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 No.125911[View All]

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The reality is that the Ukraine never possessed nuclear weapons, so it could never "relinquish" them. The nuclear weapons in the Ukraine SSR were 100% the possession of the USSR and under the control of Moscow.


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I'm not Russian.
What's your problem? Does hard truth hurt your feelings?
It's quite hilarious seeing you cope by thinking of Putler's supposed subordination to Xi when the entire political class of the post-war Japanese state have been nothing but abject bootlickers of Washington.






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Yes, reality can be scary, also for those choosing to rely on the US for "保護". Foremost, the US has interests, not allies or enemies. Should be more than clear by now.
Oh, I see. So you are a cold warrior, still fighting the soviets and communists on the internet. Sorry but reality doesn't care about your ideology and acknowledging that the Ukraine never had any nukes doesn't make me a communist.


webring gay go and stay away


>Foremost, the US has interests, not allies or enemies.

>Yes, reality can be scary, also for those choosing to rely on the US for "保護"


>Oh, I see. So you are a cold warrior, still fighting the soviets and communists on the internet.















Redpill me on the webring

But, even if you know it, evidently you have not understood it, since you apparently believe that the US and the USSR are so fundamentally different in their self-interested approach to international relations and "allies".
Are you quibbling over my use of the word "choosing"? I accept this criticism. It is true that Japan is rather a colony of the US empire, not a sovereign country able to "choose" its "allies". But even so, did you never learn at school about fights for independence and liberation? At the end of the day submission is a choice.


Dude, are you blind? The administration press-ganging their population into a meat-grinder is in Kiev, not Moscow. There are countless videos of Ukrainians being kidnapped on the street by conscription officers. Moscow hasn't even instituted conscription yet.


I'm neither Russian nor Eastern Yuro, you fool.
Compare it to drug abuse in the US. It's what's happens when societies disintegrate.


A single case is already shameful (for you) and here you are excusing your own subjugation and abuse. Pathetic.
Yeah? Aren't you a やまとんちゅう? You certainly seem much more concerned with the northern territories (or claims) than the southern ones. Maybe we should ask a おちわんちゅう what they think of their occupation.


Ohh, I get it now. You are just seething and gaping over the Southern Kuril and Sakhalin. You have fever dreams of 蝦夷地 and therefore can't help but be extremely butthurt about Russia. Tough luck, mate. Next time, try not losing a world war after invading your neighbors.
It is still curious, though, that you are not similarly raging over the many Pacific islands which the US also took from the Japanese empire and controls to this day.


Good point. However:
1. Nagorno-Karabakh, although largely populated by ethnic Armenians, was internationally-recognized Azeri territory.
2. Not even Armenia claimed that Nagorno-Karabakh was its territory. Instead it claimed to support the independent "Republic of Artsakh".
3. Russia did not recognize the Republic of Artsakh and had no commitment towards it.
4. Armenia spurned Russia first by the actions of its Soros-aligned PM Pashinyan.

Naive and ignorant. To begin with, "Ukraine" is not an homogeneous nation and the state borders are very artificial. In particular, Crimea and the eastern flank that extends down to Odessa were taken from the Russian empire and annexed to the Ukraine SSR by the communists (starting with Lenin). This was not a big problem for the soviets because they controlled the whole Ukraine SSR anyway, so it was just a re-arrangement of internal borders. (Similarly, the far-western part of the Ukraine, known as "Galitsiya", which had been strongly linked to the Austro-Hungarian empire and Poland, was taken by Stalin over the course of WW2.) Do you really believe that a nuclear power would simply tolerate a state to walk away taking with it parts of its own territory and its own nuclear weapons?! Absurd. Suppose the US deployed nuclear weapons on Japan, do you really believe that Washington would allow you to keep them just because Tokyo declares "independence" from the US? LOL.


webring gay go and stay away





>since you apparently believe that the US and the USSR are so fundamentally different in their self-interested approach to international relations and "allies"



>Dude, are you blind? The administration press-ganging their population into a meat-grinder is in Kiev, not Moscow.

>But even so, did you never learn at school about fights for independence and liberation?

>1. Nagorno-Karabakh, although largely populated by ethnic Armenians, was internationally-recognized Azeri territory.


>A single case is already shameful (for you) and here you are excusing your own subjugation and abuse. Pathetic.


>You are just seething and gaping over the Southern Kuril and Sakhalin.


>Maybe we should ask a おちわんちゅう what they think of their occupation.


