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 No.1684[View All]

These pics are some of my last posts from before the board got wiped. I'll post some pics in the morning too, the tomatos and cucumber grew quite a bit in the last few days im really surprised about how much the cuc grew
>pics 1 & 2
Pulled my garlic and hung it to dry. I'll use the bigger bulbs to replant in the winter garden this year.
>pic 3
Dill seed drying out. Once they dry completely ill plant 10 seeds to get an idea of the germination rate which might not be accurate anyways its fucking triple digits here and probably won't not be until the end of october
>pics 4 & 5
Peyote and barrel cacti flowering.
79 posts and 51 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>a lot of hair in them
Probably coyotes I’d try >>2461 or put a fence of some sort up, be it chicken wire, hog wire, etc


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First little harvest of peppers. I’ve had about 3x the amount of tomatoes so far. I’m assuming the cherrys and brandywine cross pollinated last year, pic related is really small for brandywine.


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those things are monsters compared to what i'm used to, looking healthy

aunt told me our family secret for tomatoes was once they flower to let em droop before watering, gonna try that

muh kale and lettuce doing gud. already picked a grip of kale too
rest of lazy garden isnt worth posting yet they've been getting cooked and i'm yanking a bag full of morning glory out twice a week oops


nice peppers budy i lik yellow ones


Damn dude those look amazing! I fought the caterpillars off mine long enough for the heat to pretty much fuck ‘em the rest of the way up ;_;
Getting ready to rearrange some stuff out there in another week or two


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shit, gone but not forgotten 🫡 they cooked for good, and how do you know when to give up?
heat fugging my basil up but one of my pepp bolted after some weird rain storms. i gotta ape your style again and get more moveable pots


>they cooked for good and how do you know when to give up?
Not for good, they are just hurting. If I was growing for a farm/commercially, I’d yoink them up now. IMO it’s time to give up when ever you think it’s time to give up not worth the effort, or resources I like to see those long shots pay out so I do my best to keep everything alive as possible.
Is temperamental for a herb. It does like sun, dat heat plus sun will fuck it up p gud.
In my experience the sun/heat won’t do much to hurt them unless you aren’t watering them once a day in excessive aka 100+ degree temps you’re better off not watering them everyday unless you’re hitting 100+ degrees


We use beer trap and egg shells to protect tomatoes.
Salt might not be a good idea for the soil.
I heard ashes are good. Problem is can't really produce enough ash just by doing some outside cooking, and burning garden waste is prohibited.


how's your crops budy? we out here setting record highs and half my shits ez baked


>burning garden waste is prohibited


>ash from outside cooking
If you’re cooking with charcoal briquettes I wouldn’t use the ash because of contaminates in the briquette. Also unless you’re lighting it with just paper it’s not a good idea to use the ashes because of residual matter left from starting fluid. also yolo so w/e
>how’s crops?
Not going bad, getting some burned leaves on the tomatoes. Still producing nicely. Only just hitting the hunnids in the past couple weeks. Compared to last year it’s been a walk in the park keeping stuff alive.


CO2 emission and carbon footprint doncha know???
Because state wants it. Have to be bagged and/or put it into bins, then the garbage company takes it away. It is used in composting yards and biomass power plants (so they burn it instead).

>charcoal briquettes
No. Open fire with wood.
>starting fluid.
Who uses that even?


>Who uses that even?


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water it? wilts. dont water it? wilts.
lets work though this deborah, just communicate your needs. may be from watering that grass next to it

lilac got a gnarly root weevil infestation too. powdered the little bastards, prob order nematodes if that doesnt work unless you guys know any tricks


Might be nitrogen deficiency or calcium. If you don’t want to buy it bagged you can use egg shells or fish skellytons. Shrimp shells are gud for soil too


will do, appreciate it


garden /sp/ro
got any organic home-remedy for powdery mildew?
i got some on one of my weed plants, had to chop lik half of it down and quarantine it. but now i wanna treat the whole crop w somethin thats hopefully not too nasty. a lot of the off the shelf fungicide stuff looks p fuckt. def not something id wanna smoke if i can help it


A buddy of mine that used to run a farm said what worked best for him was 1 tablespoon of baking soda per gallon of water and use that once a week. Should clear it up and not hurt the plants. Sulfur or neem oil can be helpful too.


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matos finally producing, gonna drown in em soon and end up with a lot of greens which is fine
didnt expect kale to go this nuts. def a keeper
couple tabasco & shishito pepps. rest of my peepers bein lazy


nic hauler budy everything looks pretty healthy too


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Pruned my tomatoes, half of them were straight up dead leaves/stalks. Dunno wtf happened this year. A lot of budys at the farmers market had been saying they had to use more fertilizers than usual, water more, etc. relatively calm summer considering the location. Had a wonky temp swing one week I was out of town working. Dropped to the 70s, then back up into the hunnids, grasshoppers were out of fucking control this year too. Anyways:
Sowed radish, carrot, kale, chard, spinach, thyme, red onion, dill, and parsley for the fall/winter garden today. Fertilized too.
Peppers have been doing pretty well, my hybrid brandywines did great until it got hot. Jury is still out on the San Marzanos. Will keep updating/lurking.


