couple bad days of hangover jog it off but still drink water and sea salt
>>1685483yeh but be really careful with that if you've got addiction problems it's really easy to go from "just a little hair of the dog" to "uhm i'm a
functional alcoholic tyvm" to "i'm drinking gas station sanitizer because i will literally die from DTs if i don't get alcohol"
>>1685483stay away from the booze if youre in that whole manic depressive thang
it aint gonna help
i just got CRowed off
>>1685547this. similar situ & boss let me nip during werk and mever DTd but ya just end up succumbing to base instincts which are self destructo
doin gud makes feels gud whod have have thunk
>first gril I mentioned last week wanted to take it slow and wasn’t ready for relationship
>I tell her idk how to be friends with someone I’m attracted to like her
>she cry’s after I tell her this has to be fair thee well
>blocks me
>meet a gril Saturday night that’s a friend of a friends
>hook up benis in bagina
>whole time thinking about the first gril who’s feels I hurt
>first gril and I will undoubtedly see each other again because our circles over lap
>still can’t help but think I fucked up big time and would do anything to fix it
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t I guess. Other other gril never left the cathouse and we won’t ever speak again. Idk fam I think I fucked up big time with the burner chick
>inb4 burner **
She was honest with me, owned up to making a mistake already, and called me everyday. I sure goofed huh /sp/ros?
>>1685897dont understand a single fucking thing or im too drunk either way
>>1685897Why feel bad? First grill didn't take you seriously thinking she could keep you as a side piece. You went and got yourself a side piece.
I don't belieb in seggs before marriage, but all's fair in love and war. Are you going steady with hook-up or intend to? If not, then you can hook back up with first grill and if she ever finds out/bitches you just tell her "you told me you didn't wanna go steady now we are stop being jealous"
well say it in a way that doesn't get you relegated to the couch but you know what I mean. If you are gonna go steady with hook-up grill then first grill can get over it
>>1685911I’m pretty sure she was taking me seriously. While the whole, “I’m not ready for a relationship” thing was going on, everything we did was romantic relationship stuff. She even called it that once. It’s like it was real in our heads, just not irl, or vice versa? Idk women are goofballs. I sent her flowers for her birthday, I’ll post again if she unblocks me.
>>1685911Second gril reminds me of an ex, not in good ways either. Idk maybe for the time being I’ll hang with her. I don’t want to lead her on, and she seems bordering on batshit.
>>1686085>BlockedWait wut?
Anyways best of luck spro
>>1686085you have to sneak in supplements like DIM that decrease estrogen production
excess estrogen makes women act like that
niggers also produce more estrogen than regular non nigger humans too
>>1686089Nah budy if you get rid of her estrogen she'll lose the collagen in her skin and become depressed
it's a double-edged sword the estrogen makes women batshit but it also makes them elastic and purdy/happy
>>1686085fumblel'd cathouse lady for sure, but just lift when you think about it
also never ask to define it as a relationship, wahmen view it as insecure
just do your thang, fully enjoy any time together, and keep it chill & fun
dont bring up the lay and if she does dont say or feel sorry spro. didnt do anything wrong
>>1686086>wait wut?ikr I hurt her feels p bad I guess. Thank for the wish, I might see her tomorrow at an event we’ve been going to for a couple weeks
>>1686100Ye cathouse girl is long gone >pics related.
Thx /sp/ro everything you said is right, i don’t know why I said anything to gril 1 tbh maybe I see her tomorrow, maybe not. I know I’ll see her again though. Probably should just work on patience and enjoy gril 2s company.
goddamn she’s a nutball though No.1686183
>>1686179i think u should stop worrying about whorbs for a while and lift heavy things instead
they're not worth it
>>1686179>i don’t know why I said anything to gril 1proly confused 'need' with want budy. happens
grills are a garnish not a meal, agree w liftbro 💪
>>1686183Ignore this fag. You should
do bothbut prioritize weights it'll make the lady happy 2 No.1686239
lifting is for yourself not women, the women just appear as a byproduct
>>1686783it does
its entirely from DHT amassing in hair follicles and killing them
if you got too high T, the extra turns to DHT from some enzyme, and if you got too much of DHT, its cueball time
>>1686818Thought so. I'm on that minox/finast regime plus a few other things to help with hair loss and I learnt that it is basically about curbing DHT levels. I still have thinner hair than before, it still isn't too bad
>>1686831accept the inevitability. balding men desperate to retain their hair is always a sad thing to watch
>>1686831just go full egghead and lift to compensate
>>1686831rock the skullet
>>1686836yep. i find shaving is just as bad. like damn why are you trying to impress people? You're like 40. Stop.
>>1686938lelk no thinks theyre impressing anyone y shaving their head unless they've got like tattoos on their scalp or some shit
>>1686943it just seems so gay to shave your head. From what I've seen women are more into how rough you are with them. That's why ugly guys get women as well.
>>1686935lookin gud, duder!
>>1686945were you molested by a bald uncle or something why do you think of sodomy when you see bald people
>>1686945>women are more into how rough you are with themspigga dafuq are you on about? are you confusing handshakes with full nelsons?
give >us context of when you've ever seen this work
>>1686991nothing gets women hornier than suplexing them
>>1687018this if you don't immediately paralyze her from the neck down she'll leave you for a balding sissy beta chad
can you imagine having a paraplegic fuck doll????
>>1687062i just want a deaf qt who makes tard noises when sheem cums
>>1687064i want a blind girl so she won't see it coming when i cum in her eyes
lotta bernd in this thread
>>1687112It’s the only thread they can post in and not get made fun of
for now No.1687853
Well, gril 2 did not work out, she is not my kind of crazy. I can’t give her the help she needs
Gril 1 unblocked me to tell me she got my letters, and flowers. I saw her at the art thing again last night She also said I didn’t hurt her heart, she just cried because I hurt her feelings, then blocked me again. Idk I don’t feel sad anymore, nor do I get it. expecting a woman to be rational about her feels ikfam Like I said I know I’ll see her again, maybe we can move on together. I don’t have expectations of it. I didn’t lift, I projected my feels into this, gril 1s birthday gift.
>pics related
Started upping my reps in the morning though, and doubling my cycling distance. Until next time, /sp/ros
>>1687853I forgot to add, I told gril 1 thanks because she helped me to overcome a negative cycle in my life in a positive way and I’ll love her forever for it. That was the point she teared up, and ran off. 6 hours later was when she unblocked me, said her peace, then blocked me again
>inb4 fagMy father was one of the last True Gentleman, and I learned his ways well.
>>1687853>>1687854looks like you learned to be a pussy tbh
next time just save time and money and send your testicles in a box
>>1687906what about postage though
>>1687932didnt stop van gogh dont let it stop you