>I'm neither Russian nor Eastern Yuro, you fool.


>To begin with, "Ukraine" is not an homogeneous nation and the state borders are very artificial.


>Suppose the US deployed nuclear weapons on Japan, do you really believe that Washington would allow you to keep them just because Tokyo declares "independence" from the US?






The results are different but the comparison is misleading. Communism was a failure. Capitalism made the US and its "allies" richer. The USSR disintegrated and is no more. The US won the Cold War. The world transitioned into US hegemony. The dollar became the world's most used reserve currency making the US even more wealthy. But history hasn't ended and all empires come and go. My argument is that all "great powers" (at least all European-style great powers) are similarly selfish and self-interested in their approach to international relations. The greatest part of the difference that you see when looking at the US vs USSR/Russia is that the US is a living sea-going empire (a thassalocracy) made rich by capitalism, while Russia is the remnant of a land-based empire (a tellurocracy) which was relatively impoverished by communism. Your heart bleeds for every Baltoid, Poland, Georgia, Ukraine, etc., while ignoring the corresponding Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, etc.
Doubtful. I believe that even if Trump goes away and the establishment takes over again, the US cannot simply return to "normal". Broadly speaking, it is the world that seems to be undergoing a restructuring, not just the US. In fact, we seem to be returning to the historical "normal" of great power balance and leaving behind the period of unrestricted US hegemony. In this sense, it is the pre-Trump era that was "abnormal" and Trump represents a return to quid-pro-quo alliances rather than the US paying for the "security/occupation" of a sprawling set of "allies" which are not core strategic interests. The GAE is becoming too expensive. Last year the national debt interest was larger than the Pentagon budget...
And Plaza accords, stagnation, and lost decades (and soon perhaps proxy war). But maybe that's OK with you.


There are exactly 2 cases of the post-Soviet Russia attacking its neighbors and both of them are the result of the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest which declared that NATO would expand to Georgia and the Ukraine. Everyone, including most top strategic thinkers in the US and Europe, knew perfectly well that this was unacceptable to Moscow and it would trigger war. NATO and the US deep state ignored all the warnings because they wanted to provoke a proxy war.
Georgia: In the same year of 2008, leader Saakashvili attacked Russian "peacekeeper" troops in South Ossetia thinking that NATO would save him. He was wrong and his army was quickly defeated. The EU issued a report about this short war. It concluded that Georgia provoked it.
Ukraine: In 2014 they overthrew the Russia-friendly government in Kiev and immediately moved to suppress language rights for Russian and Hungarian speakers, then burned Russian-speakers alive in Odessa, waged a civil war against Russian speakers in Donbass, refused to implement the peace agreement they signed (Minsk II), and invited NATO. "Totally unprovoked", you see.
Countries are not all equal. We do not live in a Westphalian world. Small countries don't like the rough treatment? Be friendly and don't invite a foreign military onto the borders of your more powerful neighbor. Simple as.
Otherwise, for consistency, you should cry about Cuba as well.
Nonsense. Ukraine is not a victim here (except of its own stupidity) and it's neither fighting for liberation nor independence. It fights for the interests of NATO, not its own, which would have been best served by remaining a neutral state.
Japan is an occupied country. The Ukraine was not occupied by Russia until it deliberately chose to antagonize it. Can you not see the difference? Also, I do not "抵抗を促す", I simply point out that you're the hypocrite (and coward) who pretends to care about the sovereignty of far-away countries while you don't have courage to do anything for your own.


Naive. What you are saying is that since Russia breaks international law for its benefit (e.g. by invading the Ukraine), it should have broken international law for the benefit of Armenia too. That's dumb. Every great power breaks international law according to their convenience (as long as they can get away it). The US does so routinely because it's the most powerful country (and therefore very difficult to hold it to account). Russia does it less so, because it's less powerful and therefore more vulnerable. No great power breaks international law for the benefit of another country... except for 1 special case: since the US government (specially foreign policy) has been heavily infiltrated by Jews for many decades, the US often breaks international law for the benefit of Israel (even when doing so hurts US national interests). Armenians don't have the same kind of control over the Russian government.


You are coping and rationalizing a foreign military occupying and raping your women. Doesn't matter what harm the USSR or Russia caused its uppity neighbors. This is not even about the US. This is about you. Unless... perhaps you don't consider Ryukyu people as "true Yamato Japanese" so you don't care about their problems? Hm...