damn them tomahtoes are hortin, weird
prob a dumb question but did you use the seeds from last year, and if you use this years seeds will it increase next years hardiness? not sure how long that stuff takes
>radish, carrot, kale, chard, spinach, thyme, red onion, dill, and parsley
thats a sick fall line up


>did you use seeds from last year
For all the peppers, and the brandywine left side looking at front of camper yes.
>increase next years heartiness
Yes, it will increase heartiness as well. By replanting seeds from previous years, you are bio-engineering at an incredible basic level. That’s why my spinach has started to do so well here. Normally spinach is the most temperamental green to grow, my seeds have a roughly 75% germination rate as of now. Actually noticed some sprouted already, they are second generation. My budy who used to run a farm is always impressed with that. it was a tough start though, I went through two years, and about 5 full seed packs before I got anything to grow, let alone live long enough to seed


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first brine attempt into ferment for two weeks
1.5 cup RO filtered water
1 Tbsp iodized salt (sea salt next time but curious)
20g tabasco pepps (scovilles on this batch kicks the shit out of my jalaps for some reason)

two years is way quicker than i thought. going to save seeds now thanks gardenbro


The seeds have to mostly be heirloom, otherwise they tend to not germinate. Not really sure why, however, my serrano peppers were store bought did germinate. tl;dr by and large the only seeds you will get to germinate are heirloom, organic doesnt mean shit as far as seeds are concerned.
Nice looking pickles/hot sauce let us know how it turns out!


turns out this brand of iodized salt is indeed iodized, zero fermentation
washed and rethrew with himalayan salt. no clue what i was thinking

hmm. read somewhere they can fudge the heirloom label now too. fda needs hanging
saved seeds from "heirloom" tabasco and german queen mato's during salsa batch, i'll see
also you guys prob already know this but cooking down salsa was new to me and it rules


cookin da sauce?


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threw entire batch in after blending, low bubble simmered until tomatoes got dark red
lowers scovilles a bit though so i'd rec more initial heat on pre simmer taste if you try it

autism warning: came across picrel
going to try air frying a couple pepps and adding them in after bubbling next. hat breaking out the smoker for a small batch of salsa


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broccoli has autism, tomatrs took off, and a weird spiderbro that i just realized autofocus fucked up after clicking


Lookin p gud fam!


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better spidr pics


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maybe its one of these orb weaver spiders


looks like it thx budy
apparently its a she and they die in fall :(
hope she gets some dick and hides her eggs well before snow sheem a GUUUD spider


idk if the white ones are different but i have red ones in my yard and if even just a handful of them last until fall there's usually a whole shitload of them next spring.
i saw one that had a hornet or a wasp in its web too i kinda wish i'd seen that struggle


I'd post pictures of my garden and chickens here but then again I wouldn't because this site barely works and you're a bunch of creepy autists


ok woman, thanks for the passive aggressive comment about made up shit


post anything and i'll share it on my dark web redpill forums


>shit that isn’t real and I don’t have
Thanks for the pph boost?


post your garden and i'll geolocate it


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It’s that time of year again! I’m pretty stoked, got some good stuff from last years harvests, and a few new things too. Probably should have done this last weekend, but it’s still early enough.


hell yeah, of meny blessing to them

glad (instead of just being jealous) ur seasons earlier, reminds me i need to plan couple new raised beds snagged during winter sales


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oopsie. tomaters made it at least, started some egguplantu as well


what happened? the bags didn't seal right or they were probably already infested with mold before you put the seeds inside?


think i didnt dry em well enough but idk
prob just buy starts lik always, still learnin the ways of the gardenbro


My trick to drying seeds:
>put on paper towel
>leave sitting for a couple months
Normally only heirlooms will give you seeds you can grow with. Every now and again you get a surprise though.


has there been any fuckery with heirloom seeds? as in if i go buy some from say home depot or lowes will i just be getting some weird mutant seeds that grow shitty low nutrition plants or something? idk much about gmo stuff but i do know there's fuckall around me in regards to farmers markets to get seeds and stuff bc megacorps own all the farmland


That I’m not sure of, I always wonder myself. I bought my seeds at first from a small hydro shop in town. The brand was High Mowing, they did great. You should be able to buy them online. Also there are pretty good vendors on ebay, the seedlings from seed I collected from last year seem to be doing pretty well so far. In that I mean, at lest the sprouted, so that’s a good sign.


<not hours
found the problem, i r the dum
another dumb question but is the overflow from my aerogarden's grow light ok for seeds?
i can set up a dedicated grow light too but idk if they need to be outside or w/e
ye the definition doesnt mean shit any more, its lik "organic" labeling
gotta scope parent companies, or just go with gardenbros recc he's been solid


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> is the overflow from my aerogarden's grow light ok for seeds
As in to start them? It should work for that, I would use something a bit more powerful than over flow light though. They shouldn’t need it to be outside, grow lights only really are necessary for indoor growth. All those seeds I planted earlier only has natural sunlight in a green house and they turned to pics related after a transplant this weekend


k i put the big light on em
absurd germination rate, lookin healthy and happy. basically porn UwU

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