idk if it counts but i think it should someone recommended the war mode podcast to me (cant remember if it was here or elsewhere i got the rec from) but those guys are usually at least semi-coherent but sometimes they'll jump all over the fuckin placer with half completed conversations and just leave a bunch of shit hanging in the air to the point where the entire episode is just schizo gobbledegook and it'll give me a headache and make me wonder why i even bothered listening to it. shits almost as annoying as some /pol/ faggot throwing a stream of apparently disconnected information at you then calling you stupid when you ask what the fuck theyre talking about
gud podcast tho sometimes theyve got interesting shit to say that would get them shitcanned anywhere else but holy fuck do they go off the rails sometimes
Does anyone know where I could watch The Grifter?
>>1620869if it was from /h/ it was me and ya they hit $, started microdosing, and went downhill. hopefully spud does his own thing at some point
older paid shit is peak warmode. got this off a rando keep it dl dont want it deded
https www patreon com /rss/ WARMODE? auth= wM8htS0M-nS1xZrwrEJcEsFkR8z38MvC No.1620938
>>1620926no shit that happens no one said otherwise but that doesnt mean there isnt also organized efforts to shit the world up
even ignoring the jew angle shit like DEI and ESG alone is very clearly a deliberate effort to make everything worse
>>1620937link's genuinely not mine
great site though, of meny thanks
>>1620934>started microdosingah yeah that would do it. microdosing is alright occasionally but idk why people think doing it all the fuckin time is smart indont think ive met a single person who does it all the time that also didnt routinely devolve into homeless tier rambling
just like take the full hit of acid/shrooms and have a fund day occasionally i dont get how doing little tidbits has any substantial benefit
>>1620941idgi either, needing a beer to clock in isnt a great mental place bros
back in dot com days the techbros funded some studies on microing lsd but never bothered to look into em
conceptually no diff than ssri dependency and if u view it as a spiritual thing its a bit greedy & noncommittal innit?
that said i drink coffee, slam nicotine, and will do multi month rc cycles so i'm a hypocrite No.1620968
>>1620829transvetigation is schizo kino
there is an entire genre of schizos whose brains broke when trannies went mainstream and now they see trannies everywhere
its awesome
they also have no knowledge of old people losing sex hormones thus making them a tad bit more androgynous between the sexes so every single old person is a tranny and anyone with plastic surgey, a tranny
its awesome
there were some really good ones on bitchute but you can find some good ones on odysee as well, been a while since i checked it out but its great stuff
>>1620968i think the point is that they are related not that she was a tranny
>>1620949>and if u view it as a spiritual thing its a bit greedy & noncommittal innit?never understood this tbh. like yeah ive felt an "interconnectedness" on shrooms before but its not as if you cant realize how intricate the world and the universe is without being high. its impossible to fully comprehend that shit anyway so hows being buzzed 24/7 gonna make a difference or make you closer to god or whatever?
or is my understanding of what counts as "spiritual" skewed?
>>1621045>or is my understanding of what counts as "spiritual" skewed?Spirituality is subjective, so no your opinion isn't wrong. The people I know irl who microdose are not in a position to take a large dose. They are mostly professionals in their field and don't have a lot of psychedelic experience
unlike me who will drop acid and go to work for them it's a nice opener to a bigger world. Imo that's how you should micro dose. They all say it makes them feel better, etc. They don't do it every day though, maybe once a week, more like once a month.
>>1621172What am I watching here?
>>1621340There's too much ant print and not enough 'splainin
>>1621350them sayin dab atmosphere be flat earf's contact lense n shit
>>1621045those dudes will hit the micro solely as a performance enhancer or anti-sobriety
but they also view it as being invited to interact with a diff realm or layer
correct me if i'm wrong but that combo of intent and openness is real tourist hours shit ime. just asking to wake up in a figurative ice tub with a figurative kidney missing
its also possible i'm just a giant fucking pussy about demons
>>1621430joke's on you i don't whack it in the shower
or at all for that matter
>>1621430That is fucking retarded, if they really are collecting sperm and eggs from citizenz they would just grab them from sperm banks and frozen eggs and do whatever they want with them, from doing genetic experiments to giving babies to the jews to sacrifice to moloch.
>>1621430wait how do you watch porn in the shower tho?
>>1621045anyone who thinks enlightenment costs 5-10 bucks a hit is out of it
leary was a counterintelligence asset
and he was so geeked out its not even clear he realized it
drugs, of basically any kind, are for very infrequent, heavy abuse. p much anything else is a crutch/excuse.
esp so w psychs
ffs taking shrooms back to back is already so obviously diminishing returns idk how anyone couldnt notice. you basically have to double up, or wait a week, or it wont do shit all
t. had a garbage bag of them one summeracid less so, but it also doesnt fucking do much of anything until you hit that threshold
ive seen the common techbro dose cited as anywhere from 1/10th a hit to 1/4th
1/10th is literally a fucking waste, just go have a coffee
1/4th, depending on the syd, can be enough to get you to that slightly uncomfortable come-up feeling for lik an hr. i guess it makes it slightly harder to sleep for a few hrs afterwards? idk. again, just go have a coffee
>>1621418>that combo of intent and openness is real tourist hoursyea its retard shit
just save your drugs for a time you can actually use them
fuck man even when ive had shitty pizza jobs i saw even just smoking weed at work as a waste. rather save it for literally any other moment of any day. nvm actually gud shit lik L
>>1621445people doing thc at shitty jobs always confused me. ime weed and edibles always makes time feel like it paused why the hell would you want your shitty slog of a pizza job or dishwasher level chores to feel like an even
longer experience?
i can see doing it if youre paid decently for not having to do much and your boss isnt a cunt, none of which applies to the kind of jobs i usually see people toking up at
hell i dont even want to deal with people being fags on imageboards when im high its a huge buzzkill i imagine work is even worse
>>1621445>>1621456Most people I knew
at the point in life I was in hospitality 420 blaze it at work because of how shitty the job was. A more wise person than me once said, "if you're getting high at work you probably should get another job."
>>1621456think its just a teenbro mentality cuz most those jobs are for them. no one spliffs to go to the dentist
>>1621458stimchad, nice. oldtimers hit my grandpa hard so we test ran a grip of stuff together i dont remember. mostly biohack bullshit promises
only racetams now
stock's about out and old source doesnt stock anymore so may call it though. sourcing is too sketch these days dont want chang doing a pee pee in my coke
nick bryant did an ep with an army remote viewer if that spartman's still interested in that
armybro is breddy dry, kept tuning out, but nick's a fountain of 411 on conspiracy shit. didnt know he did casts No.1621855
>>1621849Do you really want them to make a new stargate show where the military sends troopers around the galaxy indoctrinating xenos and humans about sodomy, femenisum and democracy?
If you are really starving for stargate stuff, there is a new videogame out of stargate, you should play that for a while.
>>1621855they released half the game at full price and said they'll add the other levels later. it's also a stealth game so no open warfare blasting WEWUZ parasites, you have to sneak around the whole game or get oneshot
amazog is supposedly taking scripts for a new series, and as for DIE i'd like to see them top the disabled white-chinese lesbian couple in SGU No.1621883
>>1621858>SGUNever watched it, but I wonder if they top the episode where the team goes to a planet full of white people fighting not white people and O'Neil rejecting them because they weren't diverse and inclusive like them.
>>1621883i like the SGA episode better where john and rodney think they're playing civilization but they're actually controlling two real societies in real time
>>1621924Is this article saying that 'diversity initiatives' are to blame for promoting incompetent people? The idea of a meritocracy is a noble one, but it's hard to achieve. Statistically, things like SAT scores (mentioned in the article) and other 'rational' measurements of competence just didn't add up in the real world as predictors of success. Statistically, it's not possible that rationally promoting competent leaders from our population would lead to a situation where 88.8% of CEOs, CFOs, and COOs in the 2022 report are Caucasian, and 88.1% are men, and that's AFTER several decades of 'diversity initiatives' that brought these numbers down from 100%. While attempts to fix the obvious systemic bias may be clumsy, but it's more likely that the incompetence in leadership came through the bias of promoting under-qualified white men through a combination of male solidarity, white solidarity, nepotism and old boy's networks than any diversity initiatives that followed, since - technically - every single one of the problems noted in this article was developed under the watch of this cadre of wealthy white men.