I'm learning about other cultures. Aren't you having fun?


LOL, this cannot be an honest argument, you must be trolling. "Ukraine" insofar as an independent country exists since 1991, the historically-Russian territories were "gifted" to it ~100 and ~70 years ago and are populated mostly by Russian speakers. On the other hand, it's been many centuries since Russia shed the Mongol yoke, its territories were not inherited from the Mongol empire (on the contrary, part of them were conquered by the Mongol empire), and they are not populated by Mongols.


Wrong comparison.
1. The UK was already a nuclear state.
2. It is not "共有". The nuclear weapons belong to the UK, but the US has a shared command authority over their launch.
3. There is no doubt that if London and Washington become estranged, the UK can simply revoke the authority granted to the US.


Delusional. You believe in the pure heart of the US government more than citizens do, LOL.




webring gay go and stay away



>The results are different but the comparison is misleading. Communism was a failure. The USSR disintegrated and is no more.

>Russia is the remnant of a land-based empire (a tellurocracy) which was relatively impoverished by communism.


>while ignoring the corresponding Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, etc.


>And Plaza accords


>stagnation, and lost decades


>(and soon perhaps proxy war). But maybe that's OK with you


>Countries are not all equal. We do not live in a Westphalian world. Small countries don't like the rough treatment? Be friendly and don't invite a foreign military onto the borders of your more powerful neighbor. Simple as.

>Ukraine is not a victim here (except of its own stupidity) and it's neither fighting for liberation nor independence.

>There are exactly 2 cases of the post-Soviet Russia



>Doubtful. I believe that even if Trump goes away and the establishment takes over again,


>No great power breaks international law for the benefit of another country... except for 1 special case


>You are coping and rationalizing a foreign military occupying and raping your women.


>1. The UK was already a nuclear state.







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I ignore it because it's not an argument, it's just whining. It is just you echoing the ethnic grievances proclaimed by other people. Should I start echoing the grievances of the nations ruined by the US in wars of choice around the world? Should I do likewise for those oppressed by the Japanese empire? It's a very feminine mode of debate. Are you a woman?


I didn't say that. But it is true that the USSR and Russia are not the same. The USSR, including its leadership, was formed by many other peoples apart from Russians. In fact, before WW2, the USSR, infused with Bolshevik left-wing ideology, actually suppressed Russians and promoted minority groups. Similar to the recent leftism in the US.
This affected several regions of the USSR, not only the Ukraine SSR, and the responsibility lies with the soviet leadership at the time, composed of members of various soviet republics, not only the Russia SSR. The spin "Russian crime against Ukraine" is retarded propaganda.
According to the UN, they have purchase-parity gross GDP above Japan and Germany.


No. There has been no war involving Moldova and I already mentioned Georgia.
Chechens overall seem to be fine with Russia given that they will even fight under the flags of Russia and Chechnya. As for the minority of "Ichkerian" chechens (the ones fighting for al-Qaeda/al-Nusra/HTS/Jolani in Syria and for NATO in Ukraine), they are salafi islamist terrorist. Who cares what they want.
Chechnya is self-ruled.


Economic cooperation, even integration, does not require being absorbed by a military bloc like NATO or occupied by foreign military bases. Furthermore, security cannot be achieved in isolation: neighbors have security concern too. Attempting to increase one state's security by inviting the military of a distant power can have the opposite effect of reducing security by threatening neighboring states. And that's precisely what we see in the Cuba and Ukraine cases. At the end of the day, geography is inescapable and weaker states simply have to accommodate for the interests of more powerful neighbors. You might ignore this axiom for a while when there is only 1 global power, but not when the world's security architecture is multipolar.


I'm not only referring to the Bay of Pigs fiasco. I'm also referring to the "missile crisis" during the Cold War. It can be successfully compared to the case of NATO expansion to Georgia/Ukraine.
Apart from that, it was another war of choice, with a fabricated Tonkin Gulf incident used as pretext to manufacture consent. Furthermore, the US publicly regarded South Vietnam as an "ally". Yet, seeing the war effectively lost, it had no problem to wash its hands, abandon it, and pursue its own national interests elsewhere. Another example of the kind of fundamentally self-interest and selfish foreign policy of which I was talking about, common trait of all (European-style) great powers.
I mentioned these as further examples of invasions and wars of choice waged by the US. They are counterparts of the wars which the USSR/Russia waged around its territory. Wars waged by the US are far away while those waged by USSR/Russia are close by because their geographical placement is very different and because they are/were different kinds of empires.