>>1621924medieval society can't offer much to help against soul succing ayys
>>1621939i think you replied to wrong guy spartman
>>1621966Yes they can, it is called food and manpower.
I don't understand why people believe in shit like flat earth or hollow earth. A while ago I came across Anton Parks' stuff, in short it's about how the Abrahamic religions stole and made worse from Sumerian one and how our current knowledge of Sumerian religion is wrong and it's about his interpretations. I was reading about it on and agreed for most part but then it comes up with hollow earth shit
It immediately killed my interest, it's such an absurd concept i have no idea how can anyone believe it
Yea I wanted to sperg out about this
>>1622274>but then it comes up with hollow earth shitthat's the mo of agents of disinformation. they feed you morsels of truth and then try to lure you into the rabbithole of confusion. david icke is the master of this
Website about how zionists are destroying the works. Cancer cures and memes galore No.1622521
flight MH370, warp drives, ayys, humans surviving black holes, free energy
dudes been up mh370's ass and caught a tapeworm. did an interview that handsome homeless feller No.1622531
>>1622521If they have super mega techonology why don't they weponize it to defeat their enemies?
>>1622531dudes theory is that it's reverse engineered tech that re-imagines known laws of physics and would lead to civilian breakthroughs
free energy, big weapons n sheeyit which is somewhat plausible i guess
if i had to join some hollywood cult id prolly go for TM tbh
lynch at least makes gud art an shieet and i guess if you give em enough money theyll teach you how to FLAOT
all you have to do is live in some dome out in fucklahoma for a while i guess
def fuck scientology
absolute kooks
did you know jason lee was a scientologist? i guess he left cuz they suck. prolly cant even tre. posers
>>1622631damn, didnt know any of that
nxvium was lookin aight before it got busted. always wondered what hollywhorbs are lik in bed
>>1622766prolly catatonic or 1000yd PTSD stare from all the 80yo film execs crusty dongs they had to slurp
File: 1715802949475.jpg (68.25 KB, 700x632, 175:158, miki-dora-f7b24cec-4dab-42….jpg)

did u guise know OG surferbro miki dora was lik a massive nazi? and not lik "omg hes a nazi" lik now, but lik in the traditional sense. dude moved to apartheid south africa so he could own slaves
>I have a black man who wakes me up in the morning, gives me my orange juice, gives me my robe, carries my board to the beach. Everybody ought to live in Africa. I have a coolie for everything I do. Everyone should own a coolie.
>>1621439install the brain microchip to watch it in your head
Do you guys have any recommendations on books about breathing? Can't find a good answer by googling and idk how much I trust the current 4ch/x/ to ask there. They can be both about supernatural shit like pranayama, etc. or scientific.
I know two off the top of my head, Wim Hof's method and Atkinson's "The Science of Breath". I know for a fact Wim Hof works but I actually heard bad things about Atkinson's
>>1622923idk how much this would help but the book "born to run" goes into it iirc. its about this tribe of people in mexico that can run far as fuck without becoming exhausted. it's an enjoyable read at least
>>1622923bks iyengar was the dude who wrote all the books that started the hippy yoga craze in the west in the 60s/70s
try the one he wrote about pranyama i guess
>>1622923I know I'm talking about here, but they do have the board /fringe/ that's all about that kind of stuff. It's surprisingly non-pozzed (considering the site) and it's active enough so that you can get a decent answer in around a day. Just uhhhh ignore the few spam threads that are there.
and yea atkinson is p gay
mh370 dude (ashtonxforbes on xshitter) posts interesting shit
this guy's an ipa queer but he's a sciencedude so lends credibility imo of what ashton's sayin is shit proly everyone came up with drunk: big density/mass/gravity in front=go faster
haven't gotten to rest of it but that's my udnerstanding anyway
>>1621430what a fucking retard. everyone knows that the reason for the clone army is to be hosts for the reptilians when they finalize their occupation of earth as part of agenda 2030
i can't believe this guy believes this nonsense about china.
>>1621430That's so fucking cool. Gonna jack off in the shower more often. Go gettem boys!
>>1623014i mean sure, theoretically thats the basis of warp drive theory for star trek. you hear em talk about the "warp bubble" in a lot of eps.
and at least according to our maths and current understanding of physics, it
should work.
its just the whole "actually bending space-time" thang is completely beyond us. youd need an unfathomable amount of energy
had a weird dream
one of those surreal "feels like youre dead" dreams
made me remember ambrose bierce and his occurrence at owl creek bridge.
what a fucking name. im surprised that its still lodged in my head after this long
cool guy tho.
did you know he was actually THE reason the RR companies back in the late 1800s didnt get to have congress to waive their already criminally low-interest loans for the trans-continental RR?
they were trying to butter up congress behind closed doors so he went there gonzo-style, pretending to be a RR suit, then btfo their whole plan on the front steps of congress. he published it in the paper, and the entire american public wigged out and the RR companies had to pay up.
based and ballsy af tbh. thats the equivalent of several billion dollars nowadays. ppl get disappeared for far less, both then and now
and apparently he did, somewhere in mexico during the revolution
prolly just some banditos tho
>>1623613>"Good-bye. If you hear of my being stood up against a Mexican stone wall and shot to rags, please know that I think it is a pretty good way to depart this life. It beats old age, disease, or falling down the cellar stairs. To be a Gringo in Mexico–ah, that is euthanasia!"lel
so whats up with this terrance howard guy?
i dont watch movies, but someone told me he was in some shitty marvel movies or somethin
but lik wtf? is he lik tryna start a cult or something?
dudes out here fucking up basic ass algebra, yet he seems to have a legion of fellow math flunkies calling him a genius
>>1623478>current understanding of physicscurrent human understanding of a lot of shit is still caveman barking at fire tier imho. lik "dark matter" and "dark energy" which are just loliunno sum shit i made up™, and comprise lik 70% of everything in most universal substance models
bro's stickin to his guns, his logic's kinda sound. was a wierd coverup. coulda been political hit but doesnt explain those sus af vids.
hipster lookin conspiribro ian carroll is on this now which is gud bc
fuck project bluebeam
>unfathomable amount of energytrue, >we can get a grip from just an itty nucleus.
which extrapolated along newtonian understanding leads to some interesting spiritual questions to meidk much about wormholes but maybe smth there too. just shit i lik to navel gaze about
>>1623966Why does he think the goverment have that tech? Wouldn't it be more belivable that the plane got kidnapped by xenos?
>>1623966>idk much about wormholeslol yea no one does
but if we found one, and it was bending space-time in such a way, chances are you wouldnt wanna go anywhere near it
>>1623970thats prolly just where hes at in his conspiritual journey
>>1623970second vid in
>>1622521did a whole thing on verifying it im too lazy to find again, but op of it knew exact telemetry before public
>>1623978prevailing theory on em still that folding piece of paper analogy? always seemed beyond my smooth brain or goofy so i just tuned it out
This is a website you see linked often in occult circles:, even on imageboards where people call everything fake or glowniggers but if you read just the intro they claim they channelled Ra which makes it obvious it's a larp to me. Why is this shit so popular?
>>1624817reading allat is a fuckin trip. my favorite bit is the part where it basically said that abe lincoln was possessed by a "good" entity to fight slavery.
No.1625102's a Q&A from a high-ranking illuminati member who claims to be an incarnation of Lucifer. It's got some thought-provoking stuff as well as hilariously wrong info like San Fran and Damascus being uninhabitable.
TL;DR is:
>The Illuminati rules over the world as part of the mission they received from God, so that humanity has a choice between positive or negative polarities (good or evil)>It's all your fault that the world is shit because you focus on shit instead of good things>2012 isn't the literal end of the world, but a timeline divergence where good people become Christ-like and perform miracles, evil people go with the Illuminati, and the "lukewarm" are doomed to repeat the cycle on another world. No.1625229
>>1625102>2008 above top secret forum good shit. i'm a schiz softie but always viewed the good effortlarp posts as some dude who came across something he thought was important and just wanted to share but no1curr in his irl so they pretend and end up 3deep
sure they get off on the attention but it's prob due to being a lonelybro much as anything
>>1625230its just some con to make women believe in stupid bullshit
>>1625230i am no 18 nor a woman nor do i have crippling depression or anxiety so it's a waste of time like
>>1625237 says
>>1625251>>1625237lel. them hood wearing ritual types are p feminine now you mention it
>>1625230Considering magnetism, gravitational forces, etc
the moon affects tides on earth there is some possibility that something happens. What, is pure
SPECULATION. IMO it’s proof the earth is flat, I mean that first chart seems pretty conclusive.
>>1625281always wondered about tides in the womb's water too
sucks science is gay now. would be cool af to have a trustworthy /x/ division with even a portion of the cash that goes to cocaine withdrawal of tranny spotted owls in a section 8 environment
I've got that 1 webm of that truck bomb playing that evacuation siren stuck in my head and can't find it in my computer. smmone has it here?
>>1625230souns p cool, kind f like repeating integers.
>>1626465what half-life 2 map is this?
>>1626465goddamn that's spooky. how did you remember what it was? do you have a dedicated folder for /x/ shit?
>>1626465Niggers that glow in the dark hard at work, eh?Q
>>1626479no i just remembered what heem was talking about
>>1626486not even glows, probably some fag the DNC agreed to bribe his surviving family with a gorillion dollars if he anhero'd mcveigh style to fuck up dominion/AT&T's infrastructure which went through downtown nashville
>>1626465its funny how blatantly glowopped this one was and everyone forgot about it like a couple days later
also sends me down a tangential thought process of how fucking terrifying it would be if
prolly a when at this point tbh actual unironic domestic turrism begins in amerigay. guns r skery yeah but idk how to put into terms how terrifying it is to legitimately have to worry about ieds especially if whoever set it up dgaf about who it hits. literal trash on the street could potentially explode on you, stupid shit you would typically ignore like discarded cans/bottles could potentially be part of something that will tear you to shreds
at least some idiot with a shoot go bang can p easily be located and avoided/killed, gl catching that jug of homemade explosives thats hidden between a couple of trash cans and connected to a wire that you prolly wont spot until youre stepping on it. if inbred arabs can set up that kinda wicked shit imagine what some unhinged burgers can do
>>1626493idk about that
a lot of these fuckers read one book. thats it. or sometimes just have some imam pretend to read it to them
as gutter tier as burger education is, you still prolly gotta read lik a dozen or so by highschool.
murricas problem is that half of erryone here is just bitch-made. lotta ayyyrabs living in ayyyrab cunts cant afford that luxury
>>1626493i assure you afghans at the very least are most definitely dumber than burgers on average theyre genuinely nigger tier. inthink theyre some of the most inbred fucks in the middle east which is an accomplishment
at least iaqis managed something resembling a modern society
>>1626492spruh ieds are horrifying. think about drones from legit anyone too. chinr, usgay's "anti turror", coached up/funded """BLM""", some programming socks that got misgendered
>what a lovely summer day the bees appear to be buz-splat >wonder what they're gonna build with that shipping container<doors open, wagner plays through 30ga wiring on overtuned tweeterschild traffickers lik alefantis bypassed customs inspections with a diplomatic license for his "art gallery" and moved full ass people
>>1626575i always joke when its a nice clear day out how its a gud day for a drone strike
most ppl dont get it. theyll find out too late
>>1626880tbh even tho hes a longwinded normietuber, that wendigoon vid on waco is one of the more reasonable and decently researched vids thats readily available on it. follows dave from the early yrs where he was just a cult follower, through taking over the cult, and then the siege itself. even has a lil demonstration in the middle where he shows, with actual guns, why/how the ATFs entire reason for sieging them was bogus. helpful if you dont know gun laws, cuz otherwise you prolly wouldnt rly understand the glaring issues with their warrant
idk if he did any of the other ones tho
>>1627001yeah his content that isnt about some stupid zoomie SCAWIE "internet horror" series are pretty good
his Uncle Ted video was pretty good too
apparently he is under attack by breadtube goobers because "he said he is a christian" and "he hung out with a guntuber" therefore he is literally hitler reincarnated and is an alt-right chud incel
>>1627001>>1626890>>1626935no, no, that's weak shit. there's a documentary on the OA city bombing that stated mcveigh was a fed asset and never exited the military, that it was C4 that blew the building and that the targetted building had documents related to a clinton scandal. and somehow tim was granted the death wish to never go to the coroner, and that an eyewitness claimed he was alive after he got shot. you know, shit like that.
smeone posted a port arthur screencap once too though I didnt save that one. what was it about the guy thrown in jail being a sub80 iq retard?
>>1627114What about the one I linked?
>>1627004 No.1627129
>>1626890>>1627001gud on him
its all shit ive heard before obv, but the kid deserves credit where its due for how normie-friendly he makes it.
esp the demonstrations w actual guns. so many ppl dont have a clue how that stuff works, and its so crucial to understanding the whole thang
>he is under attack by breadtube goobers because "he said he is a christian"lel its so wild the shit these kooks pearl-clutch over. complete lack of self-awareness on full display. theyre literally the evangelicals trying to ban pokeymans back in the 90s bcuz satan. burning every single scrap of gud faith they had left w anyone zonked out enough to still be listening to their dumbasses
>>1627114my bad i just thought you were looking for normie-friendly shit to show ppl you know irl
check odysee, ive been seeing lots of tiny channels w schizo stuff on there
lmao someone should get him to do the liberty
the time is now, what w all the ppl being pro-pali
>>1627122i need moar, sauce plz
>>1627133that shit is lik 15+yrs old at this point. how have you not seen it?
its the same guy who did the 911 one
and yh lik
>>1627136 says its the same guy
>>1627140>normieGet the fuck out you fucking double nigger normalfag!
>>1627140everythings a lie and the rules they impose are a little game you can and should swindle in your favor at every turn
saved ya a lifetime of fruitless autistic rabbit holin over shit that doesnt matter now go get an ice cream ya little scamp
its literally all glowniggers posing as patriots No.1627168
imageboard skizticism is an religion
its also mine
>>1627114port arthur guy was an actual retard and most of the shots fired connected with their intended targets which is p wild for a mass shooting
not entirely impossible for a retard to pull off mind you (theres some
vary gud shots in the military that are dumber than bricks it doesnt take huge iq to line up a shot) but the amount of planning and organization what he did would have taken was supposedly beyond the capabilities of a chromosome thief
i know the screencap youre talking about but fuck if i can find it i never finished organizing and tagging my shit in hydrus
>>1627118check topic
>>1627133 guy, he takes his time to explain everything in that recap, like who the old lady at 3:26 is, andreas strassmeir or the whitewater documents inside the building. it's p gud.
>>1627122was always weird to me how both OKC and JFK both had books written about the guy who got arrested doing the thing he got arrested for prior to him """doing""" it. not that i think kerry thornley was actually involved with JFK. at least not intentionally.
>>1627270hold down the space bar for a few seconds retard
>>1627268*sip* ahh, I remember this like it was yesterday
>>1627272doesnt always work retard
>>1627289does if you make it long enough
>>1627278i could've sworn it was yesterday, then i lookd it up and it turned out to be 4 yrs ago. fuck.
While going through 4plebs I saw someone suggest "The Tallman Paradigm" as a cure for schizophrenia and if you search for it you find website but it was made by a boomer woman so I don't understand it at all. Does she say just buy my books? But if you check the books section it doesn't even mention which book is about how to fix illnesses, in fact it's so badly made if you click the first book you get 404 error
Am I just retarded or is the Tallman paradigm actually explained on her site somewhere, or at least is it mentioned which book teaches it
>>1627448never heard of it
its prolly literally that boomer woman shilling her book on 4cucks
im p sure the only thing >we can do about schizo shit is treat symptoms, seeing how >we dont know wtf it even is.
i used to know this kid and he always just used to abuse benzos. said he got the idea from syd barret, who apparently was addicted to ludes to try and manage his problems.
problem is the kid fucking died from abusing downers. unsurprisingly i suppose.
so idk. anti-psychotics are nasty shit, but so is schizophrenia. if its somethin youre actually worried about id start shopping around for docs tbh. you rly dont wanna let it get lik how it got for terry, where you end up btfoing everything and everyone in your life, then being homeless, then eventually kys.
at the very least id ignore any faggot boomer trying to shill you their book on principal. theyre trying to scam sick/desperate ppl, plain and simple.