The Plaza accords ensured that Japan de-emphasized its manufacturing economy in favor of financialization. The financial sector was deregulated and liberalized. The yen/dollar index was pushed up, hurting Japanese exports. Monetary policy was "loosened", huge amounts of cheap credit was injected into the economy, and government spending was cut.
The Plaza accords were not "再調整". They were an instrument used by Washington to basically dismantle Japan's state-driven capitalism, replacing it with neoliberalism. They did that because in the 1970s and 1980s Japan's economy was growing fast and Washington became scared of falling behind and losing control. Tokyo accepted it because it's not sovereign.
No, China's economy has not stagnated so far. Annual GDP growth in China has declined from ~9% to ~5% for a number of reasons (some internal, like the burst of the real-estate bubble, and some external, like the economic "decoupling" pursued by Washington). But Japan's growth went from ~9% to ~1%.


It's not the only reason, but it is by far the dominant reason.


九条 is the "peace clause", isn't it?
<The Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of setting international disputes. [...] The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.
As far as I understand, "amending article 9" is code-word for "abolishing the peace constitution" and "re-militarization". Washington will not allow a re-militarized Japan to use its strength against the US, or the US military bases in Japan. So I do not see how that can work.


You are making things up. The US did not assist Britain in completing its nuclear weapons programme. In fact, after the 2 countries worked together on the discovery and early development of nuclear weapons in the Manhattan Project (since 1943), the US restricted and denied access to technical information to Britain under the pretext that the information-sharing agreement signed by Roosevelt was no longer binding for subsequent administrations. So Britain had to re-start its own nuclear weapons programme to independently produce a nuclear weapon several years later in 1952.


webeing gay go and stay away


I'm very welcome


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>I ignore it because it's not an argument, it's just whining. It is just you echoing the ethnic grievances proclaimed by other people





>Should I start echoing the grievances of the nations ruined by the US in wars of choice around the world?


>The spin "Russian crime against Ukraine" is retarded propaganda.



>No. There has been no war involving Moldova and I already mentioned Georgia.


>According to the UN, they have purchase-parity gross GDP above Japan and Germany.


>Chechnya is self-ruled.



>Economic cooperation, even integration, does not require being absorbed by a military bloc like NATO or occupied by foreign military bases.


>I'm also referring to the "missile crisis" during the Cold War.


>Apart from that, it was another war of choice


>The yen/dollar index was pushed up


>Tokyo accepted it because it's not sovereign.



>It's not the only reason, but it is by far the dominant reason.


>China's economy has not stagnated so far. Annual GDP growth in China has declined from ~9% to ~5%


>Washington will not allow a re-militarized Japan to use its strength against the US, or the US military bases in Japan. So I do not see how that can work.



>In fact, after the 2 countries worked together on the discovery and early development of nuclear weapons in the Manhattan Project










webring gay go and stay away


No, but I did look up the details of the Manhattan Project and the "article 9", and searched my disk for the attached book pages.


Since the end of WW2, I don't think the US has fought any war to "protect allies". It did fight wars to expand its empire and benefit Israel (which, believe it or not, is actually not a real treaty-bound military ally). Of those, I think the best results were a stalemate in the Korean peninsula (resulting in the addition of South Korea as a colony) and, with NATO, the excision of Kosovo from Serbia (a violation of international law). The "wars on terror" (for Israel) were strategically inert and financially ruinous. During the Cold War it also nurtured coups and proxy conflicts, funding and arming enemies of the USSR (thus becoming buddies with the likes of Osama bin Laden and his Mujahidin). These were more cost-effective.
Are you talking about the incident after the "Sino-soviet split"? That was not a war but a series of border skirmishes. Also, they were never real allies.
Again... One empire has only 2 weak neighbors, 2 vast oceans around a continent-sized landmass, and is still living, the other has/had 12+ neighbors, no geographic natural borders, is located in the permanent battlefield known as Europe, and suffered a collapse. However, the instinct is the same. Open any primer on the realist school of international relations.
Everybody likes the strong horse. The USSR failed and disintegrated. The US went to establish hegemony. I do not dispute that the US has been a more successful (and competent) power, that's obvious. But this does not impinge on my argument about the fundamentally self-interested behavior of great powers on the international stage. Just need to take that dick out of your mouth for a minute while observing US behavior and it will be clear.
Going in circles now. Re-read my previous replies. Will ignore this from now on.