>>1627411yeah we get it boomer time is passing you by like dust in the wind
What's your opinion on audio stuff like subliminals, etc? I'm almost certain they're not real because usually the people into these stuff are very cringe like CWC(pbuh) himself, I also tried I-doser when it was new and it didn't do anything for me, though that was like 15 years ago now and when I look up on one of the most popular channels on this, Sapien Medicine, I see the guy was selling NFTs which makes me certain he's just a scammer
But when I see comments on them they're nearly always positive with big claims too, like it fixed my scoliosis or some shit, are all these people actually lying?
>>1628826it's probably a tremendous mixed bag of liars, placebo effects, and depressed fags that just need some gud beats
>>1628826ya dude binaural beats cured my cellulitis and NLP helped me get my phd in mathematics
>>1629414no duh, myopic mary
>>1629405bro is cookin' tbh
just cook with olive oil and butter, its literally good for you
>>1629405>mfw have removed vegatables oils from my kitchen and now cooking with real butter and lardFood have never tasted this delicious before.
>>1629426Isn't olive oil only good to add for vegatables and it is bad for frying?
>>1629514All oil is bad for frying. Some are just less bad than others. Olive oil just has a low smoke-point (360 freedom give or take)
>>1629518What is the best oil for frying?
>>1629544Avocado oil, because it has a smoke point of ~500 degrees and is the least unhealthy for you. Next up is rice bran oil which is around 470-490 followed by peanut oil at 450. Of course, all the oils that are like mini-nukes on your intestines (grapeseed, sunflower, rape, soy, safflower, corn) have smoke points in the 400s too, but with the exception of organic safflower and organic rape I wouldn't suggest using them more than 2-3 times in a month.
>>1629545>rapei lik rape oil.
>new brain disease appears in new brunswick>medical people: "let's investigate">the well connected irving family, who owns every major business and media outlet in new brusnwick and who is likely responsible for it because of the chemicals they use in their forestry industry: "it's nothing">medical people: "something's fishy!">oversight board: "it's nothing!">investigation gets shut down official reports interesting article about the irving family
this is the kind of conspiracy theory that happens all the time around the globe. conglomerates that draw so much water that local governments and administrations can't oppose them anymore. and if they do it anyways … see boeing whistleblowers
>>1629786or they pay 1% of the profits (90% to lawyer fees) in a fine a decade later
squirrely shit goin on in idaho with water too. 500k acres limited even tho reservoirs are full
>>1629786tale as old as time, all they are is modern nobility. youd have to completely eradicate a specific handful of personality types to stop this kind of shit and gl ever accomplishing that
unless youve got just as much money and power all you can really do is hope hell is real and theyll get theirs in the end
>>1629790autism incomingas a potatofag i'm so pissed. even though all the micron workers i know are p cool guys, even they kinda feel like the company is run by massive fags
the ceo is some indian chode who gave this whole speech about "resilience" or some shit, even though his example was just about his daddy bullying some border officer into getting him a visa
oh and they fired some tech for sleeping on the job. sounds reasonable until you hear that the guy had narcolepsy and had been already working there for some time
lik i can understand wanting to hold a guy accountable for a fuckup, but they're literally™ violating the american disabilities act
the lel part of all of this is that they're still into dei shit, like nigga do you even know what 'equity' and 'inclusion' even mean?
>>1629810ok well i had a response typed out to
>>1629806 but i kept getting error postings despite putting in a fuckload of spaces so fuck you i guess
>>1629811please make sure that your posts don't violate the™ content policy
>>1629806all the big corps are fags now
my deals lik ok cobalt's cool but so is fucking eating. everyone's getting ass rammed at the store but nah lets expand luxury shit so politicunts can add another backroom mill to their portfolios
top of that gub is charging em 300 per acre if they water crops that are already growing, wtf
hope the farmers prank these guys bc from what i'm seeing a few are looking at bankruptcy and i know lotta of that's generational land
>>1629811you gotta lel
make sure you dont lawl or any others
>>1629810i think heem just got TRIGGERED by the mention of micron in
>>1629790 No.1629828
>>1629827>micronsounds smol
>>1629828its actually VARY big in person
>>1629825i had a lel in there actually
something else must've gotten caught in a link filter or some shit and it wasnt that long of a response but fuck that im not gonna go word by word to figure it out
>>1629827the wtf was me testing to see if i could post at all lel
lelmao type illuminati backwards and throw a .com behind it and thatll take you to nsa . guv
cheeky fucks
>>1630336u can buy any domain and have it point at another one, doesn't mean the glows are behind it if that's what (you) are implying
>>1630376no just that its funny someone did that
>>1629823that guy is pretty dumb.
he should just kick the monitor into the water and say some cattle did it. keep doing it until the government fucks off.
This isn't /x/ related at all but I think it fits most here
The file related has all of Lovecraft's works in a chronical order. It isn't one of the official collections that doesn't have some stuff he co-wrote with other people because of copyright reasons. It's fan made and it has every single story he wrote in an epub file
Is there a website where I can download epubs like this? Apparently we can't upload epubs here so:'s archive, zlib etc usually doesn't have fan made stuff like this, it's why I'm asking
>>1631513martin was on art bell a few times. gud interviews, interesting cat
>>1633555psych meds have side effects that can and will make people have total mental breakdowns if they skip a dose or if they overdose and mass shooters' medications were reported on in the news until like the 2010s when they mysteriously stopped telling people that literally every mass shooter was on at least one psych med if not multiple combinations of them. this most likely hasnt changed you just dont see the news report on it because just be afraid of the guns goyim dont question why mass shootings only became a frequent occurrence after everyone started having pills given to them like candy over any minor behavioral issue. its just the guns they whisper murderous taunting into your ears telling you to hurt people, its not the pills with hundreds of side effects fucking with you nonono now hand over your weapons and have this $500/month prescription
>>1633555>>1633565its also worth mentioning that things like SSRIs and anti-psychotics can interact rly funky with recreational drugs, esp psychs and stimulants.
idk how docs dont know about that. or at least have something mentioning it in the documentation that comes with those prescriptions. i get that its illegal, and docs arent supposed to talk to you about that. and patients are obv never gonna bring it up, but yea its def a known thing. and certainly a risk in unstable ppl. ppl who are depressed or crazy almost always try to self-med in some way.
suddenly theyre on their new happy pills that makes their brains run backwards, think they can just do their usual, be that meth, mushies, sid etc, and suddenly their brains on fire and they dont know wtf is even happening.
ive heard everything from it literally blocking the effects of a 10 strip of acid entirely, to some kid taking a single hit and losing his fucking mind and jumping out a window and ending up paralyzed. depends on the medication and what its mixed w, and prolly some brain shit >we dont understand yet.
>>1633565 >>1633570said it is definitely the meds, combined with teachers who are poorly trained to handle problems in the classroom. most american teachers simply do not care and think children will resolve ongoing conflicts themselves "eventually". when they do bother intervening they regularly punish both parties equally as if the victim was the one who instigated it with zero evidence to support such claims. other times they punish the victim instead for sticking up for themselves after months of bullying.
i saw this very often to the point i was quite surprised nobody shot up the place before i graduated, there was a lot of pent up angst and hatred throughout the school. fights broke out pretty regularly despite being 99% white. there were quite a few suicides among my graduating class as well as a few after that (heard from relatives who went to the same school) and no idea now since i left the area.
there is a "conspiracy theory" that school shootings happen only because/when the glowniggers want one to happen and that a lot of them are fake/staged (sandy hook for example). an old friend once told me this is why they started putting "resource officers" (basically older uniformed cops who weren't really fit for duty otherwise) in schools, to help find prime candidates for their school shooting program. who knows how much truth there is to that, alex jones tried finding out and got his life ruined for it.
>>1633582>most american teachers simply do not care and think children will resolve ongoing conflicts themselves "eventually".they're not even allowed to intervene, the most they can do is say "no stop that plz" while the kids flip them off and tell them to go fuck themselves. their only choice is to call the SRO and have them escort them to the office cuz they're the only ones that are allowed to lay a hand on the kids and not get sued. the kids know this too so they have free reign to do whatever the fuck they want and suffer no repercussions cuz what are you gonna do, suspend em? cool, no school and no homework, exactly what they wanted.
there was one middle school i worked at where some kid was havin a real shitty day and i did my best to cheer him up, cuz heem was basically going through the exact scenario i did when i was his age so it felt really surreal to see it from my perspective for once. in hindsight i prolly should've done more to help him but the teachers basically said "if u really want to help him then sure you can be his handler" or something really passive aggressive like that, most teachers are cunts who really dgaf and it really hurts to see how fukd the next generation of kids is gonna be
i have more school stories if anyone cares
>>1633582>i saw this very often to the point i was quite surprised nobody shot up the place before i graduatedsee thats the thing tho
fuckin everyone deals w that shit. its public school ffs. the big thing is that most kids arent murderous retards and/or detached to the point of literal psychopathy
i think a lot of ppl get tf bullied out of them all throughout school and prolly think about this kinda shit. its a vary vary diff thing to be out there enough to actually go do it. the latter is super rare. and itd prolly be even rarer if the media didnt glamorize it lik some big event every time, and if kids werent so hopelessly obsessed over tryin to be famous™
imo the media is way more at fault than any shrink or teacher or bully or anti-depressant or federal agent or whatever
>>1633593>i prolly should've done more to help him but the teachers basically said "if u really want to help him then sure you can be his handler" or something really passive aggressive like thatprobly shouldve but i cant blame you for not wanting to deal with passive aggressive backhanded horseshit from a bunch of problem glasses. public school is basically just state sponsored child abuse if someone who acts like the average teacher approached my kid id tell them to fuck off not pay them tax dollars to crush the little bastard's soul over the course of 12 years
>>1633609yeah the media something to do with rabble rousing (like with p much everything else that people flail over) but the actual environment, which is what the core problem is, isnt going to suddenly change for the better by stopping media coverage. you cant cram a bunch of developing children into a tight space, tell them that fighting back against bullies is utterly verboten, and then also pump half of them (or more) full of meds and not expect some shit to pop off whether its a mass shooting or a full blown riot or a bunch of them simply throwing their hands up and becoming nihilistic about everything
>>1633593>i have more school stories if anyone caresspill plz
>>1633555>>1633582why is columbine anime so cumfy??
>>1633618idk take ur pick
>teachers that would openly talk shit about troons in the teacher's lounge>school nurse that sent me death threats>the thousands of chromebooks i had to fix cuz the superintendent thought it was a good idea to give all 100K+ students in the school system K-12 their own laptop>dealing with NIGGERS and their NIGGERSPAWNprolly a few more but those are the big ones
>>1633625>dealing with NIGGERS and their NIGGERSPAWNstahp u'r reminding me of highschool
>>1633625chromebook one, plz
on a side note who thought it was a good idea to even use these shits in a school setting?
aside from the obvious answer of google lobbyists shits are literally just gimped gentoo with google chrome installed, the normie kids won't learn shit about using industry software, and the autists can't even learn about fun unix properly
and lik i can understand wangblows hardware being expensive af on a large scale but why bother with linux autism if they're just going to use x86 for most of em anyway
>>1633625>the school nurse that sent me death threatsok dude i have to hear this one
>>1633565>>1633570>people have total mental breakdowns if they skip a dose or if they overdose>SSRIs and anti-psychotics can interact rly funky with recreational drugsnow i'm curious, what drugs are there to enhance the psych ward experience and go full gonzo? i'm certain there's some funky shit i can tap into under the right conditions. it should be fun at the very least.
i know my grandfather was schizophrenic and i must have inherited that unfortunate trait from him. for once he used to be institutionalized then eventually hung himself after being freed, but not before securing his bloodline.
>>1633668idk what makes you think it would be fun ive personally never seen anyone on these meds that wasnt miserable in some way though some of them would occasionally have brief periods of "happiness" where they wouldnt sit down and shut the fuck up when they werent sleeping. schizo meds in particular seem to turn people into shambling corpses
if youre in your late 20s or later and schizophrenia hasnt manifested yet then it probably never will its not a guarantee just because a family member had it
>>1633627i hat them and their demonspawn they shit out every 9 months for more welfarebux
>job was to go to different school to help IT guy there even though they rarely needed help with anything so nobody ever knew who i was>go with IT guy at some middle school to help teacher with computer issue in her classroom>walk in classroom, some fat nigress in the back screams "OH MY GOD WHO ARE YOU">teacher asks her to greet me nicely>nigress: "no thank you :^)"fuck that one still pisses me off
>>1633631>on a side note who thought it was a good idea to even use these shits in a school setting?superintendent who is not people
>shits are literally just gimped gentoo with google chrome installed, the normie kids won't learn shit about using industry software, and the autists can't even learn about fun unix properlyackhually they're debian-based now, and they like em cuz they pretend they have complete control over them including what sites they can access and what apps they can use but there are a gorillion proxy sites popping up every second that they use to play browser games n shit.
>and lik i can understand wangblows hardware being expensive af on a large scale but why bother with linux autism if they're just going to use x86 for most of em anywaya lot cheaper and easier to manage than wangblows. everything is chrome in the future anyways
and of course they're kids so they're gonna break them all the time. a gorillion cracked screens and missing keys all covered in snot and boogers and shit and piss that we had to fix
at least they'd get charged for it. favorite one was the kid that admitted to using her chromebook as an ironing board, keyboard was melted but it still turned on.
>>1633654>nurse is bitching that her chromebook isn't working (teachers would get them too because of course)>swap it out for a bulky windows laptop cuz that's all we have right now>literally all she does is enter shit on a form in a browser, i have no other chromebooks to spare and those go to kids first so you get a wangblows laptop fukn deal with it>while i'm swapping it out she has her personal phone on her desk and she's complaining to another nurse that sheem not getting another chromebook>other nurse calls me a bastard, says she'll kill me and she knows where the school is>uh>go back to IT ~~office~~ closet and ponder what to do>call last IT guy that I'm filling in for since he's working somewhere else now, ask him what to do>"now you know why i left">tells me to inform my supers cuz that bad>tell supervisors and principal, they move me to a different school later that daypart of me figured that if i didn't report it then of course that was gonna be the one time some nurse hopped up on xanax was actually gonna go for the high score. believe it or not that's not the most psycho nurse i've encountered in my life either
without a doubt the most bizarre job i've ever had, i remember thanking my parents over and over again for sending me to private school and they said "now you know"
>>1633612>isnt going to suddenly change for the better by stopping media coverageah but ill do one better. you wanna be famous kid? enjoy.
you dont stop covering it. you cover it AND post all their porn folders and the private pics of them wearing their sisters ballet outfits
solve everything
i suppose youll still get the occasional homicidal humiliation fetishist, but thats gotta be even more uncommon than garden variety spreekillers
>>1633668mania sounds fun on paper
it def aint tho
go read old horror stories on erowid if you want. def a better way to experience that.
MAOIs, the predecessors to SSRIs, usually acted catastrophically w any psychs and stims like meth or MDMA, and esp the stronger research chems like the 2Cs. often to the point of permanent psychological damage. or even death in the case of molly
serotonin syndrome. again, sounds fun on paper. aint thoand the thing is, even if you play it cool, these things come in waves. eventually youll slip up and prolly get institutionalized and/or arrested and end up in r-wing. you dont get to check yourself out of those things. and manics get the heavy shit. and i dont mean fun. i mean lik max strength halcyon drooling at a wall for 32hrs a day. knew some other kid whod been through it and he had permanent tremors from all the weird shit they forced down his throat. def made everything much much worse for him forever. he kysd not too long after
dont go kicking the hornets nest
>>1633677>>1633668>if youre in your late 20s or later and schizophrenia hasnt manifested yet then it probably never will its not a guarantee just because a family member had italso this
if you think its even a possibility, just dont do weird psychs until your mid-20s. even if its hereditary, its an extremely recessive disorder. it was in my fam too, and im fine and none of my close relatives my age have it either
tbh, as someone who did them a lot as a kid anyways like a retard, theyre a lot more fun to do when youre not lik 15 and dont know who tf you are yet. last thing anyone wants to do while on a head full of acid is get stuck in a thought-loop over how their prom date wont fuck them or whatever. end up spending 6hrs telling your life story to a tree or some retard shit
>>1633625>teachers that would openly talk shit about troons in the teacher's loungewhen i was in school we didn't have troons yet and open faggotry was pretty much unheard of but i did overhear them talking shit about certain disadvantaged (poor) kids a lot. it mostly came from the teachers who believed the whole campus is filled with privileged upper class kids who's parents are making far more than their own inflated salaries (and they bitched nonstop to the students about how "underpaid" they were despite making on average $65K/year). it seemingly blew their minds that anyone would have kids and have less than a $120K/year combined salary. practically all of them believed that literally everyone had a computer at home with internet access and a printer, even the poor kids. to them single parent households simply did not exist. basically if you didn't buy your kids a computer to do their reports and other nonsense on to them it was a form of child abuse.
i also remember some male teachers discussing how they intentionally let "hot" girls skirt the dress code as long as it wasnt too obvious while reprimanding the ugly ones but thats kinda a different story.
this was the late 90's-early 2000's mind you when computers were still quite expensive.