Disagree. That's a convenient simplification for the current Ukraine leadership. Some of the most ardent soviet supporters were in fact Ukrainians since the Bolshevik promoted "Ukranization", but now they pretend that they were nothing but "victims" without agency. It's propaganda.
Hm. It's interesting to think about, but the comparison is not straightforward. Those were adjacent territories which had been ruled by the Russian empire, then lost in WW1, then turned into "soviet republics" by USSR around the time of WW2. They were populated by slavs and other whites. And this was before the advent of nation states.
The case of Japan is very different. An archipelago separated by a huge ocean, never before ruled by the US, populated by an entirely separate race.
Maybe it would have been wiser for Russia or the USSR to only place military bases there, instead of closer integration. But also, if Japan was adjacent to the US mainland, had been previously ruled by the US, and had been populated by racially close people, then maybe the US would have chosen to integrate Japan...


Moving the goalpost. You said "war", which these cases are not. These autonomous regions and their disputes are the result of Soviet disintegration. The inhabitants there have various issues (such as religion or language) with the bordering countries (Moldova, Georgia, etc.) and are friendly towards Russia, so Russia has held "peacekeeper" troops there since the USSR dissolution.
You complain about these regions being puppets, yet you do not want to see that, using the same rationale, the US has many many more puppets.
You said that it had not changed since the end communism and that's just false. Again moving the goalpost. Nonetheless, I think you have a point. Russia grew substantially considering that its economy suffered a disastrous collapse in the transition to capitalism. But I do think they underperform. Their consumer industry, in particular, is woefully underdeveloped relative to their ambitions.


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Not a lie. It's self-ruled, which is not the same as being an "independent country". Like autonomous regions elsewhere. Russia and allied Chechens fought against islamic fundamentalists (the aforementioned "ichkerian") to prevent a total break. They succeeded.
You are tiresome. To repeat, those are a minority of salafi islamists. In the Ukraine war there have been 2 groups of opposed Chechens: the majority from Chechnya fought under the flag of Chechnya and Russia, and a minority arrived from exile in the middle-east (Syria, etc.) to become mercenaries for NATO/Ukraine. You cry for the ichkerian terrorists, of course.


The historical record says otherwise. In 2013 Moscow agreed to facilitate a trade agreement with Kiev and EU. In November 2013 the negotiations collapsed because Brussels demanded exclusive access to the Ukraine market, excluding Russia, its largest trading partner. This became one of the motives for the 2014 coup. Nowadays, Russia's view of the EU might be different. In my view, the EU is increasingly becoming a European superstate and in the future might become either an extension or an alternative to NATO (depending on US designs). So it's no longer a simple trade bloc.
Pure fantasy. The Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe (yes, worse than the Russia). Several of its industries (like civil and naval construction) actually *declined* since the communist era. Ukraine's dysfunction is mostly due to Ukraine.
No. In both cases (Cuba and Ukraine) a more powerful state sought to prevent a neighbor from being instrumentalized by a distant military power because it felt threatened. The comparison is apt.


They were direct consequence of the Plaza policies. The choice was between letting recession shrink the Japanese economy or expanding the monetary supply (a precursor to ZIRP in the US) to temporarily conceal the problem. The financialization led to an asset bubble. All bubbles eventually burst and when that happened 5 years later it was followed by the "lost decades" of stagnation. So, in truth, there was no real choice. On the one hand, outright recession. On the other hand, financialization and then stagnation.
Right, but Japan had a large trade surplus (overall and relative to the US), while the French and British economies were not so heavily export-dependent. The impact was therefore not so big for them. Because this was predictable, a sovereign state would not have accepted the same terms.


LOL. Yes, my fellow asian goy, it's all just a funny coincidence.
Oh, now I remember: China's statistics are fictitious when optimistic and truthful when pessimistic. Ah, so soothing.


The DDH Izumo class, right? I heard about it a little. Helicopter carriers being converted to carry aircraft. I do not believe for a second that this was done without US permission and direction.
So what's the meaning? Maybe the meaning is that it no longer has any meaning because the government can bend the interpretation ("self-defense", "individual self-defense", "collective self-defense", ...), so long a Washington approves.


So you were wrong.
Again, it's not really "co-ownership/共有". Britain developed its own nuclear weapons in spite of stonewalling tactics by US. Later the US agreed to deploy and maintained, under custody of US soldiers, a set of nuclear weapons arming British aircraft ("Project E" and later "MDA"), separate from the British nukes. The only real "sharing" is of technical/scientific information and fissile material. But, again, at the time of such agreement the UK was already a nuclear state. So, comparing the US-UK "special relationship" to Japan is myopic.