>>1633698>but thats kinda a different storyyah but thatll fuck a chick up more than lik
anythinglifelong insecurity and broken relationships cuz their pedo teacher didnt ogle them enough
this isn't really spart or schizo but on the topic of shitty schools, i remember my school getting sued by the state board of education
apparently my parents had filed a complaint that the school wasn't even trying to accomodate for my younger brother (he sadly had the tism) and the board found that they violated p much every disability standard for autismos
the school also had a bunch of other shit too, lik this one teacher who e-spied on my computer in another class eventually got fired for sexually assaulting a female student, and i heard of this other elementary teacher who publicly verbally abused a student
and of course the admins hardly gaf about any of that, but the moment some girl sets up a gossip page on social media they go into full SHUT IT DOWN mode
frankly i'm just shocked that i've only heard about one student there an-heroing
>>1633709>frankly i'm just shocked that i've only heard about one student there an-heroingyou're not looking hard enough
i went to a tiny private school (less than 200 kids between 7-12 grade) and a junior an hero'd in my sophomore year and it really fucked everyone up. me especially cuz i was one of the last people he talked to and he cryptically told me he was gonna do it but i didn't get what he meant until they called us in that monday and told us. prolly didn't help that they reminded us suicide was a sin and he may or may not be in hell rn, thats something you raly don't wanna say to a bunch of overly emotional teenage girls who always find something to bitch about.
fuck im just thinking about how fukd that is, like the kid killed himself and the only thing ur gonna say is "that's a sin and sinners go to hell" lik wow how out of touch can you be
>>1633711yah christcucks are retards but i at least get the logic behind it
lik how tf else do you convince someone whos gonna kys that they shouldnt kys? simple: fear of eternal hellfire and brimstone
i dont think it works too well tbh, but thats the idea
>>1633711>self actualizing negrolel
>>1633687not a bad idea actually. if youre gonna chimp and kill a bunch of powerless randos then you should get asuch humiliation as possible
dunno if that would do much to stop the suicide attackers tho like why give a shit youll be dead in that case anyway
>>1633722>like why give a shit youll be dead in that case anywayyou think that, but lik the whole thing is go out in a blaze of """glory""" and make all those heckin bullies remember you
cant do that if erryone seen you in your sisters tutu
ded or alive thats some heavy shit to have aired to the entire world, and its certainly nothing id wanna take to the grave
>>1633711>less than 200 kids between 7-12 gradedam that is fucking tiny
i had like 500 somethin in my grade ffs
anti-poop pedophile bumparoo 2
Spooky thread
I love to hoard e-books on useful stuff and downloaded lots of libraries like the-eye's, archives made by image board users like do/k/ument etc. But all of those are from clear net and I have never gone to deep/dark net before
Are there actually any useful information there? And I don't mean retarded shit like Anarchist's How to Blow Yourself Up book
>>1636528>Are there actually any useful information there?only if you are into pedo shit apparently
>>1636528havent been on in years but onions weren't worth it ime. yandex werks and isnt as glowed up
was a 'dark' i.e. not spidered site that had obscure manuals for all kinds of weird shit but cant find it now. i'll post it if i come across it
>>1636528i only ever used onions to buy drugs and never came across anything like explosives manuals that werent already readily available on /k/ or whatever. then silk road got btfo and everything else just seems like pedo hangouts and/or fednigger honeypots so i stopped bothering with any of it
>>1640125are creepypastas even a thing anymore? i miss even the shitty ones. there was also a joke one called the "mcdonalds building" that was p gud. i miss that era of the internet a lot
>>1640144me to budy. dudes are text to voicing old ones infrequently still but idk about new
used to stay up til the eyes got fuzzy and binge marblel hornets. best way of consumption imo
not after pastsas necessarily. been on a mythical folklore kick lately, luv me sum allegory
>>1640154>>1640144I like putting this guys channel on while I fall asleep. Reads a lot of r*ddit shit but also greentexts from /x/ and old creepypastas. Kinda comfy and it's not horrible some horrible AI voice. No.1640311
>>164012599% just goofy ahh's talking about their innawoods experience of totally unloading their kitted out weapons at the totally real wendigo
1% are real and they are demons
>>1640301the reddit shit very occasionally is spooky. but yah most of those stories are either halfassed copycatting of better pastas from many years ago or just tales of some fag/whorb hearing a spooky noise and going
AAAAAAAAAA because of it with no proper buildup. lik cool retard i can go walk in the woods for a weekend and hear skery noises too its just animals doing animal shit
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want something TRULY spooky??
take a look at
THIS cryptid revenant
>>1640342tell them you go to sportschan and they'll give you something that'll make you fuck off forever
>>1640342thats OK schitzobro you just have to be near a federal building at all times before you decide to do the thing
>>1640364hey spro not funny, i need some advice
and help
;_; No.1640385
>>1640381do you want to get better for real or do you want to trip out on some real hardcore fuckery?
>>1640381just eat some
a lot of mushrooms
they wont cure you and neither will whatever meds you're aiming for, but the high is so much better than the ones petroleum based zombifier pills give you
>>1640342>>1640381wtf is happening to make that happen
>>1640401god rubbed some of his precum on this creation's brain before slamming the lid closed and tossing its soul into its mother's dripping abused
cunt to be born with mental problems
>>1640407not being judgemental btw because being tossed into your mom's womb by god is cool. i just got shot into mommy from dad's
cock like some peasant
>>1640342look up panic attack symptoms, say that and present with them (shouldnt be hard but: fuck up your breathing patterns alternating too deep/too shallow cycles)
benzo has best chance of fixing ur shit without long term destroying your noggin and ez resell later
>>1640385head's constantly hurting like hell though i wouldn't mind tripping out hard. i've been planning to kms either way
>>1640396>buy shroomswhere? where tf do i find and a approach a dealer? i wouldn't mind tripping hard but where should i go finding drugs as a fellow autist?
once i had a guy intimidate me at 1am because he thought i looked lik a cop. he later followed me w his car to apologize, thought i lookd lik a junkie then asked me if i did coke.>>1640401not telling but it was humilliating and it involved a lot of people. in fact too many. it's a psychout thang and i have never been too sane
>>1640481live yourself and just phreak tf out sometimes
>>1640493Normalfags call that screeching music?
>>1640342>psychotic breakDid you really had a psychotic break? What did you do? And why did you let the normalfags find out?
>>1640524i strapped two cameras to my body and was walking up and down the sidewalk at 1am looking to be stabbed. i also happened to be yelling apparently. i don't want to elaborate any further
>why did you let the normalfags find out?a bunch of cops dragged me into the emergency psych in the first place. if it were up to me i'd have gone to bed instead
>>1640528lol take meds schizo
>>1640528just sounds like youtube eceleb type shit i bet you could monetize your madness and get sweet stab armor sponsorships
>>1640534this tbh, gud at something dont do it for free. i'd watch that
>>1640481kinda late but
>buy shrooms>buyuhhh i don't know if mentioning this will get dudder in trouble, but growing shrooms is scarily straightforward.
The TL;DR is:
<1. Live in a US state that isn't cucked (i.e. not California, Georgia, nor Idaho; preferably in Colorado since shrooms are decriminalized there)<2. Buy psilocybe cubensis spores off of a reputable clearnet seller (i.e. sporeworks dot com), also this goes without saying but mentioning that you're going to cultivate a schedule i substance (shrooms) will get you permab& from the seller<3. Use PF Tek to grow mushroom spores: ache tee pee pee ess colon double slash www dot shroomery dot org/forums/showflat.php/Number/24179086Note: Steps 1 and 2 are perfectly legal, and even step 3 is legal in isolation (i think, i'm not a lawyer). However, I would recommend against combining these steps in practice unless you are well aware of the laws and legal risks. I'm not saying this as a "haha *wink* *wink*" sort of thing, but as a "you can risk going to federal prison" sort of thing.
On the other hand I've read posts on of anons there growing shrooms, so I guess if femcels can get away with federal crimes than you can too still can't say I'd recommend it tho for obvious reasonsp.s. to any faggots reading this, all this information is available on public clearnet sites. don't v& me for summarizing what is essentially a week's worth of research on the regular internet.
>>1648694from what i've seen feds only really go after you for shrooms explicitly to fuck you for other shit i.e. owning a gun and doing shrooms will have them come down on you if they find out
>>1656644this faggots voice is vary unfortunate
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thinking about shooteroos, about all the shit I can list off the top of my head, we've had kids shooting up schools, retards with a gun, disgruntled nadhsees, ragheads on a jihadiroo, zipperheads w a grudge, hapas lightning up mcdees, islamic vegans inside YT's HQ, trannies shooting toddlers plus all the unreported mass shootings done by nigs and spics and it makes me wonder, what's the next big theme for these psychouts? is there anything new that can happen?
some sparsman mentioned a furfag shooting up ppl. did that raly happen? I need to know.
>>1657285furfag did but cant remember his name
spiz take is its just rng as "reality"
fake drifts further from the "divine"
true and everyone seeks an external to fill the gap
lik even the real truth >we know about vegass or the troon 'roo isnt enabled in teh collective conscious of society. all comes down to the power people let TPTB have either through agreement or opposition, all minds games for the "greater cause" which you already know which enabled by an emotional/spiritual participation pact
Benjamin Jeffrey Smith, Normandale
>>1657303I'm about to look this fag up.
if he's not shot anyone w the suit on i'll be gravely disappointed
as I know I will No.1657449
>>1657285bhole was the furry
tbh i think the "every shooting is fake" shit is fake
like idk man i bet some are actually fake, but theres also plenty of total retards with guns. its not like its hard to get a gun, and then youre dealing with large numbers. obv most ppl arent ever gonna shoot anyone in their whole life, even most of the aforementioned retards. you need a raly raly nihilistic retard whos 9000% demoralized. and thats thankfully not a very common thing
imo the whole co-ordination and fault is on the heads of the media who treat it lik a circus and use it to demoralize everyone else, be that 2A ppl, soccer moms, future spreekillers, whatever
undoubtedly some shooters are literally discord buddies with some NTOC glowie who spent all their days telling the kid "do it faggt u wont", till the madlad actually did it, but i dont think its that common. even by totally cynical standards, that just seems like a massive waste of resources.
its far easier to just demoralize ppl indirectly ime, and the MSM does that just fine all by itself
tl;dr the MSM profits off demoralizing with schoolshooters, then uses the shootings to demoralize everyone else. rinse, repeat
>>1657455said it way better than me. i gotta stop posting and drinking
firmly believe theres a spiritual aspect to stuff now too, just a matter of semantics
>>1657465nat'l threat op center, female body inspectors gig
>>1657455children dont even exist
they are all cgi and blue beam projections to make them seem more real
the apothicons need human vessels in order to continue race and they have kept humanity in a never ending cycle of rebirth and regeneration ever since
your reconstructed from your dna as a clone upon "death" and your memory is wiped to repeat the cycle
they live off our energy and do better when they come to know our invidual energies, new people ie children would throw this cycle out of balance
our elites are all under there control and suppress this information from us
gun control scripts are all just about getting use to relinquish all freedoms and accept total enslave which would turn over more of our energies to them
i mean there's a bit more to it because zoomers/millennials don't want to work (largely due to debt and bleak future watching their birthright be given to browns who don't even speak their language) but they are being thrusted into middle management now because the boomer/GenXer middle managers all retired or fucking died of flu
so you get a situation where cops/glownigs/private businesses won't do anything without direct orders which nobody in middle management gives because they are too afraid of getting disciplined if [number goes down] reinforced by shit like the cop who gave the evacuation order to congress for Jan6 getting reamed a new asshole
meanwhile the news media is mad because they expect common sense to kick in but this is what common sense looks like in this new regime, and there's still some rally satanist people in the upper echelons giving orders to these news types/middle management types putting everyone in hysterics when they're damned if they do damned if they don't
prolly doesn't help that almost all school shooters come from fatherless homes (usually on SSRIs) and the ones that do have dads have absentee dads
>>1657471what's your take on the spiritual aspect? is it stuff like people being rootless nihilists or is it some real shit /x/ type of thang?
>>1657505simple version is that >we constantly enter "contracts" of sorts with entities based on decisions, intent, and focus
kinda an extension of the theory about old gods die because they lose worshippers
can also be extrapolated into collective consciousness and an actual "social contract" and not the lamestream harvard version but a real one
>>1662819gud question. know some of it comes from trying to convert pagans by going after pan & satyrs
gay.i. says these guys started the yim and 'paradise lost' solidified it
>>1662819The horns/cloven hooves are probably a dual-representation of pagan satyrs (satyrs raped kids, devil is meant to represent a moral lesson to children) and that Jewish sacrifices are no longer demanded (Jews would sacrifice goats to god). Pitchfork is a representative of a farming tool being used for war.
Red skin is the easiest. Several saints describe how humans look most like demons (in the literal aesthetic sense) when we are drunk/angry, so the appearance of the devil as an inflamed/angry individual (red in the face) over time came to just being entirely red all over.
>>1662835wait until the next oct 7
>>1662837read that pitchfork was attack on neptune too, may have been P
>when we are drunk/angrydidnt know that
what's spees recc'd reading on mythology evolution?
>>1662819>spoilermight be derailing here but uhhh care to elaborate?
>>1662849you really don't want to know. it's a long story anyways.
The fake assassination at the trump rally was a Kabbalah crowning ritual with goy sacrifice. Kind of like the black eye thing. Also F is the 6th letter of the alphabet. Fight fight fight = 666
>>1662849Bible describes them as spiritual entities they don't really have bodies but can take on forms.
Saints run into demons a lot and even have conversations with Satan frequently (especially late life) and they usually describe demonic attacks as involving gaseous animals and the like. They use "what if" scenarios in your head a lot more than they use physical entities, but the physical entities take on whatever form they feel will cause the most psychological damage in that moment (usually boars or monkeys if they take a form at all).
>>1662835ah yes, the "judeo-christian" version of the onion
>>1662872BZZZZZZZZZZZZZTWRONGpost the story
>>1662912i'm not going to tell you much, because i'm sure weird shit's going to happen to at least some of y'all and i really don't want that for one of the few tolerable ibs left. read on with care. anyways:
to put it simply i've had a "night visitor", one of those who lie with men who sleep alone, for the past year and a half, but i'm very sure this being has been around for a very long time, probably my entire life. seen some rally weird shit, like the colored blobs and shadows; dreamt crazy shit too, i think it may be astral travel but not too sure about that. hear a woman's voice, nice and sweet, which actively communicates with me. can't really shake her off, so i'm kinda stuck with it. and tbh if i weren't afraid of hell i'm not sure if i would even want to. No.1663205
>>1663180Spartman has his own white lady, huh?
Mine stalked me as a kid and wanted to kill me to the point where my cat could see it and would growl at it/I had to sleep with lights and ritual protection to keep her from trying to suffocate me through most of my early childhood.When I moved I started getting stalked by what I call the "white loli" which was like the sweet little sister version of the white lady who was overly possessive of me but only tried to kill me twice.When Tamamo happened the white loli stopped following me around but I started having issues with succubi trying to fuck me in my dreams, especially kitsune, but I had a guardian by that point protecting me.I'm scared because right before Trump was elected my cross mysteriously managed to fall off its cord at work while the cord was undamaged (it was connected by a solid hoop without any cuttings to slip out of), and then I started having bouts of sleep paralysis accompanied by a woman's shrieking on a nightly basis on my days off. No.1663221
>>1663180ya budy that spiritual door swings both ways. gotta keep your radio tuned to KPURE
what makes you think chicky is a demon tho?
ufo meeting in da gov
nancy mace and her succulent tits got disclosure on immaculate constellation up on her site No.1663232
would rather deal with succubi and sleep paralysis demons than niggers blasting mumble rap at 2:00 AM tbh
>>1663222what psyop is this and whats the purpose?
holy moly spartmans got sum thangs goin on
yeems sleep in rooms with mirrors? aint that a thing or smth?
also gud kot.
>>1663232drill rap is pretty demonic
hello saaars i want to speach to ess pee gobernor this is tranny the forefathers warned us about
>>1663221namedropping specific demons and beaming images of their sigils into my mind, giving me occult knowledge that i would have no prior knowledge about, saying shit like "ave satanas :^)", shit like that. oh, and the smell, too. it smells like a mix of vinegar and cat piss.>>1663232between you and me, i'd rather have the niggers.
>>1663414fuckin hell. what occult knowledge and sigils?
what cleansing rituals have you done budy? gotta be able to revoke permission, yeem sekritly into it or what?
>>1663414you should prolly read the lesser key of solomon tbh. ars goetia, specifically.
dont be some virgin spiritual rape victim, be lik chad solomon. summon and bind those dumb whorbs and make em work for you, not the other way around.
youre the one built in the image of the light-bringer, after all. theyre your servants by right of birth
start smol
crowley fucked up his whole house that one time cuz heem got cocky and went too big. and its not lik he didnt know what he was doing either, he spent lik 3 mos in summoning ritual. he was just in way over his head
gotta bind em cuz otherwise theyll try to fuck u over
remember: succubi belong in chains. theyre literally built for it
>>1621883Yeah, what a cringe episode. Even back then I had a bizarre feeling in the guts and that's like twenty years ago. Too young to understand and yet disgusting enough to be annoyed without knowing why. Because it was over the top I suppose? The show was good but totally silly. The movie too, saw it lately, I can see why it was a fun piece of entertainment and adventure back then, but it's all based on VonDaniken shit and either brownatives or ayys did it.
Same with Halo, you look at the plans for the Forerunners during the Bungie era, the sketches depicted humans, but they were White. Under 343 our super advanced ancestors are fucking long haired pajeets with a skin as dark as that of Australoids.
>>1665831the problem was that episode really tried to hammer into you that they were ackhually helping da ebil nazis. but out of 300+ stargate episodes across three series it's really not pozzed at all.
sgu doesn't count and neither does origins.
>>1665836I kinda liked SGU. More drama and a harder edge to the SF that seemed to take itself more seriously than the usual campy stuff. Nice sets, ships and ambiences. Plus a higher variety of planets. The seriousness reminded me of SGA S1 before it went full tard with goofy episodes and slapstick material. Still enjoyable but it's easy to see why it strained therefrom. One of the best eps in SGA post-S1 was Common Ground. Wraith and Ori remain criminally underdeveloped and MGM never were manly enough to *canonically* expand the material through books.
>>1665840sgu was garbage all through s1 and was only almost decent by the end of s2, it was unnecessarily dark and had none of the charm that sg1 and sga had, neither of which ever tried to be super srs bsns like sgu did. sga was even kind of lame after season 3 or so and a lot of the episodes blend together because of how similar they are.
>>1667791you might want to ask that on /christian/, they'll probably have more answers for you No.1667807
>>1667791antichrist is basically someone mistaken for Christ…everyone loves him and he's a natural leader, but he ultimately promotes things that will destroy society.
>>1667805one time i was having a shitload of display issues and was terrified i was gonna have to sink hundreds into a new gpu but it turned out all i had to do was reseat one of my RAM cards. dunno how it popped out of place tho, it was running perfectly fine for a couple years before that
>>1667807The Christ literally means anointed one or the Messiah. In Jewish tradition he is believed to be the one who would/will restore Jews to their place of glory. When Jesus refers to the antichrist he could either be referring to a leader who will mislead Christians around the end times, or he could be referring to a more literal prophecy of Simon bar Kokhba's rebellion depending on who you ask. Or he could have been referring to both. Generally Christianity considered the more literal translation that the antichrist was Simon bar Kokhba but around the 1600s people started believing that the antichrist was referring to a more literal end of the world.
Either way the antichrist is basically someone who would convince followers of the way that he is the king of kings and the messiah come back, only to lead them into "the end times" instead.
>>1667805holy FUCK soyR
>>1667791lik most of that stuff, its just a cautionary tale to try to keep you from getting duped
by the """wrong""" ppl, at least by some cult of personality
its saying you should be wary of the max charisma dude who shows up out of nowhere and is all smiles and selflessness, cuz hes prolly actually a snake trying to con you
and its not rly the worst advice. nothings rly ever free, esp not when it comes to receiving help in your time of need
i see it as more of an "amendment" to the ol "thou shalt not worship false idols" thang
from a theological view, its mostly designed to keep a strong centralized church and prevent schisms. you can see how well that worked. the living flesh and blood dude before you is always gonna put up a more convincing argument than some dead jew from 2000 yrs ago, provided youre willing to listen to him that is.
thats what the concept of antichrist tries to fight against
>>1667791>dude maybe you should only provide to the ppl that care about you, browns are parasitic and want you dead anywaythats actually one of the principles of laveyan satanism
>satan represents kindness to those that deserve it, and not love wasted on ingratesand also kinda
>satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheekof course he didnt think of it as a spiritual thing at all. more just a loose set of principals that one should follow to maintain individuality and not end up boxed in by some priest, or whatever other schmuck one might get TWTD by
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>Never had silence and my brain is now fully broken that there is no return.The chaos never stop and the fantasy and delusions that I prayed was a nightmare unfortunately was the reality. The reality was watched by the spectators while the torture of innocents that don’t deserve it suffered. When endings create a new beginning of truth and safety for those that paid the price and suffering. When the nightmare comes to an end and create peace and happiness. When consequences and tragedy create safety and justice brings a first smile and optimism of change and new beginning. When pain turns in to a friend and constant that was the only thing that never left your side. When lies and evil destroys the most pure bonds. Love and loyalty eventually lets go of your hand and you understand. You know it’s your fault so a small piece of your heart gets restored before the noise is over. The truth will shine because good or bad the truth is taking responsibility and not being a coward. Everything is documented and all proof is available. No need to believe but just see. Will make a better future out of tragic situation. No matter what pain has been dealt the biggest one is that pain gives satisfaction and emotions no matter how tough people fake to be become unknown. The nightmare is almost over but I’m going to choose to now stay in it. The nightmare have some people in it that I’m sorry was brought in to it. They will always be the only ones that given me the feeling of love. The future for them now have a chance of safety. When everyone around watch the innocent living under constant guns to their heads something have to change. It is now. Hate me. judge me. Lie about me. Don’t matter. Good or bad. I might be all you guys say. But do it based on the facts and what I’ve done or what have been done around me. Now it stops happening to the innocent people. Others will have to answer as well now. While staring in to the darkness now small light is shining. That is that they will have to face the same darkness but it’s not their friend. Enjoy it. To the ones that been affected and loved me. Celebrate and move on to freedom of a future of the blessings life can give with safety and happiness. Know that the torture and insanity is over and finally maybe there is happiness and peace for me. I’m ready to meet my judgement no one can judge me worse than I have my self. Hope truth prevails but when not one single fact or crazy fucking thing have been brought out or buried you just don’t know. I hope many people understands what this means for them. Truth will set them free. Some will not have that chance tho. I hope they know what I have in store for them. If you think I’m talking to you know… I am. I’m taking you with me to it. I stayed silent while letting you guys rape me. Well that’s no news to me. To the ones I’ve hurt I’m not going to apologize. It’s just words. The truth here will show you everything and I’m not going to hide behind something and disrespect you more. I deserve your hate as I let it happen no matter the situation. To my inner family tho know that I wish I could do anything and I do love you. My name is bob. Daddy isn’t deserved. Panda means something. But the name Lehner needs to be erased. It’s evil and need to be erased. Happy all the insanity helped with some cap space tho. That nhl and nhlpa did what they did. Heinsey nice decision:) you said you would take the decision for my family no matter what we wanted. Hope you live up to it. A bit of cap room for the second time by my amazing situation is awesome. Go knights go
>t.robin lehner (vegas goalie)
good schizo post, 9/10 would read again, sounds like he's about to go on a pranking spree
if you're gonna fake your death the best way to stay hidden afterward is to hide in plain sight by getting your face tattooed black and having your new name be blachist enward
spcord is real
ever get really scared out of nowhere that you're gonna be framed for murder because of a butterfly effect?