>Since the end of WW2


>Again... One empire has only 2 weak neighbors, 2 vast oceans around a continent-sized landmass, and is still living, the other has/had 12+ neighbors, no geographic natural borders, is located in the permanent battlefield known as Europe, and suffered a collapse.


>Are you talking about the incident after the "Sino-soviet split"? That was not a war but a series of border skirmishes.


>Also, they were never real allies.


>Going in circles now. Re-read my previous replies. Will ignore this from now on.


>. Some of the most ardent soviet supporters were in fact Ukrainians since the Bolshevik promoted "Ukranization", but now they pretend that they were nothing but "victims" without agency. It's propaganda.


>. But also, if Japan was adjacent to the US mainland, had been previously ruled by the US, and had been populated by racially close people, then maybe the US would have chosen to integrate Japan...


>, so Russia has held "peacekeeper" troops there since the USSR dissolution.

>There are exactly 2 cases of the post-Soviet Russia


>You said that it had not changed since the end communism and that's just false.


>The historical record says otherwise. In 2013 Moscow agreed to facilitate a trade agreement with Kiev and EU. In November 2013 the negotiations collapsed because Brussels demanded exclusive access to the Ukraine market, excluding Russia, its largest trading partner

>Pure fantasy. The Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe (yes, worse than the Russia).
>LOL. Yes, my fellow asian goy, it's all just a funny coincidence.
>I do not believe for a second that this was done without US permission and direction.




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Haha. Look, you already admitted being personally incensed and biased due to your painful yearning for Sakhalin and Southern Kuril, so I don't really expect you to admit mistakes or misunderstandings.
So did you. Part of the learning experience in cultural exchange.
More ダサい is your repetitive whining. And even more ダサい would be for me to keep taking that bait.


Wrong again. The Gulf War was not fought to "protect allies", which is what you argued. Kuwait was not a US ally at the time of the Gulf War (in fact, up to that point they had expressly refused to host US military bases). Instead, it was a UN-sanctioned intervention. Kuwait became a US "ally" afterwards as a *consequence* of the Gulf War.


Cuba is still not directly comparable (for one, it's not adjacent land).
But there is a better comparison to make: Mexico. The US took and integrated vast amounts of land, roughly half the territory independent Mexico had inherited from the Spanish empire.
Another case to consider is the conquest of the western frontier (which included the genocide of the North-American aboriginals).


According to the disclosed record, about 1.3.
Not a war. (Incidentally, the soviet leader at the time was Khrushchev, from Ukraine SSR.)


I told you already: "Ukraine is not a homogeneous nation". "Ukrainian", insofar as demonym, is a not an ethnic, nor cultural, nor religious, nor even linguistic designation. It's a *geographic* designation: "the people of the borderland". That people have been deeply fractured, over several fault lines, for at least a century. So both things are true. Collaboration with NatSoc Germany (specially in the far-west) and then ardent soviet support (for selfish reasons and less in the far-west). Can your brain not hold 2 ideas at the same time?


See attached video: interview of New York University professor Cohen in US TV in early 2014.


No. All 3 mentioned cases were conflicts involving former-soviet autonomous regions, which, as I said, already hosted Russian troops, and states seeking their integration (Georgia and Moldova), not "assaults/attacks/攻撃 against neighboring countries".
<involved [...] Georgian government forces, and [...] Abkhaz separatist forces [...] Russian armed forces and North Caucasian hired fighters
>South Ossetia
<fought as part of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict between Georgian government forces and ethnic Georgian militia [...] and the forces of South Ossetia and ethnic Ossetian militia [...] supported by individual Russian troops
<limited conflict [...] between [...] the Transnistrian Republican Guard, militia and Cossack units, and supported by elements of the Russian 14th Army, and [...] Moldovan troops and police
I guess that, if one replaced "Russia" with "US" here, you would sing praises for "protecting allies".


Seems so. I searched for some data comparing the "RSFSR" (not the USSR, which would be an incorrect counterpart) with the current Russia but I only found 1 outdated comparison (stops at 2010) and it doesn't track "development/発展", which is a complex index, but simpler measures such as agricultural output and heavy industry. Do you know data showing that it still hasn't overtaken the "development" of the RSFSR?